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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Well....let's see a Tom Nook moveset then...:glare:

Here's one from the last thread with some changes.

B: Leaf Drop
Nook drops a leaf in front of him. Once the leaf lands, it turns into a random piece of furniture (does not vary in damage or any other properties) that can the be thrown or smashed forward like crates. In the air, this attack acts very differently. Nook drops the leaf, but he must press the B button as the leaf falls for it to turn into a piece of furniture. This is useful for zoning with Nook by keeping the opponent out with deception.

Side B: Net
Nook spins horizontally with the net if it whiffs. Otherwise, he'll get the opponent in the net and there is a brief period of stun where you can start a combo. Nook can aim in anti-air, edgeguarding, and straight directions for this making this a versatile grab. Use this in mixups when the opponent is expecting to air dodge or sidestep. Think of this as a mix of Ibuki of SF's Raida and Makoto of the same game's Karakusa

Down B: Shovel
The animation for this is him putting in a pitfall, but the length of time compared to the item counterpart is much smaller. You can have up to two of these at a time and each one disappears after a set period of time. When used at point blank, this is used as a launcher. This is good attack to follow up with the Net.

Up B: Fishing Rod
Casts the fishing rod upward at a 45 degree angle. Can be used as an anti-air to bring the opponent in or as a tether.

Playstyle: Tom Nook is not a fast character by any means. If you were to consider Muddy Mole an aggressive defensive character, Nook is then even more defensive. Instead of getting to the opponent by limiting their mobility options, Nook limits the options to keep them defenseless, ripe for picking with his net. From there, Nook can unleash rather devastating combos. Nook's preferred methods for moving are jumping, wavedashing, and his glide (a reference to SMB 3's Tanooki Suit). Otherwise, he is rather slow on his feet.

Another weakness is that he has rather poor vertical recovery as his Fishing Rod is a tether recovery making his recovery predictable, but it's best to use that after performing an edge guard.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well,I think its a bad idea to try convince Nintendo/Sakurai to improve thier online method. If they droped the friend code system,don't you think thier new online will MOST LIKELY have mic chat?
No it's not, if anything it would improve the way online content and service is handled, if Operation: Connect sets out a message to Sakurai, he would then look and maybe base his idea around those suggestions, plus it doesn't hurt to try, it might work if enough effort is put into it.



Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I had an idea for a Tom Nook Up-B that was based on the Tanooki suit from Mario, basically worked the same way, it was a run, and pressed B-Up, then as many times as possible to gain height. A nice nod to the Tanooki theme inNintendo games.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Alvis, eh? Never head of him. To Fire Emblem wiki I go!

Hmm, seems kind of interesting. Definitely would be refreshing to see more of a mage caster in Smash bros. Can't see him making it though, despite a cool premise.
Trust me he is BY FAR the best villain in the entire Fire Emblem series. However, his chances are practically non-existent. Heck, he is unlikely even to show up as a trophy.

The only characters from Fire Emblem that will ever be playable are lords.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
No it's not, if anything it would improve the way online content and service is handled, if Operation: Connect sets out a message to Sakurai, he would then look and maybe base his idea around those suggestions, plus it doesn't hurt to try, it might work if enough effort is put into it.

Nah,I think you'll guys send a message,but I don't Sakurai would consider taking ideas from you guys.Thats like if you're working at a restaurant as manager and some random customer gives you tips on how to do your job better.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Nah,I think you'll guys send a message,but I don't Sakurai would consider taking ideas from you guys.Thats like if you're working at a restaurant as manager and some random customer gives you tips on how to do your job better.
You're not getting it!

It wouldn't solely be a Smashboards thing, GameFaqs, Nsiders, IGN and other major gaming boards would also be in on this, the goal is to increase awareness and spread the word, the creator of this group already has a post set up on GameFaqs concerning this, what did you think?



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Thanks a lot. I deeply appreciate you making it.

Is there a gallery I can look through to see as to what you have?
Actually there is. My SSB4 Sig Portfolio: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=305916

I take a lot of requests. So that may explain some of the... Odd choices at times... If everyone wants to know a secret about my sigs, here it is. I actually don't like most all of them!

As a bonus, here is one I created just out of fun.

Deleted member

You're not getting it!

It wouldn't solely be a Smashboards thing, GameFaqs, Nsiders, IGN and other major gaming boards would also be in on this, the goal is to increase awareness and spread the word, the creator of this group already has a post set up on GameFaqs concerning this, what did you think?

I would love to see Fatmanonice's thread on this on GameFAQs. More awareness is a win-win situation for us.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
How do you have so many character support tags in your signature? For me it passed the limit once I hit seven characters.
It is your top sig. There is some kind of spacial limit that will keep other images from being able to be tacked on. I've tried to find a work around but to no avail.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
@ Omega

Cool, I look forward to it. I should make some movesets in here... I made some for Make your Move... but the judges there tend to dislike actual Smash style sets in favour of convoluted playstyles and stuff.

EDIT- Is there any reason sigs dont always show up? On my screen it's not consistent as the whether or not they show up. Smash boards problem?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@ Omega

Cool, I look forward to it. I should make some movesets in here... I made some for Make your Move... but the judges there tend to dislike actual Smash style sets in favour of convoluted playstyles and stuff.

EDIT- Is there any reason sigs dont always show up? On my screen it's not consistent as the whether or not they show up. Smash boards problem?
Are you posting via the quick reply box at the bottom? That usually disables the signature function by default, you'll have to check the box if you want it displayed when doing so.

..and thanks, I'm doing the best I can.

Jun 8, 2009
In quick reply for some reason, when you click show your sig, it does not show. You need to go no advanced post.

And as for Chris the Ripper.... GTFO!

@Omega: Thanks for the review. Next in line, Miiii.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I like seeing everyone using Star's GIF's. Everyone who uses them wears their "heart on their sleeve" in a way and we all know who likes who.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I was able to do Nathan Drake. How is Mii hard to do? I already got it planned out anyway
Why? Because they are customizable, at least maybe in Smash they might according to Iwata stating something about customizable content between The Wii-U and the 3DS.

Jun 8, 2009
The only thing I'll do is post the possible moves for the mii. Moves based on sports, part, fit and pretty much their special ability to summon their friends and use some sort of green energy.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Here is my Toad moveset.

Toad moveset:

Toad may be one of the more controversial characters on my roster, seeing as there is a lot of passion and debate as to who is the most deserving of a Mario newcomer spot. I am hoping by displaying at how much he would be a unique character addition that you might possibly understand why I selected him over the other Mario characters I mentioned. Toad will be a very interesting character in terms of stats. He will be very fast, very light, but extremely strong and have poor recovery. You might be confused as to why I am planning to have Toad like this, however, these stats are derived from actual Mario series canon. In Super Mario Bros. 2 (or even better yet, go check Super Mario Advance), Toad is ranked as the fastest of the four characters (5/5 rating), the strongest (5/5), however, he has the poorest jumping (2/5). He is also very light, as he is usually among the lightest drivers in the Mario Kart games. Toad’s trophy profile in Brawl also makes mention of Toad’s “superhuman strength.” A character that is both a speed character and a power character has not been done yet in the Smash Bros. series., so I decided that this would help to make Toad quite a unique character addition.

Toad has also starred in many games over the years, and much of his moveset will be derived from his abilities in Super Mario Bros. 2, Wario’s Woods, the Mario Kart series, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, as well as some of the Mario sports titles he has been in. Toad will also have some special abilities that are unique to him (much like Peach’s floating ability is unique to her). I am hoping that the moveset that I have crafted for Toad will help dissipate the belief that Toad would not be an unique character addition.

Toad Regular Moves:

Due to short length of Toad’s limbs, you must be quite close to your opponent in order to hit him or her with your attacks. Toad relies on his massive head for a lot of his attacks due to this.

A: Left-punch

AA: Right-punch

AAA: Toad puts both his hands on the ground, and kicks his opponent with both of his feet (Pikachu’s A-tilt)

Side-A-tilt: Toad does a spin-kick.

Running-A: Toad headbutts his opponent with his huge head while running.

Down-A: Toad headbutts his enemy (think Pikachu’s regular A-move)

Up-tilt A: Toad jumps up a little bit to do a headbutt.

A-Air: Toad spins around in a ball.

Backward-air: Toad kicks from behind.

Foward-air: Toad does a foward headbutt spin (meaning he headbutts by spinning head first into your opponent).

Up-air: An upward headbutt.

Down-air: Toad falls instantly down head first on his opponent (think like Toon Link’s Down-air). If the attack connects he will bounce off his opponent and be in the air again. It’s a spike if the opponent is in the air.

Smash-foward: Hits opponent with tennis racket, it is perhaps among Toad’s weakest moves, but it possesses the properties of a special move in that it can reflect knock back projectiles if timed right.

Down-smash: Hits opponent with a golf club, this attack has the most range of any one of Toad’s A-moves. It also has a sweetspot at the tip.

Up-smash: A very strong headbutt, hehehe, no. He actually flips upside down to do and upward kick (think ROB’s Up-Smash).

Special moves:

Regular B: Bombs: Toad pulls out a bomb from Wario’s Woods. The bomb is quite powerful doing 15% damage a piece. If B is pressed again Toad will place the bomb on the ground and kick and the bomb. The bomb will slide along the ground and won’t explode until it falls off a ledge, hits a wall, hits an item, or hits your opponent. This is based off of an ability from Wario’s Woods.

Side-B: Toad Kart: Toad rides his kart from the Mario Kart series. It is like Wario’s bike in that you can ride into your opponents with it to do damage, however, there are few key differences. One is that Kart is a tad slower, does slightly less damage, but has much better traction (turning). Toad will also be able to throw any items he is holding while riding it, much like in the Mario Kart games.

Down-B: Veggies: This is similar to Peach’s down-b but there are a few key differences. One is that Toad will be able to pluck the veggies, that come out of the ground much faster than Peach (in Super Mario Bros. 2, Toad was the fastest plucker, wheras Peach was the slowest). Toad also does not have his plucking limited to turnips. Toad will frequently also pick up pumpkins, radishes, and peppers (as well as the other veggies that you could pick up in Super Mario Bros. 2). Toad will also occasionally pick up some of the items that appeared in Super Mario Bros. 2 when doing this such as a Koopa Shell, a bob-omb (yes, sometimes bob-ombs would be picked up), a POW block, and some rare occasions a stop watch. You only have a 5% chance of picking up an item (meaning 1/50 shot), however, the move is well worth it considering that besides turnips, the other veggies that Toad throws do more damage than most of Peach’s turnips, and he is able to pluck them faster and throw them farther.

Up-B: Propeller Block: This move is based off of the Propeller Block that can be acquired in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Toad basically pulls out the propeller block, and flies up really quickly. Holding onto the propeller block will make Toad slowly descend (like Peach's parasol). The downside to this recovery move is that while it has excellent vertical recovery its, horizontal recovery is non-existent (outside of slowly descending). The propeller block only goes straight up.

Final Smash: Bomb Barrage: This Final Smash is inspired from Wario’s Woods. The fairy-sprite thing from Wario’s Woods will shower lots of bombs from the game all over the arena you are fighting on. Toad can gather these bombs to stack them and kick them individually like in Wario’s Woods. The bombs will explode once they hit your opponent (the bombs won’t backfire on Toad). Sometimes, the black bird from Wario’s will appear in the fairy’s place and shower random enemies from Wario’s Woods instead. Unlike the bombs, the enemies can be continually reused. This is not a powerful Final Smash, and can even be classified as one of the weaker ones.

Toad has a an unique ability exclusive to him. He has the ability to run up walls like in Wario’s Woods, however, this ability is only useful for stages such as Fourside and Saffron City.

Toad’s taunts are as follows:
1. Toad will wave at the screen and say hi.
2. Toad will jump up, and say yahoo (Based off of when you would select him in Mario Kart 64).
3. Toad will clench his fists, and look determined toward his opponent and say, “I’m not scared.”

Victory animations:

1. Toad will give the peace sign, and say “Sweet.” This is based off of what he would do when he would win a match in Wario’s Woods.
2. Toad will be jumping up and down saying “Yippee I won.”
3. Toad will pump his fist, and say “I guess you underestimated me.”

Toad idle animation:
Toad will normally just have his fists clenched and try to look determined and brave. Once and a while, Toad will have nervous expression on his face and look around.

Toad running animation:
Toad runs with his arms thrown back (like Ness’s running animation).

Toad shielding animation:
Toad will use his arms to block his big head.

Toad costumes:

Costume one: Greed spots on shroom head, with green jacket.
Costume two: Blue spots on shroom head, with red jacket.
Costume three: Yellow spots on shroom head with yellow jacket.
Costume four: Black spots on shroom with black jacket.
Unlockable alternate costume: Toadette or Toadsworth

Kirby Hat: Kirby wear’s the Toad “shroom hat”.

Toad-Snake Codec Conversation:
Snake: Hey, Mei Ling, who's the ****** with the spotter hat?
Mei Ling: That's Toad. Toad is one of Princess Peach's trusted body guards.
Snake: If he is so tough, then why does Peach keep getting kidnapped?
Mei Ling: Well... most Toads are cowards, but a few are very brave and even accompanied Mario and Luigi on their quests.
Snake: I guess this one must be one of those Toads...
Mei Ling: One more thing Snake, Toad may be small, but he is extremely strong. Please don't get caught off guard by his small size and meekish disposition.
Snake: Don't worry. In Smash Bros., I have learned looks can be deceiving...
End of codec.

End of Toad moveset.
Jun 8, 2009


@Chrono: Great moveset for Toad. I'm also willing to add some options to my moveset (Notice that I add second options).

The specials are actually the same with mine. Neutral B is a projectile, forward B is the same as my second option, so is the down B same with my second option and up B is the same with propeller cap except it's a propeller block.

There are some elements missing though. Toad's use of his mushroom powers. He can summon mushrooms as seen in the later mario games.

Good moveset.
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