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My Falcon>yours


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
You're playing around with Falcon in this game too, Jona? Wow man! Again, my statement is the same as it was in the melee boards. You need to play better people. But yeah, again, like with melee, here is actual advice for you.

-Don't use laggy moves
Seriously, without l cancelling there is no reason to use moves like fair and dair near the ground, ever, unless you KNOW you'll hit with fair. Which you don't. It severely cripples your mobility with the intense lag.

-Falcon Kick useage
This is not as much of a taboo as it was in melee. falcon kick is applicable due to the lack of falcon having good moves. But you're using it wrong. Don't use it at such an extreme distance when they're at low percentages, sure they might get hit, but even if they do they will still recover fast enough and hit you in the cooldown animation.

If you want to be critiqued seriously don't fill your video with taunts and falcon punches.

And those are just some little tidbits...

EDIT: LMAO wow honestly I just clicked the video and started critiquing it. Even if this topic wasn't for criticism I still feel you needed it, since you asked for so much in melee ;p Are you still playing melee? I'd like to see if you got to play anyone better.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
You're playing around with Falcon in this game too, Jona? Wow man! Again, my statement is the same as it was in the melee boards. You need to play better people. But yeah, again, like with melee, here is actual advice for you.

-Don't use laggy moves
Seriously, without l cancelling there is no reason to use moves like fair and dair near the ground, ever, unless you KNOW you'll hit with fair. Which you don't. It severely cripples your mobility with the intense lag.

-Falcon Kick useage
This is not as much of a taboo as it was in melee. falcon kick is applicable due to the lack of falcon having good moves. But you're using it wrong. Don't use it at such an extreme distance when they're at low percentages, sure they might get hit, but even if they do they will still recover fast enough and hit you in the cooldown animation.

If you want to be critiqued seriously don't fill your video with taunts and falcon punches.

And those are just some little tidbits...

EDIT: LMAO wow honestly I just clicked the video and started critiquing it. Even if this topic wasn't for criticism I still feel you needed it, since you asked for so much in melee ;p Are you still playing melee? I'd like to see if you got to play anyone better.
yea i play melee still, im thinkin about like quiting brawl for melee. and no i havent gotten to play anyone better. its a shame. pc chris lives to lose to me but he ignores me.

Jona we have to fight. Your falcon agianst my falcon
broken wrist!!!! ill still play you tho. but i wont be able to use my full powerrr. so yea add me. ill add you some other time.
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