My wave dashing on falco is incredibly short range and right now doesn't seem worth doing too much but working on it still. Probably just messing it up lol.
I need to get out the habit of relying on the my C stick to just constantly smash and need to try work on some reasonable combos.
First of, Falco is one of the harder characters to wavedash with because he gets off the ground so slow when jumping (frame 6 I think), so don't worry about it. I have trouble wavedashing with Falco and I've played this game competitively since 2008. Some characters are very easy to wavedash with like Luigi, other ones are much trickier like Bowser.
Secondly, whenever you are on the forums you'll be bumping into these people who said they learned everything in 15 minutes or so. Trust me, even if they did, they are in the minority (imo). Implementing wavedash to your game is a wholly different thing than learning the input (not to mention the timing is different for every character), basically everything technical you do has to come automatically and to do anything consistently (under pressure etc.) it takes at least tens of thousands of attempts. Needless to say, nobody can do tens of thousands of inputs in a span of 15 minutes, so ignore people who say things like that, they are merely trying to boast. Keep in mind, even top players mess up with their tech skill from time to time. For me, even after all these years I'm still getting better at wavedashing, l-canceling and short-hopping, so I'm still learning. It took me long time before I started learning to l-canceling when I hit my opponents shield for example.
Just aim for consistency and practice like a ************, you'll never be perfect but with practice you'll be hella consistent. This game is HARD