bleehhhhhhh!!! I fail at describing things. Yink's right, so I'll elaborate on what I mean.
All of my experience playing Yoshi mains basically comes from playing HadesBlades, b/c Wifi Yoshi's are much different and Hades was the first LEGIT yoshi I've ever played.
I don't know why I included "Kill Move" in that. I think I was thinking about the UAir or something, but that still doesn't kill AS early as it could.
YES! GR > USMASH WAS USED AGAINST ME TO RACK A TON OF DAMAGE! It gets like 17% or more each time. It's so frustrating! >.< I probably should've gotten those matches recorded so I could see what I was doing wrong, but I think a major problem was I was being predictable in my approach, and even being only slightly predictable gives yoshi a near-free grab.
Yes, I'm talking about grabs... I may have been focusing on the one stage that Hades CP'd me to (which I didn't know was really good for Yoshi (FD)), but basically after getting hit in the air, I'd have a second jump and then Hades was basically free to do WHATEVER on the ground as he waited for me to come down. He'd at best get off another GR > USmash and set me back into a terrible situation.
Now that I'm remembering better, the only place this was a problem was at FD.. xP I should know by now to ban that against ALL Yoshis. xD
Basically, while I was high up, he'd try and get me with Uair on the way down, land quickly and grab to punish my airdodge which had avoided the uair. When I was far away, he could egg-spam the area where I was going to land. Mid-range, he would just run around on the ground and wait for me to move far or close and react, mostly just trying for a re-grab.
I agree, I should be reflecting the eggs. I'm just not being smart. xP Hades was really good at using that move though; he could time exactly when to use a soft-lobbed egg so that it'd reach me and still allow himself to get cover behind shield or some sort of attack. When I rushed in powershielding, he would place an egg literally right next to him in the air so that it plops down on me just as I powershield and he gets off a jab or something. Maybe I need to get better at buffering things out of powershield though...
He used this when I was on a platform above him trying to jump out of the way of stuff that he could do under me, like usmash or uair or bair pressure. Or when I was trying to land on a platform and he was underneath one. He was good at mind-gaming to get the grabs, but maybe I just need to expect it more.
I'm just saying he lives long for how floaty he APPEARS and how quickly he can move.