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People who use top tier characters are the worst at the game.

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
"It's not about the destination, it's the journey getting there".
Making a lot of sense there.

I guess you could say I'm an elitist-hater. The guys that say "so-and-so sucks because he uses a low tier" I hate even more.


Smash Rookie
Feb 27, 2008
I think that people should be allowed to play with whoever they want, but there is way too much of an emphasis on top tier characters. It is possible to get great with other characters, and even though it may be harder, I think it makes games more interesting.


Smash Cadet
Feb 15, 2008
Bronx, NY
I know what you mean, at least as far as the using the character you're best with thing at least. If you suck at using a character, there's no real reason to use them even if they're your favorite. I used to use Link all the time because I love Loz. I had fun, but he never really clicked. I tried other characters for a while knowing nothing of tiers, and temporarily mained a lot of characters. Sheik, Jiggly Puff, Ness, Peach, Capt. Falcon, Yoshi, just to name a few.

After finding out about tiers and competitive play in general, I tried using Marth and Fox and other "good" characters, and I was okay, but none of them clicked either. Then I tried Bowser, I had fun and practiced and got good with him, I thought I had found my main. Until I decided to try out other characters, and I found another main, who I still use to this day. Ganondorf fits my play style perfectly, and playing as him just feels natural to me. Best of all, I still have fun playing.

I really don't have anything against people who use High Tier characters though. You have your reasons and that's fine by me. You may just like using them, or you may not be good with anyone else. I'm not really good with anyone besides Ganondorf (And Roy, to a lesser extent). So I'd be a hypocrite if said you shouldn't.
sry for double post, but I whole heartedly agree with you, I'm reconsidering my main as Marth bcuz Ganondorf is so much fun, for some sick twisted reason, and I'm getting good with him. :D


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
Mushroom Kingdom
You don't seem to realize that really good players can beat lesser players with low tiers. They simply choose higher tiers against people on their level to maximize their win potential.

Also, anyone that agrees with this *******.

100$ Money Match; your ANYTHING vs. my Link/Roy?

No? Then shut your mouth.
So you should completely disregard the fact that you play best with Ganondorf, but decide to choose Fox because of tiers?

Somebody has been eating his frosted ego-flakes...I don't recall anybody implying that you should use low-tiers because they aren't high-tiers and to never play as Fox/Marth/Sheik because they have superior metagame to, say, Ganondorf...I played Falco long before I learned about the exitstance of tires, because his playstyle fit mine, and he's a *^&%ing BIRD...

How well do you play Link/Roy? Do you play them well enough to put a C-note on the line in a match against anybody? Do you assume that you'd win against any given member of this Forum?

No? Then shut your mouth...


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I love the meaning of this topic. I mained Link in 64 because I loved his playstyle, and I remembered him from Ocarina of Time. I mained Fox in melee, because as I tried out different styles, speed became more of my thing. After a couple years of practicing with Fox, I found out about Tier Lists, and that in 64, I got good with the worst and in Melee got good with the best. It's always a surprise for me. I plan on maining Wolf though, no matter what he is on the Tier list. I don't give a flamer's *** if he's the MEWTWO of brawl, I still wanna main him.

This topic wins a cookie. :chuckle:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
Mushroom Kingdom
I love the meaning of this topic. I mained Link in 64 because I loved his playstyle, and I remembered him from Ocarina of Time. I mained Fox in melee, because as I tried out different styles, speed became more of my thing. After a couple years of practicing with Fox, I found out about Tier Lists, and that in 64, I got good with the worst and in Melee got good with the best. It's always a surprise for me. I plan on maining Wolf though, no matter what he is on the Tier list. I don't give a flamer's *** if he's the MEWTWO of brawl, I still wanna main him.

This topic wins a cookie. :chuckle:
Playing characters because you play best as them = Cool

Playing a high-tier character because they are a "win button" = Lame


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
So you should completely disregard the fact that you play best with Ganondorf, but decide to choose Fox because of tiers?

Somebody has been eating his frosted ego-flakes...I don't recall anybody implying that you should use low-tiers because they aren't high-tiers and to never play as Fox/Marth/Sheik because they have superior metagame to, say, Ganondorf...I played Falco long before I learned about the exitstance of tires, because his playstyle fit mine, and he's a *^&%ing BIRD...

How well do you play Link/Roy? Do you play them well enough to put a C-note on the line in a match against anybody? Do you assume that you'd win against any given member of this Forum?

No? Then shut your mouth...
Money match? 100$?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
Playing to win is not as simplistic as playing a top tier character. People and their play styles differ (for both casual and competitive), as well as their preference on character choices and their ability to win with those characters. It would be silly to sit here and argue that Marth is worse than Bowser because there are facts to support otherwise. That still does not mean that if I start playing Melee I will be able to master or use Marth more efficiently than Bowser, simply because of his tier placement.

As a personal example, two characters I like to play as would be Marth and Dr.Mario. We all know Marth is higher on the list than Doc, which I think is a reasonable statement. My main has been Marth for a long time, as I enjoy his graceful movements and sword play. However, I had recently taken interest in Doc, simply because I wanted to cape projectiles and people off the edge to be humorous. I soon discovered that overall, I seemed to play with Doc better than I did with Marth while playing to win. Does it mean Doc should be higher on the tier list than Marth? I personally don't believe so, even though it's not an impossible for characters to change their placements on the list (look at Falco), but I think it is just a sign that he suited my preference and style of play more. Now, Falco is second on the list, and despite how much I like Falco, since I admire the shines and lasers, I can't really play with him competitively worth my life.

In my opinion, people should explore their own tastes and see what works for them, rather than looking elsewhere for the answers or being dictated by the opinions of others. If someone tells you character x is better than character y, they may be right. But that doesn't mean you won't find a better option then what it is they are telling you.

C Dawg009

Smash Cadet
Feb 17, 2008
The Woodlands, Texas
Why would you play to suxorz? I just don't get. My favorite characters aren't ones who suck or are the best, mine would be one that's fun to play and can hold his/her/it's own in combat. <_< That's my opinion.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
London, England
At the end of the day, people should choose whoever they want for whatever reason. Nobody else needs to know the whether they like the character or if they pick them because of placement. All I know is the more people try to main the same character, the easier it'd make for me to counter them.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
So you should completely disregard the fact that you play best with Ganondorf, but decide to choose Fox because of tiers?
Sliq plays Jigglypuff...

Somebody has been eating his frosted ego-flakes...I don't recall anybody implying that you should use low-tiers because they aren't high-tiers and to never play as Fox/Marth/Sheik because they have superior metagame to, say, Ganondorf...I played Falco long before I learned about the exitstance of tires, because his playstyle fit mine, and he's a *^&%ing BIRD...
Maybe if you could interpret words you would know that that is exactly what this topic is implying.

How well do you play Link/Roy? Do you play them well enough to put a C-note on the line in a match against anybody? Do you assume that you'd win against any given member of this Forum?

No? Then shut your mouth...
He said he'd win against anyone who believed this ****, and I have no doubt it's true.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
Yeah, i also admire gympyfish because he doesn't play for win at all matters. He tryes to be a pro with bowser, his favourite. I think that's very noble. That's why i like him.

(I need a little of work with my english *sigh*. Too many that)


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
I use my favorite characters, I don't care about tiers.

But anyone can use whoever they want.


Smash Cadet
Oct 12, 2007
I now present the top five smash arguements.

#5: People who don't use advanced techniques are just in denial!

#4: The game is meant to be played with items!

#3: The game is meant to be played without items!

#2: He's just saying that because he's never tried playing as a top tier character!

#1: Tiers take the fun out of the game for everyone!

Use them and your points will become much more believable.


Smash Cadet
Sep 19, 2003
Look... has anyone of you guys actually sat down and thought how ludicrous it is to look down on someone for what character they use? It's ridiculous, it really is. The sheer fact that people like you create a stigma around playing good characters is just ********. It's also dumb to assume that people who played the character in order to be the best either A: aren't having fun, or B: aren't enjoying their character choice.

Ultimately, people should play however they want to play and not have to deal with this crap.

This, this, this, this, and this. Threads denouncing or speaking derogatorily of those who wish to play as top-tier characters fail to realize that it is each person's own choice to play as whoever they wish. I, for one, will not intentionally limit myself by playing as a weak character.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
Central/Eastern LI, NY
DUde i bet you suck at smash because smash bros is all about fun...and you dont enjoy it cause you just want to think your the best, Pesonaly i play for fun with my friends.Sure i may get mad if i lose but its all for fun.

Yea, I definitely wasn't that good at melee, but I could beat those who didn't know about the competitive scene. So essentially, i could beat noobs. But the point of my post is that what I found MOST fun about melee, was that shine-jumpcancel-dair combo, and using it to basically carry the opponent to the edge of the stage and spike them. (maybe once in 200 matches) When I as able to do this though, by the end i would be cracking up at the BEAST-ness of falco, and i really enjoyed the game. I also used to play marth, and would fair my way into a spike, aswell as counter and get tippers every once in a while, which I also found VERY satisfy-ing(sorry, can't spell, too much intordump).

Essentially, I really enjoyed the game when I was able to quickly find a way to obliterate an opponent, and the best way to do that was to use a character who I could do it with, and I'm a bit offended by the post you made because it assumes that everyone enjoys the game for the same reason, and obviously, they don't.

Sidenote: (drillshining with fox, spiking with luigi's dair, hitting with ganondorf's neutral a, spiking with pikachu's uair, b-downing with jiggs, bomb-jumping with samus, spiking with ness, bairing with ness, kneeing with faptain calpan, dsmashing with peach, and jus tplaying zelda AND shiek in general, are also incredibly fun.)


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
Let's be honest with ourselves people, when we say we don't like top tier characters, we really mean Marth is a homosexual headband-wearing cheapo that got buffed for Brawl, and we're all bitter. Am I right?


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I believe, 100% with my hear and soul, that I will wreck anyone that joined in 2008 with Link or Roy.

And I will 100$ Money Match them.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
you know the place.
thats an oxymoron.

the tier list is a census of characters that have won the most in tournaments

emphasis on won

so technically they are good

but i personally main for fun and because i like the character.

i dont care if ile suck with peach..or olimar...or zss...

but ile have fun sucking as them



Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008

What happened to intelligent discussions. Oh wait, this is the internet.
Hey, hey. Calm down... There's nothing wrong with believing that one sho have some kind of bond, style or personal, wth their main. It shows a little loyalty and dignity. Chill out.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
you know the place.
Hey, hey. Calm down... There's nothing wrong with believing that one sho have some kind of bond, style or personal, wth their main. It shows a little loyalty and dignity. Chill out.
i also believe that.

which is why ile main ZSS to the end.

ile be the equivalent of gimpy!

(before he....started using meta knight. :laugh: )

although...secondaries are always a good alternative..


Smash Cadet
May 11, 2006
Hi, Big Bob!

Just came in to say that it really shouldn't matter what people pick. If they want to pick someone high on the tier list just to win, then it's their choice. There's no need to say that they don't like having fun just because they like winning as, chances are, winning IS fun for them. Besides, don't you think it makes it more fun if you win and they have a reaction like this guy?

In a perfect world, everyone would pick the character that fits their tastes.


Giga Master Hand

Smash Cadet
May 11, 2002
This kind of topics get boring fast, really. There isn't a single way to play the game, but people still want others to do what they like, because it's fun to them. As anyone can see, some players have said they have fun winning and use the stronger characters to accomplish that, while others use characters they're fond of, and the same goes for items, stages, ways to play, controller set-ups and almost anything else in the game.

All this kind of topics do is start a flame war between players. You can't expect some players to stop doing what they do because you don't like it or label it as not fun, because everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. Please stop posting stuff like this, as all it does is worsen the relationship between different kinds of players.

SSB has always allowed players to change the game rules the way they like. That implies the designers knew different people would like different things about the game and they actually allowed us to customize our Smash experience. We should be grateful we can do that rather than try to enforce our point of view on others (via the internet or otherwise).


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2008
It's not the character, it's the skill of the player. Hell, I watched a very skilled friend of mine clock three other players without losing a single stock... as PICHU. Some characters are just easier to handle. Mastery depends on the player's fighting style, experience, and personal preference.

In short, using character selection as an excuse for one's own terrible playing is uber weak.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Although i also believe that it's stupid to use characters just because of their tier list placement, I don't think it's a particularly great idea to post a thread insulting those who do. Even if you say: "so and so doesn't apply", you're still strictly bashing some people (w/ just an opinion at that), while adding no positive content. Please don't just post thread that insult people for no reason, with no basis, offering nothing to help people.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
UC Davis
You missed the entire point of my arguement. The first line was just a sarcastic and general statement posted to lighten the mood. The second paragraph was simply stating that some peole really do like characters because they are good, and there's nothing wrong with that. I used my example that I like Marth because he's fast and has a long sword. It just so happens that having speed and range gives a character an advantage. Am I to be penalized for liking those qualities that typically make a character good?
It seems you missed the entire point of my post. My post really only addressed that unnecessary first statement of yours.

Sarcasm: 1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound. 2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

A "Sarcastic and general statement posted to lighten the mood"? How contradictory...

Edit: Oh, and what does "Am I to be penalized for liking those qualities that typically make a character good?" have to do with anything?


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
Wow, dude, chill the hell out. Its the internet. stuff here doesnt count in real life, unless its amazon and you buyin something. Then it counts. And it probably counts in other places too. But definitely not on a smash bros. forum, thats for sure. I've probably already wasted too much time...


Smash Rookie
Oct 16, 2007
This thread is completely pointless. Gimpy is cool because he plays bowser and people say bowser sucks?
You play jigglypuff but now lucas because he has cool hair and not pokemon trainer because it's too hard? What happened to playing who you like?
From what i've heard, lucas is really powerful. And from every game, jiggly puff has always been one of the best characters.
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