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New Falco Gimp on Delfino Plaza?


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
San Mateo, CA
So while playing today, as Falco and my friend as Marth, when we where on the traveling parts of the stage I got gimped a few times by this, new possible gimp to watch out for?

I'd try and sweetspot the ledge with my side b, and he's go up to it and shield. I think what happened was his shield being hit took priority over me grabbing the ledge, I'd go past the ledge and fall through the thin bottom platform and die

I don't have a Wii, so if anyone wants to confirm this or try this out, please do. I got hit with it quite a few times today, might also work on Fox and Wolf


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
It happens with Ike too. When you forwardB with Falco just don't overshoot...space it so that the ledge is within grabrange at the END of the forward B or else theres a possible chance he will not grab since there is no wall to prevent your movement. It has nothing to do with the shield cancelling you grabbing the ledge really since this will occasionally happen without any interaction with another player. It's weird because even with Ike sometimes you can forward B into it and you will autosweetspot...but sometimes you will just go straight through with Ike not bothering to grab. It seems if you're exactly on par with the stage you will probably grab but if you're just a teensy bit off then you will go through it. It's not because your friend is smart and knows how to gimp you...he shields so he doesn't get hit by your forward B.
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