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Possible Banned Characters in Brawl?

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Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2007
I know some games sometimes have a character that is just considered too unfair when compared to the rest of the characters to be allowed in professional/tournament play.

There haven't been any yet, but do you think there could be a character in Brawl like this? This is basically a rhetorical question since we know very little about all the characters (both seen and unseen). It's merely a question for discussion.

I personally think that Nintendo is very stable when it comes to character balance. There may be a few guys who aren't nearly as powerful overall (Pichu) but there's really no one character that just has a ridiculously unfair advantage over everyone else.


Smash Lord
Mar 2, 2007
I personally think that Nintendo is very stable when it comes to character balance. There may be a few guys who aren't nearly as powerful overall (Pichu) but there's really no one character that just has a ridiculously unfair advantage over everyone else.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2005
what are you talking about. ice climbers!

actually some moves and tactics would most likely get banned. lets hope that nintendo knows to how to play it safe.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2007
I knew someone was going to point that out. Fox may have the shine, but it's not impossible to overcome. Many characters have unpredictable recoveries to outsmart a possible Gimp, and alot of higher-tier characters are basically immune to wave-shining. Just don't get trapped in that corner.

I should probably give an example: During the days of Soul Calibur II tournie play, Necrid was a banned character because his overall recovery time was alot faster than any other character, which made him very hard to combo and keep off guard.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2007
Burbank, CA
yea i know what u mean, when me and my friends played early in the noob days we banned marth because he was cheap. but i dont think there will be a banned character in brawl. because there's always strategies to get around stuff


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
yea i know what u mean, when me and my friends played early in the noob days we banned marth because we were, as I mention before, noobs.

As long as one or two characters aren't freakishly more special than the rest of the cast I dont really see the point in banning anyone. The only thing that's banned in competitve play are items, certain stages, and the Ice Climber's Wobbling technique. Fox isn't banned, although he is arguably the best character, because there are so many characters of just about the same calibur to play against him.

I say it's Falco though. >_>


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2007
Bangor, Maine
With Brawl I think Nintendo can see that competitive play matters. No doubt their own internal testing will help balance things.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
The only time characters get banned are when they are HEAVILY overpowered, a la Necrid from soul calibur 2 or Akuma in Super Turbo Street Fighter.

In smash it all comes down to skill in the end, tiers matter more the closer you are in skill to your opponent, hence why at the TOP level of play, the low and bottom tiers are never seen winning the tourneys, however a good low tier user can still beat the crap out of a fox of lesser skill, or even equal skill if he outthinks the fox.

I think fox is ''balanced'' in melee in the sense that he is a fast faller. This leads to his insane combo speed, but it also makes him combo meat for virtually any character in the game.

Most 0-death combos in melee happen to fox and falco due to their fastfalling..


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Omg I used that Fox in one of my old sigs haha!

By feiled at 2007-07-06

But I think there will be balance enough for no banned characters.



Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
If a tournament had banned characters, in SMASH, I just wouldnt attend the tournament. Unless of course the character was exceptionally broken to the point where a n00b could beat a pro just by picking him, though that will never happen in competitive smash. Quite the opposite, the pro will beat the noobs fox with pichu without breaking a sweat.

I highly doubt any characters will be banned.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
If a tournament had banned characters, in SMASH, I just wouldnt attend the tournament. Unless of course the character was exceptionally broken to the point where a n00b could beat a pro just by picking him, though that will never happen in competitive smash. Quite the opposite, the pro will beat the noobs fox with pichu without breaking a sweat.

I highly doubt any characters will be banned.
And that's all there is to say, and all that ever needs to be said.

The man knows what he's on about people. :laugh:


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Only idiots complain they lost because they faced a better character.
Hehe, awhile back I wrote this

''Fox's up-smash isn't the reason you lose. The reason you lose is because you SUCK and need to practice more.''

I think it applies here ^_^

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Lol TC I could swear that you wanted to say "Metaknight" in your first post >___>

Regardless I hope a character(s) don't have to be banned, but if they truly are broken; banning them might be the only option.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
What the hell?

Arhg, I thought I unsubed to this thread.

Why does this keep happening with these things...

*Unsubs, AGAIN*


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2007
Again, I agree that Nintendo is very good at making the game even, but one must realize that these freakishly overpowered characters aren't usually made that way on purpose. It's usually some unforeseen technique or ability that someone eventually discovers that makes them that way.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see to be absolutely sure. And I'm guessing if there is anything ridiculously unfair, it'll be some technique (aka Wobbling).


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2007
the Nintendo said that will try to balance the powers in brawl, só i don't think we will have problems and have to ban some chars


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2007
Apparently, in North America, Fox was really strong!

Over here he's rather, well, normal.
not just in north america, here in south america (brazil) the best player is a fox player, and he won the last 13 oficial tournements that he got in


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
Again, I agree that Nintendo is very good at making the game even, but one must realize that these freakishly overpowered characters aren't usually made that way on purpose. It's usually some unforeseen technique or ability that someone eventually discovers that makes them that way.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see to be absolutely sure. And I'm guessing if there is anything ridiculously unfair, it'll be some technique (aka Wobbling).
Don't get grabbed. Anyways, I highly doubt there's going to be banned characters in Smash. Sakurai has his "balance in mind" mindset. From the looks of it, SSBB can be the most balanced of the series, as I have stated before. I've heard from people that Pit and Metaknight look like broken characters, but I think their weaknesses will keep them in check. For example, Metaknight's going to be a light character and have relatively weak attacks. Sakurai has other weaknesses for Metaknight that I don't want to think up of right now. I think Brawl's in safe hands.:)


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2006
Someplace in Canada
I highly doubt that any character in Brawl will be broken to that extent. We would have to find a powerful exploit that is relatively easy to do and has no good way of being countered by any of the 40+ other characters.


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2007
Leeds, UK
Brawl will be a lot more balanced than melee, it's already been said by a Nintendo spokesman. I imagine Brawl will be just fine for tournaments, unlike melee. Melee has never been fit for tournys, which is why I don't bother learning to play at tournament level, but I might do for Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
Brawl will be a lot more balanced than melee, it's already been said by a Nintendo spokesman. I imagine Brawl will be just fine for tournaments, unlike melee. Melee has never been fit for tournys, which is why I don't bother learning to play at tournament level, but I might do for Brawl.
Melee does a good job being fit for the tournament level and casual level. I believe Brawl will do even better, though.


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2007
Leeds, UK
Melee does a good job being fit for the tournament level and casual level. I believe Brawl will do even better, though.
The reason I say it's unfit, is that too much stuff needs to be taken out of the game in order to make it viable for tournament play. Also, some characters simply can't win in top-level matches. Melee is designed to be a casual game, and I shall treat it as such. If I want to play a fighting game in a tournament, I'll play something like Guilty Gear or Street Fighter.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
The reason I say it's unfit, is that too much stuff needs to be taken out of the game in order to make it viable for tournament play. Also, some characters simply can't win in top-level matches. Melee is designed to be a casual game, and I shall treat it as such. If I want to play a fighting game in a tournament, I'll play something like Guilty Gear or Street Fighter.
The advanced techniques help for tournaments and skill is the determining factor of the match. However, if you want to treat it as a casual game, fine. Just know that I have fun playing competitively.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 7, 2007
nothing should be banned from the game!! why would it be??? if u are good, u can take on everything, plus, all characters are very balanced, so no need to worry

but seriously, nothin should be banned, i still dont get why almost everyone complains about smash balls in tournaments, if u were that good, u wouldnt care, not even items should be off, if someone is good, he can win in every condition

and no, im not just talkin because, i AM good, i do win tournaments, and i can win in every situation, every tournament i went was no items, final destination... WTF???? wheres the fun in that??? everyone can play like that! true smashers, REAL players can play anywhere, with any item, in any conditions

what i had to do was make my own tournaments, with different rules every time. to start with, people always play with lives, but why not timed matches??? that way u cant just run away, u have to fight if u wanna win!! plus theres the sudden death! sudden death is great, but because almost everyone plays lives matches, i barely get a sd anymore

no items??? hell no!!! items ON, and EVERY item, and whats that sh*t of selecting the stage?? nooo! random!!!

and oh boy, were those tournaments enlightening (im not sure if thats spelled correctly XD) there were quite some so-called good players, but when we changed the rules a bit, they just didnt know what to do, they didnt stand a chance, cause they are used to the same safe stuff, as appereantly, most people here. buuuut, the really good ones, where good in every stage, with or without items

for gods sake, we even did a random character tournament!!!! that was only for pretty **** good smashers, cause u had to know at least a bit of every char, and it was fun as hell

soo, learn to play in every conditiooon!!!

oh, and someone said somethin about pichu being weak... well, im not good with her (or him, i dont know what the hell that is) but i do know a pichu user that would make u change ur mind XD


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
nothing should be banned from the game!! why would it be??? if u are good, u can take on everything, plus, all characters are very balanced, so no need to worry

but seriously, nothin should be banned, i still dont get why almost everyone complains about smash balls in tournaments, if u were that good, u wouldnt care, not even items should be off, if someone is good, he can win in every condition

and no, im not just talkin because, i AM good, i do win tournaments, and i can win in every situation, every tournament i went was no items, final destination... WTF???? wheres the fun in that??? everyone can play like that! true smashers, REAL players can play anywhere, with any item, in any conditions

what i had to do was make my own tournaments, with different rules every time. to start with, people always play with lives, but why not timed matches??? that way u cant just run away, u have to fight if u wanna win!! plus theres the sudden death! sudden death is great, but because almost everyone plays lives matches, i barely get a sd anymore

no items??? hell no!!! items ON, and EVERY item, and whats that sh*t of selecting the stage?? nooo! random!!!

and oh boy, were those tournaments enlightening (im not sure if thats spelled correctly XD) there were quite some so-called good players, but when we changed the rules a bit, they just didnt know what to do, they didnt stand a chance, cause they are used to the same safe stuff, as appereantly, most people here. buuuut, the really good ones, where good in every stage, with or without items

for gods sake, we even did a random character tournament!!!! that was only for pretty **** good smashers, cause u had to know at least a bit of every char, and it was fun as hell

soo, learn to play in every conditiooon!!!

oh, and someone said somethin about pichu being weak... well, im not good with her (or him, i dont know what the hell that is) but i do know a pichu user that would make u change ur mind XD
Pichu's still garbage no matter how good you are with him. Don't make this into another items debate. I've had enough of those.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2007
I have to agree that Pichu is garbage, but who knows, maybe in Brawl he/she'll be the new Fox?!


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Honestly, I think Meta will be banned. He seems way too godly..
Erm, they'll give him a weakness, or power up all the other characters to compensate.

The only thing that would result in him being banned is that an exploit is discovered that overpowers him.

Bottom line: We certainly won't be able to tell at least till we play the game, and even then it would be a while before the juicy oversights and hidden techniques come out.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Like what? How are they supposed to weaken him. Hes a fast swordsman, he glides, he has a single-spot crowd breaker if hes being ganged (team battles) 2 recover moves, a reflect.

Like a swordbeam from his sword matters eh?
I don't know, stuff like making him easy to knock out and/or combo, a poor wavedash, poor knockback, specials take a while to come out, lack of workable combos, need I go on?

Or, as I said, if they don't give him major weaknesses, give the other characters equal strength., the other characters can easily have minor edits to greatly increase their effective power.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2007
For all we know, come release date half those moves could be tweaked/nerfed/or removed alltogether.

And just cuz he has a reflect doesn't mean it's going to be the shine. What if after he uses it, his shield breaks and hes jetted out of bounds and instantly loses 2 stocks?

Like people have stated before, Nintendo is really good and have said that Brawl will be extremely balanced character-wise. I doubt they'd come out with a statement like that and then throw a heavily overpowered Metaknight in there...although I plan on maining him no matter how good/bad he is.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
Ice Climbers: 1) One of them can do the regular shield while the other one can use that Bigger shield that is faded ( Don't know the name for that ind of shielding), But anyway i seen some people do it at at my school and it looks pretty annoying

2) When it comes to garbing them it's just plain unfair since their is two of them

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
I don't know, stuff like making him easy to knock out and/or combo, a poor wavedash, poor knockback, specials take a while to come out, lack of workable combos, need I go on?

Or, as I said, if they don't give him major weaknesses, give the other characters equal strength., the other characters can easily have minor edits to greatly increase their effective power.
1. That if the havok physics allow wavedashing
2. He'll probably have poor knockback
3. And he looks quite light, a hefty kick in the face from Ganondorf will be sure to kill him :)


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
I really don't think there will be any banned characters in Brawl or should be. If it's not balanced perfectly there still won't be any massively broken characters that can't be countered.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
nothing should be banned from the game!! why would it be??? if u are good, u can take on everything, plus, all characters are very balanced, so no need to worry
Que? The characters are definatly not on an equal level. Whilst for newbies the tier list doesnt really matter and n00b ganondorf is just as good as n00b falco (probably better, actually) At the top level of play, ie : tournament play the tier list exists for a reason

I forgot though, tires don exits.. ;)

but seriously, nothin should be banned, i still dont get why almost everyone complains about smash balls in tournaments, if u were that good, u wouldnt care, not even items should be off, if someone is good, he can win in every condition
Smash balls are an automatic way to rack up huge damage or kill someone, sakurai himself said it was like a personalised hammer. Killing someone by picking up a floating orb, then basically letting your B.A.C.O.N do the work for you displays no skill whatsoever, and therefore there should be no final smash usage in competitive play.

and no, im not just talkin because, i AM good, i do win tournaments, and i can win in every situation, every tournament i went was no items, final destination... WTF???? wheres the fun in that??? everyone can play like that! true smashers, REAL players can play anywhere, with any item, in any conditions
Really? Results thread and vids plz or it didn't happen.

no items, final destination
Im tired of this ****ing streotype. It's a bunch of bull and you know it. FD only is good for like... Falco mains..

FD isnt everyones favorite stage, contrary to popular belief. Especially if you don't play space animals.

Personally I like green greens... :)

what i had to do was make my own tournaments, with different rules every time. to start with, people always play with lives, but why not timed matches??? that way u cant just run away, u have to fight if u wanna win!! plus theres the sudden death! sudden death is great, but because almost everyone plays lives matches, i barely get a sd anymore
Now you're getting the idea! Host your own tournments, make your own rules! compete with people who WANT to compete in your tournaments

But do NOT expect your style of tournament to become standard. Melee's competitive smashers have grown accustomed to a good set of fair balanced rules and I doubt many of us want to SUDDENLY turn on items, play on ******** stages where you can walk to the border of the screen, and basically change everything we've held sacred since the competitive scene decided to get rid of items. Which was a LONG time ago.

no items??? hell no!!! items ON, and EVERY item, and whats that sh*t of selecting the stage?? nooo! random!!!

and oh boy, were those tournaments enlightening (im not sure if thats spelled correctly XD) there were quite some so-called good players, but when we changed the rules a bit, they just didnt know what to do, they didnt stand a chance, cause they are used to the same safe stuff, as appereantly, most people here. buuuut, the really good ones, where good in every stage, with or without items
Sounds like fun, I would definatly enter one of these tournaments to see how Id do, but I sure as hell wouldn't put my money on the line if hammers and exploding crates were falling every 3 seconds on infinate mountain.

Its random, its not a true demonstration of skill ie: the mastery over the moveset of your character of choice, and your ability to outthink your opponent and subdue him, so Its basically like playing the lottery, and I don't gamble. I enter tournaments and put money in because I know I have a fair chance of winning so long as I use skill to do so. Not a legendary pokemon and a ****load of luck.

for gods sake, we even did a random character tournament!!!! that was only for pretty **** good smashers, cause u had to know at least a bit of every char, and it was fun as hell
Random char tourneys are fun. I agree that a big part of becoming a master of this game is learning the ins and outs of EVERY character and being able to play all of them. Whilst you may only be REALLY good with 3-4 characters, you should know how to play all of them, it teaches you in turn how to fight all the characters.

soo, learn to play in every conditiooon!!!
Please don't preach so much, it's just going to get you flamed by tournament players with shorter tempers than mine. And I'm known for my explosive temper about the competitive scene and how it relates to brawl. :laugh:

oh, and someone said somethin about pichu being weak... well, im not good with her (or him, i dont know what the hell that is) but i do know a pichu user that would make u change ur mind XD
Whoever he is, if he isn't chudat, Chudat's pichu is better. But pichu still blows compared to the rest of the cast.

The way I see it, you might aswell play pikachu, who I believe can be heavily underrated by most smashers and is quite formidable once you learn to PWN with him

All in all you raise some good points that I agree with, but I cannot stress this enough :

Do not expect YOUR rules to become STANDARD rules. If you wish to host your own tournaments, or organize with people on smashboards who share the same views, then I think thats a fantastic idea.

But alot of us out there including myself dont want to change what we're doing with our competitive rules.

Better to have two different kinds of tournament than try to get everyone to do the same thing like nazis, no?

axemangx said:
Honnestly I think meta will be banned. He seems way too godly
Look, if fox/falco didn't get banned in melee, then metaknight wont be banned in brawl. Fox is WAY too godly in melee.

Thing is, it comes down to skill. Fox is a great character, but if you don't have near perfect tech skill and you miss waveshines, JC grabs, shffls, then a skilled kirby player is going to 3-4 stock you.

The lesser the skill gap betweenst players, the more the tier list applies.

So instead of complaining about a character, just get better. It's that simple.

And what makes metaknight so ''godly'' anyway, the fact that he has wings and a disjointed hitbox?

*cough* Jigglypuff *cough*

I think Pitt's going to be way better than meta. Projectile, multiple jumps, 2 disjointed hitboxes...

but we wont know till brawl comes out. And there wont be any character banning in tournaments, mark my words.
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