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MDK Presents ~Hype Not Hate~ Brawl Weekly Casuals


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Yo, Rai, my foster dad said that I could come, however, can he or my female legal guardian at least talk to them? Because he's gonna drive me, and your parents probably aren't going to be there....

Here's my number...



Oh yeah, her name is Melissa, and his name is Brandon. When you call, Brandon is gonna pick up, and then yeah, let your parents talk to them, so they can get off our cases. >_>;


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
How about you debunkers bebunk the real issues in that video then the stupid religious bull****. That video sucks anyways, it barely addresses anything, its only good for people just starting out with conspiracy. Theres more problems at hand then if there is a superior existence or not. What matters is that these things happening are not "random" occurrences or anomalies. These events are fixed.

The official story is bull****. Have you read survivor accounts from firefighters or civilians? They are very interesting if you haven't read them. When you have university professors of physics and demolitions experts telling you it was impossible for that tower to pancake from a Boeing 747, I think thats more then enough. The towers were built to withstand terror attacks from airliners. Have you seen the 45 degree angle cuts on those huge pieces of steel? Also think about this, if it fell from an airplane wouldn't you think there would be more rubble? Most of the matter of that building was turned into fine dust. The force from gravity acting on the falling building wouldn't turn that much of it into ****ing dust.

I don't care how the towers were taken down, I don't care who did it. What matters is where it lead to. Do you understand how much profit there is from war? Afghanistan I think produces the most opium on the planet. Also Iraq and Afghanistan have oil.

Now depopulation. Its a possibility that cannot be ignored looking at all these things in place. And sure I don't want to believe in mass death, but why the hell are they reviving deadly ancient viruses, creating deadly viruses that could mutate into something almost unstoppable and spraying chemicals in the atmosphere that are neurotoxins. There are lots of ways they can depopulate. War, weather manipulation, NBC agents, food resources, cosmic manipulation, etc What about all these movies of government quarantine, planet annihilations, etc. It conditions your mind so it becomes regular to you and acceptable. Theres alot of conditioning through visual media. Why is there a negative stigma associated to conspiracy theory/reality? Because you have been conditioned to think that its out of the norm, crazy talk and impossible. Why is it wrong to think that what you were told to believe could be infact a lie?

Its the same way with science. Tesla was thought to be insane because his thinking was beyond any else, he was talking of quantum stuff in the very early 20th century. Quantum physics was bashed endlessly and look at it now. I am pretty sure the LHC is based on Tesla's theory, I could be wrong, but I am positive it is.

Its ok to deny the unfortunate reality, its understandable.

I would like to state that I am agnostic. And that I don't agree with zietgiests take on superior creation, but I DO NOT support any religion as they are seeds of evil and control. Its too hard to completely understand superior existence with a 3rd density perception.

Deleted member

teh moon lanadngin was faked!!111!!

gerorge bush is a criaminal maastermind tryin 2 murdr millainz of innocentt ppl!!!!! NO WAIT BILLZION!!!!!



teh toWERS FELL SOUATHWEST AT XACTLY 45 DEGREZ, every1 noz taht cant happn wihout paroper eplxosive devicez!!!!


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
LOL. I actually find that ****ing hilarious.

Funny that I don't agree with any of those statements. Bush didn't mastermind ****, hes just a PUPPET of the Rockefellers, etc. Humans have landed on the moon, I don't care who, it has happened. Bohemian Grove exists. I think it was a senator who acknowledged it existed. I don't care about the assassination either.

All you mention are just stupid things. I like how you brought up a good point about the misinformed people who just complain about George Bush, etc. The people who they see on T.V, not the real masterminds.

Oh yeah. I forgot, your evasion increased by 5.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Jake, your actually making ******** posts like I was earlier. At least discuss it with him and debunk everything he said. Your just acting like a scrub(me) right now =\

Deleted member

I'll happily debunk anything you guys post in the debate hall. I don't have the patience to do it otherwise. You know why?

Because your arguments don't have any meat to them. You can propose millions of theories but until you actually have things that hold water, I have nothing to debunk, because it's just you spewing garbage.


Smash Cadet
Feb 29, 2008
Hamilton, ON
You guys and your opinions/beliefs get knocked over like a stiff breeze, have a spine,

If you honestly believe 911 was an honest to god terrorist plot that the government had nothing to do with/ knew nothing about, then you truly are ignorant.

Peak oil gentlemen, look it up. (A lot of people are INCREDIBLY misinformed about this, and its probably the biggest issue that our generation is going to face in our lifetime)

The suburbs are going to fall apart, believe it.

Alex Jones, while being a complete nutcase, basically ***** every accepted theory on 9/11 being nothing more than a "terrorist attack".

The US is mad ****ed up, they charge their citizens income tax illegally (watch "America: Freedom to Fascism"), have no concrete human rights (USA Patriot Act) and brainwash them into not knowing what is really going on.

And I never realized I'd be posting anything like this on a smash forum:lick:


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
I looked on the debate board and it from the looks of it nothing important was actually being discussed. Unless theres a hidden thread? All I see was dumb crap like abortion, atheism, etc. People were talking about HAARP like they knew what it really was, lol.

Alex Jones is good, but he is a little extreme sometimes. He gives conspiracy people a bad name, but he is very good.

Anyone here watch CNN for comedy? I LOVE CNN. Its way too funny.

Good video on the Rockefellers. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5420753830426590918&hl=en

Deleted member

Yeah no one discusses that shiat in the debate hall because you'll get laughed at. Being skeptical of the gov't is healthy, but not to that extreme.


Smash Cadet
Jul 6, 2008
mississauga, on
@ rae: are there casuals this weekend for brawl? if so i wouldn't mind coming down at all for a couple hours with a friend of mine, i believe you've met him before. also i have a television set i can bring down and you can keep it. it's about 24-27 inches.. i'm not really sure. nobody in my house needs it anymore.

edit: you may need a vcr for it though.. maybe i have one lying around. it's so old i don't think it has a set of video and audio inputs lol.


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
Sure watch that, it makes you ask questions, but theres much better videos. Um you won't like the god bashing, but just continue through and remain open minded.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Wait, Jake, I'd agree with your post if you just kept it at the fact that this thread is not to debate BUT you also said that the arguments (or theories) have "no meat" to them when in fact they are proposing arguments that have supposed evidence (ex. loose change, etc) to them just as the counter arguments have their own supposed evidence (ex. your article countering the conspiracy theory). So aren't the arguments stated by the conspiracy believers valid?

Deleted member


Nate didn't show any proof to his wild fantasies. They don't have any meat because they are just theories of his. If he wanted to, he could have produced evidence showing that the US is controlling the weather or any other of the ridiculous statements he referred to, but he didn't. That's why there's no point in debating, because unless he provides evidence, I can't debunk what he's saying. All he's doing is calling things we hold to be normal a "front" to do some nefarious scheme which MAY be possible, but before we even entertain his theories, he needs to provide evidence.

Rereading your post, I see you're mainly talking about 9/11 because you brought up Loose Change.

To which I say,

Join the debate hall, bring up Loose Change, and we'll debate about it there. The most I'll go is linking to the Popular Mechanics article.

Other than that, he's practically claiming people like Steven Spielberg are trying to brainwash us.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
steve, you should apply. once you do you'll get in, everyone who applies does.

plus, as a bonus, the quality of your posts has improved dramatically. notice i'm not calling you pyroloserkid?
Yeh, I've decided I kind of want to be taken seriously now, unlike DESH...so yeh.
And yeh I'll check out the debate hall, but from what I hear they don't have juicy topics like this 911 stuff.

omg I just finished watching Loose Change in my Film Studies class. It kind of convinced me but there were a few flaws in it and if you guys say the conspiracy theories is bull****, then I guess it is lol
I'll read up that article when it's not 12am.
I've been trying to keep up with what you guys have been saying but I'm really lost.

Could you send me some articles or videos or something that AREN'T an hour long?


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saHs6J0OXVI - hilarious take on loose change

http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html - there you go millar, learn up.

good to hear, bernard - it's a good way to waste time.
that's it pretty much lol
I skimmed through the article which has like 9 pages, but it's actually not much if you actually check it. Youtube probably has a bunch of quick videos on 9/11 conspiracy theories.

awwwwww i kind of wanted to learn more about this stuff =[
i guess i'll wait a while and lurk the debater hall.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
As you can see, the ice on the left is almost all melted, whereas the metal spoons on the right only melted a little.
LMFAO that video was hilarious.

If Ice is so tough, why don't we make ships out of it? =P

Anyways, time to read up now.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
jake, you sure you couldn't just give a brief version of why all the 9/11 conspiracies are bull****? the last page and 1/2 have mostly been personal responses, rather than responses to the ideas presented (and having obviously looked into this less than you none of them seem immediately stupid to me).

with issues like this, i notice that a lot of people take things to extremes - 9/11 was an inside job, or no, the government and other agencies and interested parties had nothing to do with it. the people who take the middle path are now too irritated by all the other people to be able to stand presenting themselves seriously, since everyone will just take it the wrong way. although that's exactly what i'm asking you to do =P just really concisely, if possible, more so than this post at least.

...so which is better, melee or brawl?

edit: thanks for posting the PM article, it's interesting so far.

Deleted member

a brief version would still be really hard to do because there are oh-so many theories. sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction - a group of people (hard to classify themselves as people) just really hated us. I say us because I could see the smoke from the toronto beaches near my house on that day, across the entire lake.

there will always be people that insist something or other is bull****, and that's just how it will always be. I shouldn't be required to give you evidence for every single claim people dream up.

That's why the PM article is so useful; it's peer-reviewed (blogs do not count as peer-reviewed) meaning it's extremely reputable. This isn't just some kooky professor from the university of Trent or some other garbage, it's a very concise, readable, and rational explanation to all the main theories.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
lol what has delorted started in here lol. silly ppl and their conspiracies.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Yo its Nate (black one). Stop getting stuck in the 911 vortex man, it ****ing sucks you in. Where did that **** lead us? Look at where we are, do you really think that was RANDOM? I didn't really state any theory. Well sure you could consider me saying "the 911 story told by the mainstream media isn't true" is a theory, but really what i said isn't. Its not a theory, its a reality. Anyone, no matter what their social status is ridiculed about the subject by media drones. They are NEVER CHALLENGED BY SCIENCE ON TV, JUST MADE FUN OF AND CALLED CRACK POTS A.K.A RIDICULED AND OUTCASTED BY "SOCIETY" on CNN, Fox, etc. Thats what you call a denial of reality. It was just a series of facts. Aren't theories just hypothesis? (Broke the wall of txt it was needed)

Theories are generally not really facts until proven, no? I am just stating facts and if I am not, shoot me down, I welcome my destruction to this whole thing. But no other subjects, strictly what I said is a complete lie, its all theory, and that this isn't happening as this would put me back on the path of reality. You think that JP MORGAN buying BANKS IS COINCIDENCE, that their just taking advantage of the market, lmfao that is fcking hilarious. You know what JP Morgan did to Tesla, the man that fuels your computer that you use? I don't think you do. Is that a little extremist? I don't think so as thats the way this **** has been portrayed here. Disprove me that you can't manipulate weather, or complete planetary effects, or how about the fact that a building was turned into dust and pancaked from an airplane attack that it was built to withstand, or what about the fact that you can profit from war, or what about that theres massive opium grown in Afghanistan. So now they control the country with the highest opium production. Geeeh I wonder what the **** is going on here. You know what opium is used for? I will let you decide if its being used for good intentions. You can exclude my 3rd density statement as thats "opinion"

I just let people think of these "coincidences". It makes people think. You just have to understand that their are entities with truly evil intentions, selfish intentions a.k.a for some of you such as Satan. Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay, that is a great movie, not because of the comedy, but the issues it brings up.

If people really want to know whats going on, then they would research it themselves instead of using me as a media outlet or anyone else or some movie. I am just trying to get people to think out of the box, theres too many who think strictly inside. And inside the box, I mean by what they are told to think. Not that dumb **** of disobeying the laws of physics such as the law of thermodynamics.

Anyways, I am done. I hope I have sparked some others to seek real answers and know wtf is going on in our world rather then who is screwing paris hilton.

Smash me back into "reality" please. I miss the matrix. jk I love being out, CNN is too funny.


Shouldn't I be an easy kill since I provided no evidence? Destroy me. now.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Yo yo yo, I can come, but ONLY if you let my foster dad talk to your parents, are they going to be there at all today or tommorow? If not, can they at least talk to my foster dad, because if they can do that, I can come.

Here's my number:


Call please, thanks. =)


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
You know, it's funny because a few days ago we were breifly talking about 9/11 in my Religion class, and my teacher was saying how some people think it was all a conspiracy made by Bush.

We didn't go into it any further, so all I thought was "Wow a conspiracy? You've got to be kidding".

But now that I've read all this stuff, it makes a lot more sense now (not saying it's true), considering the demand for oil and the ammount of income the war industry brings in.



Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
Yo yo yo, I can come, but ONLY if you let my foster dad talk to your parents, are they going to be there at all today or tommorow? If not, can they at least talk to my foster dad, because if they can do that, I can come.

Here's my number:


Call please, thanks. =)
well before you rushed offline when we last talked on msn i left you an offline msg saying that there is no way i am gettin my parents to talk to yours. sorry to say but if thats the only way you can come then its unfortunate.

If you guardians dont trust enough yet then you should either wait til your of age when they will or convince them now otherwise.

again sorry man


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
Lol MDK, this kid is going to be so miserable if you don't get your parents to call his.

He's going to go on another rampage and make 500 posts next month LMAO.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Lol MDK, this kid is going to be so miserable if you don't get your parents to call his.

He's going to go on another rampage and make 500 posts next month LMAO.
No, I'm not.

I'm going to come, actually. >:3

I just might...

Only thing is, they won't know this time. =)

Hehehehe. >:3


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
good job marik lol. i just hope my cellphone doesnt get spammed by ur guardians lol. if they have it on a paper rip it up b4 u go lol.

if ur comin by bus what you'll wanna do is find your way to islington station first and use this site
http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/publictransit (click on "click n ride" on the right)
and map it from islington station to my address 4716 colombo cresent.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
good job marik lol. i just hope my cellphone doesnt get spammed by ur guardians lol. if they have it on a paper rip it up b4 u go lol.

if ur comin by bus what you'll wanna do is find your way to islington station first and use this site
http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/publictransit (click on "click n ride" on the right)
and map it from islington station to my address 4716 colombo cresent.
LOL, I already wrote everything down, and yeah, here's the page. http://www4.mississauga.ca/ClicknRi...kY2JkLTExNGQtNGUyZS1hZDY3LTZmZTE3YTc5NGY2MA==

Yeah, those are the directions I'm most likely going to take.

And my worker isn't on the job, so she won't call. And my foster dad doesn't know your number LOL. >:3

*Edit* Sh*t, the session expired lol. Guess you won't be able to see it now. :p
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