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Mewtwo VS Sheik..


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
As a :4sheik: all I'm seeing, "Oh, Sheik makes a mistake then I can win" or "CPU's affect the whole MU"
:4sheik: can easily force :150: to approach her and she can capitalize and go to town on :150: unreliable approach mix ups. If :4sheik: crouches she can avoid a lot of setups/shenanigans due to :150:'s unreliable hitboxes.
I see a lot of :150: can reflect :4sheik:'s projectiles but, :150: can only reflect one needle and the range of the needle does not reset, meaning that if :4sheik: fires more than one needle, :4sheik:'s needle will not reach :4sheik: and :150: will get hit by the other needles. This is due to needles having transcendent hitboxes which means, that :4sheik:'s needle's hitboxes don't interact with other hitboxes. :4sheik: can perform various strings on :150: up to :150:'s low kill percent due to :150:'s hitbox being unnecessarily big.
First I'll correct a few things wrong with this post:

Crouching doesn't stop our setups, it stops our approaches. Our setups start from D-Tilt which works even if you're crouching. Also if you're crouching you open the door for a new core of setups: U-Tilt sends you at the perfect distance and angle for us to get an U-Smash or another U-Tilt into a true combo aerial when you're crouching. As long as the Mewtwo knows his char he shouldn't be scared of your crouch, but yea, we can't jab, grab, aerial, smash or dash attack a crouching opponent.

Confusion can reflect more than 1 Needle, it has enough frames to reflect a full batch of Needles if done at the exact moment the Needles hit. The distance still doesn't reset though and the lag after Confusion is just stupid so there's still no point in reflecting to be honest. Plus there's the fact that our reflector is like frame 14 or something like that, it's impossible to reflect Needles unless you anticipate it waaay before.

Now, I'll agree with your overall sentiment:

Sheik ****s on Mewtwo, she can do whatever she wants and won't get punished. She can combo him out of any move and gain stage control as soon as she lands anything. She can kill him around 80-100% with her setups when supposedly her weakness is not being able to KO early (not a problem on Mewtwo).
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Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2015
If they reflect your needles then you're probably extremely predictable.

You can literally Needle from max range before Confusion's reflect frame comes out, which means that in order to reflect a Needle he has to start the reflection before you actually press B.

Shield the shadow balls and just land any attack on him. F-Air, N-Air, F-Tilt, D-Tilt, Grab. It all combos for 20-40% everytime you get it independent of %. Around 100-120% you can now kill Mewtwo with your kill moves (earlier with Up-B if you want to go for it). After 120% even F-Air will kill.

Just don't throw out any unneeded attacks, just go for the safe stuff. One hit on Mewtwo is a combo so you don't need to be fishing for anything too complicated or risky.

Be on top of him. You could camp, you're better at it than Mewtwo is, but honestly being aggresive is so overwhelming that there's no need to camp.
thanks for the tips and also I rarely throw out needles unless camping any ways thanks again for the tips!
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