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Purple Black

Smash Rookie
Mar 16, 2008
I've been practing the down throw nana fair chains(very easy BTW) and i got tired of restarting percentages so I started doing something like this after the fair chain:

down throw to the short, fast dash attack (hit left/right on the analog stick and down on the C-Stick) allowing me for another grab. What my questions are, "Can the opponent DI out of this at a certain percentage? If so, what percent? Is weight a factor here (usually always is lol)? My last question...Is is viable? Or is the alternating grab much more useful

I'm sorry that i may appear lazy, but the truth is that I am. Add the laziness factor with the fact that I have no human opponents available ATM and you get this thread. No DI for me

Thx for the help
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