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Possibly New and easy de-sync...?!?!


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2008
Ok, I saved a replay of a de-sync that happens to me alot, but i cannot figure out a definitive way to make it work, but sometimes when i try it works like a piece of cake. If someone could tell me how to get my replay from my wii to my computer i'd just upload it, but until then i'll make a quick description. Also, i found out on smashville, you can drop down from the edge and jump to the middle, and delay yourself to the opposite edge. It's useless because Nana dies in the process, but i think it shows that the Ice Climbers have the best non-gliding recovery.

The De-Sync: Quick and Brief cause I don't know a perfect method, and its simple when it happens!

Dash towards the edge of a level or ground, it has to be a ledge you can grab onto, so platforms don't work.
At the very last moment possible, pivot back to the center of the stage. If done at the right time, the main IC will run to the center of the stage but the other one will edge hog, then just attack and the other one rolls onto the stage and you are done.
Thus, you are de-synced and also edge hogging which seems very positive for you.

The edge hogging part is just a plus, so you can edge hog and edge guard at the same time!!!!

If this isn't new just tell me, but i haven't seen this posted yet, i also haven't looked through EVERY topic. But, please i know there is a way to get replays onto you computer from the wii, please tell me when you see this. I hope this helps!!

Worse comes to worse, the main IC expert can give me their Wii Code, and i can send the replay and they can see what i am talking about!


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2008
does anyone have any responses, or any idea how to transfer replays, any comments would be appreciated, even if it tells me how lame or old this de sync is!
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