On my part, I think you're probably fine. When I play against friends, they tend to complain, too. A lot of people just have to vent their frustration when dealing with playstyles and strategies they struggle with. One guy I know doesn't like that I play sword characters. He plays very defensively and likes to stay back and punish aggression, so characters that don't have to approach get on his nerves.
I guess the thing I would recommend is to try to work with your friends on counterplay. Try to help them understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. Then help them to find ways to deal with it. You'll then have to find strategies against their answers. Hopefully that will make both you and your friends better players. Of course, that depends on your friends being interested in improving. If they just don't want to deal with stuff, then that's another story. there's not much you can do in that case short of playing another character or crippling your options by not using your character's strengths. I know I'm a more serious player than most of my friends, so I don't usually pull out my main when playing against them. It's more fun for them that way and it's more of a challenge for me, so it's a win-win.
Not that you have to do the same, that's just what works for my situation.