Too much detail, but no surprise there. And it's only going to get worse.Man, wish Chrono, Tri-Hy and maybe Oasis were here to hear this but in GameFAQs's Kid Icarus Uprising-board, many find Palutena VERY hot. Loads of requests and wishes to have sex with her and such. Oooh my.
There is a reason why people look down on GameFAQs. However, yes, the primary requirement that many people seem to have about female newcomers is "am I attracted to her?" Its pathetic. However, its also for this reason why I we are probably going to see Palutena and Medusa not only become the most requested female characters for Smash 4 but possibly among the most wanted characters overall.
Just wait until Palutena's OVA comes out, reaction to Horsetail's avatar and the fact that it's Shaft who's making it says anything, those should be major red flags.