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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Champion
Nov 17, 2005
Bay Area, Cali
i say we start a back alley fighting competition, like in fight club, but instead of wasting time on blowing up ****, we just keep fighting

btw, awesome movie, see it if you haven't


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
What is the first rule about fight club, Quak?

get his nuts.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2006
i can hear the same gender relationships forming, within the music.
First of all, that song was super-awesome, and I don't really know what you're talking about. Second, I find all the 'gay' comments really kind of offensive. Could you please, like, refrain from that sort of thing in the future? thanks.

Afro Justin

Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Because of course there aren't gay people anywhere other than California. Oh, and we don't try to keep them to the Castro District, where they belong.

Oh, and I really feel kind of offended by you having a problem with people making gay jokes. What are you, some kind of homophobic . . . phobic? You should be more tolerant of other people's intolerance. Really, now.

Zelgadîs ™

Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2004
If you're gay, deal with it. If you're going to be offended by gay references, you should be offended that you're gay yourself.

I have nothing against gay people. One of my best friends is gay. He jokes about being gay all the time, and he doesn't care what people think. Gay people should be more like him.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
To clarify and defend myself:
1) yeah i use gay as an insult. it's a bad habit i have. i also call things ********. sorry if it offends you.
2) my second post about gay was a response to snap. it seemed like he was making fun of me calling something gay, so i decided to fire back. i actually don't think that this post would be offense at all, because if anything i'm making fun of myself for calling something gay.
3) it does not bother me that another guy is gay.
4) the music is actually pretty cool, i just wanted another character update ><

K Balls

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2006
i dont know what is going on with this gay stuff but it sounds gay, dont know if that made since. anyways Zelda is hott in brawl and the music is hott. hopefully zelda can run faster since it doesnt look like shes wearing high heels. Looks like boots to me.
i wanna come to the biweekly

Afro Justin

Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I don't know if it's easy to run in boots . . . I mean, I'm not gay or anything, but I can imagine what it's like to wear chick boots, and they aren't easy to run in. That'd be gay if she wasn't faster, though.


Smash Champion
Nov 17, 2005
Bay Area, Cali
for real, i can see how it could be offensive, but i hate 'politically correct' people. You know we don't mean in a derragatory way, so go after the people who are using it in that way. Don't be too sensitive

yes i tend to use phrases like 'ur gay' and 'that's retarted,' it's not the best idiosyncrasy i've got, but i don't think i should feel inclined to change just because im steping on some toes.

And yeah, i do laugh at jokes like "how do you seat 4 gay men on a barstool" if they're funny, im not going to be self conscious about who might be in the room, and then say "THAT'S NOT FUNNY" while i think in my head 'yeah, it kinda is.'

And only politicians should have to be 'PC', if that. Frankly, even politcal correctness in politics seems to really slow things down.

on a side note, iowa has really good ribeye, and i'll see you guys on saturday


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2006
If you're gay, deal with it. If you're going to be offended by gay references, you should be offended that you're gay yourself.
yeah......... okay. I'm not gay either - but I have very close friends and relatives who are. uh... yeah. ok. You know what? This whole discussion is "Black." Let's just leave this whole thing behind, 'cause it's hella "Asian." And you know what else? The song wasn't just "gay," it was also "Jewish", "Muslim", and "Mexican."

right. Do you get my point? Anyways, I didn't mean to start a flame war - yall can talk however you want. Just... yeah.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
zomg guyz! Somebody is offended, whatever shall we do?

I've got gay friends but nobody cares. And yes this thread is $p1ck. I call myself $p1ck all the time!

Look there is a difference between malicious insults and jokes. Malicious insults are meant for hate, and jokes are meant for love. Let's just give each other a hug. :)

Zelgadîs ™

Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2004
yeah......... okay. I'm not gay either - but I have very close friends and relatives who are. uh... yeah. ok. You know what? This whole discussion is "Black." Let's just leave this whole thing behind, 'cause it's hella "Asian." And you know what else? The song wasn't just "gay," it was also "Jewish", "Muslim", and "Mexican."
It's their decision to be gay, nobody forced them. If they can't deal with it, then that's their own problem. If anyone is offended just being what they choose to be, then they should change. I don't agree with Racism, that's not a good thing at all, and aside from obviously joking around, like everyone on the boards do, I've never seen, nor heard anyone from the smash community be racist towards any race, sexist to any gender, or biased towards anything in particular. Except Snex. Thank god he's not around much anymore.

Point is, I don't see any reason for you to be offended. What does it do to you, who isn't gay, and only knows gay people, to read text on a forum referring to the word "gay" or any reference to that particular lifestyle? 99% of the people who use the word gay, basically mean stupid. Why can't they say stupid then? Who cares. It's a word, and nobody is attacking you or any homosexual people anywhere. Leave it be.


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
yeah......... okay. I'm not gay either - but I have very close friends and relatives who are. uh... yeah. ok. You know what? This whole discussion is "Black." Let's just leave this whole thing behind, 'cause it's hella "Asian." And you know what else? The song wasn't just "gay," it was also "Jewish", "Muslim", and "Mexican."

right. Do you get my point? Anyways, I didn't mean to start a flame war - yall can talk however you want. Just... yeah.
You...are So Gay.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
yeah......... okay. I'm not gay either - but I have very close friends and relatives who are. uh... yeah. ok. You know what? This whole discussion is "Black." Let's just leave this whole thing behind, 'cause it's hella "Asian." And you know what else? The song wasn't just "gay," it was also "Jewish", "Muslim", and "Mexican."

right. Do you get my point? Anyways, I didn't mean to start a flame war - yall can talk however you want. Just... yeah.
Being homosexual (or bisexual for that matter) isn't the same as being Jewish, Asian, Mexican, etc. Point is, sexual preference is just a more sensitive topic than racism, and you can't really compare the two.

I can understand where you're coming from, but these days, anywhere you go, you're probably guaranteed to hear the phrase "lol don't be such a gay ******" or something similar within your first 5 minutes of being there. Sure you think it's derogatory, disrespectful, but people may not mean it that way. And sometimes, you just have to deal with it. It's a matter of life.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2006
It's their decision to be gay, nobody forced them. If they can't deal with it, then that's their own problem. If anyone is offended just being what they choose to be, then they should change.
My good friend, you are entitled to your opinion, but not to your facts. :D Couldn't you say the same about converting religions? Anyways. This is my last post on the topic.

uh... I don't eat meat, but I'm not trying to convert anybody, and I don't see what that has to do with anything. ?:/

p.p.s. I'm driving to the PK tourny! I posted this in the Sac forums, but I've got at least 2 spots open for Sacramentans.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
Bwuahahahaha! I never noticed that my post sounded like a poem!

And god bless you Zelgadis. God bless you.

And Justin, are you sure it was Jewish? It very well could have been Islam.

One more thing: Jewish is not a race, it is a religion. I think Hebrew is a race... I think.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2006
It's their decision to be gay, nobody forced them. If they can't deal with it, then that's their own problem. If anyone is offended just being what they choose to be, then they should change. .
I disagree with people saying being gay is a choice, being actually homosexual isn't a choice but being "gay" is a choice. What people think of as a gay person is in fact a choice. But I am curious as to what you are in fact offended by... is it that you feel insecure that you a friends with someone who is gay? that is the reason for most insecurities.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2003
Forest of Feelings
I disagree with people saying being gay is a choice, being actually homosexual isn't a choice but being "gay" is a choice. What people think of as a gay person is in fact a choice. But I am curious as to what you are in fact offended by... is it that you feel insecure that you a friends with someone who is gay? that is the reason for most insecurities.
Being gay may not be a choice, but being openly gay sure is a choice. I'm almost 100% positive that's what Zelgadis was talking about.
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