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NCSU Smash Stacks - Round 9 @DUKE 10/30

Shady Penguin

Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2008
North Carolina
did keith say that?

lol snake beats diddy. and the new tier list has MK then Snake then Diddy...but I think it should be MK then Diddy then Snake :/

Also, top 5 payout should definitely be done for Brawl. With so many entrants on average, only paying the top 3 is too strict. Also, I always found it dumb how much more money 1st earns than second.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Wario is 6th now. below ics and falco

edit: tho i dont think its 100% final. i doubt they'll change any of the top stuff though, that seems to be pretty set in stone

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Please tell me you're joking Duo.....

@Stongers: Why stop at 5 then? Longer payout=more chance to win which=more entrants, right?

@Keith: Fox being a "go to character" is only good if you secondary Fox/get stage CP'd hard(like ICs on RC or Brinstar). Chances are, if you couldn't win with your main, then you can't win with Fox.

Fox shine spiking isn't super common at extremely low %s in Melee, and it usually happens when someone made a really dumb move by the edge that they deserve to lose a stock for. You know what the best part about that is though? Fox is a very gimpable character himself. All of the high/top tiers have efficient ways of gimping Fox at low%s, so anything Fox can gay to them he can get back.

I don't see why Fox being able to edgeguard effectively at low %s is a reason to say he's broken. MK can edgeguard/recover better than any other character in the game, but he isn't broken(I don't think...).


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
pp I know you're just trying to play devils advocate here...but really it's not helping anything. anymore then 5 = you're paying 7th place like 1% of the pot = literally no point


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
pp I know you're just trying to play devils advocate here...but really it's not helping anything. anymore then 5 = you're paying 7th place like 1% of the pot = literally no point
yeah pp that was ********.

and it should depend on the ****ing number of people in the tournament you *******es -_-;;


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2009
Cary, NC
Please tell me you're joking Duo.....

@Stongers: Why stop at 5 then? Longer payout=more chance to win which=more entrants, right?

@Keith: Fox being a "go to character" is only good if you secondary Fox/get stage CP'd hard(like ICs on RC or Brinstar). Chances are, if you couldn't win with your main, then you can't win with Fox.

Fox shine spiking isn't super common at extremely low %s in Melee, and it usually happens when someone made a really dumb move by the edge that they deserve to lose a stock for. You know what the best part about that is though? Fox is a very gimpable character himself. All of the high/top tiers have efficient ways of gimping Fox at low%s, so anything Fox can gay to them he can get back.

I don't see why Fox being able to edgeguard effectively at low %s is a reason to say he's broken. MK can edgeguard/recover better than any other character in the game, but he isn't broken(I don't think...).
Keith only says that because back in '06, I would shine spike his characters at low %s with my Fox and he would rage quit.

Black Mantis

Smash Hero
Jun 5, 2008
Writing my own road...................
I might as well do my shoutouts

Snap:You're a cool dude. Everything you tell me in regards to playing is very helpful. (I also support MK bans now)

Casanova:Your Marth is so ****! Good job in money matches.

Stingers:I wish you could've made it

I can't really think of anyone else at the moment.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
jon brings up his past beating of me alot.... dont remember that rage quit though, but yea u were better than me at melee, and u inspired foxy to play melee competitively so.... but i dont care, i was always better than daniel lul!

btw pp i see where ur coming from. but mk's recovery is terrible haha! im not trolling, snake and wario definitely have the best recov in the game

Shady Penguin

Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2008
North Carolina
jon brings up his past beating of me alot.... dont remember that rage quit though, but yea u were better than me at melee, and u inspired foxy to play melee competitively so.... but i dont care, i was always better than daniel lul!

btw pp i see where ur coming from. but mk's recovery is terrible haha! im not trolling, snake and wario definitely have the best recov in the game
what is this...I don't even.....


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
yo you asked for my drink son. rofl.

and i bought that **** for someone cause Foxy's an *******.

and you're the theif why didn't you just steal it.

Red the Ghost

Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2008
Yay got more hype in one friendly than all the tourney matches combined. Stack it up, son.

DJ, mad props for beating Foxy, he didn't deserve **** after sandbagging against Slasher and being a douche

@ DH: Then why aren't you playing Marth and beating every Fox in NC?


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
I'm serious. Fox isn't as good as everyone says. Pick Marth, up throw forever to tipper; Pick Falco, watch mango vs JMan from ROM2 and Genesis; Pick puff, press down-B.

It's easy
watch mango vs armada and then stfu.

that friendly was so amazing lol. omg. i unplugged DJ mid-hype.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
well its kinda hard to help you over the internet...if we're ever at a tourney we can do some rob vs mk and I can tell you how to fight some of mk's ****.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
@313, bro i understand where ur coming from, every smash player will agree that mk is a stupid char, but u have to take in the fact that 9 out of 10 mk mains are ****in stupid. yes at times, stingrz, foxy, me, flamingo, etc at times are idiots. we get so cocky and rely on mks move set, that when we start losing we rush and make hasty decisions thinking we can always come back. Stingrz almost beats seibrik in a mm at pound using rob. seibrik is ranked #1 in Florida and has beaten ally, not to mention is a very well known mk. and yet stignrz had him on the ropes...u know why? cause even though mk is OP, alot of the mk users make rash decisions believing they can come out of it no prob. ur a good smasher and even though u know ur against gay ****, u can come on top bro.
-So Villainous


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I really wanted to do top 7 payout for Brawl, and top 5 for doubles... but I couldn't even comprehend making sense of that kind of money-handling by that time and I admit I only did top 3 because it was the easiest. But it was stupid.

Past about 5 PM by brain was destroyed from trying to run and play in 4 games with 50 people to manage... and pretty much everything went wrong at this tournament from a TO perspective. I can tell it was pretty fun, apart from lateness, for an attendant, but it was a real failure:

-Venue was completely restricted for the first 3 hours due to an unexpected group
-Tons of unused TV's and setups the whole time just sitting around, not hooked up
-Tio crashed (losing tons of info after the last autosave) and a group of us spent an hour recreating the bracket from people's records
-I came out with about 10 dollars at the end. $80-100 was lost or most likely stolen
-I had to throw a lot of my matches own to focus on the event, like Omni did; I shouldn't have entered anything
-It ran massively behind schedule, which also meant a lot of the important Melee players left before singles even started (Ali, Travis, Boss Hog, etc)

Full results in the next post


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
North Carolina
@313, bro i understand where ur coming from, every smash player will agree that mk is a stupid char, but u have to take in the fact that 9 out of 10 mk mains are ****in stupid. yes at times, stingrz, foxy, me, flamingo, etc at times are idiots. we get so cocky and rely on mks move set, that when we start losing we rush and make hasty decisions thinking we can always come back. Stingrz almost beats seibrik in a mm at pound using rob. seibrik is ranked #1 in Florida and has beaten ally, not to mention is a very well known mk. and yet stignrz had him on the ropes...u know why? cause even though mk is OP, alot of the mk users make rash decisions believing they can come out of it no prob. ur a good smasher and even though u know ur against gay ****, u can come on top bro.
-So Villainous
or maybe it cuz stingerz is just too good.

Black Mantis

Smash Hero
Jun 5, 2008
Writing my own road...................
@313, bro i understand where ur coming from, every smash player will agree that mk is a stupid char, but u have to take in the fact that 9 out of 10 mk mains are ****in stupid. yes at times, stingrz, foxy, me, flamingo, etc at times are idiots. we get so cocky and rely on mks move set, that when we start losing we rush and make hasty decisions thinking we can always come back. Stingrz almost beats seibrik in a mm at pound using rob. seibrik is ranked #1 in Florida and has beaten ally, not to mention is a very well known mk. and yet stignrz had him on the ropes...u know why? cause even though mk is OP, alot of the mk users make rash decisions believing they can come out of it no prob. ur a good smasher and even though u know ur against gay ****, u can come on top bro.
-So Villainous

lol I remember talking to you and you said **** Melee


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
well foxy this was the first time u ran a tourney with this many people, dont beat ur self up man. learn from the mistakes and **** harder next time. thats what kobe does. 100 dollars stolen? seriously guys? i thought NC was past this when it happened to bill. post brawl doubs bracket to plz

@duo, what?!? lul stingrz is some ****in trash, he should quite brawl completely and play sf4 or some other unskilled game haha. i could write a ****in novel on how bad stingrz is at brawl, its horrendous. on the next prs he shouldn't even be mentioned

edit: replace stingrz name with keith, and then u will understand my statement.
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