Just a warning... Prepare yourselves for a more serious post.. and a rant =/
I main sonic, but am slowly dissipating away from it because I hate losing to noob idiots who can spam some random attack and can out-prioritize my sonic trixes. Let me clarify something first... By noob idiots, I mean people who can actually somewhat play the game, but use characters like MK or Wolf. On that note, I'd like to express my agitation with Wolf just because I can =/ In general, I'm not very impressed by Wolf and rarely do I have trouble with him... however, I find it ridiculous how unpredictable some of his moves are, and how insane the range on some of his most basic attacks (foward smash anyone?) are... Take this rant however you will, but I hate feeling like I have to try twice or 3x as hard as someone playing another character does to beat any one certain character. Bah, I just hate Sonic's priority issues.. and I hate having to use nothing but tricks when I play.
That being said, I love Sonic as a character and I love how he plays.. it just seems so much easier with other characters >.>
To drop all this serious ****, I'll get more to the original point of the thread :o
What's your favorite Sonic game? -Sonic 2
Are you a fanboy? -I guess... I love most of the games.. can't f*cking wait for unleashed :o
Do you think global warming is the cause for Sonic's speed? Other way around... of course
Do you like Haunter? -Let's just say, I never got a Gengar... and that tongue makes me moist <.<