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Pathways Smash XI March


Oct 18, 2008
Well.. were you trying to side-B three times off the stage? Because that sounds like trying to me.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
Well.. were you trying to side-B three times off the stage? Because that sounds like trying to me.
Lol. Well, it was more along the lines of I was full-jump lasering, I was holding a direction while I was lasering and Sheik needled me and I side-b'd off-stage twice. The third time happened becuz of user error.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Well i might make it depend cus my family isn't sure what they are doing i'll find out asap but my friend is willing to come so 2-3 ppl.

most likely 2

but can u message me ur address

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
Well i might make it depend cus my family isn't sure what they are doing i'll find out asap but my friend is willing to come so 2-3 ppl.

most likely 2

but can u message me ur address
Ok well I PMd you my address and cell. I had sent it before but with the wrong zip code lol. Lemme know asap if you're coming for sure, how many, and if you'll need housing. Gotta run things like that by the wifey :)

Also if you're coming, can you bring a set up? Preferably at least a TV.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Are there payouts at all? I know it says it isn't guaranteed, but I just want to see if there's an update on that.

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
Are there payouts at all? I know it says it isn't guaranteed, but I just want to see if there's an update on that.
There are no entry fees thus no payouts. These are mostly smashfests with brackets and free pizza. They're lots of fun though and a good way to get better.

I suppose one of these days we could do a regular tournament with buy in brackets and prize money, but as of right now our monthlies are free.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
There are no entry fees thus no payouts. These are mostly smashfests with brackets and free pizza. They're lots of fun though and a good way to get better.

I suppose one of these days we could do a regular tournament with buy in brackets and prize money, but as of right now our monthlies are free.
didn't know there was free pizza lol


also will be over like around 9-10pm at ur place plan is to leave here around 5pm so 4 hour drive and diner on the way.

also what stuff do u have to sleep on?

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
didn't know there was free pizza lol


also will be over like around 9-10pm at ur place plan is to leave here around 5pm so 4 hour drive and diner on the way.

also what stuff do u have to sleep on?
Depends on how many people. You will be sleeping in my front room where I have a large sectional that two people can sleep on. Everyone else is on the floor =/ But we have an area rug on carpet so it's pretty soft actually.

Also are you bringing a setup or at least at TV?


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Depends on how many people. You will be sleeping in my front room where I have a large sectional that two people can sleep on. Everyone else is on the floor =/ But we have an area rug on carpet so it's pretty soft actually.

Also are you bringing a setup or at least at TV?
Yeah I'll see which TV we want to bring if we are going to bring a record set up

just 3 people me saberguy and yoshiman the other arkansas ppl have work or planned already.

But do u guys have a record set up for stuff?

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
Yeah I'll see which TV we want to bring if we are going to bring a record set up

just 3 people me saberguy and yoshiman the other arkansas ppl have work or planned already.

But do u guys have a record set up for stuff?
We have one set up that we run on the main tv that we record with. Our vids are uploaded to the Pathways Smash channel here. Since we only have one, last time we just recorded singles of brawl and melee. If you want to bring one maybe we can have a recording set up for Melee and Brawl, that way we can get doubles melee recorded too. I was thinking about a crew battle but we might not since it's just three of you.

You guys might want to bring a couple of blankets. It doesn't really get that cold but some people like to cover up when they sleep. We have plenty of pillows, but if you're like me you'll want your own pillow. Tonight if you guys want to get some smash in we'll smash in my room and my wife/kids will hang in the front room. Then when everyone is going to bed we'll swap places. We can do two TVs if you want but I only have one melee disc. There'll be four total smashers tonight, me plus you three. Or we can just do doubles or risers or whatever lol.

I gotta head out and run some errands so if you need anything, text me. You should have my number in your PM inbox.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2010
St. Louis and Rolla, MO
I think its pretty funny that the rules are nerfing some of MK's tactics. Especially staying on the ledge for more than 40 secs. It seems like that sort of stalling should be illegal for every character, not just MK.


Oct 18, 2008
The difference is that when Pit is planking, it's all he can do, and it's still beatable. It's a legitimate tactic for Pit. If Meta Knight is planking, most characters can't do anything at all, and based on frame data he's invincible. Imposing the ledge grab limit on everyone severely hurts some characters, while Meta Knight is still broken without it.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
So as of 12:15, Leviathan backed out on Sinister and I, but it looks like we will be bringing Ex-Dove. So account for 3 CoMO players tomorrow (er today given the time). I will be bringing my full recording setup and a TV/GC as well. See you all around 12 noon.

Edit: I will make a post when we leave town in the morn.


Oct 18, 2008
It's too bad that Leviathan backed out, we were really looking forward to playing him.

Hopefully my hands still function well enough to play Melee, I've been lifting things and cleaning for a few days, I haven't even had time to sit down and practice until today.

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
That's terrible, I really wanted to meet/play Dr. Leviathan. Oh well :(

Anyways, Terral instead of a Springfield vs the World crew battle, I think we should do a draft crew battle. They're SO FUN!!!

And maybe a low-tier side event?


Oct 18, 2008
I was definitely wanting to do a low-tier side event. I'm going to have a better idea of how to plan everything once I see all of our stations set up and when everyone's showing up. The low-tier event/s would happen early in the day if we do one. What exactly is defined as low-tier in Melee?


Oct 18, 2008
I'm heading there right now, I should be there at around 12, maybe a few minutes later.


Oct 18, 2008
That was quite an epic tournament. I had a lot of fun. Thanks to all the people who traveled, it was awesome playing people so much better than myself.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Another great tournament terral and ugvts. Had a load of fun.


Sinister: Didn't have many conversations with you, you were pretty quiet. But other then that, your shiek was sick nasty. I rarely get to play a lot of competitive players and on top of that, not many of them are shiek players so I'm glad I got practice in. I believe I had a more hard time playing you then I did darkatma at the first Event 52. I haven't looked, but it'd be awesome if you and Darkatma uploaded some dittos some time, I believe they'd be quite close.

LinkMO: Our dittos were a ton of fun. As I said already, I don't get to play many competitive players and no one really plays falco in the area so it was fun playing another falco main. You're really really good for only playing for one year and I'll enjoy playing you and sinister in the future. Also, thanks a lot for driving down. I'll try and drive up to Columbia with some of the Springfield crew in the future as well.

Vts: Pretty disappointed we didn't get to play at all (maybe we did low tiers, not sure though), but from what I saw, your IC's were awesome. We'll definently have to play at the arizona tournament. Also, thanks for bringing that cable. It saved one of our setups, haha.

Saber-somethingorother: I'm terrible with names so i cant remember anything other then saber, but our Mario dittos were fun throughout the low tier tournament. Never got to play you outside of low tiers but we'll for sure play at the Arkansas tournament if you're there.

Yoshiman(I think): Awesome falcon. I always love falco on falcon matchups. Hopefully we'll play more in Arkansas.

Sorry for any mistakes, did this all through my iPhone. Sorry to anyone I might have forgot, I will be sure to add more later if needed.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Was fun glad we came was great to meet so many new people :)

wish the melee normal bracket started little earlier is the only bad thing about the tournament

hope to play you all soon again :)


Oct 18, 2008
We'll definitely work more on scheduling for the next tournament. I haven't had to organize something with nearly this many people or events before, or one lasting so long. Also, a lot of the timing problems were due to expectations of people showing up later, and not knowing when/if certain people would show up, so ideally that won't be an issue next month.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
VTS = very terrible smasher. That's not the case at all lol.
I had absolutely NO idea how to play Icies so I got RAAAAPED by them lol. No johns tho.
Other than that, I'm pretty please with the way I played. A couple of times I wish I had played a bit better, but there's always next time.
Any chance the bracket image for the low tier, melee doubles, and singles could be uploaded?
Shoutouts to come later.


Oct 18, 2008
I had no idea what to do against VTS' ICs either, I've never played anyone using the character, let alone someone who even knew what they were doing. VTS being ridiculously good meant getting three- or four-stocked. I don't remember if I had a chance to play you, LinkMO, or at least outside of events. We need to fix that next time we meet.

We're going to have the results uploaded to AllIsBrawl, which will let people view the bracket images. If you want it linked directly on SWF I suppose I could do that, too. We'll have everything up on there, though.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Vts: Pretty disappointed we didn't get to play at all (maybe we did low tiers, not sure though), but from what I saw, your IC's were awesome. We'll definently have to play at the arizona tournament. Also, thanks for bringing that cable. It saved one of our setups, haha.
Yeah thought i played everyone though might have missed 2-3 ppl :(. I try impress people :). Np I always like to bring a spare co-ax anyways

VTS = very terrible smasher. That's not the case at all lol.
I had absolutely NO idea how to play Icies so I got RAAAAPED by them lol. No johns tho.
VTS doesn't really make very terrible smasher its just a joke about my name since it's just 3 letter everyone tries to make it something else so i like very terrible smasher. Good games i just have a lot of practice vs falcon/fox/falco not much peach practice or marth saddly but still do decent against them since i have my theory that works against them lol. If you come to ARK 3 i'll teach you how to fight IC its pretty easy really and if anyone wants to learn just grab me and i'll tell you how to beat me.

I had no idea what to do against VTS' ICs either, I've never played anyone using the character, let alone someone who even knew what they were doing. VTS being ridiculously good meant getting three- or four-stocked.
Pikachu IC is like a 65/35 match up in IC favor and i have somehow pikachu practice vs pikachad for many tournaments and i can solo chain grab pikachu from 0-50/80ish depending on di into f-smash so easy match up for me. Close games in low tier though :), pretty good pikachu you got there.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
We should make a results topic and link to brackets and vids from there, IMO. Can't wait to see the crew battle! :)
Yea the "crew" battle was awful for me. Sinister knows me like the back of his hand so me going up against him was a horrible idea, but nobody else wanted to step up and play him.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Crew battle was bad for me too, I didn't even get to play :(

Also, any idea when any matches will be uploaded? We had 3 stations, so it'll be kinda hard to track them all down. If anyone has all 3 channels that they will be uploaded on, I'd like the links to them :)


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
Dream Land
is the channel where matches played on our setup will be uploaded. a lot of the matches played later in the day (including low tier GF:() got corrupted or some ****. so if you played on that setup at anytime past low tier finals (and maybe a bit earlier), it won't be up.

oh and can we get the brackets up so i make sure i know who everyone is?

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
is the channel where matches played on our setup will be uploaded. a lot of the matches played later in the day (including low tier GF:() got corrupted or some ****. so if you played on that setup at anytime past low tier finals (and maybe a bit earlier), it won't be up.

oh and can we get the brackets up so i make sure i know who everyone is?
Brackets will be up soon and posted on AIB here.

Just so everyone remembers, BHLMRO = Zantetsu. I think all of Missouri could use a little Ice Climbers practice lol. The only one I've ever really played was Jace, and he has since moved on to Captain Falcon. Even when I played ChuDat at a tournament he went Pikachu lol...which by the way is also very very good.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
ZivilynBane: Man it was finally nice meeting you. After contacting over the phone numerous times we finally got to meet in person. Friendlies were a lot of fun and so was the entire set that we had in the bracket. Still trying to figure out if you were sandbagging against me in friendlies though, cuz when we played friendlies, my Falcon was doing pretty good, and then when we met up in bracket, you beat me pretty easily lol. :/

Terral: your Pika surprised me. Trust me, if you keep working on it, it is going to get even better. We played once in friendlies and that was like 10 minutes after we all had gotten there (we played on the big projection tv). Then the other time we played was in the low tier tournament lol...Zelda's foot is awesome haha.

Zant: our dittos were always fun and they almost always came down to the last stock. I look forward to playing you again at the Columbia tournament.

VTS: I would love some advice on learning the Icies matchup, but I don't plan on coming to the ARK tournament. Unfortunately, it would be roughly a 6 hour drive for us (not to mention, but I think StL is having a tournament that day as well). Either way, you played great and I simply got out smarted, and outplayed.

DrewBear: side-B ing SUCKS. Lol we both did it a lot in our friendlies, thankfully I didn't do it once in the bracket haha. Awesome games overall man, keep practicing up that Falco.

Yoshiman, Tempest, Saber: I don't think I ever played you guys besides in teams good stuff tho Saber getting 1st.

If I missed you, I'm really sorry, I'm still kinda exhausted from the drive last night lol

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
Well I was gonna do shoutouts in the results thread but everyone else is doing them here so I might as well also lol.

TheSaberGuy-It was great playing you. You have incredible mindgames and spacing and as a Marth main, if I get outspaced I can't win. Great job and I'll hopefully get to make it to A.R.K. and play you again.
VTS-Nice Ice Climbers. I'll most certainly be asking how to beat you if I make it to A.R.K. lol.
YoshiMan-Good games. You were fun to play. Your tech skill, speed, and reaction time are very good. More experience and situational knowledge will help you tremendously and come in time.

LinkMO-Bert! Very glad to have finally met you as well. Good games all around. I wasn't really sandbagging you in friendlies, but I kind of stepped it up a notch when we played in brackets. I had to get my revenge for your Zelda beating my Ness in low tier! See you on the 16th.
Sinister-I'm glad you reminded me that we played at Sakauri Can't Shffl. I thought I recognized you too. It's amazing how far you've come in such little time. Your edge game is amazing and your reaction speed is insane. Good games. See you on the 16th.
Kellen-It was fun playing you. I actually spent like four hours doing nothing but Marth vs Peach with -Tempest- a week or so before the tourney so those definitely came in handy. See you on the 16th.

Roman-Good job at the tournament. 2nd in low-tier is pretty darned good. And we got 3rd in teams. Our comeback against Terral and Kellen was amazing! Can't wait to see the vids for those. Overall I'm very happy with your progression, you're getting better each time I play you.
Terral-OMG I'm so proud of you. Your Pika is going to be devastating. You get the vote for Springfields most improved so far. Good **** taking 7 stocks in the crew battle too.
DrewBear-I only got to play a couple of games with you but I liked what I saw. My tech chase reads are getting less reliable as you get more unpredictable. You're going to be insanely good and it's going to happen fast.
-Tempest--We didn't get to play! I did however watch you play and you are getting better still. I was very impressed that you and Sam beat Blue and Yoshiman. Possibly the biggest upset in the tournament. Thanks again for the Peach practice, I'll be thirsty for more pretty soon.
Sam/Jake-Sam I didn't get to play you and Jake, you definitely got better. Keep playing and keep trying to get better. We're getting a pretty solid crew going and you guys are welcomed to be a part of it.
Robbie-I can't thank you enough for the venue and can't thank your parents enough for the Pizza. Sucks you got left out of brawl singles but Terral was pretty busy =/ Next time I will personally make sure you get entered into Brawl singles :)
Blue-I'm very glad you're getting in to melee and you definitely show some potential. I need to make sure I got your cell phone right because I never get any replies from you lol.
Everybody else - I'm either not leaving you a shoutout because I don't think you'll ever see it, or because I just didn't remember lol. Good games to everyone else I played.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
Dream Land
I'm gald I decided to come. had a lot of fun and everyone there was chill & funny as hell (vts). i'm up for coming down every month as long as i can get a ride over there.

so for everyone who's coming the the como tourney, i'll see you there, if not, see you next time.


Oct 18, 2008
Since everyone else seems to be doing it, I figured I should do some shoutouts. I hadn't really heard of doing this before, but it makes sense.

Sinister - Playing your G&W was easily one of my favorite sets of the day. I was really hoping you used G&W based on your avatar on here. I don't believe I got a chance to play you aside from this, but I know from watching parts of your matches and friendlies that I would have lost.

VTS - Our low-tier match was fun, and I enjoyed the Pikachu mirror; your tech skill is excellent. Your Icies are incredibly beastly, I was only just barely catching on to what I was doing wrong toward the end of the second match.. though even if I had been able to apply that to the whole set I probably would have only been able to take an extra stock before losing. I'd like to know your secret IC counter tips, so I won't get destroyed next time we play.

Saberguy - I really enjoyed our friendlies, you're an excellent player. I'm very impressed with your Mario, if I remember correctly. I feel like I learned quite a bit from our matches.

Yoshiman - Excellent friendlies matches. You have quite a good Falcon, and we were evenly matched enough that I was able to learn a lot about the match-up. I was impressed by your Yoshi, but I get a feeling that Yoshi is at quite a disadvantage against Pikachu. I regret going for all of those gimps, but it is turning into pure reaction. Great matches.

Kellen - I was very surprised at how well our team functioned. I have very little doubles experience in Melee, so I wasn't particularly confident that I'd be able to team with someone I've never met before and do well. As for our set, that was a tough match for me. Your Peach is very good, and it's a touch match-up for Pikachu. Good game.

I don't have a solid memory of any of my other matches, but I'm sure all of them were excellent. I was pretty busy a lot of the time, and I was one of the many people with headaches, so my memory is a bit scrambled. I had an awesome time at the tournament, and it was great meeting everyone. I'm a bit disappointed I wasn't able to play everyone, but I'm sure I'll be able to eventually. Definitely looking forward to the next tournament.
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