Such a special match up !
Prepare to time-out ! Personnally, I had my longest games against Villagers.
Gyro is almost useless. Maybe you'll hit with, but be sure that he will pocket it some times. You need to be prepared to not play
with your Gyro.
Funny thing is that you don't necessarily want to approach him because of his disjointed hitboxs and stuff.
- Patience is the main order here.
- NEVER roll in.
- Use your laser A LOT.
Don't be predictable with your jump because he will stop you easily.
Nair is good (as always), it breaks Fair, Bair and Nair. It's hard for villager to punish it if you space it well (even Nair oos isn't guaranteed).
ROB's Nair animation is good because even if it's slow, villager has some trouble to punish it on reflex, his Fair/Bair goes under ROB. In other words, if ROB shNair then Villager needs to FullHop Fair/Bair or esle his shFair/Bair whiff.
Side-B is really useful, don't forget it, it can punish his bad jumps and side-Bs.
Villager has better combos and might be able to steal ROB (like Fsmash or tree)
Avoid BF, maybe SV, I don't like the random stuff with Villager's Fsmash since ROB is tall. Unless you're comfortable with LC, don't pick it.
T&C is a good starter, Halberd for CP.
Maybe I don't encounter good villagers considering I live in a city (luul), but in my opinion, the match up is pretty even