Paper Mario Master
Smash Ace
- Joined
- Aug 22, 2009
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My perfect Smash Bros 4 character list:
Keep everyone from Brawl
-change Ganondorf so he actually has a Zelda-themed moveset rather than being Falcon's slower fatter father.
-change Falco and Wolf's Final Smashes.
-change Toon Link's FS to Oni Link from Majora's Mask.
Bring back Mewtwo and Roy from Melee
-do some extensive adjusting of Mewtwo. Make him heavier, power up his attacks a little, change Down B and Side B to Psycho Cut (psychic blade spins around his body, hitting once in the air and multiple times on the ground) and Psybeam (operates like Flamethrower/Fire Breath, but can't be tilted and holds the opponent in place until it starts to fade out, then it's easy to escape). Change some of his A moves around so they're more mental than physical and use Psychic energy instead of Darkness.
-change around Roy so he's the middle FE character in terms of weight and speed and power. Keep Counter and Flare Blade, but change DED to something like a sword throw which boomerangs back to him, and change his Up B to an attack where he leaps up until he reaches an opponent or the height limit, then does a single spin slash. Also change around his A moves so they're visually different from Marth's.
Make these Assist Trophy characters playable:
-Little Mac
-Kat & Ana
-Ray mkIII
-Gray Fox
-Samurai Goroh
Make Ridley playable
Add these characters:
Donkey Kong series
-King K. Rool (Down B changes him to Kaptain and Baron, all three have different movesets, same Final Smash for all costumes)
Zelda series
Metroid series
Yoshi series
StarFox series
Pokemon series
Mother series
-Porky (in a scaled-down version of his Heavily Armed Porky walker from Mother 2/EarthBound)
Fire Emblem series
-Black Knight
Sonic series
Miscellaneous series
-Animal Crosser Boy/Girl (can choose which one to use, only play as one, only difference is cosmetic)
-King Hippo (Punch-Out!)
-Mike Jones (StarTropics)
Everything I don't agree with is in bold.....
First of all, Toon Link isn't from Majora's Mask, he's from Four Sword Minish Cap Wind Waker Phantom Hourglass and now Spirit Tracks. His FS should be a Four Sword type thing or Wind Waker, not the Fierce Deity from MM.
I don't want to start a Roy argument but your ideas are good for him if he comes back.
Mewtwo doesn't need his moves changed, but if they are give him somethin awesome like Psychic instead his old Confusion for B <> and maybe Psycho Cut like you said for his Bv
Waluigi, Kat&Ana, and Gray Fox should not become playable, we don't need to go making a bunch of ATs characters.
K. Rool should have one moveset and stay K. Rool except maybe an costume alt.
We don't need that many Metroids, heck it's a stretch to add Weavel.
Heracross really? I understand if he's your fav PKMN but he won't be playable maybe a pokeball though.
Mother/EB doesn't really need so I've heard, and if they did get one there are others that would likely get in first.
The BK........he'd probably be a Luigified slower heavier clone of Ike....
AC's=no, not just me a bunch of people (including Sakurai I think) don't want them....
I don't even like Lil Mac why King Hippo?
Ummmmmmmmm probably not.....