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Rate Their Chances - Smash Ultimate Edition! Day 672: Five Most Likely First and Third Parties for Smash 6, and Final Goodbyes


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015

Chance: 5%
From the looks of things, her ship has already sailed. It's no secret that Fire Emblem has a bit of stigma around it when it comes to fighters, so I feel like Sakurai will be approaching the series with a bit of reservation this time. If we do get someone from it, a face from the upcoming Switch game will be most-likely.

Want: 0%
I love Fire Emblem, it's been one of the my most-played series this year. However, I really would like to see something other than a sword showcased in a playable fighter. We still have archers, axe wielders, lance users, thieves, dragons, bards, dancers, healers, swordless mages, ninjas, and so on that they could pull from the series. So if a character has a sword, I'm going to have to give a hard no.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Opo told me to come here and dump on some "too many FE characters" and "Celica's just another sword user" losers, and being the mod of the FE section here means I am contractually obliged to do so, so hi. :p

So, Celica:
- Chance: 60%
- Want: 100%

Opo's basically covered how I feel about her chances. Shadows of Valentia content in Smash is largely limited to only stuff from Alm's side of the game, and even then is lacking compared to other games released around the same time. Since the DLC bundles include more than just the fighter, and also things like music, it makes the omissions more glaring. We also know that she was added to FE Warriors by Nintendo's request, and that Nintendo picked the DLC fighters this time, so it seems that it might just add up for her? Only potential issue is that Nintendo might prefer to add a Three Houses character instead, which is why I only go for 60%. If Three Houses wasn't in the picture, I'd go as high as 70% or 80%.

As for want? Full marks because I'm a sucker for any new FE content. I'm also of the rather unpopular opinion that FE not only deserves all the content it has currently, but deserves even more besides. Celica would also likely include magic into her moveset, something lacking among the existing bunch of FE characters in Smash.

Now just give me Hector and Ephraim to complete the weapon triangle, and we're good. :p
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Deleted member

Celica gets her turn today? Very well, then. This is my first time doing this but here it is...

Chance - 50%
I do not take much part in the Smash Ultimate Discussion thread but I will try to explain the best way I can. This might be me but now that Nintendo is deciding on the DLC, they might do mainly first-parties. It ain't just Mario or Pokemon that are super-popular franchises. Fire Emblem is too.

However, she would be something of a Robin echo fighter, which may not sit well with some of y'all. Also, too many Fire Emblem reps here. But I personally do not mind all of that.

Want - 100%
I have never played any FE game before but she would have to be my favorite FE character, hands down. She is generally the only character I hope and pray for. Her outfit is so beautiful, so remind me to get an amiibo on her. The With Mila's Divine Protection music from Brawl is generally one of my favorite songs. While :ultlucina: is one of my favorite characters repping FE in Smash we need more female sword wielders!

Celica time.

Chance: 65%
Even with my obvious biases aside, I really do think people are overlooking some things. I'd highly encourage everyone to read this and alter their scores accordingly. Something may be fishy.
I did read that post a few minutes ago, and it was more than enough to convince me to come here and show support.

Sayonara :kirby:
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3

Chance: 65%
She's a popular enough character, and I could see Nintendo wanting to put her in, as they did with Fire Emblem Warriors. There's also a suspicious lack of content from Shadows of Valenita...

Want: 70%
Now, I'm no FE aficionado, or anything, but from what I've seen, Celica looks pretty cool. She's cute, and I like her personality. :)


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Celica time.

Chance: 65%
Even with my obvious biases aside, I really do think people are overlooking some things. I'd highly encourage everyone to read this and alter their scores accordingly. Something may be fishy.

tl;dr: She's popular, Nintendo has pushed her before, Three Houses may be too new, and all of the ported SoV songs are Alm route songs. Music omission matters, folks, considering they're selling us music.

Want: 100%
She's my second favorite Fire Emblem lord, and if I got her I'd have all three of my favorite lords in Smash. She and Crash are the only two characters with semi-reasonable chances left that I even want.
One thing I want to bring up concerning the Fire Emblem Heroes poll that keeps getting tossed around is the context behind it.

While no one is denying that Celica is popular part of the reason she did better than Chrom, Robin, and Corrin were a combination of Fates/Awakening fatigue and already having alts at the time. Marth likewise suffered from being split across two versions.

This doesn't necessarily mean she isn't popular, but when you look at characters who weren't from Fates/Awakening, who didn't have other alts already, and who wasn't Lyn there aren't many females who would remain. Not to mention her not yet having an alt by then also goes to show how IS views her popularity.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2014

Chance: 55%

+She's clearly a popular character in the series, as evident by the FE Heroes poll.
+She (and Lyn) are basically sole non-Shadow Dragon/Awakening/Fates representatives in FE Warriors.
+She represents the latest entry in the Fire Emblem series.

~Probably nothing in terms of her chances, but she already has a killer remix ever since Brawl.

-Nintendo might be more focused on wanting to include a Three Houses character instead due to promotional reasons, ala Roy and Corrin.
-Sakurai may have opted for a different character from Nintendo's list since differentiating Celica from Marth or Robin might've been tough (doesn't necessarily mean the Three Houses rep would be a Axe of Lance user, we could just end up with another sword user lol).

Want: 95%

Haven't played Echoes yet tbh, but I really want to, and in terms of Celica's character design, she looks really nice, and as a Marth main, I wouldn't mind dropping him in favor of Celica if her playstyle fits with me. I could picture her being like a mix of Marth and Robin, being a disjointed sword character who incorporates a lot of magic in her attacks, without having to be a clone of either character (Celica wouldn't have Robin's tome/weapon durability mechanic for example).

Also she's voiced by Erica Lindbeck, so that's swell.

Deleted member

One thing I want to bring up concerning the Fire Emblem Heroes poll that keeps getting tossed around is the context behind it.

While no one is denying that Celica is popular part of the reason she did better than Chrom, Robin, and Corrin were a combination of Fates/Awakening fatigue and already having alts at the time. Marth likewise suffered from being split across two versions.

This doesn't necessarily mean she isn't popular, but when you look at characters who weren't from Fates/Awakening, who didn't have other alts already, and who wasn't Lyn there aren't many females who would remain. Not to mention her not yet having an alt by then also goes to show how IS views her popularity.
Corrin did terribly in the first poll already and Robin was never a contender for the top spots. Chrom got close the first time but the only reason he did so well in the first poll was because the only characters in recent memory were the Fatesawakening ones and the Smash ones. FEH reminded many people that characters like Ephraim are a thing and that helped their popularity rise again.
So just, like, accept Celica is popular.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Corrin did terribly in the first poll already and Robin was never a contender for the top spots. Chrom got close the first time but the only reason he did so well in the first poll was because the only characters in recent memory were the Fatesawakening ones and the Smash ones. FEH reminded many people that characters like Ephraim are a thing and that helped their popularity rise again.
So just, like, accept Celica is popular.
lol hold up first I never said she wasn't popular, just not as popular as the poll might suggest. The first poll done before FEH was out is a better representation of overall popularity, and she wasn't even in the top 100 for that one. Admittedly that was before SoV came out but it does help to paint an overall picture.

On top of this SoV is the second worst selling Fire Emblem game (which actually surprised me when I looked that up) so to think that Nintendo is chomping at the bit to add a character from SoV is a little unrealistic.

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
Chance: 8%

If FE got an eighth character, why wouldn't it be Edelgard? There's only a slim chance the remake would actually get her on the roster.

Want: 0%

She'd honestly be a poor choice. If you're gonna waste a DLC slot on another FE character, you might as well use it on an axe or bow user.

Deleted member

lol hold up first I never said she wasn't popular, just not as popular as the poll might suggest. The first poll done before FEH was out is a better representation of overall popularity, and she wasn't even in the top 100 for that one. Admittedly that was before SoV came out but it does help to paint an overall picture.

On top of this SoV is the second worst selling Fire Emblem game (which actually surprised me when I looked that up) so to think that Nintendo is chomping at the bit to add a character from SoV is a little unrealistic.
No, the first poll is absolutely not a better representation of the overall popularity. Trends change and one whole year showed a significance differemce in terms of popular characters.
The sole fact Celica jumped so high should be used to demonstrate how much SoV impacted the community.
Unless you're going to tell me Reinhardt is not one of the most popular characters right now because he did horribly the first time around.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
No, the first poll is absolutely not a better representation of the overall popularity. Trends change and one whole year showed a significance differemce in terms of popular characters.
The sole fact Celica jumped so high should be used to demonstrate how much SoV impacted the community.
Unless you're going to tell me Reinhardt is not one of the most popular characters right now because he did horribly the first time around.
Reinhardt is a meme favorite of the FEH community that would be a huge "literally who?" for even Fire Emblem fans who don't play FEH.

The two polls are not the same thing and can't be treated as such.

Deleted member

Reinhardt is a meme favorite of the FEH community that would be a huge "literally who?" for even Fire Emblem fans who don't play FEH.

The two polls are not the same thing and can't be treated as such.
I can't believe we're we're discussing the validity of an official popularity poll lmao.
Celica is popular and that's literally not up for debate. In fact she's the most popular female character without a role in Smash.
And Reinhardt is the most popular non-Lord and, fyi, FEH consists of the majority of the FE fanbase.


Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2018
Just a little reminder that's tangentially related to the discussion about Celica here: in the grand scheme of things, ports and remakes really aren't too big a deal. They're not typically considered the "big hitters" or titles that the company is really counting on to do well. A remake and a couple of spinoff appearances probably isn't enough on its own to be in Smash. I see the importance of ports and remakes overblown around here sometimes.

In the case of Celica, the original Gaiden game was more experimental and not one of the most notable FE games. A remake put it in the limelight a bit more but Celica's not really much more "relevant" (ugh that word) than other non Fateswakening characters.

In fact she's the most popular female character without a role in Smash.
Lyn says hi. Edit: oh you meant "without any role in Smash." But still, Lyn's more popular and Celica does have a Spirit

Second edit lol:
And Reinhardt is the most popular non-Lord
Is he though?
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
I can't believe we're we're discussing the validity of an official popularity poll lmao.
Celica is popular and that's literally not up for debate. In fact she's the most popular female character without a role in Smash.
And Reinhardt is the most popular non-Lord and, fyi, FEH consists of the majority of the FE fanbase.
We're discussing it because you still can't seem to grasp the concept of context.

If we were to poll the entire Nintendo community their favorite characters to decide the first Smash roster we would get a good representation of who all people like. If we were to then go back and do the same thing again after the final roster was out showing that Pokemon got 10/50 of the slots you can bet that every single Pokemon would take huge hit on their "popularity" for the next poll.

Again I'm not saying she isn't popular, I'm just saying that I bet over half of the people who voted for her would not consider her one of their favorites. She was just the best choice for a female who isn't from Fates/Awakening and didn't have other alts already.

EDIT: to add on to this you can see it even in the Smash community now when discussing DLC. Characters from FE and Pokemon are getting talked about a lot less than anyone else because most fans of the series realize that they're pretty well represented in Smash and aren't likely to get more.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Just a little reminder that's tangentially related to the discussion about Celica here: in the grand scheme of things, ports and remakes really aren't too big a deal. They're not typically considered the "big hitters" or titles that the company is really counting on to do well. A remake and a couple of spinoff appearances probably isn't enough on its own to be in Smash. I see the importance of ports and remakes overblown around here sometimes.

In the case of Celica, the original Gaiden game was more experimental and not one of the most notable FE games. A remake put it in the limelight a bit more but Celica's not really much more "relevant" (ugh that word) than other non Fateswakening characters.

Lyn says hi. Edit: oh you meant "without any role in Smash." But still, Lyn's more popular and Celica does have a Spirit

Second edit lol:

Is he though?
On the contrary, I think people UNDERvalue remakes. And I'd say it's entirely disingenuous to compare the jump from Gaiden to Shadows of Valentia to, say, Ocarina of Time to Ocarina of Time 3D. The former set are almost entirely different games. And considering the latter set got ample content on Smash 3DS, I'd say being a remake means nothing for a game's chance at representation.


Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2018
And considering the latter set got ample content on Smash 3DS, I'd say being a remake means nothing for a game's chance at representation.
general representation for a game does not equal playable representation

They didn't bring Young Link back or update Ganondorf to his OoT appearance for Smash 3DS, did they? Sheik was already in Brawl and Melee

In the case of Gaiden/SoV, sure it's more of a remaster than a straight-up remake, but it's still not a completely brand new FE game that they're gonna market on the level of Awakening or Fates. And Gaiden/SoV does have content, including music and Spirits. So it's not mysteriously absent, and does have general representation, just not playable representation


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
And considering the latter set got ample content on Smash 3DS,
...uhh... what?

Smash 3DS gave us:
  • Gerudo Valley stage (not the most recognizable location, but it is a really recognizable song which has been in Smash since Brawl)
  • A handful of trophies
  • Redeads, Stalfos, and Peahats in Smash Run.
That's it. Everything else that could have come from Ocarina was from pre-Brawl. Which includes a total of an item, a stage from 64, some music, Ganon's outfit, and a Link clone.

And as to the point that's been made before, "so much content!!!" in a character-driven franchise doesn't equate to "So many characters!!!"

Besides, comparing LoZ to FE in any way is ridiculous, unless you're advocating that Celica should be added as a perennial assist and we should get two more Fire Emblem stages from SoV. Zelda fans have struggled to get their characters considered as anything but assists, whereas all a Fire Emblem character needs to do to get in Smash is just exist in a recent game.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Today was more divisive than I thought it would be.

I’m gonna post my scores later, but I feel I should just say, anti Celica people, please argue better. I may not see eye to eye with Opossum Opossum on a lot of smash stuff, but he made a very strong case for Celica. Most of the anti posts I felt are far weaker. Just saying you can sway people with strong arguments. I can tell you my score as of now is nearly 5x greater than it was originally.


Jan 29, 2018

Chance: 35%
Opossum's write-up has at least convinced me that Celica is a possibility. Whether or not she ends up as DLC remains to be seen, and I still have my hang-ups.

I would say the biggest thing in Celica's favor is her popularity, at least within the Fire Emblem community. Although Sakurai was stand-offish about including Corrin during Smash 4 (due to how quickly the FE roster was growing), he suddenly changed his tune when Ultimate came around and Chrom was brought into question. This is just my opinion, but perhaps Sakurai was okay with Chrom because he was a popularity pick over a promotional pick; he's more at ease when it's what the fans want, and not just what the suits want.

Taking this into considerarion, Sakurai would surely have less objections if Nintendo requests he develops a character who is actually popular, as opposed to someone from a game that isn't even out at the time of the request.

On the flip side, Sakurai could still look at the seven FE characters we currently have and say "Yeah, maybe eight is too many.", regardless of Celica's popularity. After all, that was his initial response to Corrin.

It could honestly go either way, but I won't disregard Celica. I will say, if we get a new FE rep for DLC, I now think Celica is more likely than Edelgard. At least Celica would be a popularity pick. Edelgard would be Corrin 2.0, except this time, Corrin doesn't turn into a dragon.

Want: 50%
I'm not the biggest FE buff out there. I play FEH from time to time and have invested a grand total of thirty minutes into Sacred Stones, so I am somewhat familiar with the characters. I'm also not someone who gets mad every time a FE character is added to Smash. I reserve my judgement for when I see the character in action.

Celica, while I have no ties to the character, is someone who could potentially have a unique playstyle, if Sakurai plays his cards right. But she could also easily be a character who brings nothing new to the table, if done wrong. I don't know. Again, I'd have to see her in action to give a complete want score, but for now, I'll say I'd be fine with her.

Nominations: Porky ×5
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012

Now personally, I think she missed her shot big time. If Rex is out you can bet she is as well, as while Gaiden was a thing, it was a niche thing. If there were to be a recent pick, it’s going to be Three Houses for shilling. While they could avoid the shill pick due to fan backlash, it’s just as likely that they avoid a Fire Emblem pick due to fan backlash, especially when her name isn’t Lyn.

Also apparently Echoes sold like ****? That might send a message to Nintendo that either they don’t want to shill it, or that fans don’t like it and thus Celica (even though sales do not equal popularity but you know how it is)

For want: I liked Gaiden before it was cool. I like Celica. Dunno if that translates into me wanting her for Smash, and it’s been a while since I played her game (since I never picked up Echoes). I guess I wouldn’t mind her though, but I’m docking 10% because we have to get Lyn eventually dammit.

Want: 40%

Nominations: Mach RiderX5

I’ll try predicting Lycanroc: 3%

FEH consists of the majority of the FE fanbase.
Gonna need a source on that s’il-vous-plait.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
Calling Celica, of all characters, irrelevant just shows you have no idea what you're talking about. Also, given your avatar, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. ;)
Irrelevant was probably a bad choice of words, I more specifically meant that the one thing that would get her into Smash (being in the most recent FE game) won't matter for much longer because Fire Emblem: Three Newcomers is releasing in a few months.


Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2014
Drenthe, NL
Could we get a Tldr on what Opossum Opossum wrote. Are there things actively hinting at her inclusion? Otherwise I don't see why I should have my score for her be higher than 5%, let alone above 50%.
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Could we get a Tldr on what Opossum Opossum wrote. Are there things actively hinting at her inclusion? Otherwise I don't see why I should have my score for her be higher than 5%, let alone above 50%.
-Spirits deconfirm
-lack of SoV representation
-weird Alm-centric music choice
-Three Houses too new
-Popularity from FEH poll
-Added to FE Warriors

I'll keep my personal thoughts out of the TL;DR as much as I can.

-Spirits deconfirm
-lack of SoV representation
-weird Alm-centric music choice
-Three Houses too new
-Popularity from FEH poll
-Added to FE Warriors

I'll keep my personal thoughts out of the TL;DR as much as I can.
...and put them here instead.

-I actually do think spirits deconfirm, no issues here.
-I've already mentioned it but SoV sold less than 1/10th of Awakening and was the second worse selling FE game ever. Lack of representation is not a mystery here.
-I can get behind this point I suppose, though I'm sure there are other weird music choices that have been made so saying its a sure sign would be a stretch.
-XB2 missed the base roster but no one has said anything about DLC, the proper comparison would probably be Corrin over Rex. But I won't deny Three Houses might be too new, I just think that would mean no FE DLC not an argument for Celica.
-See my last posts for more in-depth rebuttal of this one, but basically her winning the poll shows her popularity only as it pertains to the context of getting a new unit in FEH and does not translate to the FE fanbase as a whole which is better represented by the first poll.
-A last minute addition to a crossover game to promote a recent game sounds more like an argument for Three Houses than Celica to me.

Overall I think she has more going for her than some others but WAY less than they are giving her credit for.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Could we get a Tldr on what Opossum Opossum wrote. Are there things actively hinting at her inclusion? Otherwise I don't see why I should have my score for her be higher than 5%, let alone above 50%.
  • Shares her spirit with her costar, and doesn’t have her own.
  • Music tracks from the game focus on the costar’s side
  • Standard ‘she’s so popular’ argument after all of the popular-in-smash characters are removed from the equation
  • Has done a crossover before.
I think that covers it.

For me: sharing spirits is such a minor thing - if the game sells them together, then it’s fine to be considered together. We could say the same for Dixie since she’s got one with Kiddy. Kiddy’s not alone, but nobody is taking this as a hint for Kiddy Kong.

I’m also noticing that we have a serious lack of music coming from DK64 - only the butchered Melee rap, so that indirectly confirms Lanky Kong.

Oh, and Rowlet’s 100% in since Pokémon did a recent popularity poll, and he’s in the top three overall.

And finally, we know that TP Ganondorf is crossing with Diablo, so canon Ganon hype!

...or it could all mean nothing...

Point is, there hasn’t been a leak about her and we have no clue even as to the direction the DLC will take outside of “Nintendo picked it, not Sakurai.” We’re assuming that they’d favor promo picks, but we don’t know if they want to go all third party or not (check out the Nintendo store reactions to tge Everyone is Here trailer - it wasn’t the first parties getting the biggest cheers...) We also don’t know if Sakurai’s FE bias will help or harm other FE chances. We did get Chrom - as a ridiculously last minute addition which is shown by Robin not really changin his content. Not to mention the significant backlash that could come out of one of the only five conformed DLC characters being from an overstuffed franchise, but one that is not popular to the point it can win E3 alone.

I think that if more character DLC is inbound, we may have a better chance to see some FE. But with only five, they may be hesitant to give that series more love.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 5950 1333 3717

Chance - 20%

So I was originallly gonna rate Celica with like a 0.1% chance but Opossum changed my views...

But honestly what he wrote makes a lot of sense even if I don't believe Spirits deconfirm characters. However I don't think it is enough to rate her higher due to how old Echoes is now and the fact Sakurai said that he was reluctant to add more FE characters. She only has popularity going for her now it seems and there are other characters who would be added because of that over her.

Want - Abstain (yet again)

Never played Echoes so I don't think I can justify myself here.

Nominations: Rhythm Girl x5
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Deleted member

Shantae: From Half-Genie Hero to Half-Genie Zero:

Chance: 0.001%: Yeah, I think she's even less likely than Rex, and maybe even Shrek and Goku. Let's go over all of the evidence against her:

1: (The obvious) She's a spirit, which does deconfirm her.

2: WF talked about wanting her in as one of the DLC fighters, implying that she wasn't already chosen for DLC, since they'd need to be under an NDA, which was the only thing Shantae had going for her for the base game.

3: Considering how she keeps appearing as a spirit in the promotional content, it looks like she's the Waluigi of Spirits, so no promotion for her anytime soon.

4: There are many more likely indie reps. Sans, Travis, Steve (who's pretty much already confirmed) and even Shovel Knight are way more well-known, and more important to Nintendo (financially). With even one of these characters in the game, Nintendo would see no reason to add a second indie rep, not only for that game/DLC, but probably the next one, too.

5: Nintendo ignoring the fans moreso than usual: The only Fan-Favorites we've gotten were Inkling, Ridley and King K. Rool. All three of these fighters were either financial assets to Nintendo (Inkling) or the tip-top of the fighter ballot (Ridley and K. Rool). Everyone who wasn't those 3 was shafted for an Assist Trophy or a Sticker. Top contenders like Isaac, Waluigi, Skull Kid, Krystal, Lyn, Bomberman, Spring Man, Rex, and even Shovel Knight were written off as unworthy, and Shantae was so much of an afterthought that all they gave her was a sticker. So with so little for the fans, the DLC is not likely to get anyone for the fans. Even if there is one or two characters, they're probably not going to pick her.

6: She's unpopular. How many of you have heard of her before Smash? Not many. Enough said.

NEW: 7: People Hate her. Steve's been beating her on fan polls left and right, and only one or two people here (including me) have given her anything higher than a 20% on want score.

In the end, Shantae's place in Smash looks like it is and always will be a PNG file that wasn't even made for this game.

Want: 999% (If that's not allowed, then 100%.): And. It. Sucks. She, unlike the other indie competitors I mentioned, would represent the smaller side of indie games well. In addition to that, she has more moveset potential (thanks to her transformations, magic and pirate gear), and more personality (all her game's dialogue is like something out of KIU) than any of the other indie competitors. That and it would have just been the perfect rags-to-riches story with a Smash Bros Fan's work getting enough support to actually be in Smash.

I really consider her down for the count. and the next one. and the one after that. and maybe even the one after that. and you get the idea. Basically, Shantae's a lost cause, and anyone who's supporting her should just come to terms with her being a PNG file and move on.

Nomination: No Fan Favorites x5
*sigh* here I go again

1.we dont know if spirits deconfirm so stop saying they do

2.they think it would be cool for her to be a fighter and Matt said “if not now then maybe next time” all they wanted is for her just to show up in any form

3.SHE IS NOT WALUIGI! all people want is to see her get represented in some form so her popularity would increase and they thank sakurai and Ed for putting her in waluigi fans on the other hand were sending death treats to Sakurai after he was shown as an AT. so she is not waluigi and he will never be playable

4.while you have Travis right here’s the part your wrong.

Sans is already in:ultness:

Steve isn’t indie any more thanks to Microsoft
Plus notch said he wasn’t indie anymore

Of course SK is more we’ll known but she has more history and she’ll reclaim her throne soon

5.they chose those because they were highly requested And they made sure the runner ups still get represented and not forgotten for example: why dose Isaac have a mii costume? Why is Krystal an AT instead of a regular spirit? Have you heard of silver medals?


Might wanna rethink what you said there

7.fan polls don’t mean anything and people who are voting steve? Are vergeben fans


Deleted member

Is he though?
As far as male characters go, yeah. Forgot Veronica was a thing.
...uhh... what?

Smash 3DS gave us:
  • Gerudo Valley stage (not the most recognizable location, but it is a really recognizable song which has been in Smash since Brawl)
  • A handful of trophies
  • Redeads, Stalfos, and Peahats in Smash Run.
That's it. Everything else that could have come from Ocarina was from pre-Brawl. Which includes a total of an item, a stage from 64, some music, Ganon's outfit, and a Link clone.

And as to the point that's been made before, "so much content!!!" in a character-driven franchise doesn't equate to "So many characters!!!"

Besides, comparing LoZ to FE in any way is ridiculous, unless you're advocating that Celica should be added as a perennial assist and we should get two more Fire Emblem stages from SoV. Zelda fans have struggled to get their characters considered as anything but assists, whereas all a Fire Emblem character needs to do to get in Smash is just exist in a recent game.
OoT got more content in 3DS than SoV got in Ultimate.
4 new non-remixed tracks vs. all of that.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
Irrelevant was probably a bad choice of words, I more specifically meant that the one thing that would get her into Smash (being in the most recent FE game) won't matter for much longer because Fire Emblem: Three Newcomers is releasing in a few months.
Release date still unknown. For all we know, it could be pushed back to November 2019.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
OoT got more content in 3DS than SoV got in Ultimate.
4 new non-remixed tracks vs. all of that.
And Kid Icarus: Uprising got about half of the game.

I didn’t know that every game needed to have the same amount of content in Smash. In that case, we’ve got three FE:Awakening characters, so I feel cheated without and characters from Twilight Princess.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I mean its cited and everything but if you can find better ones by all means.
For reference, most estimates that I've seen put SoV at roughly 700K-800K. The numbers you provided are outright wrong because the game was close to reaching that amount on its first week in Japan alone. Nintendo themselves called it a financial success in their earnings reports.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
I'm not sure if there are any actual official sales figures for SoV, but Nintendo's financial report for the period around its release made specific note of its popularity, so there's that.

I don't think sales figures can or should be directly proportional to a series' representation in Smash anyway, else we'd end up with 70 Mario characters.
For reference, most estimates that I've seen put SoV at roughly 700K-800K. The numbers you provided are outright wrong because the game was close to reaching that amount on its first week in Japan alone. Nintendo themselves called it a financial success in their earnings reports.
Nintendo reporting to its investors saying its popular is hardly ironclad evidence, of course they are going to tell their investors that their games are selling well.

Deleted member

I didn’t know that every game needed to have the same amount of content in Smash. In that case, we’ve got three FE:Awakening characters, so I feel cheated without and characters from Twilight Princess.
Then stop complaining about too much FE characters lmao
You really just walked yourself onto that one, huh?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Nintendo reporting to its investors saying its popular is hardly ironclad evidence, of course they are going to tell their investors that their games are selling well.
If your argument hinges on "Nintendo is lying to its own investors about game sales" then I think we're done here lol.

Edit: Upon looking it up, lying on financial reports is considered fraud and it's a criminal offense lol.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Wow I'm getting some major Shantae/Dixie day flashbacks from all of the hostility in this thread, specifically from the Celica supporters. I'd kill to have Celica in Smash but c'mon guys ease up with all of the attacks it's just a game.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
If your argument hinges on "Nintendo is lying to its own investors about game sales" then I think we're done here lol.
lol if you honestly think that companies don't "bend the truth" to make themselves look better then I really don't know what else to say.

"For Nintendo 3DS, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia was released in Japan in April and overseas in May and has been a popular title. "

That is literally all they say, nothing about how its selling just that its popular. No numbers, no facts, just that its popular. Compare that to,

"we released Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in April to favorable response, selling 3.54 million units worldwide." or
"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, released in the previous period, has also continued to perform well, selling 1.16 million units worldwide (3.92 million units on a cumulative basis) "

And you see that when the numbers look good they include them. So why didn't they include anything about SoV?
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