W/E happens don't panic...
I would honestly suggest getting the Wii U version if you're not really that bothered by the limited portability...
Trust me; I'm having a hard time avoiding spoilers myself until I can access the Switch. Let me just say that its not particularly fun and I'm hoping that I'll be able to get my hands on a Switch soon. Alternatively, if I am that desperate, I could aim for the Wii U version of Zelda. However, this is only meant to be a last resort...
I only bought the Switch version because...
1) I had the money saved up for it...
2) I didn't want to wait to get the game until later and have to avoid spoilers until then...
3) I know I'd regret getting the Wii U version several years down the line...
Mainly because I had the money for it, as I started saving up for it around this time last year...