Ok, so Pac Man has a lot of games I missed, cry about it. I'll bring the tissues. To tell you the truth, I personally believe Pac Man should be in the game, I just have a feeling it is not going to happen. Pac Man was one of the first gaming icons we had. His giant arcade games were on every boardwalk, arcade, atari system and so forth. People know Pac Man, but he has lost prestige due to newer icons: Mario, Link, Sonic, Dante (Devil May Cry), Master Chief, Sora, and the list goes on and on.
Yes, the perfect game would include all three of the contenders, but the reality of it is, Nintendo will probably go for the now 3rd party characters that originially debuted on NES or other early systems. BomberMan debut on NES, I beat the game. Mega Man debuted on NES back in 1987, and Pac Man did not debut on a Nintendo system till much later.
Those are my thoughts, but I would like to see all 3, 4 if you count Ray Man in Brawl.