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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
If Snake didn't have grenades the matchup would be completely hopeless tbh

And MGS2 is like totally impromptu, I think Kojima just randomly wrote the ending one night while he was stoned out of his mind

I kinda agree. I got the gist of it, with
aresenal gear and the colonel being a program.
but it still doesn't make complete sense to me. Maybe I just need to play it over again. I don't see the connection b/t MGS 1 and 2. Also, I enjoyed MGS3 gameplay the best also.
Aug 6, 2008
If Snake didn't have grenades the matchup would be completely hopeless tbh

And MGS2 is like totally impromptu, I think Kojima just randomly wrote the ending one night while he was stoned out of his mind
I learned about grenades the hard way a long time ago. Typically, I haven't met any tornado happy people, they occasionally use it once in a while, but when the guy goes tornado happy the moment you do not have any grenades out, you learn just how important grenades are.

You mean the whole ending? Pretty much right after you get off the Big Shell (finally! xD), or just after you finally face Solidus Snake? I thought the ending after Solidus Snake was sort of an interesting way to end it right after the whole plot unveiling that lasted like 2 hours. But they probably could have done better to explain what Raiden ends up doing.

I kinda agree. I got the gist of it, with
aresenal gear and the colonel being a program.
but it still doesn't make complete sense to me. Maybe I just need to play it over again. I don't see the connection b/t MGS 1 and 2. Also, I enjoyed MGS3 gameplay the best also.
For me, I haven't played MGS 1 yet. So I am probably more confused than you are regarding the relationship between the two, but after playing sons of liberty I know the jest of what happened in MGS1. I feel as if I understood everything completely about the whole plot in Sons of Liberty. Enough so that I can make some loose connections between MGS3 and Sons of Liberty. For example, I think I know who the patriots are.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Grenades can be a bad thing in the matchup if you use them wrong. Avoid shield dropping them at almost all costs, it slowly eats away at your shield then the MK can tornado and you won't have a shield, then it's tornado city because your shield has no time to recover. :/
Learned that the hard way vs DSF, but he told me the error of my ways and it's since improved.

Do the hold-back toss, and if he's in the air dair planking. Jump and do the normal toss, then land and pull a grenade. Start to semi-cook it for about half the time, then short toss it. Mix in a few shield drops here and there. That's basically what Ally told me to do with grenades. It works.

I'm off to bed, night.
Aug 6, 2008
Grenades can be a bad thing in the matchup if you use them wrong. Avoid shield dropping them at almost all costs, it slowly eats away at your shield then the MK can tornado and you won't have a shield, then it's tornado city because your shield has no time to recover. :/
Learned that the hard way vs DSF, but he told me the error of my ways and it's since improved.

Do the hold-back toss, and if he's in the air dair planking. Jump and do the normal toss, then land and pull a grenade. Start to semi-cook it for about half the time, then short toss it. Mix in a few shield drops here and there. That's basically what Ally told me to do with grenades. It works.

I'm off to bed, night.
The problem I have with grenades against MK are avoiding either getting grabbed, or tornadoed. I haven't quiet figured out how to read and avoid both options. I focus on one or the other too much.


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
The problem I have with grenades against MK are avoiding either getting grabbed, or tornadoed. I haven't quiet figured out how to read and avoid both options. I focus on one or the other too much.
You can't avoid MK forever, that's (part of) why he wins.

edit: trolling youtube is weak, 90% of the people there are trolls or ********, be like me and SuSa and troll here :p


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
<3 the Snake Vs MK matchup. It's so dynamic and crazy. Unless air planking or major camping is involved, but I rarely come across it.

Let's see...OOS options for perfect shielding MK's Up B...Well, it depends how smart the MK is. Pivot grabbing, as said, can work from behind the MK if the MK is dumb enough to always dive right down after the UP B into a Glide Attack. Moving a little forward and utilting can also work, AND can KO at high percents. If the MK is really stupid, Bair/Uair/Nair work. And of course there is regular shield grabbing it after taking a few steps forward so the MK can't space the Glide Attack away from you to avoid the grab.

The smarter MKs may see this coming and glide right past you without moving down. If you can't snag them with a hit in time, you can just dash attack the MK from behind. I do it all the time, it works fine. I guess you could try to go for a utilt or Bair/Uair etc but that's only if you know they'll do it before hand for the most part. But out of all the MKs I play around here, only ones like Ksizzle, Diem, and Fatal generally do that. In short, if perfect shielded the Up B, best option IMO is: Take a few steps forward very quickly and shield grab the Glide Attack. Dthrow and lead into a tech chase 95% of the time unless a nade is nearby or a Bthrow will KO. If they pass by you, hit with dash attack if not fast enough.

For Dsmash, ftilt/utilt/grab are your only reasonable/best options. And I guess dtilt if you think it'll KO or dash attack. If perfect shielding it from back OR front, it's a free ftilt from any range and up close enough gets you a shield grab to Dthrow tech chase. I GUESS Dair could work too, but that's stupidly unnecessary. If not perfect shield, you have to be careful of your distance to punish it. If not close at all, an ftilt may not even reach in time before MK can shield, much less a grab. If you're too far without perfect shielding, best to back off or you could just eat a Dsmash.

I was bored xd. Snake has a lot of options for dealing with MKs moveset though, just a matter of finding out what works best.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Bells Frogs Bing Cherries
Jingle Bells Magic Cheese
Bells Frogs Bing Cherries
Jingle Bells Magic Cheese
Swords in my knees
Ed peed on this
Swords in my knees
Ed peed on this
Bells Frogs Bing Cherries
Jingle Bells Magic Cheese

MGS3 I would have orginally given a 10/10 for it's storyline concepts and stuff. But after playing Sons of Liberty, I think it's more like a 7 or 8 now. Sons of Liberty is at my top so far for storyline concepts and detail. MGS3 gets my vote for game play.
Snake Eater Subsistence is still number 1 in my book.

I kinda agree. I got the gist of it, with aresenal gear and the colonel being a program. but it still doesn't make complete sense to me. Maybe I just need to play it over again. I don't see the connection b/t MGS 1 and 2. Also, I enjoyed MGS3 gameplay the best also.
Aparrently, Kojima though that when he was designing MGS2 as a next gen game at the time, he thought he would have to ante up on the story. Apparently not, and he knows the error of his ways from MGS2.

I saw an interview of Kojima from the Making of MGS4 disc that says that.

The ending still makes more sense than the Zelda timeline up to this point. :laugh:


Many many mouse
They adore me crunchy love
Many many mouse
They adore me crunchy love


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
You just ruined that song for me forever

granted the original wasn't that good and only recently with AC did it become good, but still!

I hatelove you.

It's actually amazing now


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
I like MGS2, there's just certain parts I'm critical of. MGS3(subsistence) is my favorite though.

* don't have a PS3, I've just seen MGS4's cutscenes and important codecs on youtube lol


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Northern Virginia, &lt;3 Ramona Flowers
I do not understand why so many do not like Sons of Liberty 0.o
I think it has a lot to do with getting tricked into playing Raiden. I didn't play the MGS series until recently, but if I remember right there was like no mention on the box/game that you were going to play as Raiden for most of the game, and you even start as Snake. I liked the game a lot, but just not as much as I like 3 and 1.


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
That's another thing Snake is a lot more likeable than Raiden in general, and I'm pretty sure Rose is the worst codec contact in the series too

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Young Raiden is quite whiny at times and not always bright.

I finished my copy of MGS4 once on my brother's PS3. Great Stuff, but no spoilers.

Anyway, Rose's convo's are really overdone. Why the titanic references Rose? >_<

Crazy colonel was hilarious when I first heard him. So funny I didn't even notice Raiden was nude at that time.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I just saw the Warevolution Combo.
It looks incrediblt escapable due to DI and fall distance.
I want to know what the Snake mains think of it since it is fancy as hell!
Aug 6, 2008
Never heard of it.

Today... I got mugged in a parking lot. :( I lost $0.25 to those muggers <_<
Good thing the muggers were my friends ^_^


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Thank you snake board. I played some better people today and the matchup thread really helped. I nade camped a DDD pretty well and used nade grabbing to my advantage. Just a question - does ddd have a longer grab range than our nade-grab?

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Y es, IIRC.

And about the warevolution, i'm pretty sure it's inescapable up until the second c4, if they had di'd everything to the right, then he would have gone right instead of left and been too far away to sticky. (unless the c4 blows up on his right side, then it would send him left every time...) And then when they sticky him, i think there might have been enough time to air dodge the explosion. Either way though, zero to death off the top is incredible. That combo is amazing.

edit: just watched it again (for like the ninth time XD) and it looks like the c4 was on the side of him, so it should send him there almost every time.. Here's the link for that combo vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt4Ej_bmR40 the combo starts around 9:14 IIRC.


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
DDD's standing/walking grab beats nade grab, his dash grab loses to it.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2009
Victoria, Australia
Strike Wario's Weak Point For Massive Damage!

Hello, Snake Boards, my name is Alfa, and I have a request. I have recently created a thread detailing the percents that other characters kill Wario at, and would like some input from your boards, as to whether or not I have gone through, and gotten the data for every hitbox that Snake has. I would appreciate your input, and ask that you post your responses in the thread I made, and not in here. Please note that so far, the data consists of the first percents that Snake kills Wario at from both the centre, and the edge of Final Destination, without any DI/Momentum Canceling at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The thread is here:

Strike Wario's Weak Point For Massive Damage!


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado

My favorite part of the whole game. The rest was meh honestly, and I hated the part where you have to swim through like a bajillion hallways to rescue Emma, just to have her die a bit later. Lame.

Really, all of the characters introduced in MGS2 weren't necessary. Raiden, Vamp, Rose, Emma, the only real exception is probably Solidus.
Aug 6, 2008

My favorite part of the whole game. The rest was meh honestly, and I hated the part where you have to swim through like a bajillion hallways to rescue Emma, just to have her die a bit later. Lame.

Really, all of the characters introduced in MGS2 weren't necessary. Raiden, Vamp, Rose, Emma, the only real exception is probably Solidus.
I thought the ammo reference was hilarious. I hated the sniper section.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Yes. This thread doesn't mask the fact that the boards are actually dead. In other news, here's a work in progress texture on a never before textured stage.

The sniper section on the bridge right? with all the explosive charges? I hated that part too. I thought vamp was a lame boss. Seriously? A vampire?
That's not why he's called Vamp.
Ask Snake for more info.
There's a good reason for his regenerative powers but it's a MGS4 spoiler so I won't say.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
You didn't see much change other than the sky due to me not knowing how the lighting in the stage works.

Here's a more up to date pic. This is admittedly a bit more bright than expected.

I'm gonna make it more subdued.


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
There's a good reason for his regenerative powers but it's a MGS4 spoiler so I won't say.
SPOILERS"nanomachines did it" isn't really a good reason, it's the same copout Kojima uses to tie up nearly all of the loose ends in MGS4 with.
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