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People who use top tier characters are the worst at the game.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
Now that I've gotten your attention with a ridiculously overgeneralized statement, hear me out. Now, if you've used Fox, Falco, Marth, Shiek, etc because you genuinely liked the characters, then that's perfectly fine. It's acceptable because you have an attachment to the characters that allows you to play them well.

However, if you use any of those just because they're considered the "best", then I honestly don't think you have the mindset to play well at Smash. That's because winning is your goal, not to have fun. No no, I'm not condoning all items on Brinstar; I like playing FD as much as anyone. But what I mean is that your playstyle lacks soul. Because you pick the strongest character, you're admitting that you aren't capable of using a lesser character. One of the reasons I admire Gimpyfish is because of his insistence to use Bowser. Everybody considers Bowser one of the worst in the game, but Gimpy uses him anyway, simply because he likes him and got good with him. It's this kind of mindset that has made him one of the most recognizable Smash players.

In Melee, my main was Jigglypuff, simply because I was a large Pokemon fan, and I enjoyed Jiggly's floatiness and aerial attacks. She suited my playstyle perfectly and my friends recognized me as a beast when I used her. Not to mention, she's capable of wrecking professional Fox and Falco players with ease.

I also think it's acceptable to play with a character simply because you like his playstyle. I was going to use Pokemon Trainer in the upcoming Gamestop tourny, but after playing the game I realize that he's too difficult to quickly get a hang of. However, I found that Lucas's playstyle matches mine perfectly, and even though I've never played Mother 3, I already see him as a valuable player. Besides, he has awesome hair.

Anyway, I think that if you truly want to become great at Smash, you should just ignore the tier lists, and play with who your heart tells you to. If your character of choice ends up being poor, use him anyway.

Also, we need more people who taunt in the middle of matches. Taunting is your way of saying "Hey look, I'm leaving myself wide open, and there's nothing you can do about it! Nyah nyah~" So do it every time you get an awesome kill. Just makes things more fun.

Sonic XD

Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2008
This thread is not necessary. You play with any character top tier or low tier.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2007
Ummm... people "should" play whatever character they want, no matter their criteria.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
There is no tier list yet so pick someone you like and become good with him/her.
If that character ends up high or low on the tier list....so what?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
I agree with the TC. Though, high tier characters tend to handle better to more people anyways.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Why play brawl professionally if you are going to lose? You might as well play with the best characters so you can get good faster.

Theres only so much "thats my favorite character, even if he is low tier" can do for you.

Flow Wolf

Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2008
I completely agree that people should and can pick whichever character they want (for whatever reasons they happen to choose)

I'm surprised at the lack of flaming thus far


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
Central/Eastern LI, NY
like, wow. I've got the choice between a nut-cracker and my fingers. I have to crack a nut, but I've got an emotional attachment to my fingers. So instead of simply using what would make things easier, i'm going to struggle and fall behind the competition who were smart enough to use what was available to them. but i'll have "fun".

have fun being bad at smash


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2008
Warning, Flamers Approaching!!!

You contradict yourself: you say that you liked PT, but you were going to use Lucas because he is better, just after saying that people should use characters they like, not characters that are better.

Anyways, Mew2King wouldn't have been the very best that ever was if he used his favourite character (Mewtwo)

Flow Wolf

Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2008
like, wow. I've got the choice between a nut-cracker and my fingers. I have to crack a nut, but I've got an emotional attachment to my fingers. So instead of simply using what would make things easier, i'm going to struggle and fall behind the competition who were smart enough to use what was available to them. but i'll have "fun".

have fun being bad at smash
And the flaming begins...


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Look... has anyone of you guys actually sat down and thought how ludicrous it is to look down on someone for what character they use? It's ridiculous, it really is. The sheer fact that people like you create a stigma around playing good characters is just ********. It's also dumb to assume that people who played the character in order to be the best either A: aren't having fun, or B: aren't enjoying their character choice.

Ultimately, people should play however they want to play and not have to deal with this crap.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
Roseville, MI
Why are opeople still trying to tell people how to play the game. Using high tier characters does not deminish your skill or ability to compete. Its fine if people want to pick a character based on a tier list or for other reasons.....who cares. These threads are getting old.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Do whatever you want. I wouldn't shy away from a character I like because they're top tier or vice versa. I didn't play Mewtwo in Melee even though he was one of my favorite characters (that's understandable right?). In Brawl I'm looking forwards to playing as PT and Olimar.

Another thing I have noticed about Brawl is that they spent a **** load of time trying to balance the characters.


Smash Rookie
Feb 24, 2008
like, wow. I've got the choice between a nut-cracker and my fingers. I have to crack a nut, but I've got an emotional attachment to my fingers. So instead of simply using what would make things easier, i'm going to struggle and fall behind the competition who were smart enough to use what was available to them. but i'll have "fun".

have fun being bad at smash
If you think people playing with top tier characters automatically makes them good and anyone else makes them automatically bad, you're in for some surprises.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2008
Cry some more
like, wow. I've got the choice between a nut-cracker and my fingers. I have to crack a nut, but I've got an emotional attachment to my fingers. So instead of simply using what would make things easier, i'm going to struggle and fall behind the competition who were smart enough to use what was available to them. but i'll have "fun".

have fun being bad at smash
This is a Falco/Fox user, we're talking about.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
One of the reasons I admire Gimpyfish is because of his insistence to use Bowser. Everybody considers Bowser one of the worst in the game, but Gimpy uses him anyway, simply because he likes him and got good with him.
He plays Meta Knight right now, who is looking to be one of the better characters.

Really cheesy Yu-Gi-Oh-like speech, but I get it.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
Warning, Flamers Approaching!!!

You contradict yourself: you say that you liked PT, but you were going to use Lucas because he is better, just after saying that people should use characters they like, not characters that are better.

Anyways, Mew2King wouldn't have been the very best that ever was if he used his favourite character (Mewtwo)
Well once I actually get ahold of the game, I'm going to try to use Pokemon Trainer more and learn his strengths and weaknesses, but he's difficult to learn while trying to win a tournament. I don't mean that Lucas is "better", just that I found him easier to pick up and that his playstyle suits mine. Plus I mentioned that I like his hair, which is pretty much the reason I tried him in the first place.

This thread popped up after watching a Ness combo video for Melee. 90% of the people he fought were Fox users, and he just demolished them one by one. Since Ness is considered poor, I found that quite interesting.

Sonic XD

Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2008
Fox is really not something to be worried about in tourneys. Brawl plays differently.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2005
I've never played the FE game marth comes from.... but I don't care, Marth is a great character, so I use him.

I hate racing games... I also play Captain Falcon.

I'm not going to play LINK just because my fav. Nintendo game is LoZ:ALttP


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
Anyone that would actually consider making a topic saying tiers are bad, or people that look at the tier list to pick a character are bad, guess what. DON'T read the list then! Tiers are for tournament players who are competing for cash, not some scrub like you who feels emotional attachment to video games and decides what character to use with their heart.

And besides, if you were actually good enough at the game and new the top strategies, you wouldn't even need to look at the tiers to tell who was better then who, it would be blatantly obvious. If you aren't good enough to tell this, then don't get all butt hurt because the competitive players think your character is only "mid tier and not top tier," since this list doesn't even apply to you anyway.

Sometimes I wonder if scrubs and noobs think that Marth and Pikachu would be completely equal if it weren't for those "elitists" who put the tier list down on the forums. Since you're in this category, could you clarify this for me Big Bob?

Terrorcon Blot

Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2006
In a perfect world, everyone would pick the character that fits their tastes.

It's a sad fact of life that because this is a game that so many play to win, that many people just look for the quickest "win button" character.



Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Anyone that would actually consider making a topic saying tiers are bad, or people that look at the tier list to pick a character are bad, guess what. DON'T read the list then! Tiers are for tournament players who are competing for cash, not some scrub like you who feels emotional attachment to video games and decides what character to use with their heart.

And besides, if you were actually good enough at the game and new the top strategies, you wouldn't even need to look at the tiers to tell who was better then who, it would be blatantly obvious. If you aren't good enough to tell this, then don't get all butt hurt because the competitive players think your character is only "mid tier and not top tier," since this list doesn't even apply to you anyway.

Sometimes I wonder if scrubs and noobs think that Marth and Pikachu would be completely equal if it weren't for those "elitists" who put the tier list down on the forums. Since you're in this category, could you clarify this for me Big Bob?
This man speaks the truth right here.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
Don't associate me with scrubs; I'm an excellent player. I don't just look at tier lists and assume they're wrong. I KNOW why Bowser and Mewtwo are rated low, and watching Brawl videos I can notice subtle differences in how characters have changed. The two times I played Brawl in person I saw tons of differences in how my most used characters played. So I know what I'm talking about. Everything I said still applies.

I certainly understand why you wouldn't necessarily want to use your favorite characters; I like Mewtwo as well, but just dislike how he handles in Melee. Star Fox 64 is one of my favorite games of all time, but I don't like Fox and Falco, simply because their playstyle doesn't suit me. Jigglypuff works best, simply because her playstyle suits me and she represents a series I like.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2008
Toronto, Canada
This thread is not necessary. You play with any character top tier or low tier.
although for competitive reasons you'd obviously play with the character you're best with .... i think you need to play all the characters and find a balance between who you like using most and who you're best with
for me, i try to use as many characters as i can just so i have a variety of characters to choose from when i play, this may mean that it might take me longer to get better with my main but in the long run i'll be able to use more characters well


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
In Melee, my main was Jigglypuff, simply because I was a large Pokemon fan, and I enjoyed Jiggly's floatiness and aerial attacks. She suited my playstyle perfectly and my friends recognized me as a beast when I used her. Not to mention, she's capable of wrecking professional Fox and Falco players with ease.
Somehow I doubt your excellence. Videos to prove anything or am I just going to have to take your friend's word that you are indeed a "beast" at smash?

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
Somehow I doubt your excellence. Videos to prove anything or am I just going to have to take your friend's word that you are indeed a "beast" at smash?
No videos, but if you like I'd be happy to challenge you to an online match when Brawl is out.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2008
Look behind you...
like, wow. I've got the choice between a nut-cracker and my fingers. I have to crack a nut, but I've got an emotional attachment to my fingers. So instead of simply using what would make things easier, i'm going to struggle and fall behind the competition who were smart enough to use what was available to them. but i'll have "fun".

have fun being bad at smash

DUde i bet you suck at smash because smash bros is all about fun...and you dont enjoy it cause you just want to think your the best, Pesonaly i play for fun with my friends.Sure i may get mad if i lose but its all for fun.



Smash Rookie
Jan 23, 2008
This thread popped up after watching a Ness combo video for Melee. 90% of the people he fought were Fox users, and he just demolished them one by one. Since Ness is considered poor, I found that quite interesting.
LOL. It's a combo video. They show highlights and are typically intended to make a player look good.

There's a Bombsoldier combo video on youtube right now. In the video he "demolishes" Ken several times. I don't watch the video and say "wow bombsoldier owns ken"? :p No, because I'm smart enough to realize that those clips are probably the best available, and the matches don't usually end like that.



Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Nottingham, UK
People should always play to win. There is no code of honour, some kind of unstated rule that someone should pick up a "character" they like rather than a "Moveset" they like.

But, if people end up choosing the same characters over and over because there so unbalanced then competitive play will just get stale like it did in melee, Marths and Falcos everywhere shining each other left right and centre.

If Brawl hasn't fixed it's balance issues then expect the same this time around. If it has changed and more characters actually become a viable competitive choice then theres nothing at all to worry about.
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