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Possible Newcomers

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Smash Rookie
Aug 9, 2014
Hello smash community!
Churdizard 'ere this is my first thread on Smashboards and I'd like to discuss about possible newcomers for Super Smash Bros. 4, although the game is reaching the end of development I think still think Mr.Sakurai has some tricks up his sleeves to throw us off!
Yeah the roster is pretty huge as it is but with a couple months till release I'm sure at least one more newcomer will be announced to make us flip our **** just one more time!
So here is my list of characters I think have a chance of getting into the ever closing window of the SSB4 roster...
First off, I guarantee the original 12 will be included so I wont go into detail.
Also most brawl characters will be included too so don't worry...
-Mewtwo: Honestly I think Mewtwo is guaranteed, Nintendo will most likely announce him last to squeeze out as much hype as they can before release. And since Mewtwo and Charizard are the only Pokémon to have two Mega forms his chances of being included are 99.99%.

-Sceptile: Yes another Pokémon... but let me explain, with the upcoming release of Pokémon OR/AS in November his inclusion in smash would build even more hype for SSB4 and Pkmn OR/AS.
Just think about it, you've got Greninja for water starter Charizard for a fire starter and no grass starter?
Lets see here... new Hoenn remake, a Mega evolution for Sceptile and no grass starter yet... hmm...
Sceptile might actually have a chance unless Jiggilypuff takes the slot...

-Rick Taylor: Really? Splatterhouse? Well it's not so far fetched if you think about it...
Yeah I know this prediction is pretty out there but if Namco's hand Is going to be in smash then Pac Man alone wont cut it, they'll need more Namco representatives than that and my vote is Rick-o...

-Wreck-It Ralph: Makes perfect sense to me, the movie itself was meant to bring video games together much like smash bros does. Plenty of video game characters were referenced in the movie such as Bowser, Sonic the Hedgehog, M. Byson etc. And technically Ralph was a video game character first! Yeah, the arcade game 'Fix It Felix Jr.' was released a while before the movie was. We all love Ralph and id say he's more than eligible for SBB4...

-Maxwell: The Scribblenauts series has been around for a while and has had multiple installments on the NDS, 3DS and Wii U. The main protagonist of Scribblenauts Maxwell solves problems by writing in his magic notebook to create anything to get the job done... Seeing him in SSB4 might be pushing it but you never know...

-Hawlucha: Why not another Pokémon? Well if Jiggilypuff or Sceptile don't show up then my next guess would be Hawlucha, It's still relevant being a 6th gen Pokémon and he is a Flying/Fighting type so he could be like an opposite of Little Mac whereas it would be great in the air and horrible on the ground but be very fast and powerful.

The SSB4 roster is getting full as it is with 10 newcomers so far I only think there's room for one or two more.
I only included characters I think actually have a good chance, it's a smaller list but the chances of getting another newcomer this late in development is small too...
This is my first thread so please tell me if I did something wrong,
anyways let me know what you guys think about my list and who you think could make the cut before October!
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Smash Cadet
Aug 23, 2014
Tbh, and this is coming from a long time supporter of the pokemon franchise, we already have more than enough pokemon in this game (my opinion, but anymore seems to be overdoing it much like Mario having 7 rep's if the leak proves to be true). Now if we were to get another pokemon, it would be Mewtwo.

The remaining list appears too far'fetched when there are so many more likely and more important representatives available (from franchises that already have made a historical impact on Nintendo's fan base).

If these are characters you personally would enjoy than by all means in the offbeat chance they do appear, I'm happy for you that you got characters you desire and can play them. But I just want to state that these appear rather unlikely, so don't get your hopes up too much : /


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2013
I genuinely don't see SSB4 getting more than five Pokemon. Yes, as some will point out, that's 'less' than Brawl, but even all the Brawl 'mons were still condensed into four slots. It's a tricky one because Pokemon is such a huge franchise, but I think the dev team will be working hard not to tip the balance towards Pokemon characters too much. Characters we've seen + Jigglypuff, that's my call.
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