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MOAST Circuit -- The Texas/Oklahoma Circuit (first post updated w/ Point structure)


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
-------- Overview of the Point system -------------
Alright friends, lets talk about Points!

Here is the scheme Wobbles and I drafted in a Jack in the Box. That... makes it sound terribly unprofessional, but trust me when I say there's a lot of love put into it.

The X System:
There are two kinds of MOAST tournaments. Right now, I am calling them Local and Regional. A better name might be Regional and Major, or Local and Major, etc.

A Regional tournament (also called a "Circuit Event") is a once-a-month event that is held in a different location each time. It gives the state community a series of decently-sized events while taking the strain off of any particular region -- with the number of regions in Texas, it can be more than 6 months between regional events in a single city.

In order to qualify as a Regional event, the tournament host must get in contact with the circuit organizers well in advance. You must have an established date and a venue able to support at least 30 people. The circuit organizers will provide you with benefits and promotion. In exchange, the current plan is for 10% of the pot to go towards a grand prize, and surplus registration fees to go towards benefits for that region, as well as future events. This is vague, I know, but those will be outlined as the date for the May event approaches.

Circuit organizers will be active in helping the Regional hosts plan the event.

Local events are much looser. There are only two restrictions: a region can't host more than one per month, and it can't fall on Regional Event dates.

The reason for local events is the time between Regionals. Dallas' first tournament will be in April, but after that the earliest date available is October. With the current spike in activity, many cities are hosting tournaments weekly. This is an effort to bring them into the fold, and reward attendance to these smaller tournaments.

These will be completely autonomous, beyond a cursory approval by the Circuiteers. Once again, the main requirement is that it not conflict with a Regional.

Also, for current purposes, most "regions" will be centered around major cities. Houston and Magnolia cannot each have a Local, nor can Plano and Dallas. San Antonio and Austin are the exception, as they are close together but are fairly autonomous.

The Point System
Points are awarded based on tournament placings. In the case of teams, your team will be awarded points, not the individual. If you change partners, you will start with a fresh score. This is up for debate, as it is admittedly not an ideal solution.

Points will be awarded based on an "x" system.

Local Tournaments -

4x / 8-16 People
1: 4
2: 3
3: 2
4: 1

8x / 17-32 People
1: 8
2: 7
3: 6
4: 5
5: 3
5: 3
7: 1
7: 1

Regional Events

16x / 33-64 People
1: 16
2: 12
3: 8
4: 6
5: 4
5: 4
7: 2
7: 2

32x / 65-128 People
1: 32
2: 24
3: 16
4: 12
5: 6
5: 6
7: 4
7: 4

48x / 128+
1: 48
2: 32
3: 24
4: 16
5: 8
5: 8
7: 4
7: 4

Local events will not have more than 8 points, regardless of attendance. Regionals are guaranteed at least 16 points.

Right now, the base unit is 1 8x event. So, as you can see from the math, if you win a 16x event, 2nd place needs only to win a single 8x in order to pass you in points. This is another part up for negotiation -- the weights are very important, as I want winning a Regional to have a strong effect on the rankings, while leaving traveling to local events as a viable (but difficult) option.

There will be prizes for the top 3 points-holders in 1v1s and Teams at the end of the year.

There will also be other incentives to have points. I don't have any particulars yet, but consider there being a scaling system where participants receive (omg) a tshirt. Or a tea kettle. Or something.

So there is the skeleton. Fire away. Tell me what you want, or don't want, or what you think is ridiculous.

Yep, you read it right. And if you're confused, go Here for more info on our little project.

Texas Smash has grown tremendously in the past few years, all thanks to some crazy fans who insist on running tournaments in their houses and local lan centers. Seriously, y'all are nuts. Oklahoma, you're crazy too. And everyone, you rock. Because with little encouragement and no central structure, our community is several times larger than it was years ago.

Lets do something with it.

Following Kishprime's formula, we're going to try to set up a circuit of tournaments for Texas and Oklahoma. Right now, the main coordinators are:

Dr Drew the Dragon

So if you have any ideas or questions, hit one of them up.

What could you have ideas about? Well, we need tournaments!

The plan is to start things off with a bang in April. There will be a tournament in April in Dallas. We will have the date and location narrowed by the end of this week.

But we aren't stopping there.

We want to have a tournament once a month, every month leading up to FC. Then, once a month, every month, leading up to a major tournament in the winter. Right now, this means planning tournaments in May and June. As true to the goal of the "circuit," these tournaments will be all around the region. For instance, I would love for the May tournament to be in Austin.

Our goal is to unify the community and put together a self-sustaining system for hosting tournaments. MOAST circuit events will not interfere with MLG dates, Evo dates, or other times national or local. We are not trying to eat your tournament. We're just trying to make everyone's tournaments better -- to establish a strong, fan-run network of quality events.

Of course, we need help. This is about everyone. Please post up about your recommendations for a standardized ruleset, and ideas for locations. The idea of the circuit is for local hosts to take substantial part, and run their own events.

This is for you, so lets make it ours.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Ah, I had been hoping that something like this would be established. I love it. OHSNAP3 and all of its sequels can fit in this very nicely.

I'll see if I can make the Dallas tournament in April, since it's relatively close and I have family there.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Im all for this. Kansas has a tourny in April (14-15th I believe), Im going to that one and if the dallas tourny is also that same weekend, Im letting you know Im going to the Kansas tourny.

This sounds good, Im interested in this, but will the tournys ONLY be hosted in TX?


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
Nope! I'm definitely hoping for Oklahoma support here. The idea is that the tournaments are central, so everyone in the region can attend. I definitely want a tournament in Oklahoma, perhaps the pre-FC one, or just after FC.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Ill probably have to set one up, seeing how the 2 people that would set it up will be gone during FC.
When Reno posts we'll see what he says about this, I know hes leaving, I just dont know when.

Let us know Scav when it is, are these gonna be 2 day tournys, if so, hows housing looking?


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
for oklahoma tournies i recommend contacting Dokkoise or South Paw (although they may not be in oklahoma forever).

also, i cant go OOS until after september. : (

whatever, too slow.

contact rasta imposta then...

this post is kind of worthless now...


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
The "norm" will be 1 day tournies. These aren't expected to be large enough to warrant two days, but they should be solid 1-day tournies.

That said, if this takes off, then we can develop the system to allow for larger systems. For instance, monthly 30-50 person tournaments, with a "super" regional every 3 months or so, where it might be large enough for a 2 day event.

But that is a looong way off. For now, I want us to have a system of quality, 1-day tournaments with 30-50 people each. And we can definitely do that.

There will also be an incentive to attend each tournament. Right now the plan is to take 15% out of each pot, and put it towards a prize for the champion at the end of the year. The way the midwest does it, you get 45 points for first, 30 for second, 15 for 3rd, then 12, 8, and 4. That way, you can miss a tournament or two and still get a lot of points by winning, or you can climb up by consistantly placing 3rd or so at every event.

There will be other incentives too, but we'll get to that later ;)

Right now, the plan is for each host to have a lot of autonomy. Rules won't be standardized, but they do have to be approved by the Circuit committee. Also, entree fees won't be standard, but I'm recommending we start with $20 (10 for 1v1, 5 for 2v2, and 5 registration.)


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
im pretty sure mlg dropped smash so you dont have to worry about that anymore.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Ahh, this is sounding just like the "Southwest Circuit" that I had once envisioned. Brilliant, I love it.

Anyway, OHSNAP 3 will probably be sometime in July, but I'm thinking that we should try to get some Smaller OOS tournies set up... if we even believe in such a thing :p


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
Awesome, Scav i thought you said i was going to be able to help out and such?

what about the one after Austin be in Houston or Magnolia!?!?


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
Right now, the plan is for each host to have a lot of autonomy. Rules won't be standardized, but they do have to be approved by the Circuit committee. Also, entree fees won't be standard, but I'm recommending we start with $20 (10 for 1v1, 5 for 2v2, and 5 registration.)
Ouch $20? kinda alot, chief.

Anyways I guess it doesn't matter what I think, because chances are I won't be attending/attending much. never know it might happen.

Sounds like a pretty good idea as a whole, good luck. ~D3


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
Edit: A quick note on D3's post. The fees can be changed. We're walking a tightrope, here -- small enough that everyone an attend, and big enough that everyone wants to attend. I'm hoping that the amount of entertainment we offer for $20 will make it look very attractive.

I definitely want you involved, Gabe. Every region needs people to spearhead it. The "council" (that's such a standoffish term... anyone have a better one?) won't be running these tournaments, nor will they be picking a region and saying "ok guys host one." Rather, we're looking for volunteers.

Right now, I would really like to have a tournament in south Texas in May, and in Oklahoma in June, as a sign of solidarity. We don't want to create too much competition for hosting between regions, but it is the Council's responsibility to make sure that circuit tournaments are in diverse areas.

We won't have a "bidding" system, per se, but you do have to meet certain requirements.

1) No house tournaments. Houses are great, but the first requirement is to have an actual venue. A lan center, a clubhouse, anything with enough dedicated space is viable.

2) Approved ruleset. These can vary by region. For instance, I hate level strikes that effect the entire match, because everyone strikes Corneria and makes me :urg:. You have some freedom in what levels are legal, stock, time, etc, but you have to have them confirmed beforehand.

3) Tournament hosting experience. This isn't required, because we will try to have at least one council member at each tournament, but if we're looking at, say, Jesusfreak, Chang and Wes vs the Waco crew, I'm much more likely to go with the former because I know they have substantial hosting experience. Does that mean Waco is left out? Nope! My biggest goal is to have tournaments in places we've never been, so I'm definitely hoping the Waco crew can step up and show us a good time -- it just probably won't be in the first 3 months, while we're getting started.

Tournament experience is also important because I want these to be clean, streamlined events. There will be a number of specific requirements to hold an event. For example:

a) 20% of TVs must be dedicated to Freeplay. In extreme cases these can be used during the first round of the tournament, but I would like to avoid that. For the percentage-disinclined, this means 1 in every 5 tvs must be freeplay.

b) The rules MUST BE ANNOUNCED before the tournament starts. If you want me to love you forever, you will even print up fliers with the rules on them. It still amazes me how many tournaments begin with "Ok guys, we're starting. Drew vs DoH on TV 1." As Wobbles told me the other day, "people go to tournaments for some pomp. Lets give it to them."

c) Be able to run a bracket. Tournament Maker is a fabulous program, and I expect to use it (or tio) at every circuit event. But, it's still only as good as the person using it. We will have a standardized process -- something like going through rounds 1 and 2 of the winners bracket first, then 2 and 3 of losers, etc. This way, we can go through names as efficiently as possible, and minimize downtime for players. But, if rule "a" is followed, downtime between matches won't be as much of a problem.

c) Have some pride. These tournaments are going to be fun! Show off your region, show that you can be a kickass host, and show us a good time. Run everything efficiently, and have some pomp. Not speeches, necessarily, but put the prize money in an envelope and announce the winner. If it falls in your budget, buy everyone dinner.

Wait... what? Scav, are you nuts?

Right now the plan is for circuit tournaments to have a registration fee of $5. This will largely go towards paying for a venue, and for other goodies as well. And, just to encourage you to spend as much of your "budget" as possible: right now, the plan is for leftover Reg fees to go in the MOAST coffers.

Regional events are encouraged to spend all of their budget on making their tournament as good as possible. When a region is "pitching" their tournament, they will include how many people they think they can get. The council members will then revise the estimate, and that number will be your budget. So, if TGM says he can get 100 people omg for a Houston tournament, the council might revise that down to 60, and give TGM a budget of $300 (60x5).

Again, the majority of this money will go towards a venue. $300 should be enough to pay for a decent amount of space (at a lan center or hotel) for 1 day. But, if TGM finds a steal at $150, then suddenly he has $150 to spend on extras. That would buy a lot of pizza...

And, if he DOES get 100 people, then everybody wins.

None of this is set in stone, but it should give y'all some idea of the level of professionalism I am looking for. I know I am asking a lot, especially in the "I am taking all of your leftover money mwahahahahaha" part. But, I can promise that I will be very open with my accounting, down to keeping track of how much each region contributes. Nobody is making a profit from this. Extra money will go towards a venue for [undisclosed January tournament], tshirts, advertising, website hosting, and possibly even materials to help in hosting tournaments (extra gamecubes, a controller buyback program, and folding tables and chairs.)

Considering that right now we give a $5 reg fee in its entirety to a venue, it's a natural step that the smash community start keeping some of that for itself, so we can grow ourselves.

And this post now has a lot of information, some of it really "out there." Let me know what you guys think. I don't want to strongarm anybody, I don't want to turn this into a soulless enterprise, and I don't want anyone to feel cheated. The goal, as always, is to be self-sustaining, and as fun as possible. Let me know what you think.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
I'll tell you what I think: Yayhuzz.

The good thing about this is that the circuit wants to address a lot of the tournament issues that seem to plague every event, ever.

Nobody ever knows when the tournament is starting. They're sitting around playing friendlies, then somebody kicks them off and says "yo we have a match."

People don't know when they're likely to play a match. Standardized round procedures would alleviate that. We can announce the players with byes before the event so you know whether or not you have a first round match. I would see it as going like this: "These players all have byes. Now we'll do round 1." After that it goes to round 2 of the winner's bracket to fill out of the loser's with people. Then you'd go to round 1 of the loser's and alternate back and forth between winner and loser brackets. This way people remain fresh and don't go hours without playing a single match or friendly, but you also don't have to sit around saying, "you play the winner of this match between Scav and the winner of SuperDragonX2359 and Fuzzybear."

The way things go now, we need more than one person in charge of everything. Tournament officials who are omnipresent and easy to distinguish from the rest of the crowd. I remember at MOAST3 there were bright orange shirt things around the officials. They looked like construction workers but you knew who was running the thing.

If the tournaments are huge and there are pools, there HAS to be a set procedure for running pools. Every tournament I've seen with a round robin has had a million complaints.

As it is right now, a lot of the tournaments are very soulless. It's like we all know who is going to win beforehand and the people who take top 3 just wanna get things out of the way and get their cash and go. I know that isn't always the case, but it seems pretty stale. Tournaments are about meeting new people and learning new tricks. People go there to test themselves, see who they can beat, get as high a place as possible. And they want to play the best people in the area and get real matches from them, not sit at one TV with people they already play all the time. Tournaments nowadays don't seem to lend themselves to this. With more organization and better flow, these things could run a lot faster yet also be a lot more fun.

A big problem seems to be with round robin. SOMETHING needs to be established to make those things run properly, because I've probably been to one tournament where the pools went by efficiently.

That's just my take on this. From the looks of things, we have tournament directors with a lot of experience and vision, and I think we're going to get some top tier stuff.

Cheers 4 Scav bcuz tires don exits?


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2006
Austin, TX
3) Tournament hosting experience. This isn't required, because we will try to have at least one council member at each tournament, but if we're looking at, say, Jesusfreak, Chang and Wes vs the Waco crew, I'm much more likely to go with the former because I know they have substantial hosting experience. Does that mean Waco is left out? Nope! My biggest goal is to have tournaments in places we've never been, so I'm definitely hoping the Waco crew can step up and show us a good time -- it just probably won't be in the first 3 months, while we're getting started.
There's some great places to hold tourneys in Waco, all I need to make it happen is a little support.

Housing in Waco is a little iffy, but there are lots of cheap motels here.


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2003
The A-TX
$20 is nothing, and Scav is amazing. You have my full support for this, and I will start looking into making an Austin tourney in May. :)


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Amazing idea Scav...I will attend as many of these tournaments as possible.


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
looks like this cancels our Magnolia tournament idea
Nope, it encourages it.

Get together with Gabe, find a venue, and lets have a chat.

Edit: Here's a weird question. If I offered to buy old, beaten controllers from you for $5, would you do it? You = everyone.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2007
Texas (UoH)
Magnolia as a tournament host:

Well, shortly before EVO South, I came up with the idea that Magnolia could hold a state-wide tournament very similar to the Joe Michael 2 tourney (the big one on Dec. 4th of 2006). We wanted to do the tournament before the summer smash season, because that's when we thought people would be most interested. I talked to G@BE and Sethlon about it and we decided (well... I decided lol), that Magnolia is in fact on of the best places in Texas to hold a smash tournament. We have good housing arrangments as well as a nice/cheap hotel right in town. Magnolia is cetrally located (when me and Gabe drove to EVO South last weekend, it was a whole 2 hour drive and 1/4 tank of gas at 17 miles per gallon...) Magnolia is also close to Houston (less than 2 hours away from all the Houston people), close to College Station, and the drive from Dallas to Magnolia takes 1 whole turn... It is a little far from the valley/OK/Crystal City/and SA though, I'll admit that, but it's not bad. Either way you go someone is going to have to drive far. So yeah, I think our location is perfect. And contrary to popular belief, Magnolia is very easy to navigate/find.

About the Venue:

The only thing we needed was a venue, so I looked around, and the Magnolia Community Center (right in the center of Magnolia, less than 20 minutes from everyone that could house people) rents for $200. From the Magnolia center you can walk to food... the hotel if you stayed there, etc. I think the cost of the venue is a bit high, but it's a nice place, slightly smaller than the venue of the Dec. 4th JM tourney, and looks much the same. The only problem is, we were going to host it in May, but the only free date in May in which the venue isn't already booked I think is May 27th, and that is probably already booked by now. So maybe we could do it in June. What really stopped us before though, is the venue requires $100 of the $200 to be payed in advance, so we wanted to talk to a few people and see if they would be able to for sure come, so that we knew we could afford it (just at EVO South, KrazyKirbyKid/Caveman/ARC/JF sounded interested even though they didn't know the date yet). We didn't want to charge more than $5 for registration no matter what, and I still stand by that. If we have 60 people show, $5 for registration each = $300. We would take $200 to pay for the venue and the other $100 would go straight to the pot no question, or to Scav and the rest of the MOAST organizers to do what they need to do with it. Oh, and another thing about the venue, I didn't exactly ask about the power consumption, but it looks stable and good. There are wall outlets all along the walls, so that much is good, and there is no reason to believe that it won't be able to power 20 or so TVs simaltaneously, the building is directly linked to the large power lines that run through Magnolia. I can post pictures of the venue if people would like to see it to spark interest.

Maybe we can now revive this idea and host it as a MOAST circut tournament? I definately feel that it is a good idea, seeing we have such a good group of smashers here in Magnolia.

Oh, btw, we were origionally thinking about calling this tounament "MOST" for the two puns... heh, of course we were going to get it approved by TGM/Scav... Kind of ironic now...

*ahem*we kinda wanted to ban IC tilt infinite though... but to me, it isn't that big a deal either way...


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
Sure, find out how much $200 gets you. What time can you be in, when can you set up, what time do you have to be out of there, etc. Take a look at dates in May and June, and see what Saturdays are available. Find out what it takes to reserve it, if we need a deposit, what their "house rules" are, etc. They might be able to provide some tvs, for instance, or at least tables and chairs. Hit me up on AIM when you're done digging.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2004
San Antonio
Woah, interesting stuff here. I should be able to host better tournaments after reading some of the stuff you guys said.

Also... I might be able to arrange something for the South Texas tournament in may/april. I'll talk to the owner of the place where I host my tournaments and repost later this week.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
we should host a tourney in the ghetto, on a basketball court or something lols


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
we should host a tourney in the ghetto, on a basketball court or something lols
Basket ball court? Anyways sounds like a bad idea.

1. Possible Rain, heavy winds ect.
2. Random interputions
3. Unknown source of power
4. To many distractions
5. what if someone actually wants to play basket ball, could become violent.

But, if you don't think those are bad enough reasons, guess you guys could.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2007
Texas (UoH)
lol @ someone taking Mr. C's comment seriously.

Okay, I'm going to talk to the venue people later today (I hope) and ask them questions, but like I said, May is filled up, so it looks like Magnolia would be a very good June canidate. I'll find out info soon though...

Wobbles said:
As it is right now, a lot of the tournaments are very soulless. It's like we all know who is going to win beforehand and the people who take top 3 just wanna get things out of the way and get their cash and go. I know that isn't always the case, but it seems pretty stale. Tournaments are about meeting new people and learning new tricks. People go there to test themselves, see who they can beat, get as high a place as possible. And they want to play the best people in the area and get real matches from them, not sit at one TV with people they already play all the time. Tournaments nowadays don't seem to lend themselves to this. With more organization and better flow, these things could run a lot faster yet also be a lot more fun.
Hmmm.... I just read this. Wobbles, you're a genius.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
lol @ someone taking Mr. C's comment seriously.
I hardly ever look at SNs. Anyways I don't care much. Honestly I Identify people by font color/sigs/avatars... with one exception to tera because she talks in 3rd person. If any of those things change, or they don't stand out I won't rember the person.

I guess I should start paying more attention to those things, but then again I didn't think I would stay around. *shrugs*


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2007
Texas (UoH)
Okay, I just got off the phone with the people in charge of the venue, dates that we can hold it are:

June 9th
June 23rd
June 30th

Those are all Saturdays. We will have the building from 8 a.m. - midnight for $200 ($100 of that is a down payment, the other $100 we will get back if we keep the building clean, etc.) We would have to keep the place clean, and restack the chairs/tables the way they were when we got there (ie. the chairs + tables will be provided). TVs will not be provided, so we will have to come up with our own TVs/cubes like always. Me and G@BE will go by the venue later today and take pictures of it so that people can see it before we decided on this venue or even a tournament in Magnolia all together.

I'm leaving it up to the MOAST organizers to decide which day is best or if they even want to do a tournament in Magnolia. I need to know within a week though, so that I can put the down payment on the building and so that they don't give those June dates to a different group. If we do decide to do this, I guess the next step is discussing what rules we will use. I think we're up for anything not too gay :p


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
When is pound 2? If the 16th was open, that would be best, but alas.

I hope you guys like smash tournaments. I already have events planned for the 2nd and then 30th.

So, it would appear that 9th is our best bet. Excellent!

Also, and this is important, SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS. You will be reimbursed ONLY for expenses you have receipts for. This includes food, materials, and venue fees.

So we're nearly set for April and June, now I just need a region for May. JF, I'm a-lookin' at you.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2007
Jacksonville, FL
Sounds good, but Brawl will be out soon. Might screw things up. Everyone will be too busy trying to find glitches, getting good, or looking for easter eggs to play Melee anymore. I can't know reality anymore than the next guy, so there's no way to know until it is released. Here's to Brawl! Falcon better get to use his gun, or else.


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
I think SA makes more sense than Austin, since Austin people are willing to travel and San Antonians aren't. Also, SA has Gamelot, a really good and cheap venue. Felix said he wanted to have a large tournament sometime.

EDIT: as for Brawl, we've got at LEAST a solid 8-9 months before that comes out. But I dunno, Scav knows more about that than me.


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
Actually, SA would be fantastic as well.

I still want a tournament in Oklahoma, but that might have to be after FC...

Zaft, when do you go home to SA?

And Dyse thinks Brawl will come out in 2007. Isn't he adorable, guys?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2007
Jacksonville, FL
Purple Cactus FTW!!! I could almost walk there.

EDIT: Lol I miss you Scav. I was thinking maybe right before Christmas. Maybe not... Anyway, let's set up a tourney for A-kon. I may be able to get sponsorship from Game Stop. I will be a manager soon, so it's looking good.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2007
Texas (UoH)
I'm liking the 23rd more than anything, what was wrong with the 23rd? We for sure cannot do it on the 16th, that date is already taken. I guess the 9th would be fine if that is what everyone wants to do, but I'm sure that that date will be taken in the next week, maybe less, so if that is the date everyone wants we need to decide quickly. Plus the 23rd gives us 2 more weeks to plan.

One last thing, heh, I think it was funny that when I told the lady what we wanted the venue for she was like, "And you guys know there is no drinking or smoking on the premises?" :laugh:


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
There may or may not be something even more official and awesome in the works for Akon. I cannot comment at this time. :halo:

Both the 9th and the 23rd are rough for me because I'm already taking a day off work the week before the 9th and the week after the 23rd for smash tournaments. I'm not travelling for either, though, so that helps.

According to JF, the 9th is better than the 23rd to prevent conflicting with Pound.

To Bluezaft: Aw come here you.
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