Job 2
Submit the first Beserk Pokemon
This is our very first Beserk Pokemon that will be fought in game, Beserk Pokemon have different names compared to their normal counterparts to dictate how montrous they are. Additionally they have tactics strategies based off the moves their ancestors can use, as well as resistances and weaknesses to certain attacks based off their apperacne and original type. Each Beserk Pokemon will have a class assigned to them, those classes being in the link below
Using the above information, design a Beserk Pokemon based off of an existing Pokemon, this pokemon must be fully evolved and is preferably an early game bug, bird, or rodent. Describe how they differ in appearance from their normal counterparts, what moves they use and how that translates to battle, what their class is, what their threat level is from C to A (Only small monsters will have C or lower), their pokedex entry, and what strategies and tactics they use. Additionally, while each Pokemon type will have its own element, it should be noted that a monster can have a maximum of 3 resistances and weaknesses from their original type matchup, so describe those weaknesses in your post.
Here is an entry acting as an example:
This relative of Butterfree has a draconic design with large wings and a fanged mouth, additionally its white wings seep with green magical
Monster Class: Neopteron
Resistances: Ground, Grass, Fighting
Weaknesses: Rock, Fire, Ice
Threat Level: C+
Kaiba Pokedex Entry: A scavenger at heart, these flying insects use their toxic powders to disable and hunt small prey.
Bug Bite: The Brutalfly will engulf its fangs in Bug Type energy, allowing it to perform a quick but powerful bite attack
String Shot: It can shoot string from its thorax made out of sticky silk, which can then strangle and entangle prey and hunters.
Bug Buzz: The loud calls of this monster can be launched as a sonic boom of pure Bug Type energy, earplugs are needed to resist this attack.
Sleep Powder: Brutalfly can scatter teal scales from its wings that can induce a sleeping effect on the target.
Quiver Dance: As a desperation attack the Brutalfly can use Quiver Dance to charge its wings with magical energy, boosting its defense and speed
Strategies: Brutalfly is a scavenger at heart and is therefore quite cowardly, it will only use its strongest attacks when desperate and will flee if the going gets tough. It should be noted that its wings are quite frail and if you take those down the hunt will be much easier.