Smash Apprentice

I made this thread to learn more about how you all play with Ness. I feel my Ness needs more mixup/ Throwing other styles together into my main style to become a Great player. Oh, and because its been pretty dead here in the making of new post. I hope all of you Ness mains come here to learn more about all of your fellow Nessers <3 If you can help me Develop a certain Style to add to in this thread or update and add things to the styles I have thought of be my guest. Basically tell me what you think of how to play these characters with these styles and what are some diffrent styles you have made up.
PK Style

This Ness always uses Pk Moves for a setup or some pressure on the right characters. Pk fire > Grab etc. How effective is this style? On what Characters?
Getting a Pk Fire in could turn a match around
Pk thunder camping really helps if you look at the extra damage it has given <3
Tail whip is wonderful on certain projectiles
Pk Flash will destroy bad recoveries
PKT2 can turn into a great Reading move/Mind Game move
Magnet Cancel is your Friend
Pk Fire has numerous followups
Full Hop Pk Fires are great pressure tools
Pk Fire is Fairly easy to punish if your opponent has good mobility
A missed Pk thunder camp could lead into you getting BADLY punished
Pk Flash is useful only on ocassion
Magnet stalling can be Punished with a character that has great jumps
When pk fire is absorbed or Reflected its a really bad thing
Missing Pk thunder 2 Could get a stock token away from you or badly punished
Look at your Cons and Pros. Think of what to watch out for. This could overall help you to achieve greatness in your Matchups/MUs and style. This Style looks like it related to being used by Comboing. This style is risky, but effective and safe if used the right way.
My Rating 6½/10
All Air

This Ness is his name nuff said. This style is about aireal pressure. Usually Fair to pressure Bair to kill and a bit of Dair pokes. Probably some Uairs under platforms and lets not forget Nair Oos.
-Great way to pressure a character with low priority
-This style will benifit from fighting Olimar, but remember to be safe.
-Bair is a great kill move.
-Nair Oos is wonderful on characters who pressure close up
-You can Rise you Aireals for surprising cross-ups
-Dair on a jumpy person will probably lead into a Jab lock
-Fairs can lead into jab locks at the right % if your opponent does not Tech
-Bair can lead into jab locks at the right % if your opponent does not Tech
-Uair can Kill at Medium High %
-Nair is a good Gimping tool when rising it offstage. Make sure your able to get back without using PKT2
-Retreating Fair Covers a lot of Distance
-Double Aerial Shuffle is a great AT
*New*-Dair is a great spotdodge reading move
*New*-Rising Fair is a great move to read your opponent who is getting onto the stage
-You will be shield grabbed at times by long ranged grabbers
-Marth will destroy this style
-Game and Watch will destroy this style
-You will be pivot grabbed at times if you do not approach carefully
-Some characters don't need aerials to beat your aerials. Example: Snake will Ftilt through some of your Air moves.
-If you are a Bair Killer You may not want to stale it.
Look at your Cons and Pros. Think of what to watch out for. This could overall help you to achieve greatness in your Matchups/MUs and style. Most Ness users play this Way and it benefits. Still watch out.
The characters this works on
[N/A] Will be updated soon
My Rating 7/10
Pk Ground
This Ness uses his ground moves wisley into his other Styles effectively and noticeably. Dtilt trip > Bat, A few jab lock attemps, Utilt follow ups, Ftilt knock backs/ Jab combo crossups/followups.
-Utilt setups will help alot on fast fallers
-Ftilt can be a move you use if you have staled you killing moves
-Dtilt does lots of damage over time
-Dtilt setups are worth the try if they happen
-Dtilt can shield pressure a bad grabber
-Jab combos can be canceled into other things at the right moments
-Ness is really short ranged
-Since Ness is short ranged some of these tilts may seem useless at times
-Landing a utilt is not easy as it seems
-You need to study Dtilt so you know it will trip.
-Dtilt will he shield grabbed leading to horrible grab releases or grab combos/chains
-Jab combos are pretty hard to cancel because of your crouch canceling animation being long
-Ftilt is near usless somtimes but you can use it to put your opponents offstage
-Utilt can be broken by some high priority aireals Example: Luigi/Mario Nair
-Dtilt gets easily universally punished by the cast if not used right or same for all of your filts
Look at your Cons and Pros. Think of what to watch out for. This could overall help you to achieve greatness in your Matchups/MUs and style. This Style looks like it related to being used by Comboing as surprising crossups. This style should be used where you know its going to work so you wont get punished or you could be risky and read your opponent with these moves. Overall it seems like more of a harder playstyle game to play with Ness while throwing in other moves.
The characters this works on
[N/A] Will be updated soon.
All Around

This Ness uses all moves in some way. This way is probably the second best way to the All Air style.
Pros: by Eagleye
- Keep safe options prioritized, while frequently mixing up to promote new options/approaches to situations.
- Acount for all attacks in ness' moveset when taking any action.
- Demonstrates an intense knowledge of not only your own character but every character in the game.
Cons: by Eagleye
- Need to precisely perform all different things interchangeably without flaw.
- involves tons of thought and mental capability to use the mindset to it's fullest.
- need to know of how every attack will work in every situation, which attacks will properly outplay other attacks, and how your opponent can react, then using all your actions based on which works best and which options allow a proper reaction to every reaction from your opponent and every reaction to reactions.
Look at your Cons and Pros. Think of what to watch out for. This could overall help you to achieve greatness in your Matchups/MUs and style. This Style is great for advanced players. In some ways the All air style may be equal. You can execute Ness aireals the best way you could and get far. Executing All of Ness Moves seems advanced and harder for a Begginer. This style is probably to be recommended for People who have played Ness a gooooood long time. Basically put all of your moves to use the best way possible.
My Rating 10/10