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Rate My Falco (ranked match)


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
Orange County
Yeah, im a falco main(melee and brawl) in socal. i just wanna see what you guys think, pointers or any help is appreciated, if your gonna flame or criticize at least make it constructive.
its my first ranked recorded vid and its against Blitz (noris in vid) who's ranked in socal.
Much Appreciated.



2 games in a match, although i lost both lol
(first game on f/d second game on smashville, (edited))


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas
(are those 2 suppose to be the same video?)

Nice Laser Spacing. Although Blitz was well prepared for it you just kept going at it. But after that, you started to declined, lost your spacing and just seemed to go for the kill rather than to read his possible approaches and continue using your lasers how you did in the beginning of the match.

With ROB, his weakness against Falco is your Lasers, keeping him at bay and wait for him to mess up so you can go in for the strike.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
beautiful use of lasers for the most part, although like exo said there seem to be parts where you stop using them so much. Maybe you should mind-game a little more because everytime you SH-towards ROB he would spot-dodge knowing that you were gunna use an aerial attack, if you see this happening over and over try SHFF-> grab or something so that you don't become predictable.
You're better than me so, these are just possible ideas.
I don't know much what to say except ****, that ROB was impressive cuz your game seemed really good
and I'm tired of seeing people post that the SHDL sucks because it goes over your opponents head, so instead of explaining it over and over i'll just post a link to this thread, because seriously it gets annoying after a while


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2008
New York City
Nice, i enjoyed how the beginning seemed to the Melee/Brawl difference between the short hopped double laser. Good technique though.


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
Orange County
yeah i practiced the right-way SHDL, but as you can see i missed it a few times considering how nervous i was ^_^;;; lol anyways yeah i noticed i fell for his dodge dsmash quite a bit <___< pretty dumb of me i have to admit. but yeah a different approach should've been a smarter play. but in the end im sure i'll get better as time goes by. but yeah blitz is a fantastic rob, and he was really well prepared for my falco (considering i played him the week before at a shuffle tourney LOL)


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2005
First Match:

laser game = good. You messed up at the very beginning but i think you already mentioned that. Other than that your laser height spacing was really good. Right at his head so the sideB wouldn't reflect.

You rolled behind ROB too much in this match. You did it roughly 18 times, 12 times you were punished or it turned into a negative situation. It is only recommended if you anticipate Ftilt or Fsmash.

A few notes on this match-up:
Up close, you should only really Jab combo or SH Nair. ROB's spot dodge is a beast. Don't try to grab unless they hand it to you with a Fair/DashA/Nair. Example: 1:14 SH Nair or Jab combo would have wrecked. Later on in the match you did it and won.

On the chaingrab, don't do it more than once. Both times you missed a free Nair or DashA into Upsmash.

You did it the first time. But when ROB picks up his gyro it's time to reflect. When he's holding it, he only has 3 attack options, 2 of which are a projectiles. Laser, Throw Gyro, SideB. He's definately not going to
SideB to attack.

On recovering from the edge. Using the SideB is sometimes ok. ROB's bair completely and utterly destroys it. Also try Ledgehop Nair then land. Ledgehop Reflector to regrab. Or Ledgehop lasers.

When ROB has to return from the ledge. Don't stand so close to the edge. Your spacing could have been much better. Spaced outside of his Ledgehop Fair and get-up attack range. Try SHDL to Shieldgrab/Ftilt/Fsmash. Usually they jump into the lasers and you get a free hit.

Other than that you did a good job. ROB is a very hard match-up. Keeping him in the air is vital.

Second Match:
There are better counter picks than smashville. Falco wrecks Jungle Japes. I have yet to lose a tournament match on that stage. (No wait I lost a pools match to Needle of Juntah, cause it was only 2 stock and I suicided.)

You played much better the second game. 2:25 was ****.
I wish I had more advice because I still get wrecked by ROBs. Here are a few more things.

Down-B after the Jab combo. People don't believe me but use it sparingly. If they just shield after leaving the jab range, it will usually perfect shield and you will eat an Fsmash/Ftilt. If they are at low %ages and the Reflector does not trip, ROB can still Dash Attack you.

Dash Attack is the only approach that i've gotten to work consistantly. Dair/Nair get's grabed or Dsmashed or Ftilted. DashA beats spotdodge, it also beats airdodge into the ground. The move has a long hit box.

gj, keep up the falco.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
imo his lasers were somewhat predictable, reflecting them when he's at a high % does wonders.

Bair more too imo.

I loved your lasers, I need to get better with mine.

Oh, also, Usmash is much better instead of Dsmash


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
Orange County
thanks RAT for the tips but on a side note, it was actually reversed XD smashville was first then F/D as counter pick cause iono what to counter pick agaisnt a rob =/ or any other flying character, luigi's mansion would seem as the obvious choice but sometimes it back fires and they pwn you more LOL. but yeah i'll upload more vids as time progresses. i really appriciate everyone's tips ^_^ next time *personal note* rob gets chain grabbed only to 33% LOL.
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