- Joined
- Jan 27, 2008
- Messages
- 13,602
- Location
- Michigan
- TripleDash
- 3DS FC
- 1719-3728-6991
- Switch FC
- SW-1574-3686-1211
It's that time again. Please hype responsibly.
3pm PST
6pm EST
11pm BST
7am JPT (September 5th)
There was a problem fetching the tweet
3pm PST
6pm EST
11pm BST
7am JPT (September 5th)
- All Smashboards Global Rules apply.
- Showing Hype/Disappointment is cool, just be respectful of your fellow users & their opinions.
- If you have to report a post, you probably shouldn't reply to it either.
- Please try to cut down on embedded media/images/etc. out of consideration for mobile users. Remember media-only posts count as Spam!
- If you're posting about a rumor/leak, please put it in a spoiler tag. Don't ruin the potential surprise for others.
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