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MDK Presents ~Hype Not Hate~ Brawl Weekly Casuals


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Kid Icarus sounds most likely. But maaaaaaaaaaaan, I'd way rather have a new Star Fox game developed by Nintendo and only Nintendo.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
Bomberman is being hugely milked. A WiiWare bomberman game just came out on monday, for example.
Kid Icarus sounds most likely. But maaaaaaaaaaaan, I'd way rather have a new Star Fox game developed by Nintendo and only Nintendo.
Kid Icarus would be SOOO cool, but a new Star Fox would be better.

Kid Icarus was kinda garbage IMO, but a new one would probably would still be not that good, but we'd play it because it's new. (BRAWL ANYONE?)

I'm just kidding. You all know I love Brawl.

See what I did there? I can make Anti-Brawl jokes because I'm FOR Brawl.
It's kind of like how Black people can say the N word.
No, not Noob, or Nude. The other one.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Take Silent Wolf for example; he is the most technical fox in the world...yet me and ryan 6 stocked him and dj combo in teams - and dispatched him easily in friendlies.
then when we actually played you in pools and not in friendlies, we won and beat everyone els e in our pool without losing lol. also, friendlies? lol


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
AHAHAHAHHAHAH this is why you spell their name with numbers and **** so can't stalk threads. LOL.

I am going to try and summon Satan or Lucifer


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
While I agree bragging about friendlies is dumb...
Didn't RaynEX finish higher in teams at that tournament then you Silent Wolf?
Keep searching your name you little emo narcissistic kid >_>


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Steve, Kid Icarus oowwwnneeeddd! That game was ridiculousy hard with good level platforming design. Good game man, play it again.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
We didn't do too great in teams lol. I don't get what's so uplifting about the idea of placing higher than me in 2v2s at a tourney =P I went Falco almost the whole tourney too.
Did I do something Europhoria? If there's something about me you don't like tell me about it.

I search my name because I know I get talked about a couple times a day. If no one posts in threads I look at, I'll just search it for fun.

EDIT - Megaman 9 is tight.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
We didn't do too great in teams lol. I don't get what's so uplifting about the idea of placing higher than me in 2v2s at a tourney =P I went Falco almost the whole tourney too.
Did I do something Europhoria? If there's something about me you don't like tell me about it.

I search my name because I know I get talked about a couple times a day. If no one posts in threads I look at, I'll just search it for fun.

EDIT - Megaman 9 is tight.

Nah you're cool. Its just that when you go the U.S. and during your first OOS tourny you beat someone that everyone on the boards ****-rides... (friendly OR tournament)

lol its self-explanatory. Its like a big flaming pink trophy to bring home.

Honestly though I didn't think you'd pull the Cactuar and search your name. Also, I'd like to point out I've accidentally called out Cactuar. He should be here any minute now to show you how searching your name is done SON.

Cactuar Cactuar Cactuar.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
im going to my first SC4 tourny this weekend. i hope my scrub tactic taki can pull off a few scrubby wins.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
^ i used to be an AMAZING talim in SC2, and im trying to improve my talim in sc4.

we live close MDK, we should have some SC or SSB casuals some time...


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
We didn't do too great in teams lol. I don't get what's so uplifting about the idea of placing higher than me in 2v2s at a tourney =P I went Falco almost the whole tourney too.
Did I do something Europhoria? If there's something about me you don't like tell me about it.

I search my name because I know I get talked about a couple times a day. If no one posts in threads I look at, I'll just search it for fun.

EDIT - Megaman 9 is tight.
Silent Wolf, I have alot of respect for your tech skill and your ability to compete at the top but I see you posting in too many threads (including in Europe, wtf?) talking about how technically unique you are and how no one understands that, etc. >_> It feels like you search your name to make sure no one says anything bad about you.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
Nah you're cool. Its just that when you go the U.S. and during your first OOS tourny you beat someone that everyone on the boards ****-rides... (friendly OR tournament)

lol its self-explanatory. Its like a big flaming pink trophy to bring home.

Honestly though I didn't think you'd pull the Cactuar and search your name. Also, I'd like to point out I've accidentally called out Cactuar. He should be here any minute now to show you how searching your name is done SON.

Cactuar Cactuar Cactuar.
Cactuar ?
*dances into the thread*




*dances out of the thread*
OMFG I can't stop laughing.

I'm going to go search my name now.
It'll probably come up blank.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
No not really, you do understand who the person driving the cart at the end is right....
Oh you bet your *** I do.


The part where Lelouch slides down the Brittania flag into Nunnaly's arms, and the crowd chants Zero's name was just amazing. Of course, they're really chanting for Lelouch and all of his past triumphs under Zero's mask.

As for the person driving the cart at the end...

The Code is the power of immortality, which C.C. has. The 98th Emperor of Britannia, Charles, has the Code. He transferred the Code to Lelouch while strangling him in episode 21. Lelouch wanted this, and he deliberately told Suzaku to not interfere.

However, the Code does not activate unless receiver dies first. This is shown when the nun kills C.C. after transferring the Code to her. Charle’s Code activated when he shot himself. Here is one of the big misconceptions that most people have: The transfer of the Code does not involve death of the transferrer. The nun was crazy and killed herself after she transferred her code. VV was injured from the battle and died. So basically, after episode 21, Lelouch had Charle’s Code (inactivated) and C.C’s contracted Geass.

When Lelouch got stabbed by Zero/Suzaku at the end, his Code was activated. What supports this is that Nunnally got Lelouch's memories when she touched him, just like Lelouch did when he touched C.C. back in Narita. The only way this could have happened is his Code activating. This pretty much confirms that he has the Code.

Unlike C.C., and Charles, who lost their Geasses because the people who contracted them died, Lelouch didn’t obtain C.C.’s Code and thus kept his Geass, while having the Code (which he obtained from Charles at the same time). Lelouch therefore has achieved CODE GEASS.

Basically, Lelouch is the person driving the cart in the last scene. He, who is now immortal, travels the brand new world he has created together with the also immortal C.C. C.C. talks to Lelouch in the end by saying: "Geass is the power of kings, it will isolate you... well, I guess thats a little wrong... eh, Lelouch?"

Now comes the second big misconception. A lot of people say C.C. was just talking to the dead like with Marianne, that's not true. She could only talk to her because of the nature of her Geass which allowed her to implant herself into the "hearts" of others. That's how she was able to talk with Marianne. Lelouch's Geass was entirely different, meaning that she could only have spoken to him if he was there. Also, the fact that the cart driver is masking his features completely supports this fact, considering the fact that Lelouch is now considered dead.


Deleted member


some guy with some stupid hair dyed a stupid colour with a stupidly pointed nose and sporting eyes bigger than their hands DIES, because of some other guy with an even dumber hair style with even more ridiculous flamboyance shoots (noun) out of his hands to kill the first guy because he betrayed the code of the ancient (first noun)

all this while flying through a psychedelic rift in the universe where everything around them is one colour and everything moves in slow motion and the people who speak only do so with grunts and moans
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