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Match-Up Export #20: Sonic| Stage Discussion


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
@iblis Kind of unfair for a non-high level player to ask of another non-high level player's credentials, no offense. Match-up ratios reflect high levels of play, not "marginally better" levels of play. It's different when TKD or Kewkky asks about someone's match-up experience as compared to like, me for example.

It's not that theorycraft is impossible without being at a high level of play yourself, but as Kewkky said, people who can theorycraft well at least know what top level play is like. A person who doesn't understand concepts like, for example, sliding shield approaches, empty short hops, buffering, character frame traps, zoning, etc., will have a hard time debating a match-up. Not saying that = top level play, just putting it into perspective.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Since M@v is gone. I think I'm the best Fox in ATL South, but then again I could be wrong. I don't hear anything about Foxes from places like FL or NC.

No offense taken.

EDIT: I'll keep the title of non-high level.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
I think the point is, saying TKD has no credability is clearly asking for your own credability to be shot out of the water, espcially if when asked said credability is 3 tourneys and wifi...

and personally I wouldnt even call anime convention tourneys mid level, but aus is pretty scrub so who knows.

anyways if theres an option that sonic CAN use (just because its not common doesnt mean squat) its worth knowing about it, so tkd was right to say it and it was certainly much more useful then 2 pages of argueing why it doesnt matter beacuse 'top level' sonics wont use it.

if its an option, tell us the counter option, simple as that, if tkd didnt put that in and some top level sonic used it and got away with it, he might use it a few more times because he realizes that the fox doesnt know what to do and that could be enough to win a match he might of otherwise lost.



Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
Take it for what you will. I'm not getting any support here from any other Sonic mains nor are any of them correcting me.

I'm easily best in Missouri, and I've been told that some regard me as best in the midwest. I don't have tourney results as proof of what I know, but I do know what I am talking about as is demonstrated in the video I posted that shows nearly everything that I spoke of.

If worrying how to punish a badly placed down air or how to stop a spin dash coming at you from across the stage is something that you think is worth discussing, then be my guest, it's your forums loss when you aren't prepared for the matchup. I'm not doubting that what he said is true nor did I ever say that he was a bad player. What I am saying is that if his only experiences against Sonic are against low level Sonics where those tactics are important, then his knowledge of the match up is very limited and saying that it is 60/40 based on those experiences is flawed.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
Best what in Missouri/midwest? Player, or Sonic main? If you mean Sonic main, I didn't think Shugo completely dropped him and it's hard to make a claim you're the best anything when your tournament experience and thus experience vs. other players is limited.

If you mean player...LOL.

Also, if he's saying that the match-up is 60-40 based on those claims, then what you're saying is fine. But if he's saying that as advice, it's perfectly okay. It's not like the thread can only hold X amount of information so you can only say crucial things.

Regardless, you've mentioned multiple times that spin-dashing across the stage and using D-air for attacks aren't good options. What is? Knowing that Fox can punish what Sonic mains shouldn't use as approaches doesn't do much good if you won't say what Sonic mains do use as approaches.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Take it for what you will. I'm not getting any support here from any other Sonic mains nor are any of them correcting me.
Maybe it's because we're saying what they're gonna say, so they don't have a reason for posting about the mater?

I'm easily best in Missouri, and I've been told that some regard me as best in the midwest. I don't have tourney results as proof of what I know, but I do know what I am talking about as is demonstrated in the video I posted that shows nearly everything that I spoke of.
I'm sorry to have to point this out, but you're not the best in the midwest. Not by a long shot. there's a lot of very good players in each midwest state, and there's also a very skilled crew called "God Kais". In fact, I'm pretty sure you're not even top 25 right now.. I'm not saying you suck or anything so don't take this in the wrong way, I'm just saying that there are many other people who go to more tournaments than you do, and keep up with the top of the metagame. Going to 3 tourneys and winning the last one means almost nothing when you're comparing yourself to people who go to tourneys twice a month or even more, and some of which are considered the best in the nation.

If worrying how to punish a badly placed down air or how to stop a spin dash coming at you from across the stage is something that you think is worth discussing, then be my guest, it's your forums loss when you aren't prepared for the matchup. I'm not doubting that what he said is true nor did I ever say that he was a bad player. What I am saying is that if his only experiences against Sonic are against low level Sonics where those tactics are important, then his knowledge of the match up is very limited and saying that it is 60/40 based on those experiences is flawed.
Okay man, WHEN did we say the Sonic is going to be sideB'ing from the other side of the stage? We simply said the attack can be stopped with a jab, in case you try and punish a Fox but miss because you started too early.

YOU'RE the one taking things out of context, and YOU'RE the one acting as if everyone's an idiot because no one agrees with you. That might not be your intention, but it sure is what I'm picking up right now. Did you know TKD is the best Fox in all of USA, therefore it impies he has played against a whole lot of people to prove so? Did you know that other people main Sonic? Did it occur to you that MAYBE TKD has played with the best Sonic mainers as well? Hell, he has played against THE best brawl players around and proven he knows what he's talking about. even Mew2King, the arguable #1 player around, says TKD is one of the best players in USA. For that to happen, there's got to be some serious experience behind that guy, and that means against top Sonic mains as well. You're not just called "one of the best" out of the blue for no reason.

I don't mean to be rude, I just want to emphasize what you should read carefully. And if you still think we're all wrong and you're right, then stop trying to help us and help yourself first by understanding why is it that we all think you're wrong. I mean, we all have the tourney experience and victories under our belt against good players, it would be common sense for us to be right more than people who never go to actual tournaments where the best players attend. Or am I in the wrong as well?


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
that was a good post kewkky

also just to chime in here, alot of people think they're really good and when they finally break out into the tourney scene they get rolled, its been proven that tourney experiance is directly relevant to skill and you cant be good, let alone the best without lots of tourney exp.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Tijuana, México
Use your most mobile form of lasering, SHL, it will be able to keep us mobile and it's not auto-commit like SHTL or SHDL.
You can't SHL Sonic!!! You're too slow. Really.
You can only blaster while landing if you were already in the air.

BTW about SH fair...if they whiff it (or you force a whiff by walking away) you can dash usmash to punish the whiff. Same as MK but easier. Still I don't consider it a good approach

Avarice inspired me to type advice instead of ratios from now on. Ratios don't even matter unless you're like me (actually making a match-up chart). And 4/6~6/4 isn't anywhere near "****". The difference is small enough that the players themselves affect the match-up more than the characters. Even 3/7 is borderline playable: mikehaze does it.

Also, just for the sake of testing it. I checked when Fox's fresh up smash can kill Sonic on FD. If Sonic is at 102% (before you use the upsmash), he can DI and live. If he is at 103% or above (before you use the upsmash) then he will die off the top no matter how much he DIs.
- That's almost MK's percentage! I'm not sure the test was reliable. Kirby dies at 100%. Sonic dies only 3% later? Hmmm...
- magnificentmarth, I've lost to Sonic's downb (the first tourney I played Fox seriously). You -have- to know what to do. Stop johning about that.
- I watched the video and I insist: Fox shouldn't be gimped by Sonic. The other player's recovery shown in your video was performed in an UNCONSIDERABLE level.
- I posted my advice and what I think the ratio is. Ratios are what they are, they aren't #/# because of X, Y and Z reasons; they're #/# because of EVERYTHING. If you want to know WHY I think Fox has an advantage on Sonic, it's because he can poke, interrupt actions and punish whiffs better or more often than Sonic can, while blastering upon each landing that Sonic doesn't decide to commit against.
- Kewkky is such an important player that he's the only one a friend of mine has mentioned from the Kirby boards because of his numerous contributions. I think you shouldn't challenge him disrespectfully.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
1. Mag is skilled.
2. TKD is very skilled
3. people shouldnt participate in the wonton bashings in matchup threads. thats why nnobdy likes them.
4. I knew I stayed out of this for a reason.
5. Dont bring up credentials in this situation, it doesnt matter. all that matters is wat TKD is doing, letting people know what to do in what situations.
6. More people should do what mag did and make videos to illustrate important parts of matchups. it was entertaining, and I learned a couple things about the fox matchup.
7. EVERYONE needs to stop getting butthurt about stuff.
8. TKD aint mad.
9. kewkky, I like you but dont be so arrogant. didnt you not get out of pools/get last place at the one american tourney you went to? the only reason more sonics arent here are because a. we know better than to have matchup discussion with other character boards cus it results in number 3, 4, and 7 of this post and b. some of us dont actually know how to fight fox, and were smart enough to not say anything about stuff we dont know about.
10. SHUGO HAS QUIT SONIC COMPLETELY. Bringing him or malcolm up in sonic discussions is pretty disrespectful to the rest of us.
11. the only good sonic main that TKD has or could have played is __X__ and all that ***** does is spam spindash, so you might want to look at other parts of sonics moveset, since the rest of us dont play such a spindashy style
12. I know for a fact that Mag has the most experience in the sonic vs fox matchup than anybody in this thread, yall should maybe listen to him a bit more.
13. dont bother bashing me, since im 80% sure thats what yall will be doing, I probably wont post here again.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
3. people shouldnt participate in the wonton bashings in matchup threads. thats why nnobdy likes them.
I have no idea what wonton bashings are. : |

I was actually called here cuz someone told me about a troll, but I found no troll and instead tried to clarify.

5. Dont bring up credentials in this situation, it doesnt matter. all that matters is wat TKD is doing, letting people know what to do in what situations.
The guy said that TKD didn't know what he was talking about, simply because he said something along the lines of "our jab is a better option than utilt for stopping sideB if you're ever in that situation". We just tried correcting him and making him understand that TKD is the best Fox, and that simply because he said that doesn't mean he doesn't know anything.
7. EVERYONE needs to stop getting butthurt about stuff.
But we're not butthurt... : |

9. kewkky, I like you but dont be so arrogant. didnt you not get out of pools/get last place at the one american tourney you went to? the only reason more sonics arent here are because a. we know better than to have matchup discussion with other character boards cus it results in number 3, 4, and 7 of this post and b. some of us dont actually know how to fight fox, and were smart enough to not say anything about stuff we dont know about.
Hey, I didn't intend on being arrogant. I'm just trying to be as straightforward as possible, and avoid beating around the bush. I even said "no offense" twice in my last post! And yep, I didn't get out of pools (and didn't get last place), but I got to play with a couple of backroomers, normal players, and a bunch of people from the midwest, and made my presence known as someone who knows what he's talking about. Dekar even appeared early during the MK Debates and backed me up by saying "Kewkky knows his stuff", and Seibrik complimented me on how well I did against every MK I played against as Kirby (went 1-2 with him at pools). I also played against one Sonic main, I think he said his name was Shadow (probably not spelled that way). Whatever I say will be a john though, that's why I'm returning for another tourney later on. Planning on doing so during winter again (so I can finally see snow).
11. the only good sonic main that TKD has or could have played is __X__ and all that ***** does is spam spindash, so you might want to look at other parts of sonics moveset, since the rest of us dont play such a spindashy style
Well, thats why Sonics shouldn't stay out of discussions. We could've avoided a lot of these posts if someone would've come in here and just said that __X__ plays different from the standard Sonic playstyle and that it's the one TKD plays the most. Still, the point stands that Fox's jab is a better idea than his utilt for stopping spindashes, and apparently some people around here believed that Fox's utilt was the best option. So, it wasn't useless information at all.
12. I know for a fact that Mag has the most experience in the sonic vs fox matchup than anybody in this thread, yall should maybe listen to him a bit more.
Most of what we said pointed to the fact that he said TKD had no credibility because of his advice. Since he wasn't understanding what we were trying to explain, I had to ask who he was, since he was also bringing up "Sonic vs Fox at the top of the metagame isn't like that" and I've never seen him around the boards before.
13. dont bother bashing me, since im 80% sure thats what yall will be doing, I probably wont post here again.
Bashing? I'm just replying and explaining. Nothing wrong here, hopefully.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Mexico. I'm from Mexico. My game play level is good, I guess; but I'm not top or bottom anything of the U.S..
I'm one of the best players in Baja California and a top Tijuana ranker, along with Tlako, Crack, A.C. and IceDX; people who you may not have heard of because, well, we're from Mexico.
Oh, check it out... My bad then. My native tongue's spanish, so when I heard "Baja California" I immediately translated it to "Low California", and bridged it to "South California".

Still, semantics. And you're also considered the best Fox who's gone to USA tourneys.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Tijuana, México
/\ We're falling way out of subject.

Regardless, you've mentioned multiple times that spin-dashing across the stage and using D-air for attacks aren't good options. What is? Knowing that Fox can punish what Sonic mains shouldn't use as approaches doesn't do much good if you won't say what Sonic mains do use as approaches.
Answering this would help a ton, actually.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Thats why I like kewkky. eh's a cool kid and doesnt afraid of anything.

but both sides had their fair share of dumbness, so i move that we start this whole thing over and focus on what you are supposed to do in the matchup and not just who wins.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
1) What good Fox illisions onto stage unless the opponet is grabbing the ledge?
Sonic stands near the ledge (about or a little under roll distance). How will you choose to recover then?

From that distance, I'm pretty sure Sonic can move during your fall/startup time such that, he can either run back and position to punish the side-B or run forward and ledgehog. There's a bit of reading/player habit that goes about this, but IMHO, your best choice would be to aim over the stage and cancel it, because I know I'd definitely aim/bait to punish a max-distance side-B.

It's what I do to Falco, so if there's anything different that I'm missing that makes edgeguarding Fox's side-B harder than Falco's, please tell me. :/

Regardless, you've mentioned multiple times that spin-dashing across the stage and using D-air for attacks aren't good options. What is? Knowing that Fox can punish what Sonic mains shouldn't use as approaches doesn't do much good if you won't say what Sonic mains do use as approaches.
Answering this would help a ton, actually.
B-air, F-air, U-air, spindash from mid/close range, aerial down B (aka ASC for short), shield dash, shield grab, ...dash dance pivot, running. Once in a while, d-tilt and/or dash attack.

Just simply saying Sonic will approach with F-air/B-air is kind of dishonest because it doesn't really illustrate how this usually plays out since we honestly usually camp for something... while running towards or near you.

...Then it becomes a matter of player habits.

For example, some things you might see would be like:

-Running towards/past you while hoping you spotdodge (run behind -> grab/aerial/spindash footstool)
-Running towards you hoping you'll attack (shield/screech stop)
-Running towards you, charging side-B and either shield cancelling or releasing (has invincibility on first release) if you attack/move towards me.

Someone mentioned you'll have to play the matchup a little differently, and that seems to be a consensus that most people come to in these matchup discussions. Sonic can really be limited at times, but you don't really see it because Sonic mains like running towards/around you, and you're too busy freaking out about what attack to use to outprioritize him (lol, no brainers, generally). Instead of trying something straightforward like jabbing the dash, sometimes running away from Sonic during his approaching run can throw off the player. EX: retreating pivot grabs, running > RAR D-air or something stupid like that.

@ Magnum
While it is true that we'll argue that spindash isn't a staple of approach that Sonic relies on, you WILL see it.

Why? Because if they don't punish it, we'll use it. An option sucks when it's vulnerable to counterattack or if you can't follow it up. If you're not getting counterattacked for approaching with spindash, then why not abuse it? It still has great followup value if it connects, doesn't it?



Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2009
Lancaster PA, Campin away wit Fox & TL
no that was serious lol
ok back on topic me personally I have no problem with Sonics at all I find them one of the most fun to play while Fox I can answer questions about the MU I just dont see what's the problem period.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
In retrospect, I admit, I was wrong to jump on TKD that fast. TKD, my apologies.

If anyone wants to play the match up on wifi (while I know Wifi certainly isn't an accurate portrayal of irl match ups, and I'm not very good at it anyway) I can perhaps at least show how often fox is in a position for sonic to fair gimp, etc and maybe the matches can spark some specific topics for discussion as well as give us more ideas as to how mach ups might play out on certain stages. So, if your interested, drop me a pm and we'll work out a time for it.

Edit: and I have recording equipment so I can post some or all of the matches


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
In retrospect, I admit, I was wrong to jump on TKD that fast. TKD, my apologies.

If anyone wants to play the match up on wifi (while I know Wifi certainly isn't an accurate portrayal of irl match ups, and I'm not very good at it anyway) I can perhaps at least show how often fox is in a position for sonic to fair gimp, etc and maybe the matches can spark some specific topics for discussion as well as give us more ideas as to how mach ups might play out on certain stages. So, if your interested, drop me a pm and we'll work out a time for it.

Edit: and I have recording equipment so I can post some or all of the matches
I'll do it. I have nothing else better to do today. No one is having a party and the smashfest today got cancelled >.<


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Tijuana, México
Options mentioned:
B-air, F-air, U-air, spindash from mid/close range, aerial down B (aka ASC for short), shield dash, shield grab, ...dash dance pivot, running. Once in a while, d-tilt and/or dash attack.

- Bair, fair and uair can all be punished if whiffed. They can all be avoided by landing with a drift away air-dodge too.
- I can see spindash working since post-charging, it's start-up is too small for human reaction time, although one does react to it because it's actual start-up (including charge time, however small) gives room to react not only because of amount of frames but because of sound effects (like MK's fsmash).
- Aerial downB is good, Sonic can grab before the opponent can with it. Options upon landing are too limited though (block, spot-dodge, shield-grab or continue the spinning attack), so the opposing player has the choice to commit to mixing up and trying to counter an action or simply moving away from all Sonic's options from performing it.
- Dash block and shield-grab are similar kinds of approach, and actions that involve staying away from short-hop aerials will involve staying away from a blocking or grabbing opponent too (plus walk grab counters these as well, in case a player is predictable enough, which can become easy because of Sonic's limitations).
- Tilts are OK, but their reward is small and their cool-down is so big it allows the usual whiff punishment: dash usmash.

Gimmicks mentioned:
-Running towards/past you while hoping you spotdodge (run behind -> grab/aerial/spindash footstool)
-Running towards you hoping you'll attack (shield/screech stop)
-Running towards you, charging side-B and either shield cancelling or releasing (has invincibility on first release) if you attack/move towards me.

- Fox players should rarely ever spot-dodge because Fox's spot-dodge is horrible, so anti-spotdodge tactics are ineffective against Fox unless the Fox player himself is lacking (in which case many other things will work against him too).
- A Fox player should always perform attacks that are safe on block. It only SOUNDS like it's not much.
- Attacking's more of a punish or bait thing than an approach thing.
- All of the actions I just named "gimmicks" (to name them quickly; I don't know what "gimmick means hahaha) are countered by walk into grab (and Fox has the best walk in the game, so if anyone's is effective, it's his).

And it's true. You either fully commit to your actions allowing interruption (Fox can move away from this too), or you can try not to commit as much and allow the possibility of whiffs; which Fox is good at punishing. Even with a KO move.

Trying to force spin dash action whiffs hadn't occurred to me before. It may work too I guess...although it likely has obvious limitations, specially if the opponent's willing enough to fully commit.

This makes it sound as if Sonic's even more limited than I thought before, but I still consider Fox one of the match-ups Sonic can actually fight against (which is why I don't consider it a big Fox advantage like GUARD does). It may be bias, lack of knowledge, or overrating of Sonic, but it's my point of view.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Macungie, PA
great post, i agree except with fox's spotdodge. His spot dodge is amazing and can be used for setting-up up tilts and avoiding grabs while shield running


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Tijuana, México
Fox's spot-dodge is as good as a regular spot-dodge is, and it counters a couple of very specific actions. It's not as good as it is spammed by bad players. Fox's spot-dodge may work, again, because it counters a couple of actions; but his spot-dodge itself isn't good.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Options mentioned:
B-air, F-air, U-air, spindash from mid/close range, aerial down B (aka ASC for short), shield dash, shield grab, ...dash dance pivot, running. Once in a while, d-tilt and/or dash attack.

- Bair, fair and uair can all be punished if whiffed. They can all be avoided by landing with a drift away air-dodge too.
- Aerial downB is good, Sonic can grab before the opponent can with it. Options upon landing are too limited though (block, spot-dodge, shield-grab or continue the spinning attack), so the opposing player has the choice to commit to mixing up and trying to counter an action or simply moving away from all Sonic's options from performing it.
- Tilts are OK, but their reward is small and their cool-down is so big it allows the usual whiff punishment: dash usmash.

- Attacking's more of a punish or bait thing than an approach thing.
- All of the actions I just named "gimmicks" (to name them quickly; I don't know what "gimmick means hahaha) are countered by walk into grab (and Fox has the best walk in the game, so if anyone's is effective, it's his).
- On B/F/U-air being punishable on miss: Yes, exactly the point. That's why most Sonic mains will rely on cancelling spindashes or just running/dash dancing to bait an attack/juke your mental commitment.

- On ASC (aerial downB): if you're not shielding, you can also probably RPG (retreating pivot grab) to counter it. Some characters can grab-armor or just straight out grab him before he lands, depending on how it's spaced (low ones that land in front of you: definitely - high ones that aim to eat your shield, not so much, unless you RPG).

Also, you limit the movements to block/spotdodge/grab/continue spin. However, either before landing or after shield cancelling, Sonic can still DJ aerial, or spring. If he does land and shield, he can SH aerial, jump backwards, do all the OoS options. From ASC, he's actually not physically committed to any specific landing/option - the main limitation is that if he's in midair, he'll be forced to jump to cancel it, and can't DJ backwards from it.

- D-tilt moves Sonic forward but has less ending lag. It's both unsafe but leads to pseudo-juggles, if not a frame trap grab.

- Attacks being more of a punish/bait: Yes. I believe last year, when Sonic/Fox boards tried to discuss the match up, a point came up to where we basically said both characters can be played really campy, and it's such that whoever trips up first (nobrawlpun) will get hit/string'd- but Fox has more damaging/rewarding followups. So the issue still remains between the players to try to pull that successful bait. Neither character really has a 'shut down' move option on the other though, AFAIK.

Sonic sucks and is known for terrible gimmicks, anywhere.

[1] And it's true. You either fully commit to your actions allowing interruption (Fox can move away from this too), or you can try not to commit as much and allow the possibility of whiffs; which Fox is good at punishing. Even with a KO move.

[2] Trying to force spin dash action whiffs hadn't occurred to me before. It may work too I guess...although it likely has obvious limitations, specially if the opponent's willing enough to fully commit.

[3] This makes it sound as if Sonic's even more limited than I thought before, but I still consider Fox one of the match-ups Sonic can actually fight against (which is why I don't consider it a big Fox advantage like GUARD does). It may be bias, lack of knowledge, or overrating of Sonic, but it's my point of view.
[1] Sort of. Because of the speed that Sonic runs, it leaves less time for the defending player to do a reactionary move. For example, in a situation where Sonic is running at you (arguably, his best "approach"), he doesn't have to commit until he gets to the point where you were standing. That means that by the time he gets within your shield / grab distance, he's still NOT physically committed. Mental commitment, like "I'm gonna run up to him and F-air to shieldpoke" is with the players.

...but that situation can be pulled slightly towards your favor if you walk/run backwards. RPG, countering a SH aerial with a retreating aerial of your own - all that can work, since technically, he'll reach you slightly slower than if you were just standing.

[2] Do you mean Sonic using spindash cancels to force whiffs? That's a somewhat common/"staple" feint tactic. But this reminds me (player behavior), if Sonic uses the grounded spindash to attack you, the most common behavior (as soon as it hits your shield) is to jump and immediately use an aerial. For example at around 130-140%+, a fresh-ish spindash can combo into Sonic's B-air for the kill, so you can usually shield it, wait for the B-air to end then counter with an aerial of your own (or hit it before it comes out).

[3] Sonic IS limited. It's why Sonic mains don't really argue for him to be past mid-tier. His feint options are a plus, but at most, it's low-mid/top-low material.



Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Tijuana, México
/\ Mental commitment is still commitment. Even if you try to be random, it's very hard for one's actions to come out as random to the observant opponent. Even before you reach the spot a character's at, you may be interrupted with an opposing action because the opponent advances. If you want to avoid this by spacing moves further away from the opponent, you risk whiffing (or whiff on purpose which I think players should stop doing).

Anyway, I'm learning a lot from this thread. Sonic has a ton of mix-up, so the best course of action against him as Fox probably remains as playing evasive and only commit when the opponent is read or you want to land a guess.

Thanks for not being lazy; those are long posts for being posted outside of your own character boards.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
great post, i agree except with fox's spotdodge. His spot dodge is amazing and can be used for setting-up up tilts and avoiding grabs while shield running
most if not all spotdodges can do similar things, when fox's spotdodge is compared against other spotdodges it is not amazing.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Macungie, PA
i main jigglypuff...i know what a bad spot dodge is....compared to her its pretty amazing, Especially with a tilt that covers both sides and is pretty ****'n fast. Or maybe i watch too many wifiboner videos...i dunno, fast character=good spotdodge, thats all im saying
for example at 0:14 in this match http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW9nHcT4YwM
(just a spotdodge example...not sonic)


Smash Cadet
Mar 20, 2008
Mapleton, Utah
The only Sonic main that I play is also __X__.

TKD, are you aware of there being any vids of You vs. __X__? Because that would be pretty darn awesome.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
i main jigglypuff...i know what a bad spot dodge is....compared to her its pretty amazing, Especially with a tilt that covers both sides and is pretty ****'n fast. Or maybe i watch too many wifiboner videos...i dunno, fast character=good spotdodge, thats all im saying
for example at 0:14 in this match http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW9nHcT4YwM
(just a spotdodge example...not sonic)
the risk vs reward makes is not worth it, if you succed you get an utilt, if it doesnt work you can lose anywhere from 20-30%, considering snake's options, resistance and damage output it is a very bad option.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Tijuana, México
The only Sonic main that I play is also __X__.

TKD, are you aware of there being any vids of You vs. __X__? Because that would be pretty darn awesome.
I've only played him once: the first time I played against Sonic and my first day maining Fox. I lost consistently. And as stated before, all he did was spindash. That's why I think the match-up ignorance penalty against Sonic is worse than usual.

My current situation is much different of course. I've mained Fox for 4 months now.
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