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MDK Presents ~Hype Not Hate~ Brawl Weekly Casuals


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
get off andy's account before you cause more ruckus.
i have no clue why you are posting here since you have never been to my casuals.
fu*ck you and all your b.s

if you think im one of those ppl who take **** behind a computer try me muh fu*cka


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
yeah, at first actually thought it was chris because it typed almost exactly like him and the screenshot was similar to his vista black setup, but i don't remember it clearly. steve says that it didn't look like his, chris wouldn't even say anything if he was ban. he would troll even more and call Wak a douche and everything like he did the other 2 times, but he's not doing that now. I seriously don't think it's Chris that made that post in the Niagara tournament thread.
Chris probably would come to your casuals if he could, but either he's always busy on the weekends/he has no ride/his parents won't let him/he's a bus nub. I let him use my account because i believe him.
I don't think i can come this saturday because i go with Steve and he's busy this weekend. =[ maybe the weekend after..
@DeLoRtEd1: I guess I can try.. I'm pretty pro, I GUESS


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Get that **** out of here, if you check Wak's latest post its clearly Desh who did that ****, unless someone hijacked his computer for the sole purpose of registering and posting that **** while desh was somehow nowhere to be found.

You've been exposed, you can't clear that **** up now.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
eh, i take it back. i think it's him for sure now... Dammit, Chris. I can't believe you would lie to me.

@DeLoRtEd1 - SWF's sig limit is about 120px height. The picture you wanted is 233, so only like half of it will show. Is it okay if I resize it?


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
yeah, at first actually thought it was chris because it typed almost exactly like him and the screenshot was similar to his vista black setup, but i don't remember it clearly. steve says that it didn't look like his, chris wouldn't even say anything if he was ban.
eh, i take it back. i think it's him for sure now... Dammit, Chris. I can't believe you would lie to me.
It's not Chris. His internet doesn't have that layout.

If it ends up being him, and he embarasses me because I've been backing him up, trust me, Andy and I won't be talking to him anymore.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
mods can check IPs, im sure you know this.

how can you deny that it was chris when you find the same IP on both desh and MDGays post.
its cute how you believe in ur friend but you cant fight facts... (but you can sure fight your friends... if you catch my drift)


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
ohh bcuz desh told me that LTG is his COUSIN... thats wierd
also LTG wouldnt answer my question when i asked him when he came to a casual.
LTG claims that he found out about the easy button from the casual when I aksed him how he found out about it but im 100% sure he didnt come to it. He lives all the way in woodbridge why would he drive to MDKS casuals and then get bored and never come back.
the IP adress image shows its desh

all of this is just pointing the fact that it is desh either getting someone to do this for him, or hes at a friends house now


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
MDK, read the posts in the tournament thread if you haven't already. Sorry for the big fuss, didn't expect it to explode.
But if anything everyone who's saying its Chris is fighting fact. I've proven that in the thread.

Edit: Also, because I'm feeling nice, I think I should apologize directly to you also, aside from apologizing for the stupidity that my trolling's caused.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
You havent proved ****, you said that you came to a casual ONCE and you found out about the easy button there. WHEN did you come and how come none of us remember you?


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
A few months ago, I think near the end of July ?
I had asked Chris if he wanted to come since he was living at his dads in July, my parents wont drive to Brampton from Woodbridge to pick someone up.

Also, how is the fact that you don't remember me relevant? The fact that I knew what it was, who said it, etc.
And you and I AND Chris know that hes never been to any brawl event, ever. And the odds of him ever going to one are slim.

So lets see,
You don't remember a single, quiet new guy.
Chris, remembers me asking him. (Well im assuming anyways, it wasn't THAT long ago.)
I KNOW I went.
I played Marth? Got 2-3 stocked a lot? Ring any bells? Yes? No? Well if you don't then that isn't really my problem as much as it is yours. :S
Honestly. Name one things I've told you that doesnt make sense? Besides you not remembering me being there?


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
so who dies? LTG or desh? i have no problem beatin the f*uck out of both of you... choose now. dont show your face at any tourny cuz i will tump u in ur face so hard ur goin 2 the hospital str8

*** ur apologies u shud have thot about ur jokin w/


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
ohh bcuz desh told me that LTG is his COUSIN... thats wierd
also LTG wouldnt answer my question when i asked him when he came to a casual.
LTG claims that he found out about the easy button from the casual when I aksed him how he found out about it but im 100% sure he didnt come to it. He lives all the way in woodbridge why would he drive to MDKS casuals and then get bored and never come back.
the IP adress image shows its desh

all of this is just pointing the fact that it is desh either getting someone to do this for him, or hes at a friends house now
Desh always refers to him as a COUSIN since they've known eachother for the longest time, and it's easier to say than explaining family friends.

And I've came all the long way to one of MDK's casuals, got bored and never came back.

No I'm lying, I didn't get too bored, but I haven't been back since.
I'm always busy.


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
Chris on the phone: You need to chill, never mind go all out on LTG (Only put this because if I didn't I'de get my *** kicked by MDK and him >_>), but he was joking. I remember when Nate was making those dumb Desh Bag jokes right after i apologized to you guys, and you just said "He's just joking"(Lol, Desh Bag. Nice one.)

So seriously, chill out and practice what you preach, if you think its OK to make unprovoked jokes towards someone like Nate did to me, then you should seriously chill out and take it in. After all, "He was just joking"


Wow, sorry but I smell a hypocrite.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
Chris on the phone: You need to chill, never mind go all out on LTG (Only put this because if I didn't I'de get my *** kicked by MDK and him >_>), but he was joking. I remember when Nate was making those dumb Desh Bag jokes right after i apologized to you guys, and you just said "He's just joking"(Lol, Desh Bag. Nice one.)

So seriously, chill out and practice what you preach, if you think its OK to make unprovoked jokes towards someone like Nate did to me, then you should seriously chill out and take it in. After all, "He was just joking"


Wow, sorry but I smell a hypocrite.
i forgot one small joke post is equivalent to one joke email, three joke images, and one ***** idiot.

i will practice what i preach...

you *** w/ me, i *** u up. amen

btw dont try to reconcile w/ some1 by provoking them even more, callin me a hypocrite is NOT helpin ur cause...


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
I call them as I see them.
An insult is an insult.
Nate insulted Chris
I insulted you.
There was no reason for either.

But if you're going to try to say there is a difference between an insult put shortly, or an insult dragged on, I'm not sure who the idiot is.

Its like this.

My post: Hello I would like to inform you that i dislike your existence and hope you get hit by a train.
Nate's post: **** you I hope you die.

Its the same crap, just put differently. Now get over yourself, stop being a hypocrite, and let this die.

(Just in case you guys don't get it, those were EXAMPLE posts. Meaning they aren't real. :) Just thought I'd make sure you got it. I don't want any posts going "I DIDNT SEE DAT LAWL". )

& btw you've got quite the temper there big guy.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
My post wasn't unprovoked at all, Desh was being a douche.
Most of the brawl players don't know but he's pretty much been exactly the same since he joined, you could search it up I bet, ( I can't say for sure because he was getting banned and stuff since way back then too)

LTG keep my name out of your mouth you don't know the history, after the bull desh had pulled in that same thread a page or two back he wasn't going to escape me insulting him. Your stuff is nowhere near the same.


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
Lol, you're nate?
Well, considering you posted AFTER he apologized and everything was settled, I don't think you're in a position to be calling anyone a douche.
Also the only times hes been banned were the times I've gotten him banned. XD

Edit: So I just found the incident that is no where near the same. Lol, you're about as smart as a 12 year old corpse. Buddy if you think its necessary to insult someone, after you've already done so and hes apologized and is cool with people, then just go crawl back into your hole and stay there. You're just as much of a douche as I am. If not more, at least i admit it.

So much for the whole "With age comes maturity", I mean, hell, I'm definitely not very mature, but at least i have the literary skills, logic, and brain larger then a 10 year old.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
No you're wrong, wak banned him a long *** time ago ( which is why he has a bunch of accounts) so unless that was you too (I dont remember that beeing his defence back then)

I called desh out on his spam from day one, even in his apologizing he was still spamming instead of just leaving. Also he never apologized to me/ even responded to my posts addressing him beforehand on a completely different issue than him just spamming the thread.
So guess what, this is not bad form on my part to still be hostile towards him. In my books if I was deshbag I would expect some.

As I said earlier, you dont know shit, so keep my name out of your mouth and gtfo. You're just digging your own grave with these posts.


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
Lol, you're an idiot. Unnecessary insults are unnecessary wich ever way you spin it.
Its bad form to take the internet so bloody seriously. Plus I think he gets a long a lot better with most of the smash community than you do anyways. Well, brawlers seem to have it out for him. I don't know how people can hate someone for doing something they never did even after someone else admits to it .>_>
And if you're talking about when Wak banned him for posting porn, then, yeah that was me. ^_^


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Really? You seem to take the internet a lot more seriously than I do seeing as you're the one starting all this.
Also you sound like a straight up snake, so sorry if its hard for you to get your point across cause nobody likes you.

P.S: you suck.


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
Oh nice, I guess i'd resort to stupidity too if I was backed into a corner and hate admitting when I'm wrong.
Really, I only came on here to confess to it since Chris was gonna kill me when he saw me for getting him banned again -_- .
I didn't start this at all, well I made the post. But I came to fess up and take the blame and admit I was wrong, but idiots in the other thread automatically assumed it was Chris because they're grade 2 brains totally out weigh what would normally be called logic and fact.
So of course i defended him. He like freaking family. >_>


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
MDK' Presents ~Hype not Hate.... wait a minute, I see what you guys did there... You clever dogs. You are all hatin'.

I'm gonna trek back in this thread to figure out why this LTG guy apparently sucks so much arse. Bee Are Bee.

Edit: Yeah... I don't care enough to check, anymore can somebody give me the jist?


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
WolfBlade, Sorry for bringing this stupidity here. It wasn't intentional.
You see, I trolled at my cousin Chris's house, and because hes the only person that goes on SWF on his laptop his IP only showed his accounts, and the troll account I made. So skip the big part. He got IP banned, and was pissed when he found out it was me. So he got me to come and confess.
I confessed, and your friends started attacking me for whatever reason they have. I realized that a tournament thread wasn't the place. So I left. I came to this thread, saw MDK took it horribly, and apologized. So of course you know when someone apologizes to you, your immediate thought it you want to "kill dem".
And from there you can figure the rest out. Considering I only came on to confess to something I did wrong and apologize, I can't figure out what they're problem is. Besides the original post being slightly mean.

But like the wise MDK once said, "Dont worry, hes just joking".


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
LTG why dont you just stop posting in my thread and well call it done.
i'll see you when i see you simple as that.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Lol, you're an idiot. Unnecessary insults are unnecessary wich ever way you spin it.
You're just as much of a douche as I am. If not more, at least i admit it.

So much for the whole "With age comes maturity", I mean, hell, I'm definitely not very mature, but at least i have the literary skills, logic, and brain larger then a 10 year old.
Or this whole arguement thing either... usually you don't argue against something and then do that very same thing.

Oh nice, I guess i'd resort to stupidity too if I was backed into a corner and hate admitting when I'm wrong.
Oh? Last time I checked you did nothing to refute what I had said except: "lol you take the internet too seriously" so if this is you backing someone into a corner... don't ever try to hold intellectual debate against anyone, you'll get laughed at.
Also lol at you talking about my character and intelligence, you're a snake loser (what kind of person is welcomed to somebody else home and then trolls them), and by your own words you're a bitch of a friend who frames someone they consider a to be a family friend "only stick up for him cause he was gonna kill me".
Also by your own words you came to the fest, didn't talk to anyone (loser) and suck at this game (got 2-3 stocked by everyone), THIS person is trying to insult my intelligence! :laugh: Sorry, you don't hold weight.

You should really take the advice I gave in my first post and just gtfo, if you truly don't care about the internet then there is no reason for you to still be here (you already informed wak of the situation right?) and you're only actually making this harder for desh, so do him a favour.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
No you're wrong, wak banned him a long *** time ago ( which is why he has a bunch of accounts) so unless that was you too (I dont remember that beeing his defence back then)
Desh got banned for posting 2 girls 1 cup, and he only made one other account.
Desh and LolDesh.

Zomg can you guys pls PM eachother or something?


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2007
@ MDK :
Okie dokie bud, no hard feelings? It really was just meant to be a joke, and was never intended to blow up to this. Whether or not you will agree, I'm unsure. But this has gotten way out of hand, and making threats to beat someone up over the internet is dumb. Especially over something as pointless as a troll post. Seriously, most of the time, getting mad at a troll means you're letting him succeed.
But yeah, sorry.

@ Nate
Oh no no Nate, you see I stated that you take the internet far too seriously because if you're at the point where, and i quote "your spam is like cancer to me", you REALLY need to go outside. ;)
Also, you did have a point. My lack of being on the boards often puts me at a disadvantage in terms of knowing whats what. So I'm obviously not going to post without factual knowledge. THAT would be a dumb thing to do in an intellectual debate. Also, I don't see why you're talking at all. I'm sure MDK is able to fight his own battles. He doesn't need an army of university students who can barely hold their own against someone in grade 9 to fight for him. You weren't involved in this in the first place. This is between MDK and I. I've said my apologies which were sincere. Whether or not he cares, I'm not sure. Seriously though. From looking around on the boards. You're considered a stupid douche bag who likes to pick fights over the internet. So just stop sticking your nose into places it doesn't belong. Its bad form.

Anyways, I got an essay on the intellect of today's generation. Unfortunately after tonight the opinion of it wont be too bright. I'll be back to check up and see if Wak responds. If anyone has his email to give me to pass onto Chris please do post. I just feel bad at this point, since its the second time and his account apparently got unbanned finally.

MDK, Seriously if you're gonna be mad at someone let it be me. Chris wasn't even involved in this at all. He just got caught in the crossfire. -_-

Edit: Yeah Steve, I'm gonna go before it goes any further. Unless someone seriously has something not dumb to say. If they do then PM it.
This isn't the place to have this discussion. It's for MDK's casuals. I just wanted to apologize in the post I made here. Just didnt work :p

Edit to Nates reply:
I clearly knew the story. If you haven't realized, I don't speak with out facts behind it. You assumed I didn't know. Proving you're lack of intelligence. Let alone the fact that the post was in no way directed at you. You were just looking for a reason to start an arguement. I really don't know how some of the people that graduate do.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
K, LTG, just stop posting everywhere and let stuff die.

People are just looking for a reason to hate Chris. Nate already dislikes him, but this gives him more reason to.
No matter how much we prove that this wasn't Chris, it won't change that.

So can everyone shut up about this now?
This is like...5chan or something.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Last time I checked you were the one saying MY name, which is why I addressed you and said " you dont know the story, dont talk about me" once again you're proving your lack of intelligence, if you hadn't talked about me I wouldn't have cared, simple as that.

I'm not going to say any more on the matter, just take our advice and leave.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Zelda is actually MADD good, anyone who went to montreal knows Testrider is real good with him.

Amazing ko power and priority (upsmash is retarted) and downsmash is pretty much metaknight speed.

As for like u.s pro's I couldn't tell you anyone though.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
im moving on...

this is the same problem i have with sheik vs mk it seems hopeless. even gimpyfish could win against lesser metaknights... too sad

does anyone know any good zelda players, or a solid idea of how to play zelda? im tryin to work the both of them 2gether.
yes let's put this situation behind us please :)

And Gimpy's Sheik is CRAZY. Seriously, best Sheik I've ever seen. But MK is MK :p

As for Zelda/Sheik combination, Ankoku is one of the best I've seen.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
yes let's put this situation behind us please :)

And Gimpy's Sheik is CRAZY. Seriously, best Sheik I've ever seen. But MK is MK :p

As for Zelda/Sheik combination, Ankoku is one of the best I've seen.
Are you going this sunday, if so, it be great to get some friendlies in with you.


Smash Ace
Feb 25, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
im moving on...

this is the same problem i have with sheik vs mk it seems hopeless. even gimpyfish could win against lesser metaknights... too sad

does anyone know any good zelda players, or a solid idea of how to play zelda? im tryin to work the both of them 2gether.

i think gimpyfish could have done better. He was always in the lead % wise, but then begins challenging Mk's b attacks which lead to other b attacks to death. I love watching his sheik though. Really good.

EDIT: actually nvm, metaknight is gay.

Deleted member

WOW I'm usually all popcorn.gif when it comes to these types of flamewars

but I didn't understand a SINGLE POST

All I want to know is:

a) Why is a Sept 08 Joiner flaming us?

b) Why is a guy that's only been to one event flaming us?

c) Why is some loser acting like he'd win in any sort of fight, physical or intellectual?

d) Why does someone after going to one event think he's got the clout to mock the community without repercussions?

e) Why am I still hungry at midnight?
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