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Metaphobia. (How can one counter Meta-spamers)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 17, 2007
Lynwood W.A
There is this guy a play against online. He uses Meta-Knight and I use Pit but the charecter I use don matter. This guy is a absolute spamer with Meta's specials, ITS GETS SO ANNOYING. I want to find out how I can counter this noob, but I dont know how. My question is "How can you counter a guy who spams every one of Meta-Knights moves with any general charecter." If you have charecter specifics pleese post them too.

I can beat him every time but I want to show him how bad it is. Everyone else knows he spams but he doesnt admit to it.



Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
So wait, you do or don't beat him? Also, spamming isn't against the rules or anything. If anything, spamming makes him predictable, allowing you to dodge and punish. Meta Knight's specials are really good and really should be spammed a lot, so I can't really blame him.


Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2008
Lawrence, KS
If he comes at you from a distance with his specials, you should have time to shield them and counter when he is forced to recover from using the move. If he uses forward b, the recovery time is awful and he shouldnt be able to distance himself from you enough to avoid retribution. If he is using neutral b, he is probably able to get some distance once he realizes youre just gonna shield the move, but he shouldnt have enough time to start another b move before you get close enough. Neutral b has a pretty nasty startup time. Dont be afraid to get aggressive. Just don't try to do anything but shield through a b move. Dodging, rolling, or evading WON'T WORK. Shield, chase, and punish.

Oh and if he is trying to use his specials at point blank, you should have no trouble punishing. MK's specials have an awful startup time.


Smash Rookie
Mar 7, 2008
Seatac WA
Blocking is the only way you can really punish Meta-spammers. I think you can air dodge and side step his up b and down b, but not the foward and neutral b. Shield and punish with down smash or up smash, which ever has the better horizontal hit box.

Deleted member

haha you could always use marth or ike and counter hahaha!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
If he spams it enough that you see it coming, you can outrun his tornado with most character and then punish him brutally when it runs out. Or shield (if you have enough left) like others suggested. His Drill Rush is extremely easy to dodge if you know when it's coming as is his Shuttle Loop. But you really do have to know it's coming most of the time.

If he spams it, but you can't predict it or punish it, then that's not really his problem.


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2007
Probably brawling
Ganondorf (my third most used) can outprioritize his specials with uair, fair, or any of tilts. Pit doesn't have any exceptionally strong, outprioritizing attacks to use. Dodge, punish, KO, and repeat.


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
WA, U.S.
I would say to just predict, predict, predict, dodge a move and counter with a few punishers. Eventually he will have to learn to improvise.

El Drago

Smash Cadet
Mar 22, 2008
Bay Area
Ganondorf (my third most used) can outprioritize his specials with uair, fair, or any of tilts. Pit doesn't have any exceptionally strong, outprioritizing attacks to use. Dodge, punish, KO, and repeat.
hes right, heavy weights can just pierce thru his spam attacks. if he played better and used a lot of tilts he could probably destroy you, but if hes a nub that just uses specials, u should look into bowser, ike, D3 or ganon.


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
Isle of Lesbos
Plenty of Meta-Knight users do spam attacks but if it becomes a pattern then you should predict his move fairly easy.
I know Pit's fully charged arrow can pierce through his tornado. If you can't stop his attacks; run but when he stops, go back and punish.


Smash Cadet
Nov 14, 2007
Either run from obivous special use or shield, none of meta's specials can go through a full shield and he is then vulnurable right after. Easy pickings


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Either run from obivous special use or shield, none of meta's specials can go through a full shield and he is then vulnurable right after. Easy pickings
A lot of people say this (and I'm not picking on you...you just happened to be the last to say this), but shielding shouldn't be a problem for a spammable MK special. For example, if Mach Tornado is shielded, the Meta Knight player should be maneuvering it away so as not to get punished when the move ends.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 17, 2007
Lynwood W.A
Well I guess shielding is the way to go. For some reason however I just havea bad habit that causes me to drop my shield at the worst times...Its lame.

Deleted member

Well I guess shielding is the way to go. For some reason however I just havea bad habit that causes me to drop my shield at the worst times...Its lame.
haha its no biggie,you may not even be dropping your shield as it would seem half the time since m.tornado eats through sheilds pretty good =0

MLG Mune

Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
Indianapolis/ IN
mach tornado is an easily spamable move. there is little time to punish it and if your foe nados away b4 its over, it makes him safe and u cant punish it unless u got a really fast char. i use DDD and the absolute only way to punish it is to hope the MK goes into the air, make sure to air dodge and beat him to the ground. Mach tornado is definantly a different type of attack then what ppl think. good priority and with proper techniques, perfectly safe and unpunishable. U can predict that MK is going to do it, but seroiusly, what can u do. hope he messes up and lets u shield grab?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Highland Falls, NY
If I were you, I would wait (or spam fully charged arrows) until his attacks are over, and then try to juggle him around for a bit with your aerials and try to finish him with a smash (If you can). You can try to use your arrows after he is done with his specials, too.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Carthage, MO
This guy is a absolute spamer with Meta's specials, ITS GETS SO ANNOYING.
cry me a river its a game, and he has like attacks and he's gonna use them. get over it.

"How can you counter a guy who spams every one of Meta-Knights moves with any general charecter."
k, seriously what the ****, you are an idiot.

spam-use only one move over and over. so your saying he spams, yet uses " every one of metaknights moves" wtf.

I can beat him every time but I want to show him how bad it is. Everyone else knows he spams but he doesnt admit to it.
if you can beat him, and your that good y are u asking for other peoples help.

and seriously don't call a spammer a noob, if you can't deal with the 1-dimensional ease of stopping a spammer i think you are the noob not him.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
The 4 main Heavyweights (Bowser, Donkey Kong, King Dedede, and Wario) should teach that guy a lesson, for he needs to know that he needs to use different attacks to take out heavyweights.
Characters with projectiles could give Meta Knight problems, especially those that explode (recommend using Snake or Samus for this strategy). Explosive projectiles should cancel out the mach tornado, and at the same time should damage Meta Knight.

As for me, if I was facing a Meta-spammer, I patiently wait, or Camp (if i have a projectile). Since I myself am a Pit user, I'd use the arrows til he comes close, then use close combat when neccessary.
As Bowser, Fire Breath when close, as well as his long-ranged melee attacks. Mostly, I play as an aggressor with Bowser.
As Zelda, Din's Fire should be able to counter Meta-Knight's Mach tornado and Drill rush. I then use her killing moves (Up-air, the lightning kicks and Up-Smash) to take him out.

You said you beaten this guy many times. That's good enough in my book. So as long as he loses all the time, he'll soon realize that he needs to change his strategies in order to win. Maybe he'll be forced to use another character if he constantly loses.

Response to Ak42_Metaknight's comment... Grow up, and for the record, I think you're the noob for not giving him good advice.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2007
Huntsville, AL
I can believe Zelda being a good Meta counter. And Wario.

I beg to differ on Snake. Either I am not using Snake correctly or he is simply a bad counter to Meta. That is why I came to this thread. While heavy, Snake is slow, his air game is A55, his recovery is extremely punishable, and his best kill moves (AAA and f-tilt) are easily disrupted and punished by MetaKnight. Part of the problem is that Snake is such a ground fighter and a slow one at that. He needs grenades and mortars as cover fire to make his kill moves safe. Meta has many easy approaches and once he has Snake in the air, Snake's only hope is getting back on the ground and at a safe distance.

Shielding is good, but Meta's dash grab punishes that too. Snake is slow after shielding. Even Snake's mines can be safely detonated by Meta's down-tilt..

For me, Snake's best moves against Meta are short-hopped bairs (carefully, though), dash attacks and shield-dropped grenades. Throw a grenade and then do a dash attack to pick it up and immediately shield. This timing will grenade a grounded Meta without him being able to safely grab or attack. Don't roll; don't try to grab. Never fsmash. Always cook grenades, but keep them close. Always air-dodge. Spam mortars and learn to mortar slide, but switch it up and use it carefully too. Vary it's charge and stay near the mortar. When edgeguarding, don't steer the Nikita too much because it slows down. Instead, predict, point and let it gain speed. Don't be afraid to abandon a Nikita shot early if you miss. Otherwise, Meta will get to you before you regain control. Instead, try to drop it and get under it. When knocked off the stage, recover high enough to connect with dair and try to time it so that the last hit connects with Meta. That lands KOs. Bair works too, but don't get predictable. Don't use down-tilt on its own unless Meta short-hops. Meta will rarely get above you, so d-tilt and u-tilt don't get much play. If he does approach from above, vary uair, u-tilt and d-tilt to keep him guessing. Get under plaforms to entice him, and always keep a C4 planted above the main platform. Don't even detonate it all the time. Meta will just avoid it altogether. Just put it out there, let him get used to you walking over it and get near it after it becomes unstable. Let him trigger it. Snake's general game is about providing cover fire to make his kill moves safe. In a sense, Snake is constantly running away. Never stop running.

Meta is just broken. The game is almost ruined as a result. It's sad because while I don't mind a few top-tier characters I feel like Meta changes the game for the worse; worthy of Nintendo issuing a patch. Somebody prove me wrong.


Smash Cadet
Nov 14, 2007
A lot of people say this (and I'm not picking on you...you just happened to be the last to say this), but shielding shouldn't be a problem for a spammable MK special. For example, if Mach Tornado is shielded, the Meta Knight player should be maneuvering it away so as not to get punished when the move ends.
course, dont just stand there shielding while he moves away. Roll in his direction as soon as he heads the other way or dash if feeling crazy. I dont know why meta players would spam the B moves. They are good yes but not THAT Good, or maybe I just had bad experiences with mine.

By the time they notice you aint staying over there the tornado is about to end and lag, bad position for meta. Worst come to worst, play pickachu, that dang rodent is a murder on meta knight. Especially that down smash electrical roll has sick priority.

I'd like to tell more but I have limited experience playing against meta knight, so far I seem to be the only meta mainer in europe that has the game. I can say one thing though, Sonic and his spin dashes are great versus meta. Also try standing on a platform or on a heigher elevation, that way you make the meta user risk a special fall animation if they want to hit you. Or even better you might be able to get up below the tornado and up A them

Meta is just broken. The game is almost ruined as a result. It's sad because while I don't mind a few top-tier characters I feel like Meta changes the game for the worse; worthy of Nintendo issuing a patch. Somebody prove me wrong.
Meta broken? he is so light you can ko him easier than most chars, try playing pickachu. The thunder attack is pure death to meta since he is usually in the air thanks to floaty property and very at home up there.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2007
Rowland Heights, SoCal
I hear ya guy's... And In fact I also met a few Meta Knight spammers myself... I agree on how long range can also be beneficial to these situations... But when I encountered him/ her I merely used counters since you really see them coming...
And there is no such thing (In my opinion) as a spammed move you cant see coming when they do it by then you know exactly what the Meta Knight animation frames look like so you could see these attacks comming....
Also applies to my most hated enemies: Ike B forward/ backward tilt spammers


Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2008
When you say he "spams every one of metaknight's moves", I assume you're talking about all of them. This means he's not a spammer, and if he uses this to beat you with than don't call him a noob. That just makes you look worse. My advice? Play more.
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