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New Advanced Technique for Link?Actually post on this.lol


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
Ok I looked in a few threads and I didnt see anything on my observation so I going to share it and get opinons on whether it is legit or not.

I:Short Hop Double Aerial Hookshot
II:Uses of Short Hop Double Aerial Hookshot
IV:Short Hop Double Aerial HookShot Rush or SHDAHR

I:Short Hop Double Aerial Hookshot

Yesterday,I was in training mode with link with a dk and used a Short Hop hookshot to attack him.I have this habit of continously pressing the button that Im using at time to keep the rhythm or flow of my combos or whatever (lol I dont know)But I pressed z twice and noticed that link did a double Aerial Hookshot.(for now on we are going to call it SHDAH for short.)This did 10 dmg and kept the DK in a spinning like lag motion (the one when you cant move.)and kept a good spacing inbetween me and him.After observing the technique and doing it repeatedly, I came to the conclusion that its basically canceling the lag animation of the hookshot attack and redoing the attack.But the second one acutally does more knockback and stop the oppurtunites of triple ,quad,etc aerial hookshots.Now I doubt this hasnt been discovered but if not the instructions are for this attack are as follows.

1.Shorthop and preferably at the peak or when you see an opening.
2. Do a hookshot or a barrell roll lol,but preferably a hookshot.
3. As soon as it hits, press z again.
4. If done right, the person should be flying away from you.

Now there is a few precautions to this technique.One is that you must hit on a certain part of the hook shot.The picture below shows this part.

As you can see its the upper part of the hookshot.Now I was just estimating from memory and im sure there is probably a little more space but thats is where you want to be aiming at.If you dont you, usually just hit with one hookshot.

Another precaution to this technique is that its usefulness, although greatly depends on the size and speed of the character, also depends on the dmg of the character.Though you gain an advantage regardless of damage,you have are able to get more uses and combo oppurtunites when your opponents damage is higher.(what Im going to be talking about next section)

II:Uses of Short Hop Double Aerial Hookshot

Its most apparent and obvious use.Easy way to start 2+ hit combos.I find SHDAH to Fair the safest (Well they are all somewhat safe if the opponent are caught in the lag lol.) due to the spacing of Link and his opponent.This and SHDAH to Dair will probably be your main way of killing using this technique.

SHDAH-->SHAH-->grab or SHDAH-->Grab
These combos are really good also.The first one is if the person wants to be smart and decides to not or just doesnt tech the SHDAH,,you can use a fastfalled SHAH(Just one because SHDAH's knock back will cause the opponent to get out of reach) to stand the opponent up and then you attempt to grab.

Or you can SHDAH and do a fastfall to grab.Either way,your pretty straight.

SHDAH-->fsmash(very rare) or Hyphen smash

This is more of a Dmg combo but If your fast enough you can do this.This combo is great for mind games because of the versiltality of SHDAH itself.Suppose you kill your opponent once with SHDAH to Dair,and you get his stock up to 90%(ideal starting point for KOing SHDAH combos) and you proceed to do SHDAH for the kill.Thinking youll be predictable he'll try to DI down.This is when this combo shines.From there,you fast fall(the hookshot will stop since its basically lagless.)and run to hyphen smash.This is very easy because while the knockback from SHDAH isnt set nessecarily(i think)it really doesnt alter the use of THIS combo after 100%.(knockback discussed later)

III:pros and Cons of SHDAH

--Good spacing tool,Link's quickest long range attack.
--No Lag or basically nonexsistent,so not that much of a big deal if you miss.
--Good suprise technique to get through shields(people hold to the first hookshot,not knowing youll do the second one.And if the person wants to hold the shield,you can fastfall to grab and pwn their butts.
--Along with Arrows ,The Bommerang,and bombs,if your enemy goes off the stage,they are most likely not coming back.
--Since there are so many different ways of getting the person with this technique,they will get hit eventually.

If your miss,and fastfall to grab and miss...youre screwed.
Yeah not really a technique that has many downsides.

IV:Short Hop Double Aerial HookShot Rush or SHDAHR

This is the technique in which I dont think has been discovered.Its somewhat like a flawed infinite waveshine with link but with more combo potential. LOL ok maybe not like that but it somewhat feels like it.With most characters(including MARTH AND IKE HELL YES),if you follow them quick enough( and if their dmg is right range) you can do another SHDAH after the first one.Instructions are below.

1.Do a SHDAH but...
2. Start fastfalling as soon as you achieve the first hit...
3. And quickly run or foxtrot(preferably) a bit of distance(to where SHDAH can hit again)
4.repeat SHDAH.

Now with certain characters you can should stop at two and preceed to other combos.(Such as Grab or aerial)But with the bigger chracters (snake ,dk,ddd,rob,etc),you can actually rush them across the stage if you do a PERFECT SHDAHR.This is when you do SHDAHR and catch the opponent in which he is in midair and cant not do ANYTHING because he is caught in the lag animation.This happened to me the most around the 75-90% range and here and there around the low 100 range.Now the problem is that I dont know how to achieve PSHDAHR(lol it just comes out of nowhere at times)I think there is a specific spot in which you hit the person, but idk but someone will probably find out sooner or later.

Now the problem of SHDAHR is that the damage really determines the possibility of this technique being successful.This possibility really diminishes after about 150 dmg because they fly too far,(maybe sooner depending on its weight and floatyness)and even if link actually successfully rushes someone across the entire stage(the only stage ive tested this on is Final destination) you will usually will not be able to k.o on the spot for the person will probably be at too low of a dmg.(unless you edgeguard the shidslfj out of them.)


Q:I only get up to two SHDAH's in a SHDAHR...
a:That's good, follow up to an aerial for the win.A full stage(ex FD)SHDAHR is situational.I mean VERY situational. Its more flashy than nessecarily useful due to conditions you have to catch your opponent in.And nine times out of ten youll find a SHDAHR with only two SHDAH's more useful than a Full Stage SHDAHR.I mean whats better,

SHDAHR(ONLY2) to dair at a 120% for the kill
Full stage SHDAHR from 60-90 to nair to opponent recovering.

um I probably answer more if someone asks.

Um i hope its legit enough to considered being useful and dont get on my dicajldff because of typos and stuff lol,im 15 and I have a lot of hw to do lmao.Everything in this post was created by me lol(provided that it wasnt already discovered, which would suck lol)



Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
double aerial hookshot huh? Ill have my boy try that out when i get home


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2008
I tried this, it's very easy on characters like Bowser. Something I find interesting and useful is that diminishing values don't apply to the clawshot. So if you land the SHDAC it's an automatic 10% no matter what. (It's really a clawshot, so why is it called a hookshot?)


Tamed Beast
Feb 25, 2006
Boston, Ma
that's not an advanced tech man.

that's called sweetspotting the clawshot (it IS a CLAWshot by the way)

it's a game mechanic.

whether you hold, double press or just tap once, the clawshot will hit twice for 10 damage.

the whole thing about the clawshot is that you have to hit with the claw.

while it's coming out it's opened, if you hit with that you do 4% damage

if you just hit with the end when the claw closes it does 6% damage

if you hit with it coming out so that it bounces them into the closing claw it combos for 10% damage

there is no secret or trick to this, it is a simple game mechanic and is built in. it's all about sweetspotting it correctly.

the chain itself does no damage or hitstun or whatever. it's all the claw, so the image is incorrect.
try again and look closer.
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