Smash World Forums - Global Rules
Version 4.3.1
I urge everyone to read over this topic carefully, especially those members that are new here. We are using a brand new system that may seem confusing, strict, or even a little odd. However, once it's set in action things will run much more smoothly around here. These rules are
global rules which means they must be followed at all times in all rooms unless exceptions are made.
The Penalty System
Here's the lowdown. You break one of the rules listed here - you get infraction points against you. Get enough infraction points? You're banned. Outta here. Gone. Now, that may seem harsh, but don't fret. When you receive points for breaking the rules, they are almost always temporary (meaning they only last for a week, month, etc.). This system will allow moderators to issue warnings much more fluently and let users know what rules they have broken.
When it all comes together, the quality of the boards will improve tremendously - and it'll be a better, cooler place to hang out for all of us.
Without further ado, here are the rules and the penalty points received for breaking them.
1. No Explict Profanity All vulgar language is censored. Do not try to get around our censor by putting spaces between the letters or other creative methods you may think of. Additionally, when you are writing, try not to get too graphic (no sex stories, extreme violence or hate posts, etc.). This mostly applies to Creative Minds. Finally, do not post pornography. Smash World Forums follows an "Everyone" rating.
- Inappropriate Language - 1 point, 1 week length (@ staff's discretion - no overly graphic posts)
- "Dodging" the censor - 1 point, 1 week length
- Pornography/explicit images - This constitutes a permanent ban from the website. Teenagers, pre-teens, and even children have access to the website, and posting pornography will absolutely not be tolerated. If you are unclear as to whether something constitutes an "explicit image," then it probably does, and posting it could earn you a permanent ban. If all else fails, ask a Moderator whether or not something is okay
2. No Blatant Advertising If you have your own website, you can give it a quick mention in a legitimate post, but if you make a post specifically for advertising your site, it will be edited and you will receive a penalty. Also, do not sell anything through Smash World unless it is approved by the Administrator (
MLG_JV ). Finally, do not advertise your own or anybody else's website through a private message. If somebody sends you SPAM like this, report it to a Moderator with your username, the contents of the message, and the sender's username.
- Making an advertisement post - 1 point, 1 week length
- Making an advertisement topic - 2 points, 2 weeks length
- Private Message advertisement - 2 points, 2 weeks length
3. Spamming This is a biggie. SPAM (Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages) is a problem at every message board, and Smash World Forums are no exception. It's the crap that gets closed, and doesn't enrich the topics. Intentional or not, don't make posts that are lame, go for substance. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you shouldn't be on these boards.
- One-line post, no substance, "lame post" - 1 point (for each infraction), 1 week length
- Minor Spamming - 1 points (for each infraction), 2 weeks length
- Major Spamming - 3 points (for each infraction), 2 weeks length
- Excessive Spamming - automatic banning
4. Other types of Spamming
- Hi, I'm New Here! - You can make these threads in the Meet & Greet room after you join.
- I'm back! - 1 point, 2 weeks length
- I'm leaving! (some exceptions if you're a respected member) 2 points, 2 weeks length
- Topics entitled in All caps - 1 point, 1 week length
- Excessive characters in a topic title such as 10 exclamation points after a word (i.e. Guess what happened!!!!!!!!!!) - 1 point, 1 week length
5.Flaming/Respect Issues
a. Be Nice To Newbies. Hey, everyone was or is a newbie at some point, and they deserve fair treatment, unless, of course, they've shown that they DON'T deserve fair treatment by the quality of their posts. Then the Moderators will take care of things.
b. Respect Fellow Members. Even if you dislike somebody, you should treat everyone fairly. Flaming is a big no-no, especially when cursing is involved. Moderators do not like that. If someone is flaming you, do not retaliate. Report it to a moderator. If we catch them, we'll punish them.
c. Respect Moderators/Administrators. You are entitled to your own opinion and may tell them what you think of their style, etc. However, it is important that you listen to what they say. For example: if they tell you not to post something, don't post it. Common sense and listening will get you in their favor and will contribute to your overall happiness at the forums.
- Flaming - 2 points, 3 weeks length
- Disrespect for Forum Leaders - 3 points, 1 month length
6. Do not Double or Triple Post This is self-explanatory, but do not double, triple, quadruple, etc. post. The exception is in the Creative Minds forum or if you do it by accident, but only when you are posting poems/stories/etc. If you need to add something, simply use the edit button. Please note that there is one exception to this rule, which is if you want to double post to tease McFox for having a lamer internet browser than you.
- Double Posting Unnecesarily - 1 point, 1 week length
- Triple posting unncesarily - 2 points, 1 week length
- Quadruple or more posting unnecesarily - 2 points, 2 weeks length
7. Special Topic Rules Topics concerning members of Smash World will be closed. The reason being is because we've had issues in the past where the feelings of members have been hurt or people have gotten angry, etc. Also, topics that simply compile useless information will be closed. Examples of these topics include:
a. Who is your favorite member on Smash Boards?
b. Where does everybody live?
c. How old are you people?
d. Are there any girls on Smash Boards?
8. Very Important If a topic is spam, DO NOT reply to it. The Moderators for the room will take care of it. Even if it isn't spam, just a topic that doesn't need to be there, don't post anything like "closes" in it. Also, DO NOT correct someone and tell them the rules. If we catch you doing this, you'll be in big trouble. This is probably our most-broken rule on the boards, and oftentimes people correct a "Spammer" while breaking a rule at the same time. Examples of things not to post:
a. You're stupid!
b. Get outta here, spammer!
c. This is in the wrong room!
d. This is going to get closed.
e. You're in trouble!
f. Can't you read the rules?
g. *tries to close, fails*
h. *closes*
9. Signature Rules Remember, no more than 8 lines maximum in a signature (about 125 pixels) and no images wider than 550px -- and watch the filesizes of images. Large images will be removed! Any signatures longer will be automatically clipped off. Also, if you post something really short, don't use your signature if it's longer than what you posted. Remember not to use really wide images that stretch out the page, either. Violators may have their profiles locked at an administrator's discretion.
- Sig Violation - 1 point, 2 weeks length
- Repeated Infractions - locked profile
If you receive a total of
6 points, you will be banned.