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Need Help with Stage Expansion


Smash Rookie
May 13, 2012
I downloaded a Stage Expansion Tutorial from Brawl Vault yesterday and followed the instructions to add 37 new stages. I have Brawl Minus, so when I had to put the Stage Expansion Code and the Maxed Out CSS Code into my GCT, I put them into the Brawl Minus GCT using the GCT Edit program I found here. I converted the GCT into a text document, added the codes, and converted it back into a GCT. However, when I load the game using Gecko, the extra stages do not show up. Also, the stages that Brawl Minus replaces by default do not appear that way on the stage select screen. For example, Hyrule Castle 64 has Bridge of Eldin's name and picture on the stage select screen, but it is still Hyrule Castle. This is true for all of the stages that Brawl Minus replaces. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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