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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
wow snakeee. i wish i stayed to see ya. good stuff.

good games everyone. NYC is definately the best smash scene out there, yeh im an NJ traitor.

everytime I leave nyc I am always inspired to train harder. see you guys next week ;P


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2005
wow snakeee. i wish i stayed to see ya. good stuff.

good games everyone. NYC is definately the best smash scene out there, yeh im an NJ traitor.

everytime I leave nyc I am always inspired to train harder. see you guys next week ;P
pride im assuming you're the same yoshi that beat me?

:( im glad you think nyc is as competetive as it is ive been playing too much wifi and well I've played maybe one person on par with the top 10 people at the tourney today.

I need to start playing some local more often at least play the warmups every friday to get some quality play in. ggs pride looking forward to having a bit more of an impact in the next few tourneys


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
wow snakeee. i wish i stayed to see ya. good stuff.

good games everyone. NYC is definately the best smash scene out there, yeh im an NJ traitor.

everytime I leave nyc I am always inspired to train harder. see you guys next week ;P
Hey Pride u have a good yoshi. Im the guy who was playing random and kept gettn pokemon trainer.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
pride im assuming you're the same yoshi that beat me?

:( im glad you think nyc is as competetive as it is ive been playing too much wifi and well I've played maybe one person on par with the top 10 people at the tourney today.

I need to start playing some local more often at least play the warmups every friday to get some quality play in. ggs pride looking forward to having a bit more of an impact in the next few tourneys
yeah I am PRiDE. Yosh had a rough night tonight. I know what you mean though I have to stop playing online and find some people in nj I can train with.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Wow, good **** to Ron and Snake.

Get at Snake especially. I'm not so tight that Cass and I lost to you and your brother in doubles like a month ago anymore!


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Good games everyone....Get at my SD's

Anyway whoever I played, you know the deal..ggz blah blah

Kinda tired so I won't be typing up an essay...but I won't be coming back until the end of this semester since from now on my friday nights = Biology. Fun class actually..

I'm mad that everyone is spamming Snake and Metaknight now...even Alukard..quit! lol jp.

Well you know what that means..gonna fire up those lvl 9 cpus and get some Snake/Metaknight training. :)

It was fun..

P.s. bubble tea..is not as great as you guys made it sound...quit life. Waste of $4.61

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
Ghetto Results:
1st-Jman/Alu (split)
2nd Bum/Zro (split)
3rd- Leo/PC
4th- Blackanese/mask

1st- PC (split)
2nd- Snake (split)
3rd- Ron
5th Dire/Silven? i think XD?

Tourney was ran really well by bum although its scary when he's serious and down to business =[ LOL good stuff to hotbox too
Bubbletea was pretty amazing it was nice having some spare time to hang for a bit after the tourney.
Thanks to DJ nintendo and jman for getting my mario kart <3
Good matches to everyone i played it was fun (for brawl)
Leo we did pretty good for first time teaming up and it was fun, we should team again if cort isn't around :D
I'll add some shout outs later


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
yooo, so someone gimme shoutouts, i was mad beast. Get at my toon link shenanigans, (bomb -> uair sig. kill?) But yeah, mas shoutouts later, but of course one for snake, that was some sexy stuff, most definitely not homo, jus straight G.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
YEAHHH WOOHOOO I WON MY FIRST TOURNEY!!.....ehem sorry I've been holding that in since I walked out of W2Z. And ok, PC really won, and I'm happy and lucky he split with me because he probably would have beat me.
Shout outs

Ron - You're an awesome teammate man...you coming back from 3 stocks to one by yourself I'm thinking do you even need me to pick up my controller?? lol You were obnoxious against Bum too, and I can't even believe I won against you, if you start playing my ZSS more you'll probably beat me though -_-.

PC - Thanks again for splitting man. Don't take my little comment to heart, it was just that you told Ron you'd split if he beat me and I was jealous lmao. Our set in winners finals was fun as hell too.

Leo - Good set, I'm surprised I won, but I don't think you want to take me to Luigi's again lol.

Blackanese and Steiner - Stop knocking us out of teams!...and at least win if you do lol, surprised you guys didn't take it this time but good stuff against us.

Reno and HBK - That set was too close...I feel like it was all Ron though and it pretty much was lol. Reno I didn't expect you to bring out Snake, you're pretty nasty with him. And HBK has to have the most annoying Ike ever, plays really smart.

Alucard - Nice set. That was way too close. Another awesome Snake...theres too many Snakes now. I'm Snake **** it!

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
Tourney was ran really well by bum although its scary when he's serious and down to business =[ LOL
I must agree

I was waiting to hear "FALCONNNN PAWNCH!!!" and see alu go flying past the web2zone stage's blast zone

Shoutout to Bum for making this weekly possible even with all the BS and restrictions you were faced with.

If everyone's as appreciative as I am, there should be 20-30 more shoutouts and thanks to him. (And hotbox & reno for brackets *wink*)


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2005
Bronx, NY
I want to give a shout out to Bum, Hotbox, Reno for running the weekly.

Although Smash suits came as spectators, NYC weeklies are too good. Smash Suits did not have to run the tournament cause we have awesome people like Bum, Hotbox, and Reno running the weekly (IN AMERICA!).
Congrats to PC and Snake. Until then, have a good weekend folks



Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I did not play that many matches today but for the people I played good games. I owned with peach today and showed once again why she is top tier. Peach is too good for this game.

Its was a fun time at this. Maybe I'll be there next week to show once again why Peach is to good. Laters peoples,

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187

Snake - we keep getting close in teams and then fall short. We'll get it together. It's been great teaming wit ya these past couple weeks. I'm still in disbelief over that 3 stock comeback too. Hopefully next week we can repeat performances in singles.

Alukard - good games sir. P trainer surprised me.

Hax - I apologize for being gay that last match. Next time tell ur boys not to talk all that doo doo behind my matches.

Dial & Blackanese - tsk tsk tsk... didn't think you guys would go there but hey... that's ur teammate/crew member so it's all good I guess... :-/

Silven - those SD's really sucked. Hopefully in the future we can get a real set in w/o those... good games though. That sword hurts lol

D1 - thanks for the support in my late matches. Team Supremacy n***a!! I'll hit you up during the week for you know what @ you know where

Team Gritz and Gravy - you two somoma bishes keep takin me and snake outta teams. Just remember what I said after our set. It's gonna happen one day...lol

Dire - look forward to playing in the future. Don't gun for me though... especially since I haven't talked poo/caca/crap/sh*t to ya

Bum - good games in both winner's and loser's brackets. And another thanks for running a smooth weekly tourney.

PC - Always cool hanging around ya. Why'd you have to beast on me in teams though? Lol wish I could've split wit ya but I fell a little short.

Cort - you weren't there but I'll give you a shoutout as if you were... Good matches. Especially that last match where I did that thing and you did that other thing and we both just looked at each other and sipped iced tea... lol

Zro - I think that was the fewest times we've hugged since we started hugging... must get at least two hugs next week. I won't take any less

I definitely have mad gas from those pork dumplings/pizza I ate (not at the same time weridos...) they were good going down though. Coconut Milktea makes the trip to Manhattan every friday worth it


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx
Good s*** to everyone...everybody getting nice all a sudden and my level is decaying cuz i gots no wii lol T_T but ima get uber training this week so ill be rdy for every1 again >: ) see yall next week


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx
Ghetto Results:
1st-Jman/Alu (split)
2nd Bum/Zro (split)
3rd- Leo/PC
4th- Blackanese/mask

1st- PC (split)
2nd- Snake (split)
3rd- Ron
5th Dire/Silven? i think XD? ( i think its Basic Sausage cuz i lost to Dire and i beat silven >.>)

Tourney was ran really well by bum although its scary when he's serious and down to business =[ LOL good stuff to hotbox too
Bubbletea was pretty amazing it was nice having some spare time to hang for a bit after the tourney.
Thanks to DJ nintendo and jman for getting my mario kart <3
Good matches to everyone i played it was fun (for brawl)
Leo we did pretty good for first time teaming up and it was fun, we should team again if cort isn't around :D
I'll add some shout outs later
what chu talkin about we lol u did all the work xD i just did what u tol me run away but then a monkey came after me everymatch n i had no where to run cuz he so fat xD lol but yea we shuld team again i like our strat :)


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
brawl needs to start to become this http://youtube.com/watch?v=YnEWSO6NrQo
It's funny, because me and Jay0 was talking about that after the weekly. Along with this.


I'm mad that capcom has no tiers =/

I'm even more mad that Wolverine is like low tier. Like WTF XD;;

EDIT: Today's weekly didn't exactly go my way. But good stuff to Snake ^_^. Despite my lose, DJ Nintendo made the night better for me with his top tier of old skool games ^_____^. I wish I stayed over longer to play kart, but everyone was living the moment of Melee games and scuh XD (which I did a bit better on then I did before)


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2005
New York Citaaay :333 Occupation: Stripper ;]
Dial & Blackanese - tsk tsk tsk... didn't think you guys would go there but hey... that's ur teammate/crew member so it's all good I guess... :-/

Team Gritz and Gravy - you two somoma bishes keep takin me and snake outta teams. Just remember what I said after our set. It's gonna happen one day...lol
lmfaooo ron be honest, i didnt say ANY trash talking during that match with u and hax, i mean i cheered 4 hax and told him what 2 do every now and then lmfao but thats about it. anyways i dont wanna make a big deal over it but yah... im right b/c well.... im asian =] and good stuff in teams b/c u took 3 stocks away by yourself lmfaooo

anyways i had fun yesterday so yah swat all day and me and mister steiner will do better next time >_<


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I have a question for anybody who attends these Smash weeklies, what would you you say is the average age of the people who participate in these? I'm trying to convince my parents to let me go the weekly but they think I'm not old enough. So can somebody answer my question. TY.

Shin Bowser Meow

Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2003
Virginia Beach, VA
It was mad fun. Thanks for showing me the spot to get games and what not. i'm tight, but liquor calms me down real quick. It's super effective.

No shoutouts. No nothing. It was fun and imma leave it @ that.


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
I had maaad fun this weekly as usual shoutouts to PC and Dire good games ^_^.

Good sh** to my boy Ron mad beast TS all night *****...f*ck that all day sh**.

Good sh** to Snake.

Good sh** to Bum for doin it real big for NYC.

Allergies are a b*tch NL but don't let that sh** ruin your flow lets work hard next week.

Shoutouts to my FIT n*ggaz that showed up to the tourney (Hoyo, YRB, Lisa, etc).

Jman don't feel down whenever someone makes and OD status comeback against ya...morale is one thing that one mustn't lose in a tourney match.

PC good sh** for taking it to the top top!

Dire for psychologically mindf*cking me by not banning any stages in our set X___x.

For Reno, Shin, Jumpman, Zim, when we were driving in my car back in Bklyn that sh** was mad HILARIOUS!!!!

For the entire Bubbletea crew which mainly consisted of SWAT, Free Agents, and Team Supremacy it was maaaad fun last night.

Oh yeah shoutouts to DA for coming through as well ^_^.

And the Mario Kart crew was mad beast: PC, DJN, Alukard, Jman, Shin Bowser, Vanz, and Blackanese.

And get at my lil bro Zim making Hax his b*tch LMAO! (thats we told me at least XD)



Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Yeah thanks for the shout out D1, but that's the second time you left me out of the Bubble Tea shoutout... I know I'm mad quiet and my presence is barely noticeable but I was there dammn it lol. Anyway, that Bubble Tea seemed so much better than at that other place for some reason.

Venom NY

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2007
Dionis S.W.A.T all day
I have a question for anybody who attends these Smash weeklies, what would you you say is the average age of the people who participate in these? I'm trying to convince my parents to let me go the weekly but they think I'm not old enough. So can somebody answer my question. TY.
13-uhh 22? i guess does it really matter? just say some random age,age doesnt even matter and its not like your gonna get jumped....especially over a tournament

Lord Khanti

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Locust Valley, Long Island NY
**** wish i got to play this weekly, but i didnt make it in time for sign ups, missed my train by like 1 min, waited another 20 for the next, then i got on the wrong subway and started goin up town, got off and on the down town one, then i wondered NYU area for like 30 mins tryin to find Web2zone. Owel w/e had fun anyway just bein there and glad to kno i could help by settin up my wii at TV 1. And yea that place we got bubble tea at this week did seem better than last weeks place, and the balls are colored. I was like **** NO WAY O_o COLORED BALLS!!!! Yea but next week ill make it on time, i deffinetly gotta request off from work on Fridays over the summer.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
so far weeklys are in talks whether it should keep goin or not. i will show them ya thought i did a good job. the only thing the guy said i did wrong was wit the time. breden had the bracket in his back pocket when i thought it was reno, so that was like 15 mins me talkin 2 pc n leo about who they fight or didn't have 2.

i'm gonna be straight foward, when i'm serious please take me serious, some people just gave me a headache, and it wasn't alukard or jesus, but i scream at them cuz i was already piss. i need people to help me so i can help nyc community. it's also 2 **** hot and they don't put on the ac to be goin bak n forth, so please be more considerate. things to me went pretty good besides that.

i talk to matt at 4pm and so far things seem 50/50 whether it should keep goin or not. please also i'm not ya father, if ya leave without tellin me and if i tell u no don't leave, that means no don't leave. if theres a next time and someone just leaves, i do not care you will be dq within 6 mins of the calling of your match.

i want this very much alive as much as ya do, cause itz real fun and ya some cool people. i will show matt that ya thought i did a good job and it should keep goin. one more thing, if i tell you to leave cause ya have to leave, do not have mm's, do not linger around downstairs cause i have to clean up. if ya can listen a bit more things will run smoothly every week and they will allow me to do it. every week i will ask 2 or 3 people to help this go faster, unless somone wants to help permanent every week, if ya willing to help please inform me early, and the people that are helpin will have access to the brackets and if they see ya playin friendlys or giving a hard time, they have that power to dq you or kick you out.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
13-uhh 22? i guess does it really matter? just say some random age,age doesnt even matter and its not like your gonna get jumped....especially over a tournament
Well age isn't an issue, my parents are. They are too overprotective and think I would get jumped going from Staten Island to the city.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
Well age isn't an issue, my parents are. They are too overprotective and think I would get jumped going from Staten Island to the city.

how old are u? and what part do you live in?me n my brother thought we were the olny competetive smashers in this place ( besides some of our crewmates) lol... hardly anyone even seems to know about staten island at all either..

i'm 14 and me n my 20 year old bother go on the bus to the city to get there on fridays when we go.. it's totally safe there and stuff so you dont have to worry.. you could even take the bus with us to go there.. what's your sn? lol you have mad posts.. you've been around since melee?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2005
I had maaad fun this weekly as usual shoutouts to PC and Dire good games ^_^.

Good sh** to my boy Ron mad beast TS all night *****...f*ck that all day sh**.

Good sh** to Snake.

Good sh** to Bum for doin it real big for NYC.

Allergies are a b*tch NL but don't let that sh** ruin your flow lets work hard next week.

Shoutouts to my FIT n*ggaz that showed up to the tourney (Hoyo, YRB, Lisa, etc).

Jman don't feel down whenever someone makes and OD status comeback against ya...morale is one thing that one mustn't lose in a tourney match.

PC good sh** for taking it to the top top!

Dire for psychologically mindf*cking me by not banning any stages in our set X___x.

For Reno, Shin, Jumpman, Zim, when we were driving in my car back in Bklyn that sh** was mad HILARIOUS!!!!

For the entire Bubbletea crew which mainly consisted of SWAT, Free Agents, and Team Supremacy it was maaaad fun last night.

Oh yeah shoutouts to DA for coming through as well ^_^.

And the Mario Kart crew was mad beast: PC, DJN, Alukard, Jman, Shin Bowser, Vanz, and Blackanese.

And get at my lil bro Zim making Hax his b*tch LMAO! (thats we told me at least XD)

yoo d1 its me marv, i was the 1 wtachin you and dial play, happened to catch your "consecutive hits" falco knee ending replay worthy finisher. i also played u one set. i should be heading there next weekend too im not sure yet if i have the time to enter but im at least going to start going to all of the pregame action 4.30-6 and get as many quality friendlies as i can. i hope to be a regular there soon enough.
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