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Meta Miscellanious


Deleted member

here are a few things i have come across while playing metaknight =0

1.mt's shuttle-loop (or up b) while in glide will have some lag when you land because he will go into a sort of slide animation or just tople depending on how you land.

if you cancel it with the slice or just regularly a little b4 you hit the ground there is no slide animation and there is virtualy no lag when you land wich offers up some nice options.

ps:the glide has similar properties so try it out =0

2.the fallen ver. of the up-b landing has its uses as well.try falling by/close to a ledge and use the rising attack on non-sweetspotters or even ppl gettting up from a ledge! it works alot better on the second one btw.

ps:this can be applied to his normal glide as well =0

3.mt's dair when short-hopped ends well b4 he hits the ground allowing you to do something-else b4 you land wich most of you have probably already figured that one out though hahaha (can also be done with u-air as well).

4.at low percents(even 0%) if you connect with a d-tilt you can get a d-smash off for free if done quickly enough since it has "tripping" properties and also pulls meta forward a little.


5.if you ledge drop and teleport up(down B) you will grab the ledge again and keep your invincibilty frames(wich is able to keep being done) but, if you drop about half that distance and teleport attack up instead youll automatically appear on the stage and behind unsuspecting foes!even if they are shielding it will push them off if they are close enough to the edge.

6.not as useful as up-b but side-b can auto sweetspot if done correctly.this one can be utilized in a situation where you want to sweetspot but stall it out.test it on fd and youll see what i mean!

7.one really wierd thing i have come across is that if you grab a foe out of a run and near a ledge and up-throw you can take them down w/you if you di-forward.what confuses me is ive only managed to do this twice,once on fd and once on battlefield.when i figure this out completely ill let you know =0

note:some-one else(sixz) mentioned you can also do this if you are by a ceiling such as sky world.
heres an example(at the end of the vid): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdaKrUh7WsA
i have been testing out the new cross-sticking technique discovered by samurai panda and have found some very interesting things out w/meta =D ill fill you in more when i get more data but i think youll enjoy what i have come across!

also,some of these things may be known but were never confirmed since the japanese release so i tested those on request =0

i have more useful/random stuff and after i check my findings some more ill add them here =D
i will also post up vid examples for each one that would probably need some explaining as well =D

if you have questions about any of this or anything else mt related, feel free to ask =D


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
Houston, TX
Quite random known facts.. but w/e.. here are some:

1. You can SHTU (short hop triple uair? LOL)
2. Down B + A(?) makes him teleport and attack when he pops out.. horrible explanation but you know what I mean..

Deleted member

Quite random known facts.. but w/e.. here are some:

1. You can SHTU (short hop triple uair? LOL)
2. Down B + A(?) makes him teleport and attack when he pops out.. horrible explanation but you know what I mean..
for SHTU its only useful against arial opponents and is alot easier to punish =(
haha #2 is explained in his mve set but the contribution is appretiated plus all you do is just hold b =D

5.if you ledge drop and teleport up(down B) you will grab the ledge again and keep your invincibilty frames(wich is able to keep being done) but, if you drop about half that distance and teleport attack up instead youll automatically appear on the stage and behind unsuspecting foes!even if they are shielding it will push them off if they are close enough to the edge.
also w/this you can teleport down towards the ledge and grab it as well as long as you dont keep holding down or b >_>


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
Dover, DE
the tele ledge grab is pretty interesting it sorta reminds me of Shieks up-b ledge cancel, ill have try it out sometime


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2006
La Jolla, CA
Heres something for you guys to try: Map specials to your c-stick, and try the edge down-b stall. Tap back on the control stick and down on the c-stick really fast, and its easy to do perfect edge stalls.

Heres something else interesting: You can hit B or A at any time during the teleport to change it into an attack. This can be used if you're stalling on the edge and see your opponent grab the edge: just hit B during the move, and instead of getting edgehogged and dieing, you'll end up standing on the edge.

Deleted member

Heres something for you guys to try: Map specials to your c-stick, and try the edge down-b stall. Tap back on the control stick and down on the c-stick really fast, and its easy to do perfect edge stalls.

Heres something else interesting: You can hit B or A at any time during the teleport to change it into an attack. This can be used if you're stalling on the edge and see your opponent grab the edge: just hit B during the move, and instead of getting edgehogged and dieing, you'll end up standing on the edge.
for the first one you could just hit down and b at the same time.most importantly if you set your c-stick for specials you will take away the ability to di your arial attacks effectively and also take away your go-to smash button D=

and for the second one i already said that,its in my first post AND my video too.if you want to input fine but at least read my post b4 hand lol


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2006
La Jolla, CA
What I meant was that you have a large window in the teleport to decide whether or not you're going to finish the attack. I was responding specifically to your post with an example of when the teleport stall is useful.

Deleted member

What I meant was that you have a large window in the teleport to decide whether or not you're going to finish the attack. I was responding specifically to your post with an example of when the teleport stall is useful.
haha if thats the case then thats perfecly fine =D


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
San Ramon, CA, USA
I've been practicing use of the DownB for edge hogging, it works wonders.

Also I've found, that after a short hop, theres enough time for two dairs, which makes for a great approach against characters with a shorter reach. Dash at them, short hop, dair, dair, continue on. Works well.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
SH d.air , jump , f.air (DI backwards), fast fall, rinse repeat and mix in 2x SH d.air with a higher jump .

this will bait block/grabs, apply pressure, and chip away at shield. if done properly against specific characters based on their height, you can't be punished.


Deleted member

well,i have some vids on some of this stuff if you want to look at those.the threads are on this board so i wont worry about linking it =0
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