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Smash Cadet
Mar 30, 2009
Paradise, Nevada.
Xyro's ruleset for WHOBO 2 will have something of a ruleset for MK play-

ALL METAKNIGHTs that enter a match will be under the LGL rule. Metaknights are allowed to grab the ledge a TOTAL of 40 times PER MATCH. The numbers can be viewed AFTER a match on the results screen. If you exceed the limit even by a single ledge grab you will lose your entire SET or match( the TO will decide). However, this rule can be ignored if BOTH players agree.

MetaKnight Stage Rule: If Player A (Meta Knight) wins first game and gets CP'd to Halberd (a CP stage), then he can stay Meta Knight. But if he loses, he can only stay Meta Knight if he CPs a starter/neutral stage. If he CP's a CP stage, then after opponent changes character (or stays) Player A has to switch off of Meta Knight.

tl;dr (learn to read for ****s sake) MK can only counterpick neutrals, and they're the only ones with a planking ruleset.

Lol ><

It's both bad and good, bad the way he's going about it, but good that it's being addressed on a level aside from "ban only"

dunno how it'll turn out, but we'll see :o
This is why Xyro fails, and I won't go to any tourney he sponsors. I don't main MK anymore but he's biased and doesn't understand Meta Knight and his relationship to the metagame. It should be 40 ledgegrabs for everyone, not just mk.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Nidoking. He's ******. But I always use Alakazam because psychic is broke as hell.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Haha, yeah, screw that BB game, it's totally dead. It isn't like the company that made it has a history of updating/rebalancing their fighting game series, including making cool glitches that weren't intended into part of each future engine, in order to encourage a competitive environment.

Also, totodile.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
This is why Xyro fails, and I won't go to any tourney he sponsors. I don't main MK anymore but he's biased and doesn't understand Meta Knight and his relationship to the metagame. It should be 40 ledgegrabs for everyone, not just mk.
Let me help you out since you are obviously a..............nvm

NOTHING in this game(cept a meta ditto) stop TRUE meta planking/ledge stalling. if you stop it with any other character, the meta sucks and planking/ledge stalling. The next best planking/ledge stalling is from GW and pit. But both can be stopped by MANY characters. GW/pit/Samus/toonlink and more.

See the difference? i doubt you so ill explain it for you.

1. If u DO not restrict meta when it comes to planking/stalling you get meep or gnes vs metwoking.

2. If you DO NOT restrict meta when it comes to planking/stalling you MUST ditto him to counter it......then look what you did. You added another meta to the scene/results...ect. So at the end of the day what did you do? 40 ledge grab limit HELPS control metaknights ledge abuse.

So what you do is you put the planking/stalling rules on him so he CANNOT abuse it to get free wins. i dont attach it to pit/gw or any other char cause it can be stopped if you CP chracters........aka play smash the way its supposed to be played: CPing.

As for stage restrictions, its a test. Since metaknight has ZERO bad stages(at worst its EVEN) then him CPing neutrals doesnt hurt him now does it? BF and Lylat are VERY good meta stages so if anything he can still have stages that give him an advanatge. over all, ive decided banning meta is the BEST idea but its very hard to get people to understand WHY. So i put all of these restrictions on him as a test.

PS: you called me biased. you think by me putting restrictions on meta it will help my samus? WRONG. DDD and OLIMAR are harder to face than metaknight. You also said i dont understand METAKNIGHT and his relationship to the METAGAME. You didnt even use metagame right so i KNOW you have no clue on what YOU just said.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
Sup guys, I want to hold Grand Challenge 2, and I wanted to ask you guys on a date that is reasonable. I know that some of you are planning to attend pound 4, so I'm wondering how much time will you need to recuperate finances and energy before you attend another OOS tourney?

As of now I'm looking at early to mid February.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Sup guys, I want to hold Grand Challenge 2, and I wanted to ask you guys on a date that is reasonable. I know that some of you are planning to attend pound 4, so I'm wondering how much time will you need to recuperate finances and energy before you attend another OOS tourney?

As of now I'm looking at early to mid February.
I think we're doing one in Feb too aren't we? Either way I'm definitely going to an AZ tourney again lol



Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Oh ya Kyle, forgot to tell you-

Plank's got a group of people already on top of rides from the airport.

In a few days there'll be a thread that everyone needs to post their itineraries up in and they'll handle it for us from there :D


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2006
I changed my mains. Well, just one. I still main Marth, but my other two are Kirby and Peach. Ganondorf is my low-tier main, and Falco...I think I've lost my touch with him.


Smash Rookie
Nov 12, 2007
Sup guys, I want to hold Grand Challenge 2, and I wanted to ask you guys on a date that is reasonable. I know that some of you are planning to attend pound 4, so I'm wondering how much time will you need to recuperate finances and energy before you attend another OOS tourney?

As of now I'm looking at early to mid February.
I don't think we would need that much time to recuperate, in fact, I think we are going to 2 other OoS tournys the two weekends after pound..
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