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Need Help Against DK!!!!!!


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
California, SF
Not to offend any DK users, but he is so F**KING ANNOYING, hahahaha. What are some good strats against him with MK? Currently the DK user I go against basically is a shield grab spammer, a powershield to smash spammer, and has ridiculously annoying timing on almost everything he does. My friend is an A$$, since melee he has been an A$$ hahah. But yeah what tricks and strats are there that I can apply, because I try side Bing to dtilt or dsmash but his dsmash some how manages to come out faster, so depending on my % I usually die. Even trying to kill him off the stage isn't working. I've seriously tried everything I could think of, even tru= strats, but I just keeping getting my a$$ handed to me. SO PLEASE HELP!!!

If you need anymore details about the DK user just ask.

BTW I dont suck, Im not a smash noob, I can kill practically any other character, I just have trouble with the big guys like DK and Bowser, kuz from what I do, speed is not enough!

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I told you all that DK and Bowser are good Meta Counters! And now some of you have fallen to the Ape and the Flame Tank. This proves that Speed isnt everything! (Srry I just had to say that)

Ok here the thing. Shield the attacks, but be careful of DK's Down+B which will pierce the shield. Dodge his Power attacks then get at him. You should try Hit-and-run tactics since DK lacks projectiles. You need patience and good prediction skills to counter DK.
One of the things you watch out for is when he gets you in the air, then he could use one of his Meteor smashes (D-air, F-air's sweetspot, and Side+B, when you're in the air). You can air dodge all of those.

You said he's a grab and smash spammer. Grab him if he uses the shield a lot. Well if you cant beat him with Metaknight, I suggest using someone with a projectile, like Pit, or maybe Zelda. You could also try King Dedede to chaingrab. Even Bowser with his fire breath can help. But that's just me. It's your choice if you want to take this path.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Carthage, MO
you need to be patient with heavy weights like Dk and bowser. you can't use the usual mad rush attack tactics. you need to almost let him come to you. DODGE, DODGE, DODGE!!! if he shield grab spams. then dodge and return the favor and grab him. get him up with Ftilts and then **** him in the air. he has good aerials, but yours are faster, just don't let him breath in the air and he will fall. killing him off the stage shouldn't be too much trouble, what seems to happen when you can't kill him off the stage? is it just trying to stop his recovery, or what?


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
California, SF
what seems to happen when you can't kill him off the stage? is it just trying to stop his recovery, or what?
Thats what I thought, but he tends to either dodge my air assaults and then use his upB in order to slap the s**t out of me or just do that from the start. He spams air dodge as well, I forgot to mention that earlier. He waits for me to try and hit him and then he air dodges right when my attack is coming out.

I tried spamming shield grabs and smash on him too, but the a$$ either times them to counter them or just beats the crap out of my shield causing me to roll away.

He also tends to rush me, and DK being DK its hard to get any good hits to rack up his percentage. Even if I do manage to do this, he kills me way before I get to kill him.

Is there any special moves I should be spamming, kuz the a$$hole tends to even **** my DownB. Iono about MachT since you have to be able to get them good, in order for him to get any damage out of it. UpB works from time to time, but he also counters that with his Fair or Dair.

I know I should just use another character, but I just want to be able to kill him with Meta.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2007
Well, he's waiting for you to get close in the air and then airdodging right as you get in range. So try going up to him in the air and baiting the dodge. When he comes out of it maybe then you can hit him since MK is that fast.

Another alternative depends on his airdodge timing. It's possible he isn't starting his airdodge before you're in up-B range (which is different from MK's other attacks), so you could hit him there too. If he tries for Fair, there's plenty of lag after that which you can use if you airdodge the hit.

MK = don't spam special moves, though tornado is good for mixing things up.

I think you'll definitely have to play the bait game. MK has pretty good range and multiple jumps. Try empty hops from an upwards angle to bait an ftilt, utilt. If he shields you can get closer and bait the grab.

I'm not some kind of awesome player, I'm just throwing out ideas for you to try.


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
California, SF
I'm not some kind of awesome player, I'm just throwing out ideas for you to try.
Thanks for the tips, I'll try them on him next time, hopefully they work.

Thanks to all of you too, if you have anymore ideas or vids against good DKs against your awesome Meta, please link them to me!

I also just found out that ftilt seems to be working against the people since its hard to get shield grabbed from it, I guess I wasn't using enough of those to notice.

Thanks for all the tips and tricks, please keep them coming! We need to figure out some full proof plans against these tanks.


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
California, SF
Also, if you guys want to face him yourself just PM me and I'll try to get him to add you guys to his friend list, but knowing him he might not take the challenge, because he tends to get nervous playing people other than his friends, so he just gets all stubborn and says he does not want to, because he knows he is likely to get his a$$ kicked. :p

but still, PM if you'd want to help out, by playing him yourself to see how to counter him, if he agrees to it that is. But then again I could always just add you myself to his list when I go over to his house next time and you guys could just challenge him the next time you see him "seeking.."


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Carthage, MO
i would love to play him but i still don't have internet play available, maybe i can go play at my friend marc's house i think he has internet play. i don't know his FC though. i'll have to get back to you on the challenge, but i'll at least start playing against some DK players


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
California, SF
i would love to play him but i still don't have internet play available, maybe i can go play at my friend marc's house i think he has internet play. i don't know his FC though. i'll have to get back to you on the challenge, but i'll at least start playing against some DK players
just PM me when you think you'd be able to, try to make it a bit in advanced if possible so I can add it to his friends list. If you want just IM me at Raphsass182. Thanks for the interest.

But come lets keep these strats coming!


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Carthage, MO
just PM me when you think you'd be able to, try to make it a bit in advanced if possible so I can add it to his friends list. If you want just IM me at Raphsass182. Thanks for the interest.

But come lets keep these strats coming!
no prob, i play everyone i can. i never turn down a challenge, cuz you can only get better. but i was thinking just now. when you get DK off the stage, how do you edge guard him usually? what is your technique? i just need to know what i am workin with here, cuz i may have an edge guard help, depending on your methods.
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