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Need VS Zelda & Wolf tips


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas
For some reason some god out there hates me because recently I've been getting a BUNCH of people that play as Zelda and I cant win. Wolf is a rare case but this guy I played 2 days ago was killing me and I usually try on my own to over come the problem but I just cant this time.

VS Zelda, I try spacing myself with SHDLs and other laser tricks and just try to keep my distance when on the defensive and racking the damage when I can but her Side B ruins my spacing and her U-Smash ***** my Air game every time. In addition to that he Neutral B and Ftilts are killing my approach. What can I do to counter these attacks?

As with Wolf, I just need general tips against him and a way to avoid all his approachable attacks like his F-Smash and Jab Combo.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 19, 2007
Queens, NY
well you can add my friend code just pm me cause i have a great zelda and well we can do some matches


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Against zelda, blaster spam but make sure you jump to cancel it so that if she reflects it you can jab your reflector out in time to kick the laser back at her again. If she pulls out that side b then laser before she can control it to you, if she runs toward you then stand still and fire lasers you can reflector as zelda when running, and most players dont jump to neutral B. And worst case scenario is she reflectors a shot and you take a shot or two while she takes 2 or 3 before she pulls out her reflector.

Falco is a camping character and his projectile is faster than zeldas, dont come to her, make her come to you, or shoot her till she does. Like you said if you approach youll get up or forward smashed. Always down smash or upsmash, dont f smash. If you get the chance throw her up, shes weak if you get under her, its hard to sweet spot someone coming up at youif your zelda.

If you dont want to be a laser spammer, thats totally understandable, thats just my preferred playstyle that is fun for me. There are other ways, but it just takes a bit of experience and experimentation.

As for wolf, if you think hes gona f smash you kick out your reflector but dont do that often, down dodge to A A AAAAAA is your best friend if he gets close, infact you should try making that your most used close range attack. Roll behind him or dodge and do that attack and maybe youll have an easier time. Always try and kill with the downsmash, if not back air is pretty good.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2007
Chaingrab Wolf to around 50%, then do one more down-throw followed with an upsmash (should be a guaranteed hit). At this percentage, try to ftilt him for a laser lock.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2008
Zelda isnt that difficult to deal with just spam those lasers till she comes to you and one thing Shade didnt mention is that if you do hit Zelda while in control of Din's she will lose control BUT it will still detonate/ignite or w/e it does so watch out for that especially if your across the stage in which case it will most likely hit you if you forget about that little fact and you can always use your reflector to negate any damage from din's just incase you didnt know
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