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Popular games that you dislike?


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
I'm suprised; only one Earthbound related bash so far. I'd usually expect about 10 by now...

Anyways, I really haven't played a whole ton of popular games. My least favorites:

-GH: Honestly, I like having a game where you have a goal to work to. All I really see over that game with this clause is NA. It's not even realistic...

-Most Wii games I own: Honestly, I do the socialist "Every game is good" with most games, but a huge chunk of what I own was either shallow in gameplay or oughtright dificult with the motion controlls. The only exceptions IMO are Super Paper Mario, Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and (only cuz I have a shot of playing competetivly) brawl. Even then, all of these still suffer from shallow gameplay.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Final Fantasy VII: I am of the firm opinion that this game is a passable concept that was executed in the worst possible way.
The Legend of Zelda(the entire series): Holy monotony, Batman! Let's see how many times Nintendo will remake the same game over and over and over again!
Call of Duty 4: Not a fan of the "OMG ITS SO REAL" atmosphere or the elitist fanbase.
Bioshock: A disgustingly easy FPS that would have been much, much, MUCH better as a movie.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
halo, Brawl (not so much), can't think of anything else...


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
Final Fantasy VII: I am of the firm opinion that this game is a passable concept that was executed in the worst possible way.
The Legend of Zelda(the entire series): Holy monotony, Batman! Let's see how many times Nintendo will remake the same game over and over and over again!
Call of Duty 4: Not a fan of the "OMG ITS SO REAL" atmosphere or the elitist fanbase.
Bioshock: A disgustingly easy FPS that would have been much, much, MUCH better as a movie.
The same thing could be said for mario. Zelda actually has a very detailed story line, all of them may seem the same but their all quite different and have two different time lines.


Smash Cadet
Jun 29, 2008
Cannibis, Neb.
Some of u are so picky about games. u guys sound like girls who think ther pants make ther butts look big. Except in the sense that "Oh! the fanboys make me hate that game"

Name one "flawless" game.........thats right, nothin. So dont b*tch cuz so many people like that particular game. Come up wit a reasonable answer.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2008
University of Maryland, College Park
Why would there be a law agaisnt it, i didnt find it that hard nor entertaining.

Im not saying it was easy but for a hyped puzzle game i expected a high difficulty.
Hey man I'm just messing around. If you didn't like it that's cool. It would only really bother me if you disliked Half Life 2 and I wouldn't really care much about that even.

Mr. Rogu

Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Cruisin in my Jeep.. I wish.
Final Fantasy VII: I am of the firm opinion that this game is a passable concept that was executed in the worst possible way.
The Legend of Zelda(the entire series): Holy monotony, Batman! Let's see how many times Nintendo will remake the same game over and over and over again!
Call of Duty 4: Not a fan of the "OMG ITS SO REAL" atmosphere or the elitist fanbase.
Bioshock: A disgustingly easy FPS that would have been much, much, MUCH better as a movie.
dude, how can you hate zelda? every other game is reasonable but zelda? (note to all guitar hero haters, that game is meant just for music entertainment, and that you dont have to spend weeks learning a song and buying an expensive guitar)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2008
On the edge of Final Destination waiting to kill y
I hate...
Final Fantasy anything
Any menu navigator RPG
Halo anything
any musical game for any console
The only FPS's I like are Farcry 1 the original, Painkiller, and both Half-Life's, the rest suck.
Any game based around a major war in history
Any RTS except Age 1 and Age 2
Every sports game in existence
Every racing game except the mario karts and F-zero for the cube
Anygame hack and slash game like Devil man Cry, God of War, Heavenly Sword, and all of that
Every Lego game
I have a special HATRED for EVERY MMO-anything
Any mario party except for the first 3, after that they suck
I am a HUGE Fallout fan but I'm really starting to hate number 3
Any Puzzle game
Oh and I can't forget Narutard game either

I'm pretty sure that covers most of it.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
The same thing could be said for mario.
I don't care about the monotonous, repetitive, boring storyline of Zelda. The difference between Zelda and Mario is that Mario is fun. I suppose fun is objective, but I happen to enjoy games that cut to the action and meaty bits right away rather than forcing you to spend a half hour fishing.
dude, how can you hate zelda? every other game is reasonable but zelda?
I hate Zelda because every game in the series that I've ever played(and I've played most of them) was exactly the same. I didn't like the first Zelda, so why would I like what's essentially the same game, aka Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, et cetera? Granted, I enjoyed Link to the Past more than I care to admit, but the horrible controls of Ocarina of Time make it quite possibly the most overrated game ever. The only ones that come close are Yaoi Fantasy VII and Halo: Mediocrity Evolved.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
CA woodland hills
Hey man I'm just messing around. If you didn't like it that's cool. It would only really bother me if you disliked Half Life 2 and I wouldn't really care much about that even.
ya half life is a great game, i really dont have anything agaisnt the others, its just TF2 isnt for me, and Derek: Im not saying Portal wasnt fun but a puzzle game is meant to be challenging and i was mad when i found out it wasnt.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2008
University of Maryland, College Park
ya half life is a great game, i really dont have anything agaisnt the others, its just TF2 isnt for me, and Derek: Im not saying Portal wasnt fun but a puzzle game is meant to be challenging and i was mad when i found out it wasnt.
I can completely understand not liking TF2. It's gameplay and general aesthetic definitely aren't for everyone.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
What's with everybody and difficulty all of a sudden? Why does a game have to be hard to be fun? Can't an easy game be fun too?
Yeah, except if a game is TOO easy, then it lacks depth and generally replay value. There are exceptions, like Kirby games (I find playing through them multiple times fun even though they are ridiculously easy). But no one (except casual gamers) wants to spend money on a game with five hours of entertainment because they beat it. Unless a game is great, you need it to be difficult enough to keep you occupied.

There is a connection between difficulty and how good a game is...

Some of u are so picky about games. u guys sound like girls who think ther pants make ther butts look big. Except in the sense that "Oh! the fanboys make me hate that game"
Because that's TOTALLY the same thing and TOTALLY an analogy that fits COMPLETELY.
And by that, I mean that analogy fails. I'm sorry, that's not even remotely similar. At all.

Name one "flawless" game
Super Metroid. :p

I don't care about the monotonous, repetitive, boring storyline of Zelda. The difference between Zelda and Mario is that Mario is fun. I suppose fun is objective, but I happen to enjoy games that cut to the action and meaty bits right away rather than forcing you to spend a half hour fishing.
Except Zelda IS fun...
And since when do you spend a half an hour fishing? You can fish in what, two Zelda games? And I don't know about OoT, but in TP you spend about 5 minutes, not a half an hour.

I hate Zelda because every game in the series that I've ever played(and I've played most of them) was exactly the same. I didn't like the first Zelda, so why would I like what's essentially the same game, aka Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, et cetera? Granted, I enjoyed Link to the Past more than I care to admit, but the horrible controls of Ocarina of Time make it quite possibly the most overrated game ever. The only ones that come close are Yaoi Fantasy VII and Halo: Mediocrity Evolved.
They have the same...style, yeah, but they're no more "exactly the same" than Mario games.

But "Halo: Mediocrity Evolved"? That's epically hilarious.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
Yeah, except if a game is TOO easy, then it lacks depth and generally replay value. There are exceptions, like Kirby games (I find playing through them multiple times fun even though they are ridiculously easy). But no one (except casual gamers) wants to spend money on a game with five hours of entertainment because they beat it. Unless a game is great, you need it to be difficult enough to keep you occupied.

There is a connection between difficulty and how good a game is...
Isn't difficulty entirely relative though? I know my sister's friends spent an entire weekend--roughly 20 hours--playing Super Mario World, stuck on just a handful of levels, yet I can blaze through the majority of the game in just a few hours tops. My girlfriend, on the other hand, makes Super Mario Bros. 3 look like child's play, and I have trouble beating even a single level.

I agree wholeheartedly that a game needs to be long to be worth the money. For me, if I can't get 20 hours of out a game then for the most part it's not worth it. But difficulty has little to do with that. I played Tales of Symphonia for 40+ hours, loving every single minute of it but never once feeling truly challenged. I revel in a good challenge just the same, but it's only certain types of games which I can put up with the frustration (Space Invaders Extreme, for instance) without just putting it down for something more enjoyable.

I suppose it's just a difference in what we look for in games, but I do not at all consider difficulty necessary for a game to be good.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Super mario galaxy. I just didnt really get into the game that much. I think 64 is a lot better.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
This will become a Fanboy debate, you should have known that from the start. And don't be suprised with someone comes on saying "I don't like Brawl" and Brawl fans respond "Shut up tourney ***" and so forth and so on. See what did I tell you? First post and it's already begun.

I don't like Halo, I've played it and I hate the controls, and that all my weapons look like water guns or something made by fisher price, perhaps Fisher Price my first laser sword? It's no better then any FPS and it's just plain average.

The Conduit, though not even released, is also becoming over-hyped.

I expect closure the minute a Brawl fanboi comes to fight for his/her precious games honor.
It will turn into a fanboy debate with comments like this being made about halo.

On topic
I dislike halo 3 due to the very B i t c h e y community. example Loser: GG'S that was a fun match.
Winner: F**k off F*g you just got *****.
Majority of the POPULAR Fps for being overhyped for no reason.
Sports games of anykind.


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
I don't care about the monotonous, repetitive, boring storyline of Zelda. The difference between Zelda and Mario is that Mario is fun. I suppose fun is objective, but I happen to enjoy games that cut to the action and meaty bits right away rather than forcing you to spend a half hour fishing.

I hate Zelda because every game in the series that I've ever played(and I've played most of them) was exactly the same. I didn't like the first Zelda, so why would I like what's essentially the same game, aka Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, et cetera? Granted, I enjoyed Link to the Past more than I care to admit, but the horrible controls of Ocarina of Time make it quite possibly the most overrated game ever. The only ones that come close are Yaoi Fantasy VII and Halo: Mediocrity Evolved.
Then you'd probably like phantom hourglass if you want different. But you'll probably blow that out of proportion too.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
I never got into Chrono Trigger that much, and didn't get too involved in Star Fox as well.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Super mario galaxy. I just didnt really get into the game that much. I think 64 is a lot better.
I haven't played it, and I'm sure I wouldn't like it either. I could tell that Mario was going in the wrong direction since Sunshine. Why? Too innovative. I would be fine seeing a sequel to Super Mario World, and guess what? It DOESN'T have to be in 3D, thats the good thing! That is what Paper Mario makes you realize that a 2D game is still awesome.

I'm sure Nintendo knows that its fans don't need much graphics right about now. They should try to go a bit classic, and new at the same time. Sort of like that I guess.

I want to see much variety, and I want Mario back on Dinosaur Island, Bowser takes the Princess without saying a word, and you have to go through many many levels to find her, and its all fun! :3 Of course, maybe have more characters than mario and luigi, and other things. :3


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2008
Hobart, Tasmania
I haven't played it, and I'm sure I wouldn't like it either.
Wow... Sumo, dude, go rent Super Mario Galaxy. Ignore any clown who tells you otherwise. Go have some fun with the best title of '07. People are right that it's overall a bit easy, but it's just an absolute joy to play, everything about it is top notch; the controls, the worlds, the graphics, the music, it's all good. It's just really fun, and i still can't think back on it without smiling.

If afterwards you think "Know what? I think Mario 64 was a better game" then that's cool, but I promise you won't find it as awful as you're imagining.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Isn't difficulty entirely relative though? I know my sister's friends spent an entire weekend--roughly 20 hours--playing Super Mario World, stuck on just a handful of levels, yet I can blaze through the majority of the game in just a few hours tops. My girlfriend, on the other hand, makes Super Mario Bros. 3 look like child's play, and I have trouble beating even a single level.

I agree wholeheartedly that a game needs to be long to be worth the money. For me, if I can't get 20 hours of out a game then for the most part it's not worth it. But difficulty has little to do with that. I played Tales of Symphonia for 40+ hours, loving every single minute of it but never once feeling truly challenged. I revel in a good challenge just the same, but it's only certain types of games which I can put up with the frustration (Space Invaders Extreme, for instance) without just putting it down for something more enjoyable.

I suppose it's just a difference in what we look for in games, but I do not at all consider difficulty necessary for a game to be good.
Difficulty is rather relative, you're right. I'm not saying easy = bad, and I would argue with anyone who would say something of that sort. But if a game is TOO easy (e.g. Phantom Hourglass, Galaxy, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl) it can get boring, fast. Galaxy may not have taken me a short amount of time to beat, but it was so easy I found myself getting bored. I stuck around to get the extra stars for each planet, and about halfway through the game I found myself entering a...whatever they are, the different locations with different planets, such as the Terrace...and the boss planet was already unlocked. I didn't find getting the extra stars to be that fun, even, I just did it for completion, and I found myself able to skip over a bunch of planets entirely if I so wished. I didn't, but still.

There's nothing wrong with a game merely because it offers no challenge -- as I said, I don't find myself challenged by Kirby games, but I still find them awesome and fun. However, easy games CAN be weak, and in general I prefer the challenge of something like Super Metroid or A Link to the Past. That's really my opinion right there, so I wouldn't hold it against you for not agreeing -- suum cuique. But that's why, once I find myself easily rushing through Super Metroid, I make a challenge out of it and speed run it, and why with Metroid Fusion I try ridiculously hard 1% runs.

In regards to Portal, I really can't say for sure as I haven't played the game, (don't murder me, I intend to get the Orange Box ASAP) but considering how hard I've heard the game is, I would probably be let down if it turned out to be pretty easy.

I loved paper Mario the thousand year door. : <
As did I. It's highly frowned upon (at least in comparison to the first), but I really like the game.

Wow... Sumo, dude, go rent Super Mario Galaxy. Ignore any clown who tells you otherwise. Go have some fun with the best title of '07. People are right that it's overall a bit easy, but it's just an absolute joy to play, everything about it is top notch; the controls, the worlds, the graphics, the music, it's all good. It's just really fun, and i still can't think back on it without smiling.

If afterwards you think "Know what? I think Mario 64 was a better game" then that's cool, but I promise you won't find it as awful as you're imagining.
Honestly, I would advise you to rent it as well unless you're convinced it's not even worth the however-many-dollars to rent it (which I personally do, but that's me).

So why did I quote you? To add in my side of the story so the guy doesn't think that a bunch of nattering nabobs of negativity are the only ones against it.

It was not the best title of '07, no matter who says it was. Metroid Prime 3 deserved that. It is easy, to the point of being boring for me. I found it to be annoying. The controls were fine, albeit the camera screwed it up occasionally. You hit left, you go up, that sort of thing. It's the whole planetary aspect that does that. The worlds are pretty cool, I won't deny that. The music is very Disney-esque -- it's orchestrated, and doesn't really even sound like real video game music...most would probably consider that great, but as a huge video game geek I find it offensive and annoying. There's a reason 480 of the 1775 songs on my iPod are video game songs. There's nothing wrong with making it sound more intense, Brawl shows that it works fine, but the way Galaxy did it...ugh, it butchered it. I think the only noteworthy song in the game was a remix of the Bowser's Road song from SM64, and that's because fortunately, they didn't change the style much.

As for finding it as awful as you imagine...if you're like me, you won't. You'll find it much, much worse. (Then again, I wasn't expecting it to be bad. But I didn't really come in with any expectations)

Just my point of view.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Ugh, accidental double post. Sorry.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2007
Location: Location:
1. Halo series- It's not that I dislike Halo, it's just that it's overhyped. I still have fun playing against friends, but I don't think the series is worthy of the praise it recieves.

2. Brawl- If melee didn't exist, I would love Brawl. But since melee exists, Brawl will always play second fiddle for me.

3. Kingdom Hearts 1&2- I don't understand the appeal of these games. I beat both completely, and I still don't understand why people love them. Hitting X 100000000 times really isn't that fun. Also, I found the MGS series plot easier to understand. Maybe it's because I'm not a weeaboo.

4. LoZ series sans OoT/MM- So yeah I really don't enjoy the Legend of Zelda series. I've played a couple of the others (beat TP/ watched friend beat WW) and I'm just not a fan. Every game is: go to dungeon, get item, beat boss, repeat 4-6 times. I realize OoT follows this pattern, but I love the music in that game. I love MM for many reasons, one of them being that it is different from the rest of the games.

5. 3D mario games- Their just boring to me, I don't know what it is.

6. Splinter Cell series- I just feels slow and awkward to me.

7. Metroid Prime series- I wouldn't mind them too much if it weren't for how much backtracking you have to do. It's just a huge turnoff.

8. DBZ games- **** sucks.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
1. Halo series- It's not that I dislike Halo, it's just that it's overhyped. I still have fun playing against friends, but I don't think the series is worthy of the praise it recieves.

2. Brawl- If melee didn't exist, I would love Brawl. But since melee exists, Brawl will always play second fiddle for me.

3. Kingdom Hearts 1&2- I don't understand the appeal of these games. I beat both completely, and I still don't understand why people love them. Hitting X 100000000 times really isn't that fun. Also, I found the MGS series plot easier to understand. Maybe it's because I'm not a weeaboo.

4. LoZ series sans OoT/MM- So yeah I really don't enjoy the Legend of Zelda series. I've played a couple of the others (beat TP/ watched friend beat WW) and I'm just not a fan. Every game is: go to dungeon, get item, beat boss, repeat 4-6 times. I realize OoT follows this pattern, but I love the music in that game. I love MM for many reasons, one of them being that it is different from the rest of the games.

5. 3D mario games- Their just boring to me, I don't know what it is.

6. Splinter Cell series- I just feels slow and awkward to me.

7. Metroid Prime series- I wouldn't mind them too much if it weren't for how much backtracking you have to do. It's just a huge turnoff.

8. Naruto games- **** sucks.
Fixed! =/)


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
Lol, I've never played a Naruto game, I just assume that they suck.
Not all of them, surprisingly. It's easy to hate on a shonen anime as popular as Naruto, but the games have certainly produced a few gems.


Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (3?) for the PS3. The game is almost too amazing to watch, it's animation is just joygasmic. It's genuinely like a playable anime.

Only played the demo briefly though, so it might just be a gameplay turd--a pretty one, but a turd nonetheless.

EDIT: It's just called Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm--no 2 or 3. It's coming out November 4th for the PS3.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2008
Hobart, Tasmania
Honestly, I would advise you to rent it as well.
Then in this at least we agree.

I dunno man, it's sold 7.19 million copies worldwide and got a metacritic score of 97. There must surely be something somewhere in that game that people enjoyed. I figure Sumo will work out what exactly that is when (if) he rents it.

edit: and I'm totally buying Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 after playing the demo on psn. It's awesome fun, and totally does look like a playable anime. Saves me having to cosplay >.>

Super Angry Luigi

Smash Apprentice
Sep 10, 2008
As did I. It's highly frowned upon (at least in comparison to the first), but I really like the game.
Really? In most Paper Mario threads that I've seen (not here but on other forums), it seems to be more popular than the original.

TBH I don't really care for the original Paper Mario either.
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