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MDK Presents ~Hype Not Hate~ Brawl Weekly Casuals


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
^ LOL at last part

mdk, how do you feel about melee? just out of curiousity. i think i saw one match of you playing melee jiggs on youtube. and if you're already into all these other fighters...well, why not add one more?


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
^Sorry kyle, but thats just such a great example of how hurting the melee scene is right now.

"I heard this one dude might play melee!"
"Lets find get and train him!!! Then we might have a 16 man bracket!"


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yo Rae, I haven't played it yet, my friend who mods 360s showed it to me on youtube, oh man that game looks too good although I saw a fat thing beating the **** out of this comboing crazy girl with just like 5 hits, that **** pissed me off. But still, at least this is a 2-D fighter I can start from scratch. I think I am going to go gay and use Cedric though, to spam his projectile, LOLOL, nah jokes gonna use someone cooler.

For this Wednesday I won't be able to cause my family is going to do something. But I will hold your word to that for another day (next week!!). YES! Can't wait!! If I can't get my hands on it, I'll rent it. Don't forget SC4.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
it's not hurting, i just want more people. and mdk is cool, i could tell from the one i met him =P mostly this was responding to him indicating a lessening interest in brawl.

melee gta scene is definitely smaller than the brawl one though. why don't you come back and play jiggs again =D


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
it's not hurting, i just want more people. and mdk is cool, i could tell from the one i met him =P mostly this was responding to him indicating a lessening interest in brawl.

melee gta scene is definitely smaller than the brawl one though. why don't you come back and play jiggs again =D
yeah i have the general concept of the game down i guess.
i did give the game its a fair chance you can ask imahd, adnan, ryan and david.

i spent maybe two days with IB and tyrantwolf learning the game and i told them if they have casuals to give me a shout, which never happened.

i got ahold of ryan and also told him if your holdin casuals to give me a shout, again this never happened.

me and david had a dispute awhile back but after it was settled i've asked a few times to teach me sheik and got no response.

i even read multiple guides, theories, and watched several vids just to gain and pint of knowledge that all the melee veterans have. lol i even had to break several brawl habits just to give into the flow of things (like auto sweet spots and air dodging) but it kinda went down the drain so yah

so i can easily say "at least i tried"

one thing i'll say for sure tho is (whether this is true or not) just like brawl the balance is definitely not there. not all characters are exactly "tournament viable". this is just my opinion tho. i may not know as much as u so plz educate me otherwise. (on msn preferable, i feel like this might be the beginning of a BrawlvsMelee war lol)


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
mm okay, just wondering. yeah, anyone can tell you melee is pretty unbalanced, there are a lot of characters you just can't use in serious tourneys. although i have watched ryan go through pools without losing any matches with pichu <_< his pichu was bernard's ganon too, and ganon is known for destroying low tiers. i'm not even sure anymore why i prefer melee, i just know that i find it much more fun.

and uh...you could try adnan's biweeklies thread, for stuff in sauga. i dunno about anyone else's but i can't see anyone refusing you coming to an event.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Every good fighting game is pretty unballanced as for as there will always be top tiers that beat out the others, its mostly about how much flexibility a game has.

How large the gap between the top tiers and the bottom of high/upper mid tiers is probably the hugest factor, as long as the gap is a workable one then you achieve good balance. It is a bad thing when there is a large gap in someplace.

Now, for the two games against each other....
Metaknight has a larger gap over the others than Fox does in melee. So in that sense you could say melee is more balanced.
At the same time, you could say in reality Fox has the larger gap, because Fox can always be more and more technical and get faster and faster. So it depends on how you look at things.

Do they both have pretty much the same amount of balance as every tournament great fighting game? Pretty much, some are high on the scale and some are low. They're all good though.

Honestly Rae I think the fact that a lot of smashers have only ever played 2 games in a competitive sense really messes up there perspectives.

This post has been completely stance neutral. :)


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
Honestly Rae I think the fact that a lot of smashers have only ever played 2 games in a competitive sense really messes up there perspectives.

This post has been completely stance neutral. :)
yah thats true.

lawlz at the last sentence! lol.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
LOL. Rai, I wasn't that self-absorbed! :laugh: I was just... I dunno, eager to play others, and I was asking if I was good, from other people's perspective.

But anyways, yeah, I had lots of fun there. =)


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
lol marik its "rae" not "rai" pronounced "ray"
u started off asking if u were good
but l8r continued sayin "im pretty good for not havin played in ____ days"
if sayin that 5 times a match isnt self absorbed then u have redefined the word lol.

im jus pickin on u lol


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
I know it's all in good humour. =)

Expect me in the future. ;)


Sorry, but I'm always gonna call you Rai lol.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Every good fighting game is pretty unballanced as for as there will always be top tiers that beat out the others, its mostly about how much flexibility a game has.

How large the gap between the top tiers and the bottom of high/upper mid tiers is probably the hugest factor, as long as the gap is a workable one then you achieve good balance. It is a bad thing when there is a large gap in someplace.

Now, for the two games against each other....
Metaknight has a larger gap over the others than Fox does in melee. So in that sense you could say melee is more balanced.
At the same time, you could say in reality Fox has the larger gap, because Fox can always be more and more technical and get faster and faster. So it depends on how you look at things.

Do they both have pretty much the same amount of balance as every tournament great fighting game? Pretty much, some are high on the scale and some are low. They're all good though.

Honestly Rae I think the fact that a lot of smashers have only ever played 2 games in a competitive sense really messes up there perspectives.

This post has been completely stance neutral. :)
I don't like the Fox argument much. Almost everyone in the U.S. and current Canadian community will tell you either Sheik or Falco is gayer.

Take Silent Wolf for example; he is the most technical fox in the world...yet me and ryan 6 stocked him and dj combo in teams - and dispatched him easily in friendlies.

Azen on the other hand - 3 stocked me in a fox ditto on corneria by reading me. He didn't waveshine me once.

While I agree Fox gets more and more broken as his tech skill increases, history and player trends will show us that the majority of technical foxes are completely mindless - and don't even place that well in tournaments anyways.

As far as Metaknight goes, I can't really speak on how broken he is - because I haven't played Brawl enough to witness the full extent of his gay. All I know is tornado is dumb and more than half his moves beat everyone else's.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
i guess fox is kinda like testament in ggxxac. hes 2nd in tiers but few players can actually bring out his full potential.

Deleted member

no, fox is top in tiers because his moves are just better than everything possible inherently. adding the advanced techs and becoming a smarter player will let you become unstoppable


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
no, fox is top in tiers because his moves are just better than everything possible inherently. adding the advanced techs and becoming a smarter player will let you become unstoppable
That sounds more like Sheik.

Just because Fox is good doesn't mean his moves are better than every other character's. All of Falco's moves outprioritize Fox's, regardless of what you wish to believe.

Sheik...well don't even get me started wit Sheik. The tip of her tilts beats Fox's approaches all together. Fox is still broken though.

I wish you guys could face pro Sheiks, Falcos and Marths. You'd see that Fox isn't the only broken character, nor does he have that much of an advantage over the other top tiers.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
falco is my least favourite matchup. i dunno if it's my worst or not but it's certainly the most irritating. ...his lasers have 0 lag X_X why?!


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
mmk. and failing that i will try this running and shielding over and over thing, it seems to be working for you. peach does have a better ground game than jigglypuff though, excepting upthrow rest.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
They both have pretty sub-par ground games against Falco.
While Jiggs can duck under the lasers she spends most of her time off the ground trying to get inside Falco's lasers and priority in an attempt to lead into rest or a grab or something. Her ground game is kinda moot in this match up. Jiggs + here is that lasers are less effective. Falco still ***** a Jiggs in shield.

Peach's ground game is pretty bad too against Falco because she doesn't really have the time to pull turnips which she needs to approach from the ground (and even from the air) while the lasers limit her dashing game. Ergo she spends most of her time trying to float over the lasers and gay him as well. Her + on the ground is that she doesn't get shield ***** because of her Up+B out of shield.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Jiggs vs Falco is incredibly simple.

Abuse Falco's weaknesses through proper spacing and prediction. If they are able to overwhelm you with lasers you WILL lose. Helps for you to have a good understanding of Falco.
Upthrow resting, and the fact that falco is so rediculously easy to edgegaurd will have you killing him within 1 turn of momentum shift for like 2-3 out of 4 stocks if you're doing your job properly.

The bottom with Fox is that there is allways room to improve in mind ability and technical ability (I also count Falco as being able to do this LOL Dashizwiz.... hell, for that matter falco might even have more potential than fox due to space control), there are no johns for the "mindless technical player".
Where as at least with MK we can at least be pretty certain about the ceiling for what an MK will do physically, the rest is just up to the individual player's mental game of course.

Deleted member

Watching any kind of action replay video will prove that Fox will always have the physical potential to **** any character any day. Bernard, while I know your fox is ****, perhaps you're just having a hard time with Sheik or something, because what you're arguing is true to a certain extent. Sheik is really good, so is falco marth whoever, but I guarantee if Ankoku compiled a melee tourney ranking (tournament wins) Fox would be in the metaknight tier.


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
Sunday was sick, I am going to spend more time with SC4 so I don't get ***** as bad. I am def going to show up as much as possible. btw...the lack of Melee was disturbing.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
**** man, I was telling myself that I'd be playing some SC4 to practice BUT Tales of Vesparia is OWN!!! That game is really good, I recommend it to all RPG and 360 fans, good game.

Deleted member

yeah I loved symphonia 1, is vesperia anything like that?

i was gonna rent or buy for the winter holidays


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Watching any kind of action replay video will prove that Fox will always have the physical potential to **** any character any day. Bernard, while I know your fox is ****, perhaps you're just having a hard time with Sheik or something, because what you're arguing is true to a certain extent. Sheik is really good, so is falco marth whoever, but I guarantee if Ankoku compiled a melee tourney ranking (tournament wins) Fox would be in the metaknight tier.
A large majority of players at the top level concur that Sheik is indeed the best character. Fox would never be Metaknight tier. Different areas of the world have been dominated by different characters. For example, because of Midwest tournies Falcon would be high as **** on this list. Character diversity is very large in melee. Don't compare Metaknigt to Fox X.X it's not even close. Even on the Brawl match up chart they've acknowledged he actually has no bad match ups. It's not Brawl bashing >_> or meant to be. Just be more aware of Melee's metagame...

Symphonia was good, Abyss was better


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yo Jake, Vesparia is very simliar to Symphonia in terms of gameplay and visual presentation BUT a major improvement was the dialogu, although it is still gay it is nowhere near as gay (!!) as Symphonias. Man, colette just made my ears hurt, ****...


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
but I guarantee if Ankoku compiled a melee tourney ranking (tournament wins) Fox would be in the metaknight tier.
I dunno man, with the sheer amount of Ken/M2K won tournaments, I'd have to argue for Marth.

Maybe more small tournaments have been won with Foxes, but when it comes to large scale tournaments in Melee's history, Marth has always dominated.

Also, off topic, but Nintendo just announced that they are going to be reviving an old franchise and showing it off at their press conference on October 2nd. GET HYPE! :laugh:


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
lol proly mario or zelda, thats all they got, (yes ino he said reviving,there hasnt been a good mario or zelda in a long time) and they usually screw them up everytime latly


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I dunno man, with the sheer amount of Ken/M2K won tournaments, I'd have to argue for Marth.

Maybe more small tournaments have been won with Foxes, but when it comes to large scale tournaments in Melee's history, Marth has always dominated.

Also, off topic, but Nintendo just announced that they are going to be reviving an old franchise and showing it off at their press conference on October 2nd. GET HYPE! :laugh:
Oh man if they revive Kid Icarus my October 2nd is made.

Megaman9 is amazing btw.
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