The 3DS gets hate namely from those who haven't played it. The PS3's launch price and subsequent problems garnered more hate because it had a much larger audience than the 3DS at launch.
Remember when we just played board games? No one really hated on 'em, rather, "play it or don't, we're just passing time with some cheap fun." People take video games way too seriously, so much that they'll boycott entire companies because they're different (Nintendo), or because they price their products at extravagant prices. Video games have found a rather large social niche, one of which is extremely demanding. So many people were ready to buy a $600 PS3 based upon the fact that they enjoyed their PS2 and/or PSX. So many more weren't, and a fair portion of those resent the company. The company is not here to provide for you, they just provide. This goes for Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony. They all have their flaws because of how enormous they are.
If you have a problem with your standing in society based upon what video games you own and have access to, then you should probably rethink your life. It is not a measure of man that he possesses the newest technology.
What a tangent, Mark! Anyways, as for the 3DS? It has a line-up of awesome games coming out. I highly doubt it won't survive through next year. With Ocarina 3D alone the handheld is strong. In terms of new games, it has Super Mario 3D Land (which seems to combine aspects of SMB3, SM64, and Galaxies), Kid Icarus: Uprising, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart 7, Paper Mario, Kingdom Hearts 3D (the closest thing to a real one we've seen since KH2), Super Smash Bros., a good amount of shovelware, and then some announced, but unclear games. The best looking titles are 1st party developed, which will surely interest developers more in the system as they see its success climb by year's end.