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Project M Social Thread Gold


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Not to say Classic Sanic is perfect. Those games have their flaws too.

That being said, I seriously dont expect FF7 and CT to lose to their opponents.

The games are too popular lol.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Jul 5, 2010
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
One hour into editing the CSS. "Maybe adding 30+ flairs to the subreddit isn't a good idea."
Thanks brain.
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Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
I voted FF7 over FF6.

As great of a game as it is, FF6 isn't built very solidly. Some of the glitches were fun, but there didn't seem to be any consideration towards balance or challenge. Yeah there are ways to abuse the systems in most of the games, but FF6's characters and esper / relic system practically begs it. You can very easily set up Terra so she's dual-wielding Excalibur and Ragnarok, dualcasting Ultima, summoning Bahamut, choosing stat bonuses when she gains a level, and having Trance on top that. Edgar wiping out random encounters and Sabin bum-rushing everything else was also pretty ridiculous.

I guess at the time, people didn't really care about all that, and it's still a great game outside of that issue. But for me, coming off FF4, where a group of Flamehounds or Dark Sages could easily one shot your party and you had to pull out all the stops to survive, I was kinda disappointed at times with how easy 6 was. 7 definitely gave me way more speedbumps, especially with the party count down to three, and it's a pretty damn good game, fanboys aside.
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Nov 26, 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Calc exam tomorrow on series and sequences. I've got a few hours before the exam to study but I at least have a better understanding of Taylor series now. Unfortunately, the exam will be mostly if not entirely multiple choice. I cannot earn any credit based off of work I do because of that. :( The quiz is 70 or 80 pts and I have a 74.5% in the class with 70% being passing. Feeling kind of stressed because of how easy it would be for me to end up having to retake the course.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2014
Calc exam tomorrow on series and sequences. I've got a few hours before the exam to study but I at least have a better understanding of Taylor series now. Unfortunately, the exam will be mostly if not entirely multiple choice. I cannot earn any credit based off of work I do because of that. :( The quiz is 70 or 80 pts and I have a 74.5% in the class with 70% being passing. Feeling kind of stressed because of how easy it would be for me to end up having to retake the course.
Taylor series can ********* my ************************************* I barely got the required mark in Calc II in first year.

Third year actuarial science student and I still don't know how those stupid things work.

Multiple choice is super whack though, that's really really weird for a Calculus course. In my experience Calc courses are typically more long answer.

Best of luck on that!


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
FF2, ugh. Even outside the leveling system, there's nothing more that annoys me in a game than exploring through a tough dungeon, finding a door, entering it, only to find the room is completely empty. No chest, no healing spot, not even a trap. And there's empty rooms everywhere in that freaking game, solely put there to waste your time. It's very lazy and makes dungeon-crawling tedious as hell.

FF1 is great but 3 is better.
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Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
politics final at 9:45 and cant sleep

also ff6 is a better game than ff7 solely because of this


Smash Master
Oct 2, 2013
Kalispell, MT
1 is classic but **** it didnt age well.

PSP remake and GBA remake are dope though

FF2 is my forbidden love. I'm not allowed to love it as a fan of the series but **** I LOVE THE LEVELING MECHANICS
Dawn of Souls was pretty good, which was the one I was referring to. I and II are both broken pieces of trash, but I love them.

FF2, ugh. Even outside the leveling system, there's nothing more that annoys me in a game than exploring through a tough dungeon, finding a door, entering it, only to find the room is completely empty. No chest, no healing spot, not even a trap. And there's empty rooms everywhere in that freaking game, solely put there to waste your time. It's very lazy and makes dungeon-crawling tedious as hell.

FF1 is great but 3 is better.
Dreadnought was *****. Can't stand that trash. Poison is brutal. That game was absolutely unforgiving if you decide to go an inch off the main trail. "Oh, neat, the first town. Guess I'll do some leveling and oh great Werewolves and Mantises".

**** Cloud in Sm4sh. Give me the Warrior of Light. I want magic. It had to be Cloud because of course it had to be ****ing Cloud.
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Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
drank a lot today

why do people like alcohol its awful

still not drunk tho cuz i aint a lil ***** like half you nerds :^)


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Nothing holds a candle to FF8's ridiculous exploitability tho.
tfw you become end-game after grinding for 1 hour before the SeeD exam and spam limit breaks for the rest of the game.

Also 1 is fun, the dungeon crawling element of that game is something that they've never quite emulated afterwards, mainly due to the really limited resources (sans Heal/Pure pots, and spell items which kinda break the game imo) that are available like really low mp charges, saving being limited to inns and tents on the overworld, no phoenix downs and life only working outside of battle. Then you get stuff like hoards of large encounters which are difficult to run away from because of the flee bug, and when combined with the limited healing you get and extremely limited opportunities to save, it really gives you the sense of having an artificial time limit on completing the dungeon and managing your resources well.

The classes also feel like they have really really significant drawbacks to them, except for Fighter and early game RM, gives the classes a lot of flavour I think and makes you consider your overall comp, shame that Nin and BW are basically redundant because of the crit and int bugs though. Overall, I think 3 is just a more refined and far less buggy version of 1, but 1 definitely has its perks over 3 and the dungeon crawling is a lot better.

I'm not really a fan of DoS at all, I think it just ruins everything that made 1 a good game and it feels like babby's FF1. MP+gil may as well be infinite and you can save anywhere that you freaking want to including mid dungeon, the enemies are easy, all the classes are broken and feel really normalized late game when you can get any class with max HP, max hit%, insanely strong physical weapons and spell items that have the best spells in the game (lol?). I'd imagine a DoS hard-type patch would be interesting though, kinda like an Origins-style remake that's much more faithful to the original but with DoS' bonus content, polish and bug fixes.
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Deleted member

back in 2012, on my FF6 cartridge, I accidently erased my file which had everyone grinded to level 99, essentially everything unlocked before kefka's tower, and shadow not dead

this file prior to that was around since 1999, my dad previously played on it casually before I started doing **** in 2009 with it

all of these posts triggered my PTSD


Smash Ace
May 14, 2014
Finland, Turku
I have trouble finishing rpgs. And I don't mean leaving midway, just quitting right before the end. At least DQ7 and FF6 I played like a madman for days, reached the final dungeon and have never touched those save files since.


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
I voted FF7 over FF6.

As great of a game as it is, FF6 isn't built very solidly. Some of the glitches were fun, but there didn't seem to be any consideration towards balance or challenge. Yeah there are ways to abuse the systems in most of the games, but FF6's characters and esper / relic system practically begs it. You can very easily set up Terra so she's dual-wielding Excalibur and Ragnarok, dualcasting Ultima, summoning Bahamut, choosing stat bonuses when she gains a level, and having Trance on top that. Edgar wiping out random encounters and Sabin bum-rushing everything else was also pretty ridiculous.

I guess at the time, people didn't really care about all that, and it's still a great game outside of that issue. But for me, coming off FF4, where a group of Flamehounds or Dark Sages could easily one shot your party and you had to pull out all the stops to survive, I was kinda disappointed at times with how easy 6 was. 7 definitely gave me way more speedbumps, especially with the party count down to three, and it's a pretty damn good game, fanboys aside.
Knights of the round linked to mp absorb and hp absorb then mime materias, tho.
Calc exam tomorrow on series and sequences. I've got a few hours before the exam to study but I at least have a better understanding of Taylor series now. Unfortunately, the exam will be mostly if not entirely multiple choice. I cannot earn any credit based off of work I do because of that. :( The quiz is 70 or 80 pts and I have a 74.5% in the class with 70% being passing. Feeling kind of stressed because of how easy it would be for me to end up having to retake the course.
Good luck, man ;x I just forcedu way through it ;x I don't remember anything about that ****, either ;x


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2015
Calc exam tomorrow on series and sequences. I've got a few hours before the exam to study but I at least have a better understanding of Taylor series now. Unfortunately, the exam will be mostly if not entirely multiple choice. I cannot earn any credit based off of work I do because of that. :( The quiz is 70 or 80 pts and I have a 74.5% in the class with 70% being passing. Feeling kind of stressed because of how easy it would be for me to end up having to retake the course.
Multiple choice on a calc II exam? That sounds awful, jeez. I wish you the best of luck


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
My favorite Final Fantasy game will irrefutably be FF5. Nothing will top that.

The polished class system, excellent post-game content if you're playing any of the updated posts, and just...everything about 5 is so god damn good. GO PLAY IT.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2011
My first experience with Final Fantasy was with Legend II, so I was confused for a while.
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