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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
^well at least you are ok. people who drive and text should lose there license its dumb as hell.

i feel mk as the 55/45 advantage against snake (might just be i am bad vs mk) but thats how i feel. i have no trouble with snake vs marth.

Also i think it was susu who said dk is easy. i don't know what you are talking about not just does he have f-tilt if he grabs you and throws you up he can juggle, when you are off the stage he b-airs like a mf, plus his down-B has great range and pressures shields well. i have gotten good at predicting the donkey punch but it can be annoying since its range is longer than i thought it was. plus he can mind game short hop side-B which even if you block leave you shield very small so you have to get away so he does not break it a good dk can take advantage of you trying to get away. dk' thats use there up-b to attack on stage are annoying and can do a lot of dmg if you do not di out of it. Dk also have the momentum cancel so even against snake DK can live for a pretty long time. (maybe i don't spam enough)
I think this makes dk a tough match-up but snake does have the advantage buts its not a joke.

Also the dk i play loves to up from the ledge on the neutral yoshie stage (forget if its story or island in this game) i found out snakes neutral a clashes with it and then leaves dk open to be hit by whatever you want


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
DK isn't too hard since you can camp him so well, but sometimes he can get some really gay gimps or spikes on you and he's really powerful to kinda negate snakes weight. But you can live long if you camp like a ***** and stay out of his range.

A dumb tip, dk's cargo throw isn't like a grab, you dont mash out of it. Just hold UP On the joystick. YOu'll get out almost instantly at low percents and the time for that gets a little slower as you get higher. But thats the true way to get out of it, not mashing.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
^yea i found out about holding up to get out of his cargo grab like last week when was it discovered? also if you mash and hold up do u get out even quicker then just holding up?

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
I don't think it does. Cause holding up counts as you mashing a button every frame possible.

And DK really isn't that hard. I fought a really good DK at the regional, and it wasn't hard at all. I fought him in crews as well. I took all three of his stocks with only one of mine. I'll get my run through crews uploaded in a couple days. Took six stocks :D


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
^^ well i think one of my main problems is i like getting close and fighting with tilts to much i need to spam more.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
^yea i found out about holding up to get out of his cargo grab like last week when was it discovered? also if you mash and hold up do u get out even quicker then just holding up?
a local told me abotu this when he got back from genesis awhile ago actually

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
You'll see from the vid when I post it, that you don't have to spam or camp that much to beat a DK.

And I've known about holding up forever. And I never even get to play against a DK XD


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
Lolol, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEs7XguPYAU

In short, I told him to Bair. You can see him starting to use it in the match. I knew he wasn't playing quite on at the time, which is why I mentioned that to him.

So... yeah :D
Bair gets beaten like 90% of the time, bair also leaves you wide open if you get baited and then you get juggled and edge guarded. I see nothing about Snake that is allowing Ally to win in this or game 4, it's mostly mikehaze not playing as well as he did in the first set and executing badly(game 3 being on FD didn't hurt, definitely Snake's best neutral in this matchup).


Feb 5, 2009
Wow, some pages actually got added on to this thread.

I'll go back and read them.
In 5-6 months.


Sorry 'bout the car wreck. ):


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Huge updates from Active Gamers regarding SuSa and others.

Here's who SuSa tanked through:

Win vs. Layzee
Loss vs. Mew2King

Win vs. Fluxus (lol only me and Zaj know this fool)
Win vs. Saske
Win vs. Valdens
Loss vs. Tyrant

Good **** SuSa playing with the big boys.

Also, Ally got ****ing 9th. He lost to mikeHAZE and Larry. It looks like JonT and Ally tie for best placing Snake...with 9th.

mikeHAZE / Havok vs. Larry in Loser's Finals, M2K waiting in Grand Finals, having beaten Havok. Tyrant got 7th (I think), but is still sponsored just because WC is biased and put in a few good words about him to Active Gamers. Pretty good variety in the top 8 of this tourney.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Huge update from Active Gamers regarding SuSa, he's in Loser's Finals.

I'm joking, but here's who he tanked through.

Win vs. Layzee
Loss vs. Mew2King

Win vs. Fluxus (lol only me and Zaj know this fool)
Win vs. Saske
Win vs. Valdens
Loss vs. Tyrant

Good **** SuSa playing with the big boys.
Do you know if any vids were recorded?


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I brought M2K to last stock on RC. /highlight of tournament (hehehe. <3 you M2K)

I tanked to 287% vs Tyrant /second highlight of tournament (I had people watching me because I was teching EVERYTHING. I don't get stage spiked <3)

JonT outplaced me because FOW suicided. /****ing pissed off (I only went to outplace JonT....)

My friend Dao got 9th <3

Larry vs Sk92 was ****ing AMAZING. Falco dittos, Larry 2 stocked. I was watching Havok vs M2K though, so I didn't see much after that.

Havok vs M2K was pretty good, Havok's pretty legit now. I totally underrated him (He 2-0'd me in pools. Only person to beat me in pools....)

I met a lot of people, lost to Sk92 in a $1 mm (Ok...he *****. <3 Haha..)
Immediately after, I lost to FOW (yeah! my 2nd match of the day. Sk was my first.... lost another dollar....)

FOW is legit. Oo
Sk92 was shocking. He plays soooo fast....
(I got 2-0'd both times. lol)

I got to meat Dojo and UTD Zach from Texas. UTD still trying to convince me the matchup isn't in Snake's favor. (He beat me on my RC CP. I beat him on his BF CP? WTF?.... anyways..)

Bwett (some Diddy) learned that Diddy+Bananas vs Ganon = don't do (I'm kidding, but I'll upload the replay later. xD)

We had some matches recorded, I don't think we had many. If I pressed record I could have had mine and M2K's recorded. :( ..... (We were going to play on a custom stage, but it was HUGE so we quit. lol.... he's a funny guy. Gave me the BEST LOOK EVER when I CP'd RC against him.

"WTF... dude... you know I'm M2K... right?... RC?... Snake? Are you stupid?"
That's what his look implied.


Dojo is really ****ing legit, he knows the Snake matchup sooooooo well. (My Sheik did better, and if it weren't for a 30% gimp I might have won that match xD) ****. Texas *****. lol

I beat Lazee/Lazy who's been trying to tell me Snake doesn't have the advantage on Diddy. I 2-0'd him.....
I have no idea who Fluxus is....
Saske was.... no idea who he is either...
Valdens is some G&W... barely beat me on RC <_< (his CP) which... man... :/ I then beat him on Yoshi's Island.

Ally taught me how to camp, and he was DEPRESSED when he lost. He looked so miserable. :( I felt bad for him.. then his matches vs Larry... I should've given him the advice (are there any Falco's in Canada.. or outside of WC really?) but I felt giving him advice.. when he's.... better then me <_< would have been taken the wrong way or something..

Larry is waay legit... I still didn't get to play him. :/ Sad about that.... I'll do my best next tourney I see him at. (I was focusing more on OoS's and stuff then locals)

In case people name search or something or someone shows them this. Here's some shoutouts:

FOW - ... WHY CAN'T I PUNISH YOUR AERIALS V_V.....Great Ness man....
Sk92 - ... Nevada is legit... seriously... <_< I can't say 60-40 Snake-Falco anymore. T_T..... (I'll get you next time. :3)
OGV? - Legit as **** Captain Falcon from Nevada. He was in pools with me and dayyumm... keep up the good work man
M2K - Seriously man. It was fun to finally meet you and play against you. But learn how to shake a hand? You let me do all the work in the shake. Hahaha.
Ally - <3 you sooo much for the help vs MK dude... I'll be practicing a lot of what you told me. I wish it was easier to break habits... you helped me out soooooo much vs M2K and Tyrant though. You don't even know... I went from 2-3 stocks to bringing them down to last stock. I hope to be able to hang out with you more if you ever visit the WC.
Haze - Good **** taking 2nd man!
Havok - Dude.... when did you get the time to get so ****? Haha. We need to play more.
MoJoe - Good **** man, you and your brother.
UTD - Texas. **** yeah. :) Haha. Glad to meet you.
Dojo - .................:'( Hylians going to laugh at me because of you....


Feb 5, 2009
Eh, I don't mind when people do stuff like that to me, even in friendlies.

I sucked so freakin' hard back then compared to now. I did stupid stuff and got blown up by my own nades 1032948572039 times...

Kinda makes me feel better about how I am now... Even though I don't like my current level.
Aug 6, 2008
*starts MGS3 for the 2nd time* Amazing how much time is spend listening to the cutscenes and all the radio talk. 13 hours to get through the game the first time. Now that I am skipping all the cutscenes and speeding through the text it goes like 10 times faster. I feel like I am already 1/3 of the way through the game and I've only played for like an hour 0.o

And I downsmash 2543534 times when I mean to do something else.
I do the same thing underload. Maybe not 2543534 times though :/ Mostly during the BPGs attempts.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Careful about having mercy in friendlies lmao. Some people like to go by friendlies by saying they're better than someone, even if you sandbag like that. I'm personally against showing that kind of mercy to the opponent (and sandbagging in general). If you kept doing that against him, he could develop a bad habit of recovering too close to the stage thinking there would be no punishment. And gimping attempts lead to reacting to them properly.

I wish more people liked Snake dittos in my region. No one else does but me. Fatal plays me in them, but he hates them and probably only does it cuz he's the only Snake around here that beats me. MikeRay or Cawesome don't like to Snake ditto me, and no one else is good with Snake around here xd. You ever play spikefest Snake dittos? They're soooooo fun. It's basically just go for the spike always over the edge.

Edit: Commonly, Dsmash happens during failed Snake dashes. It happens to me occasionally if I get lazy with a Snakedash and try to just do it too fast.
Aug 6, 2008
BPG = Boost Pivot Grab. Might have heard of it being called Reverse Boost Pivot Grab, but that was sort of stupid to call it that. Pivot sort of already tells you are turning around.

I've not played in like a month against any human players. I refuse to play heavily until I can actually get some offline exp. for once in my life >_>

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
*starts MGS3 for the 2nd time* Amazing how much time is spend listening to the cutscenes and all the radio talk. 13 hours to get through the game the first time. Now that I am skipping all the cutscenes and speeding through the text it goes like 10 times faster. I feel like I am already 1/3 of the way through the game and I've only played for like an hour 0.o
My first time took about 8 hours.

Yup. Skipping them makes playthroughs much faster. My Foxhound save has 3 hours and 45 minutes. The WR Foxhound run is precisely 1:25:54 O_O.

Be thankful you can skip them. I know other games whose replay value was hurt because their cut scenes were unskippable(looks at Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts)
Aug 6, 2008
My first time took about 8 hours.

Yup. Skipping them makes playthroughs much faster. My Foxhound save has 3 hours and 45 minutes. The WR Foxhound run is precisely 1:25:54 O_O.

Be thankful you can skip them. I know other games whose replay value was hurt because their cut scenes were unskippable(looks at Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts)
That is why I typically skip games here and there.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I brought M2K to last stock on RC. /highlight of tournament (hehehe. <3 you M2K)

I tanked to 287% vs Tyrant /second highlight of tournament (I had people watching me because I was teching EVERYTHING. I don't get stage spiked <3)

JonT outplaced me because FOW suicided. /****ing pissed off (I only went to outplace JonT....)

My friend Dao got 9th <3

Larry vs Sk92 was ****ing AMAZING. Falco dittos, Larry 2 stocked. I was watching Havok vs M2K though, so I didn't see much after that.

Havok vs M2K was pretty good, Havok's pretty legit now. I totally underrated him (He 2-0'd me in pools. Only person to beat me in pools....)

I met a lot of people, lost to Sk92 in a $1 mm (Ok...he *****. <3 Haha..)
Immediately after, I lost to FOW (yeah! my 2nd match of the day. Sk was my first.... lost another dollar....)

FOW is legit. Oo
Sk92 was shocking. He plays soooo fast....
(I got 2-0'd both times. lol)

I got to meat Dojo and UTD Zach from Texas. UTD still trying to convince me the matchup isn't in Snake's favor. (He beat me on my RC CP. I beat him on his BF CP? WTF?.... anyways..)

Bwett (some Diddy) learned that Diddy+Bananas vs Ganon = don't do (I'm kidding, but I'll upload the replay later. xD)

We had some matches recorded, I don't think we had many. If I pressed record I could have had mine and M2K's recorded. :( ..... (We were going to play on a custom stage, but it was HUGE so we quit. lol.... he's a funny guy. Gave me the BEST LOOK EVER when I CP'd RC against him.

"WTF... dude... you know I'm M2K... right?... RC?... Snake? Are you stupid?"
That's what his look implied.


Dojo is really ****ing legit, he knows the Snake matchup sooooooo well. (My Sheik did better, and if it weren't for a 30% gimp I might have won that match xD) ****. Texas *****. lol

I beat Lazee/Lazy who's been trying to tell me Snake doesn't have the advantage on Diddy. I 2-0'd him.....
I have no idea who Fluxus is....
Saske was.... no idea who he is either...
Valdens is some G&W... barely beat me on RC <_< (his CP) which... man... :/ I then beat him on Yoshi's Island.

Ally taught me how to camp, and he was DEPRESSED when he lost. He looked so miserable. :( I felt bad for him.. then his matches vs Larry... I should've given him the advice (are there any Falco's in Canada.. or outside of WC really?) but I felt giving him advice.. when he's.... better then me <_< would have been taken the wrong way or something..

Larry is waay legit... I still didn't get to play him. :/ Sad about that.... I'll do my best next tourney I see him at. (I was focusing more on OoS's and stuff then locals)

In case people name search or something or someone shows them this. Here's some shoutouts:

FOW - ... WHY CAN'T I PUNISH YOUR AERIALS V_V.....Great Ness man....
Sk92 - ... Nevada is legit... seriously... <_< I can't say 60-40 Snake-Falco anymore. T_T..... (I'll get you next time. :3)
OGV? - Legit as **** Captain Falcon from Nevada. He was in pools with me and dayyumm... keep up the good work man
M2K - Seriously man. It was fun to finally meet you and play against you. But learn how to shake a hand? You let me do all the work in the shake. Hahaha.
Ally - <3 you sooo much for the help vs MK dude... I'll be practicing a lot of what you told me. I wish it was easier to break habits... you helped me out soooooo much vs M2K and Tyrant though. You don't even know... I went from 2-3 stocks to bringing them down to last stock. I hope to be able to hang out with you more if you ever visit the WC.
Haze - Good **** taking 2nd man!
Havok - Dude.... when did you get the time to get so ****? Haha. We need to play more.
MoJoe - Good **** man, you and your brother.
UTD - Texas. **** yeah. :) Haha. Glad to meet you.
Dojo - .................:'( Hylians going to laugh at me because of you....
I am very pl eased with this post

You seem like you did really well, good job susa

and tehe at you losing to sk92 and larry beating ally. 6/4? I tink not ;)


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Ally was doing stupid **** vs Larry. Like not dropping a grenade where Larry would side-B. So Larry would side-B... and not go boom..... he was failing at covering his options.

And SK's out of my league as a player. Haha. I shouldn't be getting grabbed more then once a game without having a grenade near me.


Smash Champion
Dec 14, 2006
reseda CA
Ally was doing stupid **** vs Larry. Like not dropping a grenade where Larry would side-B. So Larry would side-B... and not go boom..... he was failing at covering his options.

And SK's out of my league as a player. Haha. I shouldn't be getting grabbed more then once a game without having a grenade near me.
Side b can go through a grenade without falco getting damage from even if it explodes as long as you space the side b correctly

that's why falco snake is even :3


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2008
Fullerton, CA
yeah unless you know the exact points falco travels during phantasm. i believe it is 2 excluding intial frames ( one in the middle and one at the end) and place a nade there falco is safe. Come on Susa u nub. u should know these things. hey im gonna own u and dao this weekend PREPARE YOURSELF.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2009
BTW, SuSa, it cool meeting you over there. You gotta work on your olimar matchup experience haha. I think you were more frustrated than anything and that's why it was so hard for you.
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