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Newer Smash player looking for a main to settle on.


Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2014
Okinawa, Okinawa
I'm really enjoying this game so far, and I feel like it has the potential to hold my time for many years to come. Currently I have reached a wall. I am having trouble choosing between Lucina, ZSS and Rosalina for my Absolute main in this game. I believe they are fun and have potential but Learning this game can be harsh at times for a newer player so I kinda need all the advantage I can get. Do you all think that either of these 3 are good starters? And if so what is the best method to learning the mechanics. Personally I was going to just play like 3500 straight games with one character until I just drowned my muscle memory with this game.


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I'm really enjoying this game so far, and I feel like it has the potential to hold my time for many years to come. Currently I have reached a wall. I am having trouble choosing between Lucina, ZSS and Rosalina for my Absolute main in this game. I believe they are fun and have potential but Learning this game can be harsh at times for a newer player so I kinda need all the advantage I can get. Do you all think that either of these 3 are good starters? And if so what is the best method to learning the mechanics. Personally I was going to just play like 3500 straight games with one character until I just drowned my muscle memory with this game.

Having multiple mains is not a bad thing. In fact, more is indeed better. But here's a few things you'll need to know.

:rosalina: is by far one of the most difficult characters to learn and play properly because of the Luma, but she is one of, if not the best character in the game. Her Up-B is among the best recoveries in the entire series and her Down-B allows her to absorb any projectile but you need good timing (Remember, she can't heal or reflect them, so just makes them disseapear). Combos with the Luma can be quite hard to get out of and deal MASSIVE DAMAGE, but you need perfect positioning. Also, you need to learn how to play without the Luma, because if you lose it, Rosalina becomes nearly useless in comparison. Ask a Rosalina main for more informations, because I barely ever played her.

:4lucina: is a good character and is very easy to learn, but she has some notable flaws: She lacks Marth's tipper sweetspot (except down air, for some reason), her sword is slighlty shorter than Marth's butter knife and she lacks projectiles, just like you-know-who. But she does have a few perks: She's noticeably faster, which allows her to perform the Ken Combo. Like Marth, she has KO potential in Neutral-B, Usmash, Fsmash, Sweetspotted Dair can meteor/spike (can remember which one) and other ones I may have forgot since I don't play either one often enough....... Ask a Lucina/Marth main for more informations.

:4zss: is a great character for pretty much anything. She has great combo potential, a decent amount of KO moves and is really agile and speedy. Obviously, it shouldn't be surprising for me to say that: I main her! But what potential does she have?
  • Her aerials are quick and effective
    • Nair, Fair and especially Uair are great for combos
    • Bair has KO potential
    • Dair is a stall-then-fall divekick and has a large hitbox if you land on the ground with it, but it leaves you open if you miss (or the oponnent dodges/shields it)
    • Zair has great range and speed and little (if any) lag, but is not a tether recovery.
  • So are her tilt attacks
    • Utilt is great for juggling, but it is quite laggy is you miss.
    • Ftilt and Dtilt are incredibly fast and have very little lag, making them great for most up-close situations. (Ftilt is faster and Dtilt, BTW)
  • Her neutral combo (AAA) is quick, reliable and deals decent damage
  • Dask attack cover good distance, deals a good amount of damage and great knockback (can't KO, but still....), but it does have noticeable lag, making it very risky.
  • Her smashes are very different uses.
    • Fsmash can KO
    • Usmash has a tipper sweetspot that can KO, but its better uses are as a dash attack follow-up and people trying to air dodge (or helpless) while right above you
    • Dsmash can paralyse characters (the more you charge, the longer) if you hit with it.
  • Her specials are great as well
    • NeutralB is a paralyser that become stronger the longer you charge it. It is an energy-based projectile (so it is reflectable/absorbable), but if you hit with it, you can do pretty much anything. Great for edgeguarding and aerial NeutralB cancels all landing lag if you touch a platfrom while charging.
    • SideB is great for keeping opponents away from you. Its multi-hit properties, combined with its range, tipper sweetspot and the sourspot pushing whoever's hit with it towards the sweetspot, give it great potential: it can cancel most counters if far enough, if can cancel Ike's SideB and Mac's NeutralB with good timing too. It is also a tether recovery that is longer than it seems and can gimp characters trying to recover.
    • UpB is better than Brawl's in terms of vertical recovery. The final hit is also one of her best KO moves and can be followed up from a Dthrow->Short hop if you position yourself accordingly. It is a bit tricky to actually land it, but oh so satisfying.
    • DownB ahs multiple uses. It can be used for horizontal recoveries, along with her SideB. It can be used offensively: pressing A or B during the move can deal great knockback can KO (sweetspot can spike), or touching an opponent without inputting anything buries on the ground and meteors in the air. You can also escape combos with it, due to the invincibility frames at the beginning. It doesn't put her into helplessness or special fall and allows her to wall jump if you touch a wall with it.
  • Her grabs and throws, now.
    • Fthrow, with good timing, can be followed with a dash attack.
    • Bthrow, with good timing, can be followed with a Bair
    • Uthrow allows for a decent amount of follow-ups, but Dthrow is much, much superior and useful.
    • The grab itself has great range and speed, but is easily punishable due to the ending lag.
  • Other things
    • Her taunts, victory poses and palette swaps (both Zero Suit and Bikini Suit) are really :eek:
    • As I said at the beginning, she's fast and really agile.
    • There may be some things I forgot (or simply don't know) about her gameplay, so ask another ZSS main for more informations.
Also, welcome to Smashboards.
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