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Social Mother of the Cosmos: Rosalina [General/Social] Thread (Closed)

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Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2015
The air, preferably
Aah, this thread is made of complains, this is disheartening.
Sadly, it feels like it's been this way for the past 30+ pages. Not that the arguments aren't at all justified, it's just not as pleasant to see them go for this long. The main problem is really Nintendo being disinterested in character development. Their standards for it haven't really been at Galaxy level for the Mario characters since, well, Galaxy. It's Nintendo being Nintendo. At least they're doing things like reprinting Pikmin 3 next month, which is way overdue in the states at least. If only the Bayonetta 2 reprint still had Bayonetta 1.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
i personally feel bad since the way i see it , the only character that literally suffers of all this annoying and unnecesary changes and whatnot , happens to be Rosalina.

Rosalina started already fine , but then Nintendo started fixing what wasn't broken , and end up breaking it as result.

Was it really necessary to remove Rosalina's filtered voice? No , but they did it , even after using the filter for MK7.

Was it necessary to replace the First voice actress ? No it wasn't , but they did it anyway.

Was it really necessary to create Baby Rosalina and give her a filter while given Rosalina a middle finger since she lacks it? No it wasn't , but guess what they still did it.

See where im coming from with this?

There's literally no other character affected by stuff like this ; Mario is fine , Peach is fine , Bowser is fine , even Daisy is alright ; But Rosalina? i just don't feel it's the same character that debuted in 2007 meanwhile all the characters feel literally the same since at least 2003 , moreover her recent appearences don't help her since those are low tier party games.

They are literally including Rosalina in stuff for no reason , no matter how she looks , how she sounds , how she dresses ; The point is that they know the character is well recived wheter it's because her looks or whatever , so she ends up being included.

Which bothers me since it means they don't care about how fans see her. As long as she is in the game , nobody gives a f♥♥♥ about anything else , that's what Nintendo thinks and that's what bothers me since they legit don't care , as proven.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
i personally feel bad since the way i see it , the only character that literally suffers of all this annoying and unnecesary changes and whatnot , happens to be Rosalina.

Rosalina started already fine , but then Nintendo started fixing what wasn't broken , and end up breaking it as result.

Was it really necessary to remove Rosalina's filtered voice? No , but they did it , even after using the filter for MK7.

Was it necessary to replace the First voice actress ? No it wasn't , but they did it anyway.

Was it really necessary to create Baby Rosalina and give her a filter while given Rosalina a middle finger since she lacks it? No it wasn't , but guess what they still did it.

See where im coming from with this?

There's literally no other character affected by stuff like this ; Mario is fine , Peach is fine , Bowser is fine , even Daisy is alright ; But Rosalina? i just don't feel it's the same character that debuted in 2007 meanwhile all the characters feel literally the same since at least 2003 , moreover her recent appearences don't help her since those are low tier party games.

They are literally including Rosalina in stuff for no reason , no matter how she looks , how she sounds , how she dresses ; The point is that they know the character is well recived wheter it's because her looks or whatever , so she ends up being included.

Which bothers me since it means they don't care about how fans see her. As long as she is in the game , nobody gives a f♥♥♥ about anything else , that's what Nintendo thinks and that's what bothers me since they legit don't care , as proven.
Pit didn't have his own game for 25 years straight(noone counts Of Myths and Monsters)and without any characteristics or personality to him, so I think Rosalina fans can handle no development for atleast until the next major Mario game(if she doesn't have any development by then, than every Rosa fan can *****, moan, and riot like she's Daniel Bryan)


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
except the problem is not ''no development'' ; The problem is derailment.

They are clearly taking away the former portrayal Rosalina had. Ok , Galaxy was done ; But like hell Rosalina is the same from Mario Kart Wii to Mario Kart 8.

And yes, people want me to say it straight? I'll say it ; Her voice now SUCKS , period . And yes it matters since that's the only thing to give her a consistency in her personality since aside from that she would act literally the same as other characters.

Driving , tricking , throwing stuff , it's the same damn thing for all of them.

Same goes with other games. In Mario Party just being an avatar , and in these olympics she has nothing special in the 3DS game besides sounding Awful for literally No reason.

So yeah , it gets on my nerves that Rosalina was literally the ONLY CHARACTER that was breaking the rule in ''Let's all be ANNOYING''. And now she is annoying , one of the most annoying characters in fact.

Instead of feeling like a little punk racing , Rosalina made me feel like it was cool to win and also cool to freaking LOSE. She was so composed.

And now , i don't find it any different from others ; I'll say it straight again , why the hell would i want to play as Rosalina in MK8 When all the characters are freaking the same besides obvious stat and weight differences. All of them are Freaking annoying and squeak , meanwhile Rosalina never did in her 2 previous Mario Kart games.

And yes , i know i said just a few moments before that i wouldn't care , but i need to get this off of my chest since this Rio olympics crap it's just the last straw.

If they literally cared , they would have added the filter in her voice. Why ? is it because im so picky? Nope , it's because Rosalina had it in many games , so adding it no matter who is voicing her GIVES HER CONSISTENCY IN PORTRAYAL.

Now she lacks it , it's over for that part.

On the voice issue ; Like i said in other board , If Nintendo Literally CARED they would have hired a person that has an identical voice to Kerri Kane since the way i see it they loved her , considering they still credit her when she is not even Rosalina anymore. Period.

They did with Peach , with Jen Taylor and Sam Kelly sounding IDENTICAL, so why the hell not with Rosalina???

Because they don't Care , and that's what's pissing me off.

It's not all about her voice though , but it's the simple fact that they don't care about Rosalina which means , as a fan , i have more chances of not getting pleased and being trashed instead , which is why they are doing.

I honestly felt disrespected , and yes im being a bit dramatic but hell , i like my characters and i like playing as them so why would i play as them when they don't even act or sound like 1 person alone?

Sorry , i needed to take that out; It's just that it all could be easily fixed and Nintendo blows my mind by not doing it.

i think ill just look at this old fan art i found to calm my nerves .
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
except the problem is not ''no development'' ; The problem is derailment.

They are clearly taking away the former portrayal Rosalina had. Ok , Galaxy was done ; But like hell Rosalina is the same from Mario Kart Wii to Mario Kart 8.

And yes, people want me to say it straight? I'll say it ; Her voice now SUCKS , period . And yes it matters since that's the only thing to give her a consistency in her personality since aside from that she would act literally the same as other characters.

Driving , tricking , throwing stuff , it's the same damn thing for all of them.

Same goes with other games. In Mario Party just being an avatar , and in these olympics she has nothing special in the 3DS game besides sounding Awful for literally No reason.

So yeah , it gets on my nerves that Rosalina was literally the ONLY CHARACTER that was breaking the rule in ''Let's all be ANNOYING''. And now she is annoying , one of the most annoying characters in fact.

Instead of feeling like a little punk racing , Rosalina made me feel like it was cool to win and also cool to freaking LOSE. She was so composed.

And now , i don't find it any different from others ; I'll say it straight again , why the hell would i want to play as Rosalina in MK8 When all the characters are freaking the same besides obvious stat and weight differences. All of them are Freaking annoying and squeak , meanwhile Rosalina never did in her 2 previous Mario Kart games.

And yes , i know i said just a few moments before that i wouldn't care , but i need to get this off of my chest since this Rio olympics crap it's just the last straw.

If they literally cared , they would have added the filter in her voice. Why ? is it because im so picky? Nope , it's because Rosalina had it in many games , so adding it no matter who is voicing her GIVES HER CONSISTENCY IN PORTRAYAL.

Now she lacks it , it's over for that part.

On the voice issue ; Like i said in other board , If Nintendo Literally CARED they would have hired a person that has an identical voice to Kerri Kane since the way i see it they loved her , considering they still credit her when she is not even Rosalina anymore. Period.

They did with Peach , with Jen Taylor and Sam Kelly sounding IDENTICAL, so why the hell not with Rosalina???

Because they don't Care , and that's what's pissing me off.

It's not all about her voice though , but it's the simple fact that they don't care about Rosalina which means , as a fan , i have more chances of not getting pleased and being trashed instead , which is why they are doing.

I honestly felt disrespected , and yes im being a bit dramatic but hell , i like my characters and i like playing as them so why would i play as them when they don't even act or sound like 1 person alone?

Sorry , i needed to take that out; It's just that it all could be easily fixed and Nintendo blows my mind by not doing it.

i think ill just look at this old fan art i found to calm my nerves .
Sonic, Pit, Spiderman, Goku, Gohan, Snake, and even the goddamn Batman have all had different voice actors who tried to sound different from the originals, while also being able to please the fans(it worked out for them all)...but Rosalina's voice and perdonality becoming/sounding a bit more human in every game is a bad thing? Characters change, and just because somebody doesn't sound like another, does not mean that the characters creators/owners hates em....whatsoever.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
If I can add my two cents, Rosalina's voice I feel sounds better when it is deeper (Galaxy). I feel it is not as good in the higher pitch in recent portrayals. That being said, I feel her original VA fell into this problem sometimes as well (most notably when she says "Go Luigi!" in the last level of Super Luigi Galaxy). This also being said, I don't feel that her new voices are so bad as to ruin her. What I am more angry about is the change in Ludwig's voice in MK8 (seriously, he shared the same voice actor as Iggy. There should be no reason to change it to something so...juvenile) but that's a discussion for another thread.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2015
The air, preferably
Looking back at more recent appearances, I think I can see it being a derailing trend. I used to be under the assumption that criticism towards Rosalina's voice acting with relation to her portrayal meant that people were against the idea that Rosalina should ever go beyond the boundaries of how she started out where rather than show her being more accustomed to the Mario crew trying new things and having fun with them in their activities (and joining in on their adventures which that surface has barely been scratched at all), she should at all times keep to herself and not be expressive naturally, even when she is supposedly having fun like when she's driving karts. I got a little confused with all this "who she really is" talk not understanding what everyone meant by that. I mean, it's not the same ideology for everyone really, since we all have our own opinions.

I like that Rosalina has come so far in terms of appearances, and I see it as a great expansive opportunity where our experiences can be shared with Rosalina wherever we go in our favorite Mario series. As a mainstay character that has a powerful role among all Mario characters, sharing the same games with other classic Mario characters we've known for decades, the spin-off titles are a perfect opportunity to have all characters interact with each other in many scenarios while the next main series title will hopefully (hopefully) deliver something even better. However, while Nintendo has taken this opportunity due to Rosalina's massive popularity, the concept seems to be far from its full potential.

I think it's enough to say that Nintendo is being lazy with this kind of stuff. Some recent games alone show they don't have much heart put into them, so it's no surprise they're not putting any character nourishment in these titles. I'm trying to see this from a business perspective, and I think there are changes to be made inside and out in order to strengthen the character in Rosalina's appearances. While her voice clips don't bother me quite as much as others, I still think there can be improvements made. Though I don't trust Nintendo currently to follow through on that, and I hope there's a change in attitude towards it. Fix yo ****, Nintendo.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
As usual missing the point . First I don't care about other characters such as batman and whatnot .

As I said ALL the main characters sound and act the same at least since 2003 , ROSALINA DOESNT since her 2007 .

Where's the consistency? And even if they wanted to change , who on their right mind liked that change ????


For other people , as I said Rosalina was already excited in MKWii ; they took it to an unnecessary level in MK8 .

So there's no excuse ; it's all so disgusting

And i'll drop it on my side , there's literally no point in this discussion.
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Hate me if I say this, but considering that Shigeru Miyamoto was originally against Rosalina's inclusion, he probably didn't agree with her portrayal in Super Mario Galaxy, and wanted to change that.

If you really don't like Rosalina's portrayal now, you should probably question Shigeru Miyamoto about it.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
Actually , i've thought about that too. It's not far-fethed at all.

It kinda makes sense , i mean even Sakurai cared enough to actually use Kerri Kane's voice and give Rosalina the portrayal she deserve to have in Smash 4 in other ways too.
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Actually , i've thought about that too. It's not far-fethed at all.

It kinda makes sense , i mean even Sakurai cared enough to actually use Kerri Kane's voice and give Rosalina the portrayal she deserve to have in Smash 4 in other ways too.
It's definitely more than a coincidence, since Shigeru Miyamoto never did make any actual backstories for any of the Mario characters that he created, and last I've checked, Rosalina is "not" one of his creations. Even the Koopalings have a completely mysterious past, since they're not related to Bowser at all, and Bowser Jr. has been acting much less like Bowser's son now, and has begun to turn lazy with his Junior Clown Car abuse.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
I'll take it as , when the Wii U stuff ENDS then we will get better stuff , otherwise i'll just keep waiting.

The Wii U only ruined series and characters for me ; So i'll look forward to whatever the NX will have.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
Switch FC
I'll take it as , when the Wii U stuff ENDS then we will get better stuff , otherwise i'll just keep waiting.

The Wii U only ruined series and characters for me ; So i'll look forward to whatever the NX will have.
I hope NX will have Bayonetta related stuff.
And Mario strikers... And Kid Icarus... And perhaps that Zelda game Nintendo doesn't say a word about but everybody waits.
It's true they've missed lots of things during this era.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
As usual missing the point . First I don't care about other characters such as batman and whatnot .

As I said ALL the main characters sound and act the same at least since 2003 , ROSALINA DOESNT since her 2007 .

Where's the consistency? And even if they wanted to change , who on their right mind liked that change ????


For other people , as I said Rosalina was already excited in MKWii ; they took it to an unnecessary level in MK8 .

So there's no excuse ; it's all so disgusting

And i'll drop it on my side , there's literally no point in this discussion.
Reasons why I used people like Batman is becuase their voices are never constant to eachother, yet people never care or get butthurt over it; and guess what...they're all main characters to.

You can't say nobody likes Rosalina's current voice because it's your opinion, you can't say it's disgusting just because it doesn't fit the voice style you want it to be, and if Nintendo of all people aren't allowed to do whatever the hell they want with their character(not yours)and gives that character a voice that they see fits(don't know why people say this, but oh well), then what the hell is life if noone can do as they please without someone having to nitpick or ***** and moan about just becuase "it's not constant"?

You wanna end it? Don't bring it up then...or something
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Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
Lol if i want to bring it and end it , i can since i just did.

im just saying that it's very pointless to keep going , which it is.

And btw the common conception of Rosalina's current voice is either :

> People who hate it
> People who don't care since they generally don't worry about Rosalina.

Nobody with real taste likes it , and if popular opinions are to be trusted then i must say it's a fact until proven otherwise.

To put it simple , if it was ''fine'' these conversations literally wouldn't exists . period.
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Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
Switch FC
"period"... That's becoming really boring around here with Swiftie whining over the same things for a page now. Someone's having something interesting to say?


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
Or maybe instead of trying to fit in the conversation by saying something that nobody cares about, you can say something relevant too?

Guess there's nothing
''interesting'' to add then?

i thought so.

Don't try it with me now , i never called you any names .
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Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
Switch FC
Or maybe instead of trying to fit in the conversation , you can say something relevant too?

Guess there's nothing
''interesting'' to add then?

i thought so.

Don't try it with me now , i never called you any names .
You're the one talking. You did a not so pleasing monologue for a page now and still try to talk, can you be turned off?
Personally, I've been wondering how her wand can disappear and reappear in the times of cutscenes... Like Smash where she gets her wand from nowhere at the end of the trailer and in some cutscenes in Galaxy, like the one where she (literally perhaps) prays Mario of rescuing the Lumas. Why even using a wand if she can use her powers without it... Because of this some people are sure taking her wand away makes her powerless and gives infinite energy to the stealer, but I'm not sure this would be the case...


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
Isn't it because of magic?

Rosalina has her wand in The Mario Party 10 artwork yet you never see it in-game.

It's not that rare for it to happen , it's one of those things that pops out of nowhere.

And no baby , i cannot be turned off , im not a radio as you can assume.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
Switch FC
Isn't it because of magic?

Rosalina has her wand in The Mario Party 10 artwork yet you never see it in-game.

It's not that rare for it to happen , it's one of those things that pops out of nowhere.

And no baby , i cannot be turned off , im not a radio as you can assume.
Already nicknames? We shouldn't reveal our relationship too soon to the public you know, love.

Wellllll I don't know, it seems more cumbersome than handy. Always having a hand useless because you've got a wand... You could perhaps punch with that hand or... protecting yourself. But no, you've got a wand.
As I never tried casting a spell, I'm not speaking with experience but I don't see the "aiming" utility either.
She's turned the Observatory into a comet two times on-screen, one with hand and the other one without. And the second one was faster. It's perhaps for leaving all this cutscene stuff and because it took like thirty seconds in the first game, but giant hologram + transforming Observatory + telepathy I suppose, to speak to Mario & co. during the cutscene, didn't need any wand...
I don't understand how she can ballast herself with this.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
being fair , there's some things that don't make much sense when you see them in the games.

For example , in Smash Mario and Luigi can use fireballs , yet in adventures they have to use the Fire Flower to be able to do so.

In the case of Rosalina's wand , i guess it just can appear or dissapear at will. When she needs it , it appears when she doesn't it just goes away.

It's also very common that during cutscenes , some little ''errors'' happen like in animations , catoons and even movies , where some things suddenly ''dissappear'' in between takes etc.

Maybe it's just an oversigh, or whatever you call that.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
Well , it's over now so it is what it is.

As expected , as time comes by , the New M&S game is apparently scheduled to come in June this year , the Wii U version.

there's a lot of time for development , so im expecting it to be better than at least the Sochi one.

By that time , i hope the announcement of a new game , i hope Mario Strikers or at least something that catches my interest.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I have made my Lunar Landing once again...but not for long.

I figure I should post one or two things though.

The Wii U version of Rio Olympics comes out in June. Confirmed at a Sonic related event recently.

Also someone showed me this the other day and I found it funny. In case it wasn't already obvious Rosalina sells games, it definitely seems like she sold Ultra Smash, enough for Nintendo to highlight this fact on the fan faves section of their website:

And this isn't official news, but it's something I have been working on:

Smash Wii U modding has started and I want to try my hand on it. The tools haven't been released yet to the public for putting stuff in the game, but I can begin working on mods, and I have a few Rosalina ones in mind. I started this already though - Cosmic Spirit Rosalina (& Luma!).

This is an old WIP of the project, 10 minutes into me starting the mod. I won't post any updates until it's done. I have done quite a bit of work on it since but it's not where I want it to be yet. I might just wait until the tools release so I can test it in-game, and see how the game handles texture and vertex mods for myself, and fix up issues as I go. This one is just a texture mod, but I want the texture to animate. The texture I'm using is from here:

Reason I'm using it is because A) It's already on her model so it's an easy first start, B) It looks nice, and C) Because this texture already animates in-game, and the raw texture is blatantly set up to be animated, so that's handy. Just have to work out how to do it in Blender. I made some progress but it's not where I want it to be yet.

Oh, and as a bonus, I'm including a Mercedes Rose voice clip mod with this, since Cosmic Spirit Rosalina was only in Galaxy 2, voiced by Mercedes Rose. I had to use some of her MKWii voice clips which are honestly pretty terrible at times, but I avoided using those bad ones pretty much (instead of using those weird "OW OW OWIE OUCH!!!!!" voice clips for when she takes damage and stuff, I used things that really emphasise Rosalina being non-chalant and a bit sassy.

I will probably make a Laura Faye Smith voice mod too - an unedited version, and an edited version that gives her a voice the echo the other two have, since I think she'd sound really cool with it.

And with that, ta-ta!



Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I have made my Lunar Landing once again...but not for long.

I figure I should post one or two things though.

The Wii U version of Rio Olympics comes out in June. Confirmed at a Sonic related event recently.

Also someone showed me this the other day and I found it funny. In case it wasn't already obvious Rosalina sells games, it definitely seems like she sold Ultra Smash, enough for Nintendo to highlight this fact on the fan faves section of their website:

And this isn't official news, but it's something I have been working on:

Smash Wii U modding has started and I want to try my hand on it. The tools haven't been released yet to the public for putting stuff in the game, but I can begin working on mods, and I have a few Rosalina ones in mind. I started this already though - Cosmic Spirit Rosalina (& Luma!).

This is an old WIP of the project, 10 minutes into me starting the mod. I won't post any updates until it's done. I have done quite a bit of work on it since but it's not where I want it to be yet. I might just wait until the tools release so I can test it in-game, and see how the game handles texture and vertex mods for myself, and fix up issues as I go. This one is just a texture mod, but I want the texture to animate. The texture I'm using is from here:

Reason I'm using it is because A) It's already on her model so it's an easy first start, B) It looks nice, and C) Because this texture already animates in-game, and the raw texture is blatantly set up to be animated, so that's handy. Just have to work out how to do it in Blender. I made some progress but it's not where I want it to be yet.

Oh, and as a bonus, I'm including a Mercedes Rose voice clip mod with this, since Cosmic Spirit Rosalina was only in Galaxy 2, voiced by Mercedes Rose. I had to use some of her MKWii voice clips which are honestly pretty terrible at times, but I avoided using those bad ones pretty much (instead of using those weird "OW OW OWIE OUCH!!!!!" voice clips for when she takes damage and stuff, I used things that really emphasise Rosalina being non-chalant and a bit sassy.

I will probably make a Laura Faye Smith voice mod too - an unedited version, and an edited version that gives her a voice the echo the other two have, since I think she'd sound really cool with it.

And with that, ta-ta!

Mods already


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Imagine if animation hacks can be done. You could potentially modify Rosalina's expressions.
Dunno about custom animations being done in terms of say, making an original taunt or move. But facial expressions can be easily modified.

Facial expressions in Smash 4 are handled in a pretty strange way. For each fighter model, they have separate eye and mouth models for each expression, rather than just changing the texture of the face model or having smooth key frame animations. So for example, when a character is standing idly, and then gets hit, they change from their "neutral" expression to their "damage" expression, by literally having their eye and mouth models for the "neutral" expression turn invisible, and the "damage" models show up instead.

As such, you can easily modify Rosalina's expressions by just re-modelling/re-texturing her face models. If you wanted her to smile for her neutral standing pose, for example, just change the eye and mouth models used for her neutral standing pose to ones that look like she is smiling. If you wanted, you could even have a character's face turn into random other objects for certain "expressions". You can go nuts with it.

The only smooth key frame animation on the face models in this game is on the victory screens, and these use a specific "high poly" face model with actual animations attached.
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
So it's not entirely different from how you can modify animations in Brawl. Of course, I have noticed that Rosalina can still blink at random periods, even while walking. That's obviously a stage up from what you could do with Brawl's animations.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
So it's not entirely different from how you can modify animations in Brawl. Of course, I have noticed that Rosalina can still blink at random periods, even while walking. That's obviously a stage up from what you could do with Brawl's animations.
That just means they have a script that makes her eye expression change independently at random times during certain actions. Same with other characters.


I know this image has been posted before, but cobanermani456 uploaded a video of the game so I can decipher which stats are which based on obvious things.

The first is Speed, since that's near full for Sonic and Shadow.

The second is Power, since it's also near full for Knuckles, DK, etc.

I am not sure what the other two are though, I would guess Technique and Stamina anyway or something.

Her Speed is average and her Power is slightly above average anyway.

Seems like she's all-round in the 3DS version. That might be different in the Wii U version though, IIRC London Olympics was like that too. Rosalina's stats are completely meaningless in the 3DS version anyway since she's only in one event, one where I don't see how stats effect it. Stats rarely make much difference in these games anyway, except for stuff like Stamina.
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Char Seasalina

Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2015
Rosalina's Ice World
PLEASE?! My birthday is on June, and I would be more than happy if the game releases on it. Oh, and I've been thinking about Rosalina's earrings. If anyone could direct me to any of the pages about Rosalina's earring in this thread, I'd be happy. But for now, right here, I notice for a long time that most of the unofficial artworks for Rosalina usually has her earring with a + sign, and the angle would be 90 degrees. Her official artwork, however, has her earrings with the angles variating in acute and obtuse angles. Here are the following examples you'll see what I'm talking about:


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2015
The air, preferably
PLEASE?! My birthday is on June, and I would be more than happy if the game releases on it. Oh, and I've been thinking about Rosalina's earrings. If anyone could direct me to any of the pages about Rosalina's earring in this thread, I'd be happy. But for now, right here, I notice for a long time that most of the unofficial artworks for Rosalina usually has her earring with a + sign, and the angle would be 90 degrees. Her official artwork, however, has her earrings with the angles variating in acute and obtuse angles. Here are the following examples you'll see what I'm talking about:
I believe they're most certainly 90 degrees when looking at them straight on, they're just often look different at certain angles since they can move on their own.
Or maybe not? Man, it's hard to tell now. Now I can't unsee it. But still, it's probably the camera angle.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Still weird that the 3DS and Wii U versions of the game are separated in release dates


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2014
Ghostly Frozen Galaxy
Doesn't seem so weird when this is basically the first time they expand the roster that much.

The only time they added characters was in the first sequel and it was alright , but right now there are way more. And not only that , the Wii U graphics + the content that i assume it's better and there's more of it should take time to put in it.

All the animations , the models , the extra models for female characters outfits etc

There's a lot to do.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Doesn't seem so weird when this is basically the first time they expand the roster that much.

The only time they added characters was in the first sequel and it was alright , but right now there are way more. And not only that , the Wii U graphics + the content that i assume it's better and there's more of it should take time to put in it.

All the animations , the models , the extra models for female characters outfits etc

There's a lot to do.
Sega should atleast have it release in May for some more polishing(another Sonic Boom/06 should not happen once again)
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