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NM Power Ranking System


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
I belive we need a new system for coming up with power rankings in the nm, an idea i though of would be to hand out a slip of paper to those who would like to participate in the power rankings system at tourny, the slip would include a rating from 1 to ten for the top 10-20 in the nm, or anyone else who wants to participate.. lemme no if anyone else has any good ideas.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
For starters, I think this should be discussed in the current power ranking thread, but oh well.

Well, it isn't like a competition in that you choose whether or not you want to enter. If you are the best in the state, you are the best in the state. You don't "choose" whether or not to participate in the power rankings. I think it just needs to be better managed. Who are the panelists again? Everett, Erich, and AlphaBravo? To my knowledge Everett doesn't do anything, Erich is busy, and Alpha doesn't do much either (I thought you were slowy giving up on Smash, Paul). I think the panelists need to get off their ***, personally. The rankings need to be based on points, not "Mostly opinions."


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
either way they tend to be extreamly biased.......thats why alpha bravo is not top 4 he is way better then everett but everret gets to decides so it doesnt make much sences
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Yea, I agree. They are kinda screwy. Tell you what: First off, Alpha is still active in Smash, in fact he's pretty darn good at it. Wait 'til the tourney, you MIGHT be surprised this time, seriously!! I've said this for every tourney, but I'm serious this time. If he really takes this tourney seriously, we'd better watch out, 'cause last time he kinda wasn't interested in Smash, only Gears of War. Just wait guys, he's pretty darn good.

ANYWAYS, the new panelists can be Joe, and 1-2 other people of his choice, preferably people who are more active on Smashboards than not. You decide Joe. Gotta go, see yall's later.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
Yea, I agree. They are kinda screwy. Tell you what: First off, Alpha is still active in Smash, in fact he's pretty darn good at it. Wait 'til the tourney, you MIGHT be surprised this time, seriously!! I've said this for every tourney, but I'm serious this time. If he really takes this tourney seriously, we'd better watch out, 'cause last time he kinda wasn't interested in Smash, only Gears of War. Just wait guys, he's pretty darn good.

ANYWAYS, the new panelists can be Joe, and 1-2 other people of his choice, preferably people who are more active on Smashboards than not. You decide Joe. Gotta go, see yall's later.
im not saying i should be a panelist...i will be if u all want me too but w/e.............please let me no what u guys think, it coulb be like me kash and someone else i dont no
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Whatever Joe. This is rather confusing, so we could decide at the tournament. Let's make some new power rankings based off of this tournament. Then, at the tournament, let's make a point system, and apply it to people who qualify, cool?

Hey guys, I doubt anyone's going to read this until tomorrow, but oh well. I can only bring one T.V, so we should have 8 of each, OK?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
Whatever Joe. This is rather confusing, so we could decide at the tournament. Let's make some new power rankings based off of this tournament. Then, at the tournament, let's make a point system, and apply it to people who qualify, cool?

Hey guys, I doubt anyone's going to read this until tomorrow, but oh well. I can only bring one T.V, so we should have 8 of each, OK?
wow way to cop out at the last second......but it oesnt rally matter as it is i think we have too many tvs and not enough gcns.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Yea...I was still able to bring two T.V's, because my mom saved me at the last second and said here, take mine.

Anyways, back to the topic of this thread!! Power rankings.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
So based on the tournament here are the rankings ( they are a little wacked)

10.) SKYE



Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Those rankings are very wacked.

1. First and most importantly, it doesn't comply with the requirements for rankings (at least 3 panelists, mission statememt, etc.)

2. One tourney does not a power rankings list make

3. ABP not on there at all....W-T-F

4. C-J not being on there at all....not as wtf as ABP not being on, but still wtf.

5. If you're just going by tourney results, why are you ahead of me? And why is Paul ahead of Kash?

6. No disrespect to lrin and Skye, but they shouldn't be on there.

In conclusion, there's no point in trying to make another list until we get an effective system in place, and hold several tournies to apply that system to.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
Those rankings are very wacked.

1. First and most importantly, it doesn't comply with the requirements for rankings (at least 3 panelists, mission statememt, etc.)

2. One tourney does not a power rankings list make

3. ABP not on there at all....W-T-F

4. C-J not being on there at all....not as wtf as ABP not being on, but still wtf.

5. If you're just going by tourney results, why are you ahead of me? And why is Paul ahead of Kash?

6. No disrespect to lrin and Skye, but they shouldn't be on there.

In conclusion, there's no point in trying to make another list until we get an effective system in place, and hold several tournies to apply that system to.
i completly understand that this is mnot the power rankings...i was just showing the tournament results.....i did get ferther then u in the tournament , not my fault....i looked at the saved tourny on the pc and thats what it told me...THIS IS NOT THE POWER RANKINGS i guess i shouldve been more clear......as for paul and davis not sure guess thats just how things went down... and apperntly cj didnt do well...and abp is up there he is number 5...i understand that these r wacked but thats how the tourny played out. We need at least three tournys to make some sort of power ranking...and at three panelists, so far people have said me kash and .... how bout u golden glove?


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Hmm...number 5 is alphabravo. That's not abp, that's paul. As for you getting farther than me in the tourney, are you sure? I thought you got knocked out by Davis. If that's the case then I know I got farther than you, cause davis knocked me out a couple rounds later, and he went on to get past paul and then lose to everett. If you didn't get knocked out by Davis, then sorry, my mistake. As for being a panelist, sure, I'd be up for it. Remember it's a MINIMUM of three, so we don't have to kick out all of the current panelists as well (which was Erich's idea, he should probably be getting involved in this). But as I said, I don't see much point in making another list until we get a system in place.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
Hmm...number 5 is alphabravo. That's not abp, that's paul. As for you getting farther than me in the tourney, are you sure? I thought you got knocked out by Davis. If that's the case then I know I got farther than you, cause davis knocked me out a couple rounds later, and he went on to get past paul and then lose to everett. If you didn't get knocked out by Davis, then sorry, my mistake. As for being a panelist, sure, I'd be up for it. Remember it's a MINIMUM of three, so we don't have to kick out all of the current panelists as well (which was Erich's idea, he should probably be getting involved in this). But as I said, I don't see much point in making another list until we get a system in place.
i edited the post now...i got kicked out by allboutpeach not davis he was only the first loss.....sry davis somhow was on ther twice... but i fixed it.......as for panelists it could be me u and kash thats what i was going for....but erich and sinz tend to make their rankings in favor of themselves ... as for paul id like to keep him but he doesnt seem that active anymore. as for there being no point in making this... i sort of agree but just tring to reawaken the nm scene


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Right, I see what you're going for. Well, maybe we could implement a system I've seen some of the other states use. After each tourney, each panelist submits a list of who they think is the best, 1-10. 1st gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etc. So if someone is 1st on one person's list, 2nd on another person's list, and 3rd on another's, their point total is 27. The ranks go from most points to least points.

*shrug*, just throwing out ideas


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
If all us NM smashers want the rankings to be as unbiased as possible, then (like Golden Glove said) need an official system in place and each panelist should come from a different crew/team.

For example: Kash, Sinz, Arctic Drac, Pice

Each of these panel members is from a different crew/team and would allow for honest debates and suggestions concerning the power rankings. There should be one and ONLY ONE person from each crew so that two people from the same crew will not overpower the other members with their opinion.

Those are just my suggestions and I think they would work. Also, I believe that those four people that I posted should be the panelists.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
i agree with u guys that could work any oppinions NM

The Mechanic

Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2006
Ranking system in NM area

__{[ (IF you Don't Want to Read the Whole Thing plz Just Read the Last Paragraph)]}___

Hello(2ndpost) , I'm glad to see the forums are back from the Poke invasion I was on right when it happened! I don't know if what I am talking about is relevant to the topic check it out.

Anyway, in sports what the do for rankings is that depending on the size of the entries there are three groups. In each group there is one person who is suppose to be first, second or third best in the pool. Then everyone else who is thought to be not quite as good are evenly divided into each of the three groups. Then in each of the three groups there is a round Robbin. The top player in each group is assigned a skill level of 2000. Then everyone in the group take turns playing the "best" player. If they win then their rating goes about 100 points higher than the best player. If you lose to the "2000" level player then you play the next in line like a 1500 level player and so on. After all the round Robbins conclude then the best players from each group play each other.

I didn't do a great job of explaining it, the rating can be calculated on the margin of victory. Like in tennis you play like 5 or 7 games of 21 points a game to make one match, and the score from each game in the match goes to determine the margin of the win.

I believe there is free ware for like PC tournaments.

I know 5 people in the NE heights Inc(myself) who play a lot but I don't want to talk trash until I see how good we do against the other players in Abq lol! It would be good if we could have a monthly get together on the weekend to strengthen the SSBM and upcoming brawl following, like a lan club. Only trouble is finding a place? Maybe someone belongs to a church that would let us if we all pitched in like a 10 dollar club fee?


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Oh yeah, about the monthly's, I have been trying to find a building that we could rent out once a month for a day, so far the cheapest is 250$. And that isn't very big.

Oh yeah, about the rankings go ahead make something new or something. Yea, I was being bias a bit in the rankings, but I had been going by previous tournament results. Which is why Chris is still on top and Erich is second. So far paul keeps on sandbagging, if he stops he will be awesome. But, the power rankings are a representation of how you would do kinda, against certain players in a tournament. If you sandbag alot and don't keep on winning you will not be going very high. Paul and I already have had that discussion.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Anyways...I've never been involved in power-rankings before, so I don't know how mine could be biased. I'm just a supposed judge, to make it legal. Now, however, we have a real thing going down. If you really want me to be one of the panelists Golden Glove, then I will. I've not done this before, so yea. I like the point system idea as well, because it is fairly accurate. Wanna go for it?

What up NE heights Smashers? How goes it up there in the hizzy?? Think I'd make a good gangstA? Yea, me neither.

So you guys wanna get in on a little smashing for monthlies? That sounds cool. Just post with us and we'll let you guys know about the places and whatnot. Talk to you all later.

Just keep me updated with ideas and if you want me in or not on the power rankings. Later. I've got more advertising to do.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Oh, I wasn't trying to nominate you as a panelist. I was just saying it was your idea to form a new panel, so you should give some input as to who you think should be panelists. Also, are you talking about the point system I posted, or Mechanic's point system?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
ya u guys golden gloves new system is perfect....everyone agreed? i think we could use the mechanics system for close ties (like erich and allboutpeach used to be)
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Oh Golden Glove. OK, whatever. I'm gonna have to say that I agree with Alpha pretty well with his decisions. I was supporting your system for now GG. It's a little more simple for us first time ranking guys, no offense Mechanic.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2006
A monthly weekend get-together would be awesome... there's got to be somewhere with space avalaible...

Then again, $250 dollars means we only need 25 people to pay $10 each. If we could get 25 garunteed to come, then that place you've got there, Sinz, would be spectacular.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
A monthly weekend get-together would be awesome... there's got to be somewhere with space avalaible...

Then again, $250 dollars means we only need 25 people to pay $10 each. If we could get 25 garunteed to come, then that place you've got there, Sinz, would be spectacular.

you can always plan on me showing up, just let me no the time and the place

as for the panelists i belive it could be, Pice, Kash, Erich, Artic what do you guys think ( i would say alpha but he doesn't seem to want to)

The Mechanic

Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2006
game space

I know there is rental office space here in town. I wanted to say to shapecharge that 25 people would be easy to fill. There are six to 7 people that come over my house every other week end. I know if I posted fliers around UNM that loads of people would show. On the UNM shuttle bus I heard some people talking about a SSBM party! I am in the NE heights, I think there are many serious people here in town. We might be able to use a church if someone who belongs to a church could land us some space, the churches need money and they would probably argee to that. I know that some comunity centers will give us space for cheap.

PM me and we could exchane phone numbers and maybe I could invite a few of you over.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Regarding the point system, I think we could adopt a similar point system to the MOAST Circuit tournaments.

I believe they refer to them as X Point Systems.

What it is is depending on the amount of players, the more points are worth.

For example:

4x - 15-20

8x - 21-35

Something like that I think would be good.

As for the panelists, I would totally be down for being a panelist. That is if my fellow New Mexicans think I'd be capable of filling out that duty. By the way, sorry for my inactivity. I've been busy as hell lately.

Also, I believe you suggested Artic as one of the panelists, Pice. I disagree. He is way too inactive. I also like the idea of not having more than one person from a crew on the panelists to remain as unbiased as possible. But what if we take it a little further? Kind of a politic outlook on it. For example, each state gets... what... one representative to X number of people? What if one crew gets one panelist for every, say, 5 crew members. Just for example.

Like Glove, I'm just throwing ideas out there. I'm not definitely standing by any one thing imparticular.

EDIT: I went ahead and pulled this directly off of the MOAST Circuit thread:

Local Tournaments -

4x / 8-16 People
1: 4
2: 3
3: 2
4: 1

8x / 17-32 People
1: 8
2: 7
3: 6
4: 5
5: 3
5: 3
7: 1
7: 1

Local events will not have more than 8 points, regardless of attendance. Regionals are guaranteed at least 16 points.

If you want to see the whole thread, go here: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=98990

I think it is a great point system, personally. Also, have we decided on our panleists yet?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
um....sure that could work *looks dazed and confused*


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Okay I checked out the room on friday and it is way too small. 250$ was for 12hours just so you know.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
no not especially..i think i get it it just seems too complicated for something as simple as power ranking...idk it could work though


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
So has NM come to a desicion about the ranking system yet?
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